08-20-2021, 07:47 PMCapt_Blitzkrieg Wrote: This one's more of a 7/10. No thread team or recipes. Only a couple of memes, "Applied", and "I hate this, trade me" responses too. Welcome to the league!
Damn, asking for the rulebook to get yeeted must be often then? That got 3 points
That's the Rightfully Dramatic Gravitas line. There's at least one in each thread, and this one is definitely heavy. I am personally rather miffed. Definitely worth the extra points, but it's really lacking in the other small touches.
08-20-2021, 07:52 PMjuniped Wrote: Can I get a book of rules that ownership will allow to be enforced and a book of rules ownership will overrule? Let's call it a rule book. And post it on the site publicly so we all know what things we can and can not do. Then create a hired board to enforce it. I know this is crazy.
Just a month ago, we were denied a trade that involved dozens of hours of work, 9 different people involved, all for a technicality - and were told we couldn't take the five minutes to rectify said trade because "the rules are black and white" and "a deadline is set for a reason"...
Then you turn around and soften those doctrines for someone who's been a GM for how long now? Who passed the deadline by an hour, not five minutes? Under what pretext? What differs from situation A to situation B?
The rule wasn't written in that spirit - well neither was the Jack Crasher (UFA contract protection, as far as I know) yet you still used it to justify a circumvention of rules - rules that were clarified for every GM to see.
I'm baffled. HO didn't drop the ball - the owners did. And the outlook, especially with which franchise is escaping with a slap on the wrist, is dire at best.