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S61 PT #5- Legacy

Panda Panico takes this offer incredibly seriously, already having an addiction to Fanta, this was a must have no mater what. Snatching the bottle out of the creepy dudes hands, he began to do that spinning chug thing that you do to drink beer really fast. It works, panda downed the drink in 2.5 seconds flat. Being just a few season from hitting that sad brick wall named regression Panda had nothing but hope that he will come out of this even stronger. Panda goes on to win 8 Cups including this season. On top of that, he wins MVP for the playoffs, and Most Improved player this season. With best Two Way Forward and a few more MVPS in the mix over the next 8 seasons. Everyone wonders how Panda does it while being 800 TPE, but you know what, life doesn't make sense. Panda ends his amazing career with 690 Points 420 of them being in goals. He also has 1000 Hits and 588 Blocked Shots. What a crazy career for such a shit player.

[Image: panico.png]


Oh hell yea I am going to drink the Fanta. In my hall of fame career, I envision winning Most Valuable Player every single season and breaking the record by a long shot. I want to make sure I have the most goals ever, the most assists ever, and of course the most fights ever. I want to be remembered like one of the players in the movie Slapshot. Boy were they good at hockey, but they were also great fighters. That is what I aspire to be in my hall of fame career with this single sip of Fanta. Sure team cups are fun and being a team player is alright, but Bjorn plays for Bjorn. He does not care whose toes he steps on, whose coach he gets fired, or what the time of day is to be great. He has no time for that. He only has time for Fanta and individual statistics., the two best feelings in the world.

[Image: Bjorn_Bjorn_Sig.png]
[Image: bjornswedengif.gif]

Prompt Two – Legacy

When I think of the word legacy, as someone who has been here a full decade on the site, a lot comes to mind. I think of the Hall of Fame – I think of Challenge Cup Champions. I think of players that spend their entire career with one franchise and that receive the storybook ending they deserve. When I consider the legacy that I want Bjorn Viggosson to have in his career, I have one specific goal circled. I want that hits record. Bjorn Viggosson will be power forward and net front presence with a nose for the net, but he will be a grinding forward that makes life difficult for the opposition. I want Izzy’s hits record bumped down from “Most All Time” to “Second Most All Time”. That’s nothing personal to Izzy, it’s just a fun target and goal to shoot for with this type of player that I have.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
[Image: VZtEodi.png]
[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

This is a very interesting question. I think Darrow would pass on drinking the orange Fanta, for two reasons. Reason #1, Darrow is still fairly fastidious on what he puts in his body, and strange fizzy liquids, no matter how delicious, likely doesn’t make the cut. Second, and more importantly, I feel at this point Darrow feels pretty good about the legacy he’s put together. Over his 15 year SHL career, Darrow has played over 800 games, scoring over 100 goals and likely will pass the 500 point career milestone next season. He’s also in striking distance of 1000 hits, 2000 shots on goal, and most exciting, 2000 blocked shots, likely hitting those milestones in S62. Darrow would be the third SHL player, following fellow old-heads Slip McScruf and Mathias Seger, to reach 2000 career blocks. Additionally, he has won three Challenge Cups (S46, S48, and S55, all with Buffalo), and has three Bojo Biscuit nominations to his name, with back to back wins in S57 and S58. In all, I think Darrow has a fair chance at making it into the Hall of Fame on his own merits, especially if he keeps playing a few more seasons in the league. The creepy pill man should leave now.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

[Image: AH23zKq.png]
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]

I was going to do a graphic but I've been so busy I haven't even had a chance to start, so written prompt here we go!

What legacy do you see yourself creating in the SHL? Hall of Fame? Amazing third liner? Shitty third liner? GM of a cup team? Juniors GM who helped newbies create amazing players? Go crazy posturing your legacy, or at least some wishful thinking of how your retirement post will be received.

Long term users will have a chance at building multiple legacies.  All time scorer, all time save percentages, most seasons played, and so on.  So the question is then, is it the character legacy that matters, or the player legacy?  I think it is the player legacy.  Each person will have their own idea of what they want to leave behind whenever they finally hang it up for good.  We see some of that already now in some users.  What I hope for, in the legacy of Geekusoid as a user, revolves around being a genuine member of the community, for as long as the SHL will have me.  As I mentioned to my team in the J, for there I want to be a GM that is able to build multi-season dynasties.  Sure, the J is about bringing people in and getting them to enjoy the site so that they'll stay and continue to sim with us...but there's something about running a team where, new users already hear about it and want to BE on the team...and then when it comes time for the SHL draft, all of the SHL teams want to pick a Grizzly first.  Its a lofty goal, but that's why I think its worth chasing.  That, combined with being known as a user who goes max-earning on every single player, I think is the kind of legacy I want to leave behind.  Dedicated, committed, and friends all around.  Sure, it would be nice to have a bunch of HOF players and trophies under my username to add to the prestige.....but if you can do something that catches the ire of other users and then improves the community as a whole, one little bit of a time.  Yeah.  That sounds like a great legacy to me.  Also, Go Grizzlies!
(WC: 303 Words)

[Image: QsZ1vOb.jpeg]
[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

I mean I am trying my best to make Jon Forty-One a hall of Famer. I know I will finish best in my draft class all time by the end of it which is great news for me. I have a good amount of points but with this new game just constantly giving the better teams a silly amount of points over entire teams I just think the committee might just be doing Buffalo and Hamilton players. ASG has been a joke for a long time and now I probably wont get close to making ASG with regression now about to hurt me.

I am not giving up but SHL has been quite the struggle and teams that have sucked for a long time still suck. Seems like the engine doesn't really give much mercy and its why I am worried being on not super teams wll cost me Hall of Fame. I guess we will see. I have an award and nomination a long with a fuck ton of assists so I still have a shot.

[179 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

[Image: 41-2.png?ex=65d9e0d0&is=65c76bd0&hm=ada7...1aae5535a&]

Prompt 1:

I refuse the drink. You mean to tell me after the brownening that happened across the entire league, the millions spent on repairs for plumbing in the locker rooms, the shell shock that players are still facing today, you would take this guy on another offer??? Paul Binder narrowly escaped with his bowels intact after the last run-in with this guy and he is not going to be taking any more chances. As much as Paul Binder dreams about being a hall of fame legend, he is not willing to risk his mental health to get there. He is very content with his "okay" career he has ahead of him. Maybe in a different alternate universe / timeline, who knows, but not this guy. Binder slowly gets up, takes the drink from the guy's hand, fakes a drink from it, then bitch slaps him with the bottle upside his head and tells him to get the fuck out. As he's leaving, he throws the bottle at the back of his head, making a cartoonish "boink!" noise as the man leaves through the door.

WC: 185

[Image: lPQWyve.png?ex=662bf46d&is=66197f6d&hm=a...dd3527ca4&]

You are damn diggety do dog right I'm taking the Fanta drink. Guaranteed hall of fame with 0 downside? You'd be a fool not to.
What should my career involve to get me to the hall of fame? To be honest I'm not very sure what they look for when deciding on HoF. I'm assuming firstly they'll want someone who plays a long time as they say, the best ability is availability, am I right?
Anyway, I'd love to go down in history as the forward with the most assists in the history of the league. Not something that's ever likely to happen but if this Fanta can make that a reality that would be immense.
I'm not particularly one to care about individual awards but grabbing a couple over my career would be great. No what I'm most interested in is winning an absolute butt load of cups with the New Orleans Specters. We're talking patriots style Dynasty here.

[Image: Hockeymans.gif]
[Image: E8Qr7c5.gif]
Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac

Even though I'm more of an Orange Crush man I would 100% drink the Fanta. I can see the headlines now; "Chicago wins 10th Challenge Cup in a row with goaltender Mat Smith at the helm," or more likely, "League calls to investigate the Chicago Syndicate for cheating after winning their 10th Challenge Cup in a row." To add onto this I'd love it if I could get a whole bunch of McBrides under my sleeve, so many so that the Awards Committee has no choice but to rename the award the Smith, and let's throw some Mexicos, Khans, and Razovs in there, although I'd love for my teammates to bring some of those home as well so they can all join me in the Hall of Fame. Ideally none of them would retire until I do so that we can all get inducted into together, although maybe that's wishful thinking on my end. At the end of the day though I'd probably get in my own head by thinking this Fanta drink was just like Michael's Secret Stuff from Space Jam, and playing worse because of it.

[Image: Mat10Man.gif]

In all honesty there are two different directions I see my legacy going which is in my opinion unfortunate. I hope that I am able to pick up the slack of my peformances these last few seasons but so far it really looks like I am going to be a career 30-50 pt player which is okay in it's own right noting that I see that as being a solid 1st to 2nd line player but not anywhere near the superstar I was hoping to create. I will likely not make the hall of fame, but likely join the ranks of many players in the hall of very good, as I do not expect myself to win many if any awards during my career in the SHL, and will be pleasantly surprised if i do. If everything does go according to my plans then I will end up being the point/assist leader for the New England Wolfpack in their history, depending on how things go in these next few seasons.

[Image: 57771_s.gif]

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[Image: lUeg4KM.png]

Prompt 2

I've been fortunate to have a few lasting memories and legacies in the SHL from my various players. The first, RIko Muerto, started his career off witht he Kelowna Knights, and has an award named after him, for the Unsung Hero Award. He was also one of the founders and original players for IIHF Team Norway. The second player, Wyatt Wollker, has had the biggest impact so far - he is in the SHL Hall of Fame and also has his number retired for the Manhattan Rage, where he won 2 Cups and is still among the franchise leaders. It is also kind of neat that the SMJHL has a new Wollker Division, acknowledging my stint as SMJHL Commissioner. Player 3, Goku Muerto, was not much of an impact player, but certainly will be remembered for helping to shepard in the Winnipeg rebrand from Jets to Aurora. My current player, Grogu, although still young, has already put himself in the Great Falls Record books as the first team Captain, as well as scoring the first ever goal for the expansion Grizzlies. As part of the inaugural squad, I hope he will be able to put up some big numbers for future Grizzlies to chase and maybe get his name etched on the 4-Star Cup!

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway


Prompt 2

I would like to see Roddy B have a lasting legacy as a team player, on and off the ice. The type of guy to play tough 2nd or 3rd line matchups and step up on the PK. A dependable two-way forward. If there was one thing I would love to see, it would be a record high Takeway / Giveaway ratio. I love the idea of a puck-snatching playmaker, who disrupts play and creates turnovers. I'm not entirely sure Roddy B is bound for the Hall of Fame. He was drafted high 3rd round in the J, and mid 2nd in the SHL draft, and so far he's playing to those expectations. Still, his development is not linear, and he may still have a very bright future. If anything will help Roddy, I believe it is the fact that when he is called up to Montreal, the team should be entering a competitive window, with a lot of extremely talented guys and high earners coming up within a few seasons. I am excited to see what he can do when he is called up, but his business is far from complete in Carolina.

[Image: banes.png]

When I recreated a few seasons ago as Kit Kirkstone I was determined to hit 2k, win several cups, and be a first ballot HOF'er, but then I went inactive. So my first recreate after abandoning my post as GM was a complete failure, and that's why the legacy I hope for Jimmy is simply that I want to make people remember him when he's done. There are a lot of ways to go about that, but so far it's off to a good start with a good SMJHL career so far, and a very strong Baltimore team to look forward to joining in a couple of seasons. I don't want to bother pressuring myself to achieve particular goals with this player, and rather focus on participating in my favourite aspects of the SHL. One goal I would like to see Jimmy reach is just to have a very long career, one that stretches farther into regression than I've taken my previous players, because that's a surefire way to be remembered by the most people possible.

Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

Prompt 2:

The legacy I would hope to achieve is that of a top-of-the-league playmaking forward with 2000+ TPE.  That being said, it seems like FHM can be a little disadvantageous to high earning players that do not have high earning line mates (or so I’ve heard).  So all in all, I would be satisfied with an ironman career of just really solid average years.  There certainly is pressure since Hamilton drafted me fifteenth overall when based on my TPE earning I was projected to go like 35th.  So I am fully prepared to be listed on a bunch of “Revisiting the S60 draft” lists as a bust, but that’s ok.  I’m just here to have fun and hopefully win a few games!  It was awesome to win the gold in the WJC as well as getting the all-star nod in the J this year, super-duper cool.  Hopefully I can keep up the production in the big show.

[Image: murphy2.png]
[Image: NI78UUy.png?width=400&height=267]
[Image: Skree.gif]

Prompt 2

I think Lemo’s legacy will be that of a guy who steadily but quite inconspicuously built himself a storied and respectable career, but falling just short of real stardom largely because of his introverted persona and his focus on providing reliability rather than flair to his teams. His idols in the league are also players who prefer to play a responsible two-way game like his teammate Andreas Kvalheim and if Lemo is ever going to be in the consideration for any individual awards, it will likely be for that same aspect. But even so, I doubt that a Hall of Fame spot will be in the offing for Lemo — not even because of his lack of talent on the ice, but perhaps even moreso because of his rather passive role in league proceedings in general. While he constantly and dutifully completes all the necessary tasks that enable him to stay on top of his tpe-earnings (except of course for that infamous botched two-day-warning-mock-draft fiasco which he missed posting by just a few minutes), that is for the most part the whole extent of his involvement in league matters, as things aside from the league seem to occupy all of his remaining time.

[Image: 63647_s.gif]
Forge  S69 Challenge Cup Champion - Philadelphia Forge   Forge
Renegades Renegades  S59 & S62 Challenge Cup Champion - Texas Renegades  Renegades  Renegades 
 Armada  S57 Four Star Cup Champion - Anchorage Armada  Armada 
Finland  Finland  S57 & S58 WJC / S62, S64 & S66 IIHF Gold Medalist - Team Finland   Finland  Finland
[Image: kLRJavo.png]       [Image: ZjgHcNL.png]
After 69 shots on net with still no SHL goals to show for it, even the opposition started to feel so sorry for Lemo, that they decided to help him out :D
- Bad pass by Jack Klompus, he gave it right to Lemo Pihl.
- Lemo Pihl rips it to the net...
- Lemo Pihl will find the empty net, that should do it!
TEX @ MAN, S59 game 31

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