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S60 mPT #5: Simulation Heist League

The brain: Hockey IQ often equals being smart so I'm going with Ethan Duncan having the best stats in offensive and defensive reading
The brawn: Niccolo Livius is quite the easy pick here, strongest man I know
The wild card: Elaborating a plan is one thing, but executing it is an another one. I'm taking the Hamilton management/coaching staff for that

[Image: opt6vpu.jpg]

The more members there are, the more there is a risk that someone collapses under pressure or exposes us before we even get to the main event. I don't want to take that risk, therefore I'm doing it by myself. I'm the brain and the muscle needed for the task. If I absolutely have to have someone else to be able to call it a crew, I think someone like nour could give me some insight on luke's weaknesses and help me plan the strike.

[Image: sulov.gif]

This is ez, it’s my heist crew to gang up and have more money than Luke.

Me - 162M
@Nhamlet - 326M
@juke -154M
@sve7en - 260M
@roastpuff - 150M

My rough math has us over 1 Billion SHL buckz, meaning we could bully Luke successfully

Thanks Wasty, Carpy, JSS, TurdFerguson, Geekusoid and Awesomecakes for the sigs!
[Image: reidsuth.gif]

So, if I had to put together a team to do a heist made up of SHL users I feel like the team would go as follows:
The Brain - would have to be me, not because I value myself as a criminal mastermind or anything, but it would be weird to be planning a heist and assembling the team without being the one had the plan and leadership role.
The Brawn - Would be Justin Keahi. I am positive that he could fight a wall and win so I have no issues using him if we need some enforcement. 
The Wildcard - Would be Adam Friedland. Anyone who has interacted with him would get what I mean.

[Image: 1161116581909246052.gif][Image: cobb.png?ex=663d5bb2&is=663c0a32&hm=7637...ae0e53216&][Image: 1161116581909246052.gif]
Thank you @Ragnar  for the Sig!
Previously: Patrick Shepherd (S52 - S64)

@juke would be the brains, he charts out everything
@Nhamlet would be the brains, he would project everything we need to do
@Kylrad would be the brains, he would take nham's projections and give us the best plan to execute
@SDCore would be the liver, in case we're forced to drink during the mission he will drink it all

Now it seems like we're all brains, but when has that ever backfired on anyone?

[Image: NCQjJT2.png]
Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

I'd bring along Carpy since he's the second richest SHL member and would have great motivation to dethrone Luke and become the new top dog.

[Image: 17307_s.gif]

StarsNorwayRenegades // PLAYER PAGE || UPDATES \\ RenegadesNorwayStars

@karey the face, the innocent looking member of the gang but is secretly a kung fu master and con artist extrodinaire.
@Zombiewolf the muscle, possibly scared of flying? I don't know him like that but he looks scary.
@WannabeFinn the brain, his secret talent is acquiring top assets for medium to low quality. Clearly the guy you want to steal someone's cash.

and we are...

The B-Team

[Image: YQkXo45.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-24-2021, 09:13 PM by Nhamlet.)

@SDCore Wildcard. Actually he might even be too wild and could easily throw the whole operation into question but maybe that’s why he’s perfect for the role. I do know they’re broke af so they’ll probably be interested in doing their duties properly

@JNH: Mastermind, clearly able to control our resident wildcard and also have the vision and brains to pull off both intricate details or expansive ideas. Also if we needed to tie somebody down, he specializes in trade chains

@juke Second in command. They’re smart enough to know what’s going on but degenerate enough to not fully question what we’re doing.

@ByrdeMan @Patty @KlusteR : The Hackers, I don’t know if he can actually hack but if we need tech support but besides having a single person, why not have multiple.
@Carpy48 The Coordinator. Underappreciated but helps to ground everybody to ensure we don’t suddenly fall apart bickering with ourselves

@"NeonLime": The Conman. With his sleight of hand memes and shitposting extraordinary skills, it’s close to a wildcard but you know he’ll have your back and can fool any fool near and far.

@teztify: The Distraction. Hi.

@sve7en: The Driver/The Muscle: Has the speed. Has the shirt.

@"bdu754": The New Kid. Soon everybody will come to appreciate the talents this up and comer will bring but still needs some opportunity to show their value.

@SDCore The fall guy. Gotta have somebody to blame/make expendable.

[Image: 1rdovVs.gif]

[Image: X6NDpNM.png][Image: 6eXcLdf.png]

jeffie the decoy because hes useless at anything other than being an fhm sim slave

gabe johnson as the guy stealing stuff because hes a known criminal

myself as the guy who collects the money and keeps it all for himself

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[Image: dankestmemes69420.gif]

[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]
Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

My team is made of of @luketd , and only Luke. He wears so many hats on this site that he will not only pull off the heist, but also make a handy infographic of the results afterwards with scaled graphs.

[Image: antonescu.png]
[Image: BKGrppM.png]
Thank you to Ham and Sulo for the sigs!
Scarecrows Chiefs Renegades Dragons Stampede Panthers Norway
Scarecrows Specters Switzerland
Scarecrows pride Switzerland
  Armada pride Ireland

I would be the brains
Trashee definitly the brawn
Giving the wild card to MrRuihu
SuperTardis101 would be the level headed guy who keeps his cool when everything hits the fan
@Jabs would be the silent guy in the background on account of that's kinda what he does over here Cheers

[Image: never_in_doubt.png]

The only important part of a heist is the safe cracker, and the only person I would ever trust with the job would be my brother Pasta the Turtle.

[Image: LB6bY06.gif] [Image: tanner.png]

I think I'd be the brain and the mastermind behind it all.

Ace would be the muscle, as Bjorn Viggosson is one tough cookie

Simply Incorrect and Campin Killer would be the loudmouths who distract people while I rob them in plain sight.

[Image: eMf7wNV.png]

The old master - @JKortesi81 the old man coming back for one last big score 
The backer - @Dextaria won't reveal why he's funding this heist but we couldn't do it without him
The Mastermind - @Muerto The man who put it all together, the brains behind it all, gets to stay home during the hard part
The Gadget Guy - @r0tzbua Always comes prepared with the latest tech to bypass any sort of security
The Conman - @SouthPaw When someone needs to be charmed, tricked or distracted he's your man
The Muscle - @inverted when someone is past the point of charm, he's your man. big fists, bigger guns
The Getaway - @Kyamprac rather it's by land, seas or air, She knows the way out of any sticky situation
The Inside Man - @overdoo Disgruntled employee giving us just enough access to do the rest of the job
The Burglar - @enigmatic the one who makes the move that it all adds up to. the one we can all trust
The Distraction - @zaynzk loud and capable of getting attention. If anything goes wrong he will buy us the time needed
The Fall Guy - @Gumbaman The young fool. Hopefully it won't come to this but his pay will be waiting for him when he gets out.

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[Image: TjI93pk.gif]

It is really simple for me, being a member of HO who gets to be around Luke regularly, all I have to do is sneak my way into his account and send me all his cash, boom, we did it boys! I could get some other HO members involved, maybe nour's stache could help distract Luke heh.

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