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S61 PT #5- Legacy

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Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2021, 03:48 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

Graphic Task: Depict your Hall of Fame banner. What teams did you play for? What accomplishments adorn your spot in the rafters? Design a banner for your current player and add 3 accomplishments to it.

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Evgeni Petrov not only takes the mysterious blue liquid, he just slams it down immediately without hesitation because he thinks its orange Gatorade. Now that he's guaranteed a Hall of Fame career, there's a few angles that he could take to secure this. First and foremost, he would want to get remembered for being the most absolutely batshit insane player to ever play the game. Now every team has their characters, but Evgeni wants to be someone who's name you're afraid to speak about because there exists a chance he's just lurking in the locker next to you because he felt inspired to be there. With all the alleged crimes he's committed and wolf parents he's always talking to, he's well on the way. I assume at some point he'd actually want to get remembered for being a good goalie as well, he's always been big on trying to improve himself in any way possible. Would probably want to become one of the most award winningest goalies in league history, whether or not that's through legitimate means or by fearmongering, the awards count the same.

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ISFL Affiliate, Username SchwarzNarr

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Prompt 2
When I first created Greyson Cooper my number one goal from the start was to hit 2 K in TPE. Therefore I’m hoping he will have a full career for many years to come. He will win a couple of cups & be one of the top players on his team. He hopes to spend a majority of his time with one team so he can create a name for himself in the city. Other than that he won’t be a top player in the league but he will for sure make a name for himself when it comes to leadership. He will be known for making sure his team is involved in the community & active within the schools. He wants to make sure that his team participates in charity events & makes a great name for their team. So if no one remembers Greyson Cooper for his game play they will remember his legacy in the community.
161 Words

Stampede Citadelles  [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]  Citadelles Stampede
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Hall of fame you say? I’ll take the sip anyway. Most people want fame and glory for the best they can be. Me? I want to be known as the worst. I want to go down in history as the worst player ever. The Hall of Fame will sing my name as the goalie that couldn’t win. I want to touch the ice and be incredible, saving all the shots except the one that loses the game. The game. Each game. No wins ever. But good enough that the stats confuse everyone. The Hall of Fame Committee will sit down at the end of my career and freak out, one potentially having an aneurysm because none of it makes sense. There I’ll be, face and name plastered, 20 seasons in the SHL, and not a single win. I think it would also be funny, if I backed up and the team I was on would win a cup. Just for that added spice from the spice rack.

[Image: vikian.gif]

Prompt 1:

Nystrom #75 shrugs, figures some bootleg Bulgarian Fanta can't do any worse than give him indigestion for a few hours, and downs the magic legacy potion. The very next day, he scores 20 goals in a single game against the Anaheim Outlaws, settings an unbreakable juniors record for goals in a game, and starts to wonder if the Fanta was a bit more Fanta-stic than he expected. After topping goals and points en route to carrying the Raptors to a Four Star Cup, he promotes to Edmonton, where he becomes part of the most insufferable dynasty in the history of the SHL. The Blizzard win enough cups to make the 70s Habs blush, Nystrom shatters every scoring-related record in the game, and he one day retires with more cup rings than fingers. His legacy becomes that of the ultimate power forward, basically Mario Lemieux but even bigger, even stronger, no health issues, a real team around him, and a league of opposition full of standup goalies and defensemen with concrete in their skates who smoke an entire pack of Marlboro between periods.

[187 words]

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Prompt Two. I'm going to be legit about this one. The legacy I see Zoltan leaving for himself just requires one thing and one thing only. A challenge cup for the Tampa Bay Barracuda. Zoltan was lucky enough to win a four star cup with the Detroit Falcons back in Season Fifty Three. I just signed a long term contract with Tampa because that's where I want to be. My legacy will be lifting that cup alongside the rest of my team in that locker room. I've been there since the beginning of our rebuild. I said from the start that I wanted to see it out until the very end and that's what I'll do. I've played all of my career SHL games for the Barracuda and I would be honored to ride it out until the day Lord Zoltan calls me back into his personal service. It would be my greatest honor to eventually have my number retired by Tampa Bay. As long as the team knows I did my best on and off the ice and tried to make an impact that's what I would like my legacy to be. A hardworking ordinary guy that gives it his all until it runs its course. Eventually Zoltan will ride off into the sunset to recreate land.

(216 words)

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Prompt 2

My legacy is currently up in the air. Up until this season I was spoiled with my success in the junior level. In my four seasons in Anchorage I put up 181 points as a defenseman. I won a cup, I won Rookie of the Year, I won Defenseman of the Year, and was runner up a second time. I was no stranger to success, and honestly the only season I was overall disappointed with was my sophomore season where I only put up 25 points, and the team as a whole was snakebitten that season so I don't even put too much stock into it. Had you asked me a season ago I would have given you the cockiest answer imaginable, because I truly did feel unstoppable. However, this season has certainly been a strong snap back into reality. I'm not producing at the level I was hoping or even expecting of myself. I do get it, it's very hard to jump into the bigs and immediately produce. Your build is unlocked, so you have a lot more to play around with, everyone else is also unlocked so competition is much, much higher. Am I discouraged? No, I'm gonna keep training to be the best I can be, because I truly do believe I have what it takes to have a Hall of Fame career, my trajectory was just a tad bit off.

Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride

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Who the heck would not drink that drink. I do know that creating a legacy and having fun is a great time in SHL, but in all seriousnes the most imporant thing that all players dream of is making the Hall of Fame. How i would design my career? I dream of being a big time player, i dream of scoring in big places and leading the team in scoring and being a hero, i want to really dominate and be the reason we take home the cup. I dream to win a few cups and dominate in all aspects of the game. Being a hall of famer is a lot about luck and opportunity and I do not know if I will be fortunate enough to really be in that situation, I do not know if i will ever be on the first line, or lead the league in scoring but maybe i can win a cup. That would be fun. Who knows maybe in the future i will be the first liner who scores hella goals too, But yeah i would drink fanta easy

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Kyle Sux Lmap

I mean, fuck, I got a chance to create my own legacy? No way I'm turning that down. To start, the first thing I want Axel Foley known as is some from of "Mr. Blizzard." It's hard to get that title given players like Tony Pepperoni and Karlstrabbe Scholz are still on the team and forging their own records/accomplishments, but even if it's just for heart shown, and sticking with one team his whole career, being recognized as a Blizzard great is something at the top of the list. Another individual accomplishment would have to be taking home either the Stevens or Biscuit award. Perhaps even being the fisrt to win both awards in the same year. That has a certain charm to it as an accomplishment.

For team stats, it's all about the cups baby, let's go cups baby, get another cup baby, all about the cups! This reference, that is sure to remain relevant in the future, pretty much is saying I'd want as many cups as possible for the Blizzard. I think there's something gross about 10+ cups in a row, so not that extreme, but if the Blizzard were able to win, say S62 and in S67 in the future that'd be fine by me. More would be nice, but that's a benchmark of a good wish.

Also, my final career moment would be that Jean-Paul Boivin gets onto the ice to award me with some kind of recognition in my final game as a Blizzard and I suplex that old man onto the ice like a BABY. Show him who's boss even though he's fragile boned and potentially in a home by the time I retire @Nokazoa

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Prompt 1- While Makrus does love Fanta he refuses the drink. The hall of fame would surely blow Makrus’s cover and reveal his true identity. Makrus never intended to be famous anyway. If Makrus made it to the hall of fame it would only be because of how many other players he put there. Makrus is an enabler. He is going to get his teammates the puck and let them shine. They get the goals and the associated glory. Makrus enjoys seeming them come alive with excitement each time their shot finds its mark. He doesn’t need Fanta to achieve what he is after. Makrus then wonders how the man even got in here. There is a wolf sleeping in the living room. Did he just walk past the wolf? Then the sound of a toilet flushing echoes down the hall. From the bathroom emerges Zephyr. Makrus’s trusty wolf doesn’t like strangers in his house. The man drops the bottle and quickly flees. Now the Fanta is all shaken up. Makrus puts it in the fridge for now. He doesn’t know what else to do with it.

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I get thirsty at night so of course I take the drink. What is more refreshing than orange Fanta at 3am in the morning? Magnus Liljestrom will leave a legacy... but that legacy will be one of always being the bridesmaid and not the bride. He will get nominated for award after award after award - so many that he breaks the record of being nominated so many times but not winning. That will be how he cements his legacy in the SHL, not making it into the Hall of Fame but the Hall of Almost Famous. Eventually having an award named after his legacy, called the Liljestrom award, where the player came second at least five times in his career. Maybe this possible award of mediocrity will motivate other players in order to avoid getting saddled with it, and make it so that they are more motivated to perform better and earn more.

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(This post was last modified: 09-23-2021, 04:53 AM by Snuffalupagus.)


AC/DC sang -- or more accurately screamed that it is "a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll." Assuming they weren't speaking -- again, probably more accurate to say they were screaming or maybe wailing the lyrics (don't get me wrong, I rock out to AC/DC, I'm just sayin' he's got a wail of a voice)... If what they were referring to was solely an old person being laid down to nap; a la rock-a-bye and rolled off to sleep, then they were wrong. Now that I've taken up almost half the word count on a joke, I'll move on.

They were probably talking about the grind of trying to make it. Putting in the hard work, day-in and day-out. I hope that Rob Wright grinds, baby. I hope he is remembered as a tough defensive forward to play against, who will help shut down the league's best. Or, if shutting them down doesn't solve the problem, maybe restating them? Or unplugging them and plugging them back in. That oughta fix the problem.


Platoon Rob Wright Battleborn

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