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S60 PT #3.5: Appreciation

Obvi shoutouts to the soogy crew @sköldpaddor @Naosu @GeckoeyGecko @hhh81 @"lespoils" for forgiving my amateur dnd mistakes and facilitating such a great day of the week.

 Everyone in Col shoutout to the management and coaches @"Jumbobone19" @Talls @micool132 @Birdman @ProjectSaint helping out with all of the raptors needs. With that, obvi everyone on our team and in our LR is amazing but theres no way I can tag everyone. I’m so certain our outstanding rookie group is going to propel us to the cup that we have all been waiting for. 

Would like to just appreciate the league as a whole as well. This is such a good group of people and I’m so happy with how interested everyone is in not only propelling the site forward but also in helping the people around them strive in so many different areas. I’m honored to be a part of the rookie J GM community as well, even though I already knew some of you a bit I’m super happy I get to be a part of this fun behind the scenes part of the league

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PBE affiliate

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I am pretty quiet on this site / board. I like the aspect of creating a player, winding him/her/it up and watching him/her/it go and get them points, but in my quietness, a lot of people have reached out to me and interacted with me, even though I wasn’t exactly outgoing myself. I was brought to this site by roastpuff, he’s a RL friend of mine, so he’s been one of my go to person to talk to and discuss SHL stuff, and also Canucks stuff. He showed me the site while we were at a game together lol. Nour is the second person that comes to mind, as I am not sure if he still has the “ask how Jtam is” alarm still running in the afternoon, but he reached out and wanted to make sure I kept up in the league. Blues and RM have been super fun to interact with, and I thoroughly enjoy the enthusiasm everyone brings to the HAM locker room, even though I am pretty quiet. The running “asking for points” on twitter has been super fun, with RM agreeing with me that there is something to it. There's lots more people to give a shoutout to, but in every single locker room that I’ve been in, ANA, MET, HAM, it has been full of amazing and fun people.

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Below are some people that have been great to me during my time in SHL. I am probably going to forget some people because you know me, I am a dumbass and I am just panicking writing this to get to 150 words but here it is.

@Gooney poopeepoopee. Also hows your mom doing. Smile

@HanTheMan_ :puta:

@nour you are a very nice lady and you are my least favorite nour

@Waters nape.

@gwjohnson gabe more like babe. Also AGAB. All Gabes Are Bad.

@jeffie43 :puta: Stinky

@Jobin jobin, jobin, jobin,jobin,jobin,jobin. I might get you to make a emote soon.

@DrunkenTeddy hows my dad doin. Happy Father's day, sorry that I am almost a month late but late is better than never.

@JSS hows my cro doin. JSS > Giannis 

@Good_Ole_Kimmy Hows your mom doing. Also, You are most definitely the person in the !kimmy command in the steelhawks server. Stop lying

@JumpierPeagus We had our 10th year anniversary :pogu:

i like a couple of you people

@notorioustig thanks for everything as always

seattle roster sound off
@"bdu754" (my favorite new user by a mile)
@reid (thank god you took that job from me)
@hhh81 (who will never be rid of me)
@Trautner (for running it back with me after all these seasons)
@NONAME (for carrying our stupid asses during our first expansion year)
@"feeler" (for having a cat who looks exactly like mine)
@"lespoils" (for taking on the hard nosed defensive center role since i had to switch last season lmao)
@JuOSu (for always having an inside scoop on the PBE guys)
@TheWoZy (for being insane) @lilstifler (for being a huge effort, heart and soul guy when we needed it the most)
@Salming (for always keeping up with the stream and sim even when i'm not)
@ProjectSaint (for being my future 1LD)
@LarryTheMVP (for being the most active backup goalie we've ever had)
@jeffie43 (for coaching when i had no fucking idea what i was doing) and last but not least @Gwdjohnson (for being my good friend)

not forgetting you prospects @Vandy @Blasoon @124715 @Urq660 i truly can't wait to play with y'all

shl dev discord crew @DrunkenTeddy @"luketd" @Talls @caltroit_red_flames @kenvald @esilverm @Skeleton Party and everyone else, those are just the ppl i worked the most with and therefore my favorite because they do things for me

@Canadice @bluesfan55 @juke @Blasoon @Nhamlet for all your help with the watchlist, a literal dream of mine made reality

stl crew @Patty @"geekusoid" @Jobin

a couple people i miss and hope they're doing well always @karey @Eggy216

if i forgot you i might get you in the next one, we'll see

The tragic and untimely death of Matiss Kivlenieks reminds me of the untimely death of Dangel. One of the users I can truly call a friend that I met playing here on the site, I still really miss you my friend. As for the people where I appreciate on here my Wolfpack family, @Ace the ever present and unofficial leader of the LR he's been there since the 1st day I entered the LR and always been so awesome whether it's been his GM skills, the love of playing games with the LR Ace has always been THE guy in the LR. @Fluw got to be your line mate last season as we tore it up together, it's been so awesome to see you come in into the team and the LR and just step and be active and engaging, you definitely deserve to be the captain. @kenvald the person that runs the show, you've been a great GM and a great all around person to chat with from time to time. @Halkohol I can't believe it took so long to learn you played FM, but like Fluw it's been awesome to see you so excited to be drafted and then called up you are a great assistant captain. @FinnRhys you are legend, been wanting to play with you since I was a rookie, glad I got the chance. To the rest of the Wolfpack, I'm right against the deadline so I have to turn this PT so I'm sorry I didn't have enough time to mention you.

[Image: DrbPYHV.png]   [Image: B4x6AQm.png]
Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Aurora Russia Quebec

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I would like to begin this task by shouting out slag for acting promptly and efficiently to change the tasks, I think focusing on the positives is important.

To Finn, tomen, Fae and everyone else in buffalo head office, thank you for being a sounding board for strategies, for helping test, for listening to some of my wack ass trade scenarios

Shout out to luffy, to zombie, to evok, to Ragnar, to 5ym, to cory, to crutch and soph, to burd, to ferda and grum, to beans and tardis, to mayuu and karey, to my centre Kalakar, and my friend lime, to Reno my doctor, and to new friends like snu and mcgrid, cheers to all of y’all for making Buffalo the premier LR in the SHL (ask zym)

To my friends that from the ISFL like Blas and Mori, you two are incredible individuals and I’m sorry I busted so hard

To my friends Jeff and Gabe, here’s to us talking shut and being shit shl players

To everyone I didn’t mention, I’m sorry, it’s currently almost midnight and I’ve passed 150 words

Also shoutout the STL crew. You all know who you are

Also shoutout Bayley and muford

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Thanks to everybody for the sigs :peepoheart:

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Obviously there are soooo many people to appreciate on this site. 

First I want to thank the guys who I have mentioned countless times. @LordBirdman - the first person on the site to really reach out and talk to me. And look what has become of it. All the Colorado gang when I joined the LR. Coaches, Fossils, and all. @ProjectSaint, @"lespoils", @hhh81, @juniped, @wumaduce. These guys set a great locker room atmosphere for all players to come in and fell welcome. 

We have a lot of guys since I became a co-GM and more recently GM, that have helped out tremendously in so many ways. @micool132, @JT3, @Talls. These guys I cant say enough good things about. They help out so much whether is scouting, update help, or just friendly chatter in the LR. I cant imagine what our LR would be without them. 

@Ruggsy. My Co-GM. Just another great job that this guy does among all his other site jobs. Cant thank him enough for the work he does everyday. Proud to have you as my Co.  

All the Current Colorado Guys. Ill name you all. @MattyIce @Sivart @WannabeFinn @qWest @"TapdancingNecrons" @tweedledunn @Graydonsanatomy @Eynhallow 
And all of our rookies who are doing an absolutely great job so far. @academydropout @Junior @nour @Drokeep @"jay2233" @Hall
Im proud to have you all on the roster and I will do everything I can to get that CUP. 

And last but certainly not least. My good friend @Fluw. This guy is amazing. I enjoy our daily talks so much and just general think you are awesome. I really wish you the best not only in this league but in life my friend. Take care and I will talk to you soon. 

If I missed anyone Im sorry. I love you all. 

-298 words

[Image: jumbobone19.gif]

Lord Raiden                Rocky Gislason

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

Lots of cool people on Team Sweden have formed a wonderful locker room, and culture that are the best in the IIHF as far as I am concerned. Jess will take over the team soon and that puts everyone in good hands, she is wonderful and driven and really on the ball about everything. Roastpuff was the best co I could ask for too, and still helps out in many ways. Zema has been awesome to get to know, a great friend and a cool dude. LordBirdman is also a real bro and always a pleasure to speak to, and there’s many Locker room personalities from up and comer Halkohol, the also young Canadice, and Pride GM, long time user, and proud Swede Henrik. Everyone in the LR is welcoming and really stand up, and they are all my favorite people on the site. I am so proud of the crew we put together and I know that their future is very bright. My appreciation for them grows with time, and I’m sure there are cool new folks on the way too.


I have thoroughly enjoyed my time so far on this second player! The whalers locker room as a whole has been very welcoming, and I have to give a special thanks to Dex for keeping me active and being my SHL bot! I also have to thank the ISFL individuals in Dallas for making me recreate, and a big thanks to Zayn who is one of my best sim league buddies, and he was on the Whalers when I joined and has helped me stay semi active. I also have to thank the Python, who has talked enough in the locker room with me to keep me semi engaged in the league.

The Whalers sim team/build people has also been extremely helpful to me as a player. Even at odd times of the night they have been there helping me with my 50 TPE updates at random points throughout the season, and I deeply appreciate them for that, even if I don't tell them.
I also want to thank anybody that I didn't mention that is currently reading this, you make the league a better place! (unless daybe is reading this, u suck)

All of those mentioned: @Dextaria @zaynzk@ @Pythonic @steveoiscool(not specifically mentioned but your LR stuff has been awesome) @Dextaria @Daybe @Frostbite @Dextaria

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I have made a lot of great friends over the years in the SHL. the first friends I really made on the site was @vbottas17 . He was my GM in Halifax and we became friends and played NHL together a lot! I made a lot of great friends in that classic Halifax team. While I dont remember a lot of their names, if they are reading this, know that I had a great time with all of you! One person I definitely rememeber is @bozzz , my goalie partner in crime, and also a person who helped me through a rough patch in my personal life. I hope she is doing well now!

In Calgary I had a great time! my GMs in @Mike Izzy and @Steelhead77 were great to me and gave me a great experience even when I didnt like SHL as much. I loved it so much I stayed there as a backup for as many seasons as I could!

With this current player, I have had a lot of fun in Baltimore with people like @JR95 , @mastersheep , @suavemente , @Zoone16 , @InciteHysteria

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Man how am I supposed to tag everyone that I appreciate I'd have to straight up tag like 1/4 of the site this is ridiculous slash how can you do this to a man. and also now that i have to tag all of my friends they'll all see that i write absolutely terrible PTs that basically read that like a slurry of sewage water.

alright let's get this going firstly I'd like to thank @5ympathies my main man, thanks for sticking with me all these years (both irl and shl), hope you're enjoying your egg chair.

now i gotta thank the atlanta folk starting with @hotdog -- you're the best thanks for ignoring all your IRL work for this more important job. maybe you can write a research paper on the recent trend of adding "ge" to the end of words (pleasege addge mege asge ange authorge). for real though you're a 10/10 guy thanks for being you and i love working with you. @Briedaqueduc @micool132 @Jepox (i almost did @sears) @Leppish you guys are actually the GOATs like holy shit i would be so sad if i didn't ever get to meet you guys. honestly some of the best people i know and thank you for sticking around and being such a longstanding part of the team and just being a part of everything. love all your memes and love all your personalities even including Leppy and his tv rewatches. @Z-Whiz I wanted to include you in that list too but sadly you are too young, just a baby duck. @Patty @sakrosankt love you two for helping make the team what it is, both in terms of helping out with scouting/decisions and also just being such a big part of the LR and being amazing people. @Duff101 goatge gaptainge, damn i love having you around and hearing all about everything you get up to. @bilbo damn it kinda feels weird to include you in with the atlanta group because we go way back but thank you for being you. i think the most bilbo thing i've seen that i'll never forget is your presentation to get us ready for our podcast. hoooooooly shit you are incredible. special shoutout to @Mr. Finland for the nash pics. i guess @efiug is a part of our team too thanks efiug. special alumni shoutout to @ByrdeMan our resident arch user. also special shoutouts to @Blastmeaway and @caltroit_red_flames i guess you guys aren't a part of our team anymore ( :devilssadge: ) but you guys are still the best and i'm really hoping some miracle happens and we can get you guys back. blast i hope your workshop is going well :blasttfw:

ok i guess it's ANC time. bruh there are gonna be way too many people in this list and i'm definitely gonna forget people. @Gwdjohnson @honkerrs @Acsolap @Wearingabear @Weretarantula @Tomen @artermis @Bongo @ml002 @Ragnar @Ferda @golden_apricot @bluesfan55 @CaptainCamel (sorry i lumped you in with ANC instead of ATL i guess you better make our team so i can include you in the ATL list!!!) damn i probably missed some people i am really sorry if you're not on that list you probably just slipped my mind. you guys are the best thanks for hanging out in the LR that was once very lively. RIP anchorage LR.

man fuck i have to do the HAM guys too like come on why are there so many great people around fuck this site. @Jobin @DrunkenTeddy @nour @Waters @Gooney @JumpierPegasus @"luketd" @jeffie43 @notorioustig you guys are kinda sick too. i prob forgot some people sorry if you didn't get included i tried :(

ok lastly special shoutouts to some guys that don't fit in any of the above categories. @slothfacekilla @Flareon @sköldpaddor @Zomp @bbjygm @"lespoils" @"TapdancingNecrons" @Kalakar @ImShiny you guys are sick too

i am sorry if we are close and i didn't include you in the tags above i swear i just forgot you're allowed to dm me and yell at me. i must submit this now because it's getting dangerously close to the deadline so i didn't get much time to double check the pings.

also sorry if you got some ghost pings for me previewing the post to make sure all the pings are right. spooooky

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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I have not been here for as long as some other members of this site, but in the few months I have been here, I can say that I've never had a single one on one exchange with someone that was negative. I try my best to steer clear from the drama and I have met some nice people along the way.

I want to shoutout @Ace in particular for being such a good general manager with the Anaheim Outlaws. I know I haven't always been the easiest to manage lately, but thanks for everything you're doing with the team.

I also like the entire Anaheim locker room. Despite its bad reputation, I can honestly say that I've had a good time in there ever since I joined, so I don't really understand these claims.

Also a big shoutout to my Edmonton locker room who has welcomed me with open arms even though I'm not the most active guy on discord.

A special shoutout to @BadWolf who reached out to me a couple of days ago when I wasn't feeling really well. You honestly made a different and the world would be a much better place with more people like you in it!

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There are many many people I appreciate in the SHL. And I'm sure many of them don't need me to express it, they already know. For the purpose of this post, however, just because I'm not that kind of guy, there's probably only two people that I will actually tag in this post, and I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone. The first is the reason I joined the SHL: @goldenglutes. He is my brother, been there for me for the past 11 years. Ace has him to thank for me going 37th overall, and being the best third rounder ever drafted. 

The second person I was going to appreciate was going to be @hotdog but right before I wrote this section he clowned me and wasn't going to hang out with me in New York, so I have decided to not appreciate him after all. 

I would also like to appreciate Matt and Korn, shoutout to them, even though they are not SHL people. Still good to let people know.

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Thanks to JSS for the signature

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