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S61 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 10-10-2021, 10:41 AM by sköldpaddor.)

Quote:2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)
Pick a moment in SHL history to change. It could be something large, an expansion draft, sim engine change, or something smaller, like a trade or team punishment. Change something about this moment in the SHL and explain the impact the difference would make in how the league developed since that moment. (think Butterfly Effect)
I think a lot about what would have happened if the Tampa Bay Barracuda hadn't gotten reverse swept by the Calgary Dragons in S50. If we had won that cup, would we have gone into a full rebuild immediately? And if we hadn't, I can only assume that I would not have gotten traded to the Chicago Syndicate. If I had not gotten traded to Chicago, I would not have met half of the people on this site who I consider my very best friends. @SDCore and I were already buds but there's no question that we're much closer than we would have been if I'd stayed in Tampa. I would not have met @lespoils, presumably (I don't know! If Tampa hadn't gone into a rebuild, would the standings have looked different? What would the draft order have looked like? Would Chicago even have had the chance to draft JURT? who can say?) At the end of the day, even though it was just a terrible experience at the time and not at all a good time, I am glad things have gone the way they have. I'm glad I ended up in Chicago, and I wouldn't change any of it.

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.
This is S47 for me, I have talked about it before, but I think my draft class was really special. Looking at the people in that class, a lot of us are entering the twilight of our careers (or have already been there), but I think we have really made quite an impact. There are at least seven (I think? I'm bad at counting) of us who are in management now, and you've got Carpy who is super involved with IIHF and also completely revolutionized the graphics department and made it about a hundred times better than it was before. There are a lot of people in that class who aren't around any more (sad) but those of us who stuck around, I feel have really made our mark on the league. I have heard S46 was a really big one and one people look back on as one of the strongest, but I think that for our size and having to follow that, S47 has really held our own.

Quote:12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 Milestones

Quote:13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
There has been some discussion on the forums but its always good to hear more opinions: Parity. Going back 6 seasons including this one there have been 4 teams in the finals: Buffalo, Chicago, Hamilton, and Texas. If you add New Orleans you can go back 8 seasons. 5 different teams for 8 straight finals. Is this an issue? Does it need to be fixed? Can it even be fixed? I'm interested to hear opinions, approaches, or just doom and gloom on whether you think this will change, or if we will still be talking about the same teams making the finals over and over in 5 seasons.
Well, let me just say first of all that I don't think it's entirely fair to include Texas and Chicago as those "oh how boring they're always here" teams. Texas and Chicago have each only been to the final twice in that time, whereas Buffalo and Hamilton each have double that. I think Chicago especially just gets lumped into this because we were formerly in the great lakes, but when you've only been to a final twice in the entire FHM era and only won once it's very weird to hear people say you're responsible for ruining parity. I don't know what the solution is here, especially when some people have verbally committed to ruining the experience for other people, but I also don't think dynasties are inherently unrealistic in hockey. That's it works. You build a good team, you have continued success for a while. Yes, it's boring for a lot of people. Yeah, it sucks for user engagement. But I don't know how you change that without actively punishing people for being successful, so that's kinda hard. I don't know. Reward people more for sucking, I guess.

Quote:15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!
Oh it's time for this one again! This is my first year (officially) as Fed Head for Sweden, and I am super optimistic about our very talented team! I'm still trying to find a good system to give playing time to everybody who deserves it, but we were able to get a couple of rookies onto the roster this year which is very exciting. Anyway, I think we're gonna crush it, mostly because Gunnar Söderberg is not playing this season. That guy straight up sucks. Last tournament, he was literally last on the team in scoring with two points the entire tournament, which is a huge yikes, so hopefully, replacing him with some of our very talented young forwards will improve our chances.

Quote:20. Written, 3 TPE, Pulling a Jordan
This is for you folks in multiple sim sports leagues. Pick your player from another league and translate them to the SHL. Which player attributes from your sport would translate to hockey? Design a full player page for them based on the player page of your other league and discuss how they would perform in a season. Would they be godlike? Shitty? You can pull a switcheroo and discuss your SHL player playing in the other sport as well.
I will be addressing the matter of Parker Beauchamp of the PBE in an alternate universe where he plays hockey instead. Parker is a super defense-first player, so I think he would obviously be a defenseman. He's a gold glove winning shortstop so he's prioritized skills like range and arm and not making errors, but he doesn't hit very well, so I think as a hockey player he would probably be a shutdown defenseman, and would focus on skills like defensive read (gotta be good at the mental game), puckhandling (must have good hands), and checking and hitting (his entire focus is taking away offensive opportunities from the other team). Like I said, Parker doesn't really hit much, he's not the guy the Raptors count on to put up the bulk of their runs, but he would probably also focus on acceleration (gotta get to the other players to smash the puck off them) and stamina because it gets exhausting running people over all day.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2021, 07:14 PM by ACapitalChicago.)

#1 (3)

#12 (6)
3 from milestones

#7 (8)
Hamilton championship ring design
[Image: 716243a2a9a2c13187ee4c545acb7515.png]

#13 (11)
There has been some discussion to say the least on the forums and in the various discord servers and locker rooms that parity is an issue in the League. Like provided by Slash, the numbers for the different winners and the variety of who has claimed the Challenge Cup aren't exactly great. While I am sure I should include some sarcastic disclaimer regarding the teams themselves, I find it difficult to believe that people would be able to in good faith argue that this current dreadful lack of variety in the finals is a net positive and healthy for the league in the long run. It does in fact need to be fixed, but the how is a constant issue that has no easy answer. I think it will in fact change, albeit slowly and over time, but not to the fantastical degree that people may have dreamed up in their own heads. While people may have an ideal world of the League in their head, I find it doubtful that will ever be achieved

#14 (14)
The next team on the outside looking in that will be the next to break into playoffs is most likely going to be San Francisco or New Orleans. Those two teams are building up confidently and doing all they can to make sure things go their way once given the chance. They might be far down now, but things won't most likely radically change anytime soon. However I do think that of the teams poised to make it into the finals, the most likely would be either Baltimore or Tampa Bay. Both are ready, and while I think Baltimore has a slight edge, they still have some slight tactics and positional fixes to make happen. Tampa is still working out the details with their team and making sure everything works as planned, but Baltimore is ready to make the leap once they get some puck luck and one or two more players in the right spots.

#15 (16)

[Image: 59269_s.png]

S66 Damian Littleton

[Image: CsnVET2.png] || [Image: wu5MVvy.png]|| [Image: c8B2LE3.png]
Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa
(This post was last modified: 10-10-2021, 08:34 PM by Sean.)

Sent in that trivia

verification word: Wrong

[+3 TPE, 3 Total]

S61 Milestones +2

[+2 TPE, 5 Total]

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.

I really think S43 is a big turning point in this league. There's a real transition between old SHL and new SHL in my books. It was one of the first of a couple very successful reddit drafts and I think it really brought a new type of user to the SHL. Much like S31 has it's prints on the league. S43 brought in some real power users that the SHL hadn't seen before. King was so dedicated to the league that we collectively bullied him out of it and Luke has touched every part of this league since he's been here. Even me, I've been SHL GM, HOF committee, awards committee and HO (although I'm no where near the power-user class). We normalized the power-user and now, you see new people come in every season wanting to take the league by storm and commit a lot of effort to making this a better place. S46, 53 and future classes may end up looking better but S43 was a gamechanger for the SHL.

[173 words, +3, 8 TPE Total]

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.)
You've been contacted by a big film studio who wants to center the next big hockey movie around your career so far! All you need to do is supply a 150+ word explanation about what will be key scenes of moments or games in your career, the cast, and a general timeline of the film as it follows you from team to team, junior to pro. This one is open ended so how you approach it is up to you!

The movie would start with a little family history, former SHL rookie of the year, turned bust Tommy Salami's nephew is entering the league. He has a lot of promise just like his uncle, but there's some stigma around the family name. He goes into his first season in the SMJHL and wins the most underrated player award. Despite this, his past hurts him and despite being a clear first round talent, he falls to the 2nd round and goes to a contender in Edmonton. While everyone expected his career to fall off, it never did. Pepperoni would go on to play for one of the best teams of all-time in S45 and win a challenge cup in his first season. After that, he would go on to 3 more challenge cup finals and win another in S49. He would win multiple trophies, including an MVP and go down as one of the greatest SHL players of all-time. The movie isn't over yet, but the perfect ending would be Pepperoni passing Esa Anrikannen in points and bookending his career with another challenge cup. Any record Pepperoni sets will soon be passed but it would be a cool moment for the movie!

[201 words, +3, 11 TPE Total]

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
b. Almost ten seasons ago, in S53, Hamilton enjoyed a 40 win season while Texas mustered a measly 9 wins. Now these two teams sit atop the season standings, and the playoff standings. Which is more impressive, to stay good for a decade, or to complete the rebuild and finally achieve greatness?

Being good for 10+ seasons is definitely harder if only for the fact, way less teams do it! Teams are regularly going into rebuilds and getting out of them. Texas, Toronto, Tampa (something about the Ts) while very few have been able to stay at the very top for a long time. Buffalo and Hamilton are two teams that come to mind who have really done is successfully. I can name way more teams that have had successful rebuilds in the time they've been at the top.

[87 words, +1, 12 TPE Total]

18. Written, 2 TPE, Baby come back 100 words min
If you had the power to bring back one user to the SHL, who would it be? We're talking full activity, balls to the wall. They could be a banned user, user gone inactive, or someone who's around but doesn't really fuck with SHL anymore. Pick your user and why you want them back that badly? Did you love them, or do you just want to watch the league burn?

I think I'd like to see King come back, we've changed as a league since he was last here and I think we'd be a lot more accepting of his power using ways. Back then, people just wanted you to fit in and just do what you had to do to make a good player. Very few people tried to build up huge banks early in their career and be extremely involved in their team and the league. Since then we've seen a lot more people act like King did back in the day and it has become much more acceptable. I think he'd be a valuable person somewhere in the league. Whether running a team or running a department in the league.

[123 words, +2 TPE, +14 TPE Total]

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry) 100 words min
It's been 2 seasons now and I can always use constructive criticism. What have I done right regarding PTs? What have I done wrong? Was I doing something the wrong way and fixed it? Was I doing something the right way and fuck it up? Do I even deserve 8 mil a season? Any and all thoughts are welcome EXCEPT malicious posts. Do not attack me, or my work. If you have a problem with it, explain why. Don't just say it sucks and its stupid.

I think you're doing great, the only thing I would change is what season threads claims are posted in. Every year when the new thread comes out I forget to check the old thread even though new claims are still coming out in it. Since we've gotten rid of the cap, I think it would make a lot of sense to just move everything that is not included in regression into the next seasons claim thread and everything included by regression in the previous claim thread. That way regression is more clear and where claims are going to posted is more clear! Other than that. Things are looking good in my opinion!

[112 words, +2, +16 TPE Total]

[Image: TommySalami.gif]

Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points
(This post was last modified: 10-14-2021, 01:51 PM by KC15.)

1. Trivia, 3 TPE: Patriotes

PBE Affiliate PT +3 TPE

2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)

If I could roll back the clock on anything, I might roll it back to undo the move from STHS to FHM. I know this was a very popular move for some. It seems the GMs really love the new sim as they get to do so much more in terms of strategy. Plus, there are always (likely legitimate) complaints around the inadequacies or non-realism of the Simon T. But here’s the deal, there are so many attributes that have to be upgraded and only so many TPE available. Add to that a ridiculously punishing update scale whose expense to upgrade at the 17+ level and you have incredible stagnation in player growth past a certain point. That even takes into account the new changes in the scale.

How would that change things? I – and I assume at least a few others that think like me – would be having a lot more enjoyment rather than watching a mediocre player stagnate with over 1700 TPE.

164 words
6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
c. What is a renegade? What is a steelhawk? Who is Victor Helstrom from the CW trivia?  1 TPE

A renegade, according to the illustrious rock band, Styx, is someone “who had it made” and was someone who “was retrieved for a bounty.” That may be the key there. A renegade is someone who is outside the law and if not literally so, is someone who is outside the current bounds of what is accepted as conventional. A steelhawk improbably and ridiculously is a hawk composed of steel. How could it even fly? Perhaps it finds a loophole in the laws of aerodynamics and exploits it to fly better than any normal bird. Viktor Helstrom was evidently the captain of the Winnipeg Jets back in S19 when dinosaurs roamed and ruled the earth.

114 words
13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)

Wow! This is incredibly bad for the league. The message seems to be – play for one of these teams or don’t expect a ring in your player’s career. And who wants to ever play for the Hamilton Steelhawks who forced us from STHS to FHM causing a HUGE delay while some people worked their fingers to the bone? Not me. I’d rather play for nearly last-place Montréal for the rest of my player’s career and my next one’s too.

Will it change. Doubt it. Guys on these teams have a lot of clout (along with these team’s alumni) and people in power don’t normally give up power willingly. I blame the FHM changeover and the absolutely PUNISHING updating scale (even after the effort to make it not so ridiculously demoralizing). There is just no movement. You get to a certain level and stay there forever. 1700 TPE is pretty meaningless in this league. It has made Abel Skinner a mediocre player. Mediocre and no change to improve even if he weren’t in regression. Meanwhile these 4 teams are at the top of their game and will remain there for the foreseeable future with the very forgiving regression schedule.

198 words

Milestones +3 TPE
(This post was last modified: 10-16-2021, 09:17 PM by Toivo.)

PBE PT +3 tpe

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)
Pick a moment in SHL history to change. It could be something large, an expansion draft, sim engine change, or something smaller, like a trade or team punishment. Change something about this moment in the SHL and explain the impact the difference would make in how the league developed since that moment. (think Butterfly Effect)

Back one season in the S30s, things weren’t looking so great for the Wolfpack. We were at the bottom of the standings and trade deadline was coming up. So we shipped Smirnov to Los Angeles thinking it was better to sell at the deadline. Things turned around and I think we won the rest of our games that season and finished top of the East. We went into the playoffs and eliminated some teams, got to the finals to face Texas and lost. What would have happened if we kept Smirnov? Was our chemistry that bad before the trade with Smirnov who was just coming off an MVP season. Maybe it was addition by subtraction because STHS was weird, but I wonder if we would have gotten another cup by keeping that player around. Those are the moves that can keep you up at night, wondering which moves have the butterfly type effect on different outcomes. Would have been nicer to win that cup, but the whole worst to first was a fun journey.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Elijah Jones Milestones

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!

I am hoping it’s the season where the Swiss finally makes the jump and wins the whole thing. The roster is full of talent. If we are ever going to win Gold, it’s going to be this tournament or one of the near future tournaments. Talent like Labovitch are going to carry the Swiss over the hump and to the promised land. It’s very important for Swiss players like Labovitch to do well because it will inspire an entire generation of young Swiss players. They will see what other players have done for the Swiss national team and want to follow in their steps. Predicting we go all the way baby.

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry) 100 words min
It's been 2 seasons now and I can always use constructive criticism. What have I done right regarding PTs? What have I done wrong? Was I doing something the wrong way and fixed it? Was I doing something the right way and fuck it up? Do I even deserve 8 mil a season? Any and all thoughts are welcome EXCEPT malicious posts. Do not attack me, or my work. If you have a problem with it, explain why. Don't just say it sucks and its stupid.

The PTs have definitely been different and weird at times. Typically, I liked doing SHL pts because they were a bit shorter than PBE or ISFL, but some of these topics made me seek out their PTs because the topics were just out there. And this isn’t a case of me not liking change for the sake of change. Sometimes I just legitimately did not even know where to get started. I appreciate the change to offer multiple prompts. This is a good way to have the “out-there” PTs while also offering something that’s more traditional and easier for casual fans to write their words in exchange for TPEs.


Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
Player Page- Update Page
Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
Player Page - Update Page
Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
Player PageUpdate Page
[Image: 2ew9foG.png][Image: rnSNsnU.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2021, 01:39 PM by leafsftw1967.)

Verification word: go leafs

2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)
Pick a moment in SHL history to change. It could be something large, an expansion draft, sim engine change, or something smaller, like a trade or team punishment. Change something about this moment in the SHL and explain the impact the difference would make in how the league developed since that moment. (think Butterfly Effect)
Answer: If I could pick a moment in SHL history to change for me it would have to be the season sixty Challenge Cup finals outcome. After being up three games to win in the best of seven series against Buffalo I was devastated to see Chicago blow the series lead in some heart breaking one goal and overtime games. It was supposed to be the season where Marner got his first cup and joined Chicago out of free agency with one goal in mind and that was winning a championship. Still to this day it stings knowing Marner was literally one goal away from a cup ring and for that reason I would go back and make sure that we could replay game five again and this time put away the series rather then letting Buffalo stick around. Honestly when we lost game five I did not think that much of it and believed Chicago was still going to win the series but it all went down hill from there.

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.
Answer: I think season eight draft class had the most impact on the SHL. While this draft class was definitely not the deepest draft class in SHL history, the high end talent it produced was unquestionable. Six first ballot hall of famers came out of this draft including Joe McKeil, Darian Scherbluk, Benjamin Wong, Yousuf Scherbluk, Chris McZehrl, and Taylor McDavid. These six players changed the landscape of the SHL and shattered the record books during their time in the league. There were also talented superstars developed through this draft such as Niclas Wastlund, Cole Reinhart and to some extent Jordan McArthur and Salmelainen who became leaders for their respective franchises and some helped their teams win multiple Challenge Cups. This draft class also as users changed the site forever with many of them becoming general managers (shout out to Hallsy who is still running a team) and even a commissioner with Teztify.

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!
Answer: Season sixty was another disappointing tournament for team Latvia. While there is still a little more growing left for this pretty young team, this will be the first time many season that there is an actual chance for this nation to be competitive and maybe make it out of the round robin. I think this will be team Latvia will be the best since the switch to FHM so it will be interesting to see how the management team deploys this group of young talented players. Also I may be a bit biased but I think Mats Marner is poised for a break out tournament now reaching over 1800 tpe and coming into his prime.

18. Written, 2 TPE, Baby come back
If you had the power to bring back one user to the SHL, who would it be? We're talking full activity, balls to the wall. They could be a banned user, user gone inactive, or someone who's around but doesn't really fuck with SHL anymore. Pick your user and why you want them back that badly? Did you love them, or do you just want to watch the league burn?
Answer: If I had the power to bring back one user to the SHL to full activity, balls to the wall it would hands down have to be Gorlab. I remember when I first drafted his first player way back in the day when I was the general manager of the Montreal Impact and he brought so much energy and activity to the team. He was always there to go to bat for his teammates and while he did start a lot of shit storms across the SHL he was always a great guy to have in the locker room I found at least in the early days of the SHL.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
+3 TPE earned:

[Image: apSD6uj.gif]
[Image: leafsftw1967.gif] 

Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2021, 01:39 PM by KaleSalad.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Victor Helstrom

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.

It is my opinion that the Season 55 are the Draft Kings! They had one of the best groups of players available it was one of the deepest drafts I can remember in recent history. I am sure you can go back and look at all the legends in the other draft classes mentioned but There is something special with this group of players in the S55 draft class including the likes of some future hall of famers. Their names have been a trend in awards and making instant impacts for their team in the SHL and in the SMJHL. That is just the players. The Users behind the players is what makes this draft class even more special. Almost all of the players in this class have had major roles on the site and have continued to make a name for themselves. Look no further then the human Sim engine agentsmith or the graphics expert Sulovilen for a couple examples of the major impacts they have made on the site.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.)
You've been contacted by a big film studio who wants to center the next big hockey movie around your career so far! All you need to do is supply a 150+ word explanation about what will be key scenes of moments or games in your career, the cast, and a general timeline of the film as it follows you from team to team, junior to pro. This one is open ended so how you approach it is up to you!

The Nathan Thomas story. From Castaway to the pros. The story is pretty simple when you break it down and look at it for what it is, a young player wasn’t thought to do much ends up making a bit of a splash in the pros. From the outside it has been an interesting journey to say the least. When Nathan first declared for the draft in the juniors he was not much of anyone really. Taken as a late pick to fill a roster gap and only appearing in half the games his draft year there was no surprise he was a late pick in the SHL draft. But since being dealt from Texas to SFP he started to come into his own. His junior career took off and the team had success before making an impact for a rebuilding team before being exposed in the expansion draft and taken to his new home Philly. Since joining there he has enjoyed playing some top minutes with some of the best defensive minded players around his draft year. The story will be left open with him chasing the cup with the core group of Forge players.


11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Well the season is officially wrapped up and Hamilton has won again… In fairness to Hamilton they were the better team and played much better behind some absolute great players. One of the players that stood out the most though would be Theo Morgan. Once again Morgan played out of his mind when the playoffs rolled around and he was a major factor in not only the Steelhawks getting to the final but sealing the win for them. Morgan was able to put up a balance 11 goals and 16 assists to lead all playoff scoring for 26 points. Yes his line mates were up there too and deserve credit but Theo Morgan is the glue that holds them together and deserves the playoff MVP.


12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)
Milestone Claim + 2TPE

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
There has been some discussion on the forums but its always good to hear more opinions: Parity. Going back 6 seasons including this one there have been 4 teams in the finals: Buffalo, Chicago, Hamilton, and Texas. If you add New Orleans you can go back 8 seasons. 5 different teams for 8 straight finals. Is this an issue? Does it need to be fixed? Can it even be fixed? I'm interested to hear opinions, approaches, or just doom and gloom on whether you think this will change, or if we will still be talking about the same teams making the finals over and over in 5 seasons.

There have been many steps to level the playing field in the SHL to try and produce more parity in the league. It is my opinion that the league has done a very good job of creating more parity in the league despite the last 6 seasons only featuring 4 different teams in the finals. The division realignment was the first major step in this. The second was the new scale for players. This has greatly helped teams that were nowhere close to competing actually be in games even if they are in a rebuild mode. The only major issue that is left to fix is regression. Having that hit players harder may help the turnover and creation of new teams in the league. The other major factor everyone seems to forget is it has only been 2 seasons. A lot of the players that still fill these 4 teams have and will be under contract for some time yet. When there is a change of personal it can also lead to more parity in the league. The biggest thing in my humble opinion is GM’s need to stop taking on bad contracts and bailing out cap stricken teams so those teams are forced into selling and good players will be more distributed around the league.


[Image: CaleSalad.gif]
[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

(3) ISFL Affiliate (SchwarzNarr)

1. moose

2. One of the biggest moments that could have changed things would have been my SHL draft. Withthemoose and I are basically identical in our earnings, both monetary and TPE because well, we do stuff together. We do our tasks at around the same time, wrote media together, all of it. Which meant in terms of who would have been first overall, it was interchangeable between us. So if Isa had been first overall, I have to wonder if NOLA would have taken a chance on me. Joe and I know each other from the ISFL a bit, and I was truly open to going anywhere, but I had been vocal and clear about my desire to also try free agency at some point in time. Maybe those pieces and Isa going to Manhattan would have scared him off still, maybe he would have continued to pick a forward instead of a defensive player, and maybe the draft plays out basically the same way as before, with only Isa and myself having been swapped for picks. The biggest shift though, is that I think I would have ended up in NOLA and Isa and I would have gone 1 and 2 overall.

4. Throughout Melvin's life there are many important moments that would need to be depicted in a biopic. These include:

- The adoption of Melvin by Daria Guava-Fresca.
- The murder of Daria (by Melvin)
- Rehabilitation and his friendship with Adelie de Pengu
- His life as a football sensation
- His mid-moose crisis, venturing to his relatives in Sweden and finding out about the joys of hockey
- SMJHL Draft day and his nerves and anxiety about the whole situation
- The first year with the Nevada Battleborn (and how wurmple silk is great for his antlers)
- The SHL draft, the massive trades and being reunited with Adelie de Pengu
- His second season with the Nevada Battleborn and cheering on Adelie as a record setter
- What the future holds?

While Melvin is still early in his career, he has had a lot of formative events in his life, as well as in his hockey life that would create a great "look at this early superstar" picture, while still leaving it open ended for the future.

19. Melvin has one thing on his mind when it comes to generating pills for the future - how can we get more antlers and make them bigger, scarier, and ... well, he used to say bloodier, but now, as a majestik moose, he wants to make them sparklier. Much like the vampires from Twilight, Melvin wants to shine out in the sun and under the lights on the ice. The pills would look almost ordinary, nothing that would be too suspicious, but the problem for most people wanting to take them and also gain these massive and incredibly sparkly antlers is that the pill would be, well, suited for a moose, and not for people. Which means that most people would not be able to swallow the pill, and the one downside to making something which makes you grow sparkly antlers, is that it tastes really bad if you had to cut it in half. Only those truly dedicated to the cult of the moose would be able to endure the taste to enjoy also being as majestik as Melvin.

21. Honestly, I really enjoyed how you started offering choice within the PTs. They can be one of the hardest things for someone who is new to the league, or doesn't know a lot about hockey, or the league history in general. While I like them to still be somewhat hockey focused as this is a hockey league, when they're entirely stat or player focused, it's very difficult for me, personally, to get into them and want to write about them. Those tend to be what I use affiliates for the most. But if the point tasks are interesting, or something that I can sort of bullshit my way through a little bit, that definitely helps make it easier and more engaging.

My biggest advice for the future would be to just stay away from maybe poop related topics. There were too many "shitty" (haha get it) point tasks for my liking this season.

[Image: 66168_s.gif]
[Image: lUeg4KM.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2021, 12:02 AM by Leafs4ever.)

Task 1: (3 TPE)

Verification: Strongo

Task 2: (3 TPE)

There have been a lot of big changes that this league has undergone. Expansions, rule changes, engine changes, head office changes, etc. It's fun to think how things might be different if certain situations happened differently or didn't happen at all. The one I would like to focus on is something we're dealing with right now. That would be the change from STHS to FHM.

This league was built on STHS. It ran simulations and generated all your stats, standings, and box scores for everything. It was a great program for a league like this. It covered our needs and had all of the information that you could want. We went through a couple of different versions of STHS, but never strayed away from it. That changed a few seasons ago when an exploit was found. A group of members in the league basically broke how STHS worked by making all their players adjust their scoring to 99 and passing to 50. It made every player just continually fire shots on net and broke the sim. Head office tried to think of something to combat people doing this, but found that moving to FHM to be the better move for the long term.

If those people never found the exploit in STHS, we'd still be using it and having a more open competition for the Challenge Cup. STHS brought about more randomness and parity, which is quite important in a league like this. STHS has other flaws, yes, but man would the league look a lot differently if we stayed with it.

(262 words)

Task 3: (3 TPE)

With 61 seasons under its belt, there have been more than a few impactful SHL drafts in its history. There are a couple ways a draft can be impactful to the league. It can bring in some of the best players in the league, but can also bring in some of the more devoted members to the site outside the sim. The draft I personally think takes the title as most impactful in the Season 1 SHL Entry Draft.

Some may say this is a cop out answer because it was the inaugural one, but to me that doesn't tarnish just how important it was. The Season 1 draft was full of Hall of Fame players and members. You see awards named after them, including the Ron Mexico, Ryan Jesster, Anton Razov, Jeff Dar, Jay McDonald, Sergei Karpotsov, Sarmad Khan, Scott Stevens, and Mathias Chouinard. The biggest thing, however, is the members behind the players. They were the building blocks for the league. If these people didn't stay active and involved in the league, it wouldn't have survived for very long. They had the fate of the league on their shoulders and they stepped up and created the base that the league rests on now. If that's not impactful, I don't know what is.

(214 words)

Task 6: (4 TPE)

a. Hamilton was not taken to 7 games, Texas enjoyed two series sweeps, which team had the harder path to the final in your opinion?

Hamilton had the harder path to the finals, no doubt about it. They had to go through the 12th best team in the league, Atlanta, the 3rd best team in the league, Buffalo, and the 4th best team in the league, Baltimore. Texas, comparatively, had to go through the 16th, 5th and 8th best teams to do it. That's a huge disparity in quality. Hamilton knocking out half of the top 4 before even getting to the finals is unmatched. (80 words)

b. Almost ten seasons ago, in S53, Hamilton enjoyed a 40 win season while Texas mustered a measly 9 wins. Now these two teams sit atop the season standings, and the playoff standings. Which is more impressive, to stay good for a decade, or to complete the rebuild and finally achieve greatness?

I guess it depends on the sim engine. In the current era with FHM, I would say rebuilding and actually competing for a championship would be more impressive. However, no matter the era, staying on top for so long is always a major accomplishment. Give me the team that competes consistently, year in and year out. I think most people would take the prolonged success over a couple of good seasons after a long period of futility. (70 words)

c. What is a renegade? What is a steelhawk? Who is Victor Helstrom from the CW trivia?

A renegade is someone who operates outside the rule of law and lives by their own rules and creeds. A steelhawk is a majestic, brave, and intimidating bird. Victor Helstrom is a figment of our imaginations. He lives in the hearts and minds of SHL fans all around the globe. His legend has carried on throughout the years and the stories of his travels are passed down from generation to generation. (71 words)

d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

The best player to ever play for the Texas Renegades is defenseman Chris Partlow. He was a dominant player when he played and was the benchmark for every defenseman in the league. He was the elite of the elite and one of the best players in SHL history. For Hamilton, their best player is a harder choice. You could go with Darian Scherbluk or Scott Stevens, two players who could lay claim to best defenseman in history. You could also go for production and longevity with Raymond Lindsay or Joe McKeil. Give me Joe McKeil. That name and player is synonymous with Hamilton Steelhawks. (104 words)

Task 13: (3 TPE)

Parity. It's the topic du jour right now in the SHL. Another season, another finals with Hamilton and Texas. Ever since the change to FHM, there has been a sizeable gap between the top teams and every one else. It's true that FHM is much more unforgiving to teams with lower levels of TPE. It's a higher mountain to climb for those teams which means that the teams high in TPE are able to sustain that level for a longer time. We are seeing it now, with Buffalo, Chicago, Texas, and Hamilton controlling the finals.

I'm torn on this, I really am. On the one hand, what can you do? The job of a GM is to build a winner and these 4 teams have done that. What can you do to make them stop? Take players away? I genuinely don't know how you can try and punish teams for being too good. On the other side of the argument, it's tough on players to constantly see the same teams in the finals. You put in all this work with your teammates and it just seems like the gap is so big that you'll never catch up. It's demoralizing and sucks the life out of you. It's a strain on those GMs too, who are trying so hard to build up their teams, but being behind the eight ball having to cover so much ground is exhausting. I'm really stumped on this. How do you fix this? Do you just wait for the top 4 to finally get old and retire? Does that just push the problem to the next group of teams to take over for a long time? It's a frustrating, but fascinating situation.

(286 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

[Image: ERs3IrD.png]

(This post was last modified: 10-11-2021, 07:01 AM by WithTheMoose.)

Task 1: 3 TPE

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Task 2: 3 TPE

ISFL Affiliate

Task 3: 3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.

If I had to pick a single draft class that had the most impact on the SHL, I would have to be conceited and say that it has got to be S61 when the legendary Schwarznarr joined the league. Not only did she bring in a bunch of high profile players with her from the ISFL to help bolster a class that was originally looking to be small, she also brought a new level of energy and positivity to the league as she lit up the media and graphics section and gifted the league with all of the cutified emojis that really changed the landscape of what this league looks like. After all we can all agree the Raptors cutified logo should be their new permanent logo. She has helped a Nevada team that was in the dumps rebound in a big way and soon will lead them to a championship. Also she's a fantastic human and I wanted an excuse to write about her.

Task 4: 2 TPE

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!

My prediction for the WJC is that Sweden is going to take home the gold super easy. After all it has all time greats like Adelie de Pengu, Melvin Murder-Moose, and Willie Miller. They make the best defense of all time and I can't honestly see a single other team ever scoring against them. Willie is going to be able to take it easy as his animal friends block all the shots and hit all the people and let him sit back and put up big ole zeroes on the score board. They're going to show the world what Sweden is about and take the gold.

Task 5: 3 TPE

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
There has been some discussion on the forums but its always good to hear more opinions: Parity. Going back 6 seasons including this one there have been 4 teams in the finals: Buffalo, Chicago, Hamilton, and Texas. If you add New Orleans you can go back 8 seasons. 5 different teams for 8 straight finals. Is this an issue? Does it need to be fixed? Can it even be fixed? I'm interested to hear opinions, approaches, or just doom and gloom on whether you think this will change, or if we will still be talking about the same teams making the finals over and over in 5 seasons.

Parity is always a massive problem in any league and it always comes from a variety of different sources. Sometimes you end up with bad GMs who wreck teams and nobody competent is willing to follow up a bad GM oftentimes, which leads a team down a spiral where it won't be competitive for 9-10 seasons. You end up with a mass of retirements that sends a team in an eternal rebuild where they can't keep players because people want to go to the winning teams, once more leading to a spiraling team. Then on the other end you have the teams with competent GMs who nurture environments that people want to be in and so great players flock to them and their teams, keeping them on top despite drafting late season after season. Its as clear here in the SHL as anywhere else that this leads to an imbalance that is hard to overcome. That said I don't think its a problem that needs to be fixed because it often fixes itself over time as people retire, go inactive, or step away. Its the circle of sim leagues.

Task 6: 3 TPE

14. Written, 3 TPE, Upswing (150 words min.)
What team on the outside looking in do you believe will be the next to break into the playoffs? What team will be the next new team to break into the finals (other than the core 4 listed in the above task)? Who seems to be building and earning at a rate that they will be a scary team in the future? We have already seen some successful rebuilds in Texas, Toronto, and Tampa, and some unsuccessful ones as well. Who is on the right track?

The Nevada Battleborn are a team currently on the outside looking in, but I think they'll absolutely explode going into next season. they had an absolutely massive S60 juniors draft where they landed a ton of actives and followed it up by trading for two more fantastic members of that class. Going into next season, almost every member of that class will be at the juniors cap. Mix that with a few veterans of the team going into their final season and I believe Nevada may have two entirely capped lines for next season. This team already did twice as well as it did the previous season when these young players were rookie, doubling their point total. The only direction they can go is up and I think they should be able to close the gap pretty easily with all these stars rounding into peak form. Look out SMJHL, the Battleborn are coming in hot and they'll be a legitimate threat.

ISFL: IsaStarcrossed

(This post was last modified: 10-17-2021, 12:24 PM by JURT.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)
Pick a moment in SHL history to change. It could be something large, an expansion draft, sim engine change, or something smaller, like a trade or team punishment. Change something about this moment in the SHL and explain the impact the difference would make in how the league developed since that moment. (think Butterfly Effect)
I often think about a moment in my personnal history within the SHL that would have had a bigger impact on myself than any league-wide change that might have happened: what would have happened if I never went inactive with my first player, Pierre Laroche-Durocher, back in the early/mid S40s. I had just been drafted in the first round by the Steelhawks when I vansihed. I don't know if I would have fit well inside that locker room. I would for sure have played alongside some great players there and for Team Canada. I would probably have ended my career just a few seasons ago when regression would have hit too hard. I would have loved the switch to FHM and that would probably have been a nice rebound in a dwindling career with the absence of meta-builds. But I wouldn't have had all I've had so far with JURT, maybe wouldn't have gotten as close with some people and I would trade that for any amount of success with a previous player.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.)
You've been contacted by a big film studio who wants to center the next big hockey movie around your career so far! All you need to do is supply a 150+ word explanation about what will be key scenes of moments or games in your career, the cast, and a general timeline of the film as it follows you from team to team, junior to pro. This one is open ended so how you approach it is up to you!
Opening scene: we see a young JURT crying on the bench of his youth hockey team locker room. They have lost in the semi-finals, but that's not why he's crying: he just spent an entire season without scoring a single goal. His coach, played by the real JURT, comes to see him. He rolls up one of young JURT's sleeves and points towards a bruise. Coach says: "We wouldn't have made it to the semi-finals if it was not for this." He rolls up the other sleeve: "We wouldn't even have made the playoffs if it wasn't for that one." Young JURT realizes there's more to hockey than just scoring goals and decides to dedicate his life to playing shutdown roles.

The rest of the movies shows JURT being a late draft pick for Colorado, never winning awards but being ok with it when he wins the Challenge Cup in his first season, and then probably a bit of his relationship with Gunnar or something.

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
There has been some discussion on the forums but its always good to hear more opinions: Parity. Going back 6 seasons including this one there have been 4 teams in the finals: Buffalo, Chicago, Hamilton, and Texas. If you add New Orleans you can go back 8 seasons. 5 different teams for 8 straight finals. Is this an issue? Does it need to be fixed? Can it even be fixed? I'm interested to hear opinions, approaches, or just doom and gloom on whether you think this will change, or if we will still be talking about the same teams making the finals over and over in 5 seasons.

These four teams are very good and it will be hard to push them out of that dominating position with the length of careers in the SHL. SHL careers lasting so long give a lot of time for the GMs of those teams to adjust and adapt their plans for the future over many seasons while the other teams are always fighting to get a certain competitiveness. Asset management is much more easier for the top teams and it will take meticulous drafting from other teams to reach the same level. Still, we've seen NOLA fall quite a bit compared to these others, anything can happen. and nothing is eternal. I think one team that is looking like it could really break out in the few next seasons is the San Francisco Pride. They have a good core of strong veterans like Sven Svenson and Henrik Lekberg Osterman along with a lot of young players who will be entering their prime soon.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

17. Graphic, 3 TPE, Clairvoyant
You have been granted the gift of seeing the future, but only a single future cup winner. Relay us with this info in the form of a cup banner for the winning team. Make sure to include the season they won, you can make up some player names if it's far out in the future. Have fun with it! It could be your team if you want, with you as the star! We won't know if you're lying until SXX anyway.
[Image: unknown.png?width=240&height=700]

[Image: lespoils.gif]
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2021, 12:02 PM by ValorX77.)

ISFL Affiliate PT +3 TPE

Task 1 Trivia: Word is Valor

Task 13 Parody:
Parity, quite a controversial topic to think about in sim leagues these days. The problem with the simulation hockey league is the same few teams always lifting the challenge cup. The usual suspects such as Hamilton and Buffalo, and then there’s Chicago and Texas, who always seem have a cakewalk playoff schedule, (Texas with two sweeps, their series with Chicago in the second round required a game 7). The only way to fix it is have other GM’s not make foolish mistakes like trading their first round pick to Hamilton/Buffalo. If you want to see why, look at the S58 draft, Seattle moved the 5th overall pick to Hamilton and the pick ended up being Dogwood Maple, now imagine if he was in Seattle, they’d be making a few solid playoff runs by now! Minnesota will definitely be mad at me when their gm reads this, you foolishly traded your first to Buffalo, this is why you’re still in the bottom of the standings.

Task 20, Pulling A Jordan:
For this prompt, I will be using My pro baseball experience player, also conveniently named Videl Valor. She used a very powerful swing to get her into being one of the best power hitters in the pro baseball experience. If these abilities were to transfer onto the simulation hockey league version of Videl Valor, she would most definitely have the hardest shot in the league, giving fear to every single goalie in the J right now. Similarly, she also has an elite play making ability, she’ll most likely have a point total of around ~82 points in a 66 game season. How would this affect Vancouver you may be asking? Well, an already powerful Vancouver team gets more stronger, and they’d win the cup in 12 games instead of the likely 16 or 17 game requirement for this current Vancouver team. So, Valor would be reigning over the SMJHL and nobody would be able to stop her power.

Task 10, Podcast: Listen here! +4 TPE

16/16 TPE

[Image: euPeo5t.png]
[Image: 7361srC.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2021, 01:53 AM by efischermann.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Fishy Victor Helstrom

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.)
You've been contacted by a big film studio who wants to center the next big hockey movie around your career so far! All you need to do is supply a 150+ word explanation about what will be key scenes of moments or games in your career, the cast, and a general timeline of the film as it follows you from team to team, junior to pro. This one is open ended so how you approach it is up to you!

It would start on a black screen. Then words would flash up…From Unknown, To Stardome…Overlooked in his junior draft year, slipping all the way to the third round to now being one of the top earners in his class. The motivation of being passed over by so many teams has clearly pushed him to be the best. His goal, top earner. What’s stopping him? Nothing. He skyrocketed to be a first round pick in the SHL, but what happened there…he was passed over again. What is going to happen? He is going to take the Seattle Argonauts on his back and lead them over all these powerhouses that think they are the King. No one else rules. Fischermann is going to rise up and take down all the doubters. He is going to say what every Seattle player wants to say to everyone who thinks only two teams are allowed to win…ARGO-FUCK-YOURSELF!


152 words

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Goals -> 11 or more (YES)
Assists -> 26 or more (YES)
Points -> 40 or more (YES)
+/- -> +24 or higher (YES)
Penalty Minutes -> 18 or fewer (YES)
Shots on goal -> 159 or more (YES)
Hits -> 64 or more (YES)
Takeaways -> 19 or more (YES)
Shots Blocked -> 59 or more (NO)
Fights Won -> 1 or more (NO)
Powerplay Points -> 6 or more (NO)

8 Milestones hit...sooooooo


18. Written, 2 TPE, Baby come back 100 words min
If you had the power to bring back one user to the SHL, who would it be? We're talking full activity, balls to the wall. They could be a banned user, user gone inactive, or someone who's around but doesn't really fuck with SHL anymore. Pick your user and why you want them back that badly? Did you love them, or do you just want to watch the league burn?

This one is easy for me. The person I would choose to bring back is Ideen Fallah. The guy that meant the most to me during my first run through the league has easily been the biggest reason I decided to come back. Hoping that the mark he left here still resonated. He clearly is a legend, having a trophy named after him, but when I started here, he was just starting his legacy, and he was a good friend. Bringing him back would mean a lot for this league, and we would all be better off if we had him around still. Come back Ideen! We all miss you!


110 words

19. Written, 3 TPE, Pills 150 words min
Love it or hate it, that Pill PT (PT 2) was wild and may I say, genius. You've partnered up with the weird trench coat pill guy to design your own pills, with powers and drawbacks to sell to your fellow SHLers! How do you go about this, do you make really good pills to help your team? Trick Hamilton into taking some really shitty pills with the promise of incredible powers? Or do what I did and make a bunch of insane pills and watch the league go absolutely crazy trying to make sense of what the fuck I'm even talking about? Or just make a bunch of jelly beans?

Ah the pill TP. I bounced all over the place with this one. I ended up on jelly beans, because…well…JELLY BEANS! Now if I had control over them the possibilities seem almost overwhelming. First thing I would do would be an unlimited TPE pill. Man what I would give to see what max ratings across the board would do to the sim. 500 points? 500 hits? Who knows?? Would love to see what that would do. As far as what would be the best for the entire team, I love the idea of a team full of speedsters. Everyone can fly around the ice without anything to hold them back. They say speed kills, and I want to see it. However, just on-ice stuff isn’t fun, let’s look at some possibilities for the off-ice pill. I want a pill that makes everyone nice to each other. Is that too much to ask? So much hate and so much fighting in this world, can’t we just be happy? As the saying goes…Can’t we all just get along?


176 words

21. Written, 2 TPE, Feed my back (its hungry) 100 words min
It's been 2 seasons now and I can always use constructive criticism. What have I done right regarding PTs? What have I done wrong? Was I doing something the wrong way and fixed it? Was I doing something the right way and fuck it up? Do I even deserve 8 mil a season? Any and all thoughts are welcome EXCEPT malicious posts. Do not attack me, or my work. If you have a problem with it, explain why. Don't just say it sucks and its stupid.

You have an incredibly difficult job, where if you do it correctly, no one says a word, if you make any type of mistake it rains fire down on you. While I have only been in the league for a short while, I have been very happy with your PTs. They are always a good mix of fun and serious, and the change that was made for two options was fantastic, seems to give everyone what they want every week. Thanks for all you do! Hope this isn’t stroking your ego too much, but hey, you deserve it with all the work that you do for this league on a daily basis. (And yes, your salary is very deserved!)


119 words

16/16 TPE Earned

[Image: m59RPb7.png]

S61 Four Star Cup - Game-Winning Goal in the clinching Game 4

[Image: efischermann.gif]
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2021, 09:33 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)
Pick a moment in SHL history to change. It could be something large, an expansion draft, sim engine change, or something smaller, like a trade or team punishment. Change something about this moment in the SHL and explain the impact the difference would make in how the league developed since that moment. (think Butterfly Effect)

I would love to erase the original branding roll out that I was a big part of back in the 40s. I made a lot of mistakes.. I rushed everything out, and I didn’t take good advice… i use a logo generator which could easily be copied… I knew we could’ve done better but a lot of it was just simply I was so excited to be a part of finally changing the graphical direction of the franchise. But Frankly it wasn’t good enough and we quickly changed course. This experience helped me realized how important it was to get my vision correct.. and if that means I have to take my time and go over everything 20 times and quality assurance my work…I would do it. Since then I have followed that advice, I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished on the branding and media scale and I think that Calgary now is the epicentre of what a franchise should look like if branding and marketing are considered important.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Biopic (150 words min.)
You've been contacted by a big film studio who wants to center the next big hockey movie around your career so far! All you need to do is supply a 150+ word explanation about what will be key scenes of moments or games in your career, the cast, and a general timeline of the film as it follows you from team to team, junior to pro. This one is open ended so how you approach it is up to you!

Kata Vilde and Maxime Bouchard have struggled greatly in retirement. Both have not found their place in this world outside of a hockey rink, both being at the end of their ropes they get together and form a rogue group of ex- SHL members who get access to all SHL teams discord locker rooms and steal the subdirectories! Innocent areas like pt sections, announcement areas and picture spots with them dog and cat pics would now be hijacked and used for Vildes #delicious dinner posts and WTs 14 favourite spiders!… this crazed band of X hockey players include the notorious Nicholas Pedersen (#boredPeds) Dr. Pierre Luc Laflamme and the quasi crazed Bernik Vzrala!.. I don’t want to give away the ending but let’s just say that it may involve a potato, 2 thongs and a deadly encounter with #kitty (#A-Ryes lovable tiger.) #lets get this into production!
@BarnabasCollins @Weretarantula

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Kings (150 words min.)
Pick a draft class in the SHL that you believe had the most impact on the SHL. It can be a consensus pick, like S36, 31, or 53, or an off-the-board one (S41?). Explain your reasoning to why this draft class impacted the league; Could be in a good way, or a bad way.

theres really been some great draft classes in recent times whether it be the S45 draft class or that early S50’s Reddit.. but when you look at everything, the talent the impact on the site and the outcome..I think that the S31 SHL Entry Draft is the most important and impactful draft in the league history. The primary reason for it is that is it created the foundation for what are considered the core week in and week out players here on the site… many of the names from this draft class are now the names we talk about in much of the leagues great history. It was also one of the deepest draft classes we’ve ever had where you can find superstar and even the Hall of Fame talent at the back end of 4-5 strong rounds.. guys like Cory Bearrs, Jeff Kirkstome and Alex Light and Vasily Horvat we’re all taken in the 3rd round or later.

5. Graphic, 3 TPE, Legen.. Wait for it...
These two franchises have quite a bit of history, and some legends have passed through their LRs. Make a graphic comparing the career stat of one legendary player from each team. They can be an active or retired player, but must be pre-s50 draft class if active.

[Image: image0.png]

7. Graphic, 2 TPE, This one's for Seymour
Design a championship ring for either team. Yeah you can use the ring site.

[Image: image0.png]

Mike Izzy = 16 TPE!

[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2021, 07:50 PM by Cobbenstein.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Tree              Victor Helstrom..... Apparently? 

2. Written, 3 TPE, What if...? (150 words min.)
Pick a moment in SHL history to change. It could be something large, an expansion draft, sim engine change, or something smaller, like a trade or team punishment. Change something about this moment in the SHL and explain the impact the difference would make in how the league developed since that moment. (think Butterfly Effect)

A major moment in the league's history that could be changed in a Butterfly Effect style escapade is the decision by the Philadelphia Forge to not use their alternate logo as the main logo from the start. If the Forge had started using the P hammer as their logo from day one they could have won two Champions Cups as well as been the hottest destination for all the free agents. The Forge would have quickly become a dynasty that defined success in the Simulation Hockey League, a team that made the Hamilton Steelhawks and Buffalo Stampede envious. All of the biggest free agents would have been clamoring for a chance to play in Philadelphia as a chance to chase cups and dominate the league. The P hammer logo would have opened so many doors to success and all of that was thrown out the window when the cheese cup was selected as their primary logo.

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

At the conclusion of the Simulation Hockey League’s sixty-first season, the Hamilton Steelhawks once again reign supreme. It was a quick four game sweep of the Texas Renegades that resulted in a final playoff record of 20-3 for the Steelhawks. In a situation where a team was that dominant it can be extremely hard to pick just one most valuable player. In this situation I feel that it is only fair to give the most valuable player award to A Jobin. Over the twenty-three game playoff run, Jobin had 5 shutouts, a 1.51 goals against average, and a 0.940 save percentage. It is really hard to argue against a goaltending run such as that.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

+3 TPE

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
There has been some discussion on the forums but its always good to hear more opinions: Parity. Going back 6 seasons including this one there have been 4 teams in the finals: Buffalo, Chicago, Hamilton, and Texas. If you add New Orleans you can go back 8 seasons. 5 different teams for 8 straight finals. Is this an issue? Does it need to be fixed? Can it even be fixed? I'm interested to hear opinions, approaches, or just doom and gloom on whether you think this will change, or if we will still be talking about the same teams making the finals over and over in 5 seasons.

Over the previous few seasons the Simulation Hockey League has had a potential issue that only a handful of teams have truly ever been competitive when it came to contending for a Champions Cup. This has led to much debate on the site and within team locker rooms about the state of the Simulation Hockey League. Overall, I would say that this issue cannot really be fixed realistically despite me thinking that a rebalance could be beneficial for the leagues overall health. In the current system, the teams that are consistently good will continue to be strong due to their extremely high free agent draw and their dedicated users that find the best possible tactics and exploits within FHM to benefit their roster. This ultimately leads to a lesser experience for many users that are either loyal to a franchise or cannot compete for a roster spot on the contender teams since they can start most seasons knowing that their ultimate goal will be to make it to the second round of the playoffs before hitting one of the powerhouse teams and accepting their inevitable defeat. Now, while this outlook may be grim and negative, it also is a system that cannot really be fixed. The staff on the powerhouse teams are some of the most dedicated users and are being rewarded with success and it would be unfair to somehow hinder that. Even with lesser players the management of the top teams would likely still be able to find tactics that got the most out of their players and would end up as contenders once again over time. In a user driven league there will always be a skill and time gap that appears between the most dedicated users and everyone else and there is really nothing that can be done to prevent it without penalizing the sites top users which would be ludicrous.

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!

This offseason's IIHF tournament will provide some excitement in what will be a longer than usual dull offseason. The usual suspects will likely show up as contenders once again; Sweden, Canada, Great Britain, and Russia are among the favorites at the start of the tournament. I will once again be describing how Ireland will be the surprise of the tournament and once again will watch as Ireland fails to escape the group stage. The Irish team has stayed largely consistent and together for multiple seasons. The roster has had a chance to grow from a group of youngsters trying to get their country noticed on a world stage to a group of wily vets looking to stave off embarrassment once again. This year I believe that they will succeed and advance out of the group stage by surprising several other nations.

[Image: 1161116581909246052.gif][Image: cobb.png?ex=663d5bb2&is=663c0a32&hm=7637...ae0e53216&][Image: 1161116581909246052.gif]
Thank you @Ragnar  for the Sig!
Previously: Patrick Shepherd (S52 - S64)

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