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S62 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 12-27-2021, 01:28 AM by hotdog.)

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6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words. a. What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
Definitely place more value on a FHM cup win over an STHS cup win - roster assembly and player builds and coaching strategy meant nothing in STHS, it was all completely random and there's no skill involved at all. I know people are salty at FHM stuff these days, specifically because there's not enough randomness, but that owes to strategy and skill and TPE so yeah an FHM cup win definitely means more.

9 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 16

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno Norway
(This post was last modified: 12-27-2021, 02:43 AM by goldenglutes.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Victor Helstrom

2. Written, 3 TPE, GM stands for Great Man (150 words min.)
There have been some good and some bad GMs in SHL history. (Mostly bad) Pick a GM you think was outstanding and explain why you think they were one of the better GMs in SHL history. Point to trades/signings/trophy wins/locker rooms to support your claim.

i think @hotdog was an outstanding general manager in that i think he was outstandingly bad at being a general manager when he was the co general manager of the new england wolfpack of new england like remember back in the day when the whole team just asked out of the team lmao what kind of co general manager would allow that to happen what a joke am i right anyway i think he was an outstandingly bad co general manager but now a days i think he is actually an outstandingly GOOD general manager in my opinion and he is doing a great job as the general manager of the atlanta inferno of the simulation hockey league because our locker room is realy good even if @efiug does pilk post every now and then. one of the best things he has done is bring in @micool132 who makes sure that we are not toxic in the locker room and that has been very good in my opinion.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Rules (150 words min.)
There have been a lot of rule changes in the SHL. Where do you think these changes have gone right, where do you think they have gone wrong? Would you ever want to go back to a previous way of doing things? Do you think the SHL is fine as is?

i did not like that fact that the current head office (or more commonly called HO but personally i think that name is kind of a bit weird in my opinion, anyone else feel the same way? we just going around calling them HOs?) changed the jack crasher rule that has been around for basically forever now like i do not really like the fact that they changed the name of the rule like why did they have to remove the name of the rule like everyone knew what the jack crasher rule was because it has a name and that was what made it special now new people are not going to really remember the rule anymore because it does not have a cool name i think the current head office really dropped the ball on this one and they should reinstate the name in my opinion at least, others are free to disagree if they feel strongly about it or even if they only feel weakly about it too because everyone is entitled to an opinion.

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
c. Hamilton has a population of roughly 5 people. Where would you relocate the franchise?

i would personally relocate this franchise to toronto so that we can have two toronto teams like would that not be cool to anyone else or would it just be cool to me like as in i would be the only one who would find it cool? because it would be pretty cool in my opinion

d. Who is the best player to NOT make the final in the past 2 years?

the best player to not make the final in the past two years would definitely be angus @micool132 mcpipe like what a beast of a player an absolute unit of a player who is the best player to ever grace the simulation hockey league but unfortunately his co general manager is not very good at this and so the team has not made the finals

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


21. Written, 2 TPE, No take backs 100 words min
HO didn't feel like making a job posting for PT Director so they just put you in charge of picking the new one. So elect a new PT director, tag them, and explain why you think they'd be a great fit for the job. Or just someone you want to torture.

personally i think @hotdog would be a great choice for the new director of point tasks also known as the pt director because personally in my opinion i think he is very very qualified for the position. and why is that do you ask? well let me just tell you all about it because hotdog is really the most qualified person for the job because he actually held the job for something like eight seasons! eight of them! eight full length seasons! is that not insane? personally i think there is no other candidate as qualified as hotdog and that is why he should take up the job once again in my opinion.

[Image: glutes2.gif]
Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
[Image: 9vAsr7c.png]
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] [Image: tdKmZA0.png]

(This post was last modified: 12-27-2021, 03:46 AM by DrunkenTeddy.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


4. Written, 3 TPE, Rules (150 words min.)
There have been a lot of rule changes in the SHL. Where do you think these changes have gone right, where do you think they have gone wrong? Would you ever want to go back to a previous way of doing things? Do you think the SHL is fine as is?
I do not feel that the shl is ever done changing, rule changes are inevitable, the focus should always be on making the league better for the majority of people here. I felt the regression changes recently were good for the league but my preference would have been to limit tpe opportunities more rather than shorten careers, if you can lower the tpe per season by 10 or so you solve the problem and would have less of an argument frim the league. That being said it does solve the problem, but the extra regression this off season kinda sucks for a lot of people. I would have preferred a slower implementation. Maybe if it started with less than the 9-10% for the first timers who haven't been regressed before and then over time increase it to what it is going to be at the end state. Change is going to keep coming but I hope we can keep making progress towards a good healthy league for all of us.

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
b. Be honest, would we have seen the same final 4 as last year (Chicago, Texas, Hamilton, Buffalo) had BUF/HAM and TEX/CHI not run into each other in the second round?
c. Hamilton has a population of roughly 5 people. Where would you relocate the franchise?
d. Who is the best player to NOT make the final in the past 2 years?

7. Graphic, 2 TPE, This one's for Seymour
Design a championship ring for either team. Yeah you can use the ring site. Here's a link to the ring site:

10. Podcast, 3 or 4 TPE
Record a mini-podcast on any of the below topics!
-How good are goldfish crackers holy shit

1 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 8 minutes or 4 TPE for 10 Minutes
2 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 10 Minutes or 4 TPE for 15 Minutes
Post the direct link to your podcast.

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Was it an exciting final, or predictable? Is one team the clear winner?

11b. Graphic, 3 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and you also like doing graphics instead of writing. That's cool, too! Create a Series Recap broadcast graphic - the contents can be whatever you want, but your graphic must list both teams and at least 3 stats for each.

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
hahahahahaha remember this task from last season? The one where everyone was like "nah we're good, tampa and BAP will be in the finals soon and you'll see that the old guard will make way for the new young teams". Now that we have the exact same fucking teams in the final again, let me ask, is parity an issue in the SHL? How do we combat this?
Parity is still an issue, there are a lot of things to unpack on this subject though and it's an ever moving target. The contract changes that happened a couple seasons ago are just starting to impact teams, and the regression changes should shorten competition windows, but more is needed. I think there are a few areas you could focus on. Encouraging player movement is an option but that can get messy, I have seen suggestions of tpe contracts over money ones and I don't think that would really solve it. You could change tpe contract tiers again, or another update scale change to get lower tpe players more in line with the upper ones. I know that's a massive one to bring up but bringing the top and bottom closer together would help a ton. There are some other options like moving to a new Sim engine, banning test simming, limiting coaching control, but those are big changes too.

14. Written, 3 TPE, Blow it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is on track to completely sell off all assets and begin a long rebuild? A few teams are already in the midst of this, but what teams are watching their window slowly close and need to get younger soon in order to start the climb back to the top?

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!

16. Graphic, 3 TPE, Onto the next
Design a season preview for your team/player next season. Highlight a stat you upgraded/will upgrade, or a player your team will call up from juniors. Make it snazzy.


17. Graphic, 3 TPE, Clairvoyant
You have been granted the gift of seeing the future, but only a single future cup winner. Relay us with this info in the form of a cup banner for the winning team. Make sure to include the season they won, you can make up some player names if it's far out in the future. Have fun with it! It could be your team if you want, with you as the star! We won't know if you're lying until SXX anyway.

18. Written, 3 TPE, Apocalypse Now 150 words min
In the not so distant future (s64), 4 Texas Hamilton finals in a row have seen most of the SHLers quit out of spite. Only a select few remain. Head Office reeeeaaally likes having 20 teams so they have now allowed every user to have 5 players to fill the void of everyone who left. Name your other 4 players that aren't your current player, select their positions, and decide their focus and path in the league. Postulate where they end up after the draft and how the players pan out.

19. Written, 3 TPE, Groundhog Day 150 words min
You log on to the SHL. Oh shit gotta do your Finals Predictions. Yay Hamilton Texas finals, love shl parity. Weird, the title says s61 finals predictions but its s62? But wait, all the PTs are labeled s61, we're on activity check #388, and no one is complaining about regression. You must have woken up back at the start of the S61 Finals! What do you do differently now that you know how the next season will play out. Change some of your casino bets? Predict some drama? Cheat at primetime?

20. Written, 3 TPE, Free Advertising 150 words min
If you're in another sim league and are using 4 of those CW tasks here, you can do this task to advertise that league in your CW. What league is it? Is it fun? How does it work? What are the pros/cons of that league, especially in comparison to the SHL?

21. Written, 2 TPE, No take backs 100 words min
HO didn't feel like making a job posting for PT Director so they just put you in charge of picking the new one. So elect a new PT director, tag them, and explain why you think they'd be a great fit for the job. Or just someone you want to torture.

[Image: DrunkenTeddy.gif]

[Image: Tqabyfh.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

2. Written, 3 TPE, GM stands for Great Man (150 words min.)
There have been some good and some bad GMs in SHL history. (Mostly bad) Pick a GM you think was outstanding and explain why you think they were one of the better GMs in SHL history. Point to trades/signings/trophy wins/locker rooms to support your claim.

I think there are a few reasonable options in this area, some who are still current, and some who have stepped down in the last few years. I think one iconic GM pairing is Tomen and WBF who have been basically a stalwart of the league in Buffalo for a while now and have done the job about as good as anyone I have seen. There have probably been some single better GMs in the league, but without an inside view on them, it would be hard to point them out myself. At least in this duo I can safely say they push the team in the right direction seemingly every season and have always held onto a strong site presence (even if I do not always agree with their methods). Some others you could easily look at currently are the groups in HAM and CHI, and of course recently departed GMs in Calgary and LAP had been pretty big figures. I think all GMs care a lot, but it isn’t always easy or obvious what to do in the role, nor it is easy to keep the energy up for the length few have managed in recent history. 199w

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Busts (150 words min.)
There are a lot of "could-have-been" draft picks in the SHL, but let's have some fun thinking about someone that busted hard. Write about their potential and where they were picked, and how that franchise could look *if* they had in fact panned out.

I think there are probably more than you could ever count really. It is just a fact of the league that every season a good chunk of the class will burn out either fully or partially. I think the one that hits home to closest is myself. Having had a couple of previous players, my first was able to have some good success winning a cup in Minny and playing a good amount of seasons even with middling TPE, boy the old days were good. My second player is by far the bigger disappointment to me and my team. I was picked early by MIN and wanted nothing more than to be a strong and important player for the team, but when real life kicked up it just wasn’t to be. Too much going on, and SHL lost the battle. Eero Niemi you will be missed, and what could have been an all star player taken high in a draft turned into a bust of player who only had a small few seasons in the league, which resulted in not many good performances. With where MIN are now, I always wonder what one more top tier player 15 or so seasons ago would have done to shake up things now.


4. Written, 3 TPE, Rules (150 words min.)
There have been a lot of rule changes in the SHL. Where do you think these changes have gone right, where do you think they have gone wrong? Would you ever want to go back to a previous way of doing things? Do you think the SHL is fine as is?
I think by far the biggest “gone wrong”s are all due to the change in engine. I don’t think the league has been quick enough at adjusting all the tools available to us in response to what the engine of FHM has been doing. I think we have always been moving in the right direction since then, but it should not have taken this long to identify that having large imbalances in team TPE would cause issues, nor that teams having very similar approaches to player building this early should not be viewed as a problem. Of all the issues I see around the league now one is that people tend to overreact to what are fairly minor issues and making the whole mood of the league worse over small beans, and second that the league does not do a good enough job of really crafting player identities. I know DEF was broken in STHS, and the builds will converge together eventually, but not having any real player identity in the site in the form of weaknesses, roles, etc. can make it very hard for people to really know what your or their player is all about. You can check ratings in the index, but beyond that there is really nothing to look at anywhere which is a bit of a travesty.


6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
b. Be honest, would we have seen the same final 4 as last year (Chicago, Texas, Hamilton, Buffalo) had BUF/HAM and TEX/CHI not run into each other in the second round?
c. Hamilton has a population of roughly 5 people. Where would you relocate the franchise?
d. Who is the best player to NOT make the final in the past 2 years?

a. I think a cup win the STHS era is probably worth more to me at this point mainly because of how repetitive the results have been in FHM. If you win in FHM as an underdog that would be truly a high value cup, but I have yet to see that happen or even really come close. it is almost impossible to see a team win a 7 game upset, let alone a cup. STHS being that little bit more random overall makes me feel like they mean a bit more on average.

b. Yes, but that is also part of why we made the playoff format have earlier divisional matchups in the first place. It is nice to have a little bit of variety in the playoffs as a whole even if some matchups end up more common in the micro scale. Having these early battles also helps make those rounds a bit less predictable and raise the stakes in the playoffs a little bit earlier which is always a nice little twist.

c. THANK YOU. Hamilton having a team makes little to no sense. I could see them having an SMJHL team instead, and in fact I would probably be a huge fan of straight up swapping the Detroit Falcons and Hamilton Steelhawks between the two leagues. I think with the history of the real life team in Detroit, there is a very weird gap in the SHL that we skipped them. We have New York, Toronto, Boston, Chicago, Montreal (now lol), but we are missing Detroit now... and maybe Ottawa one day. Vancouver not being in the SHL is also a very weird thing.

d. I think there are a ton of players who deserved a shot in the finals, pretty much every team has at least one. I will go with the Minnys own Cal Labovitch who has been single handedly putting in results near the top of the league for a few seasons now. Not only is he one of the top players in the league on his own, but he has been doing extremely well in the sim with less support than many who have been getting cracks at the final. I wish the engine would allow us to do more with less in terms of upsets, but with the way things are now it is very rough on top players as they are some of the hardest to move with their cap situation and they need so much support to do anything. I guess some would say that is realistic but with this supposed to be a more fun league, it is a tough one to navigate as a top player.


12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 Claim

+3+3+3++4+3 = 16/16
(This post was last modified: 12-28-2021, 03:11 AM by kentakira.)

1.CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each
correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below.
Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit.
Post your verification word in your CW post.

CW Trivia baby

7. Graphic, 2 TPE, This one's for Seymour

Design a championship ring for either team. Yeah you can use the ring
site. Here's a link to the ring site:
[Image: 4ooVV9R.png]

8. Graphic, 3 TPE, Comic Book

Create a comic book cover of your favorite SHL player in action. Title the comic and give an issue number.

[Image: M1iKLdV.png]

9. Graphic, 3 TPE, Nashville moment

Design a Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup Championship banner for one of the
teams in the finals, like those which appear on the side of the site.

[Image: iNMNxr0.png]

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and
then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the
person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks


17. Graphic, 3 TPE, Clairvoyant

You have been granted the gift of seeing the future, but only a single
future cup winner. Relay us with this info in the form of a cup banner
for the winning team. Make sure to include the season they won, you can
make up some player names if it's far out in the future. Have fun with
it! It could be your team if you want, with you as the star! We won't
know if you're lying until SXX anyway.

[Image: 2vCnFeS.png]

1. Trivia sent. Verification word: formx

12. Milestones Milestones 3
(This post was last modified: 12-28-2021, 11:53 PM by juke.)

Quote:1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification: juke

+3 TPE

Quote:2. Written, 3 TPE, GM stands for Great Man (150 words min.)

There have been some good and some bad GMs in SHL history. (Mostly bad) Pick a GM you think was outstanding and explain why you think they were one of the better GMs in SHL history. Point to trades/signings/trophy wins/locker rooms to support your claim.

I'm obviously biased, but I'm here to spread the good word of Nham as an underrated pick for one of the better GMs on the site after 6 seasons in charge so far. I know that GMing at the SHL level is a whole different beast than the SMJHL, but in a league that's more prone to having cyclical ups/downs and rebuilds, he's been able to consistently keep the Berserkers as one of the best teams in the league. Aside from the first season he took over, NL has never finished lower than 3rd in the regular season standings, and in S60 the team won the Laurifer trophy, and holds the all time wins and points record for the SMJHL. He's been nominated for the Harrak GM of the year award in 4 straight seasons, has won the last 3, and I would be shocked if he wasn't nominated again this offseason. But in the end cups are all that really matter, and he's been to 3 finals in a row - winning 2 of them - most recently with only 5 425 players on the roster. Of course, one can (and should) argue that he was carried by his coGM, but still he deserves some credit for this question.

+3 TPE

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Busts (150 words min.)

There are a lot of "could-have-been" draft picks in the SHL, but let's have some fun thinking about someone that busted hard. Write about their potential and where they were picked, and how that franchise could look *if* they had in fact panned out.

One of my biggest 'what if' players comes from my own draft class - defenseman Bradley Barkov. Barkov was like a mirror image player for me early in our careers: both defensemen, both from Finland, both offensively built, and we even found ourselves drafted around the same time - him with the slighter edge at 14 vs. 17 overall in the SMJHL draft, as well as 9 vs. 10 in the SHL draft. Similar to me, he was a max earner and through media he started to accumulate a good bank account too. All signs pointed to him being a slam dunk pick, and I thought our careers would be compared to each other over the course of many years, as well as 'grow up' together in the rebuilding Finland international team. But he ended up going IA before ever being called up to the SHL, despite finishing at 9th for defenseman points in the FHM era during his tenure. CGY found themselves with multiple top 5 finishes in the league after S55 (when he would've been called up), as well as many playoff runs, so who knows if he could've been the difference maker. Regardless, I enjoyed my brief time with him in the league, and he's definitely someone that I wish ended up staying for the long haul and playing together every IIHF.

+3 TPE

Quote:11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Was it an exciting final, or predictable? Is one team the clear winner?

Despite it being a rematch of last season's finals, the series itself actually was quite exciting. It went the full 7 games, and 2 of those games were finished in overtime, including a game where HAM came back two goals in the last minute, then won in the extra frame. It also saw the renegades having to win 2 games while facing elimination after HAM went up 3-2 in the series. The teams were quite evenly matched, with HAM having the slight possession edge with approximately 55 CF% during the series, but TEX made the most of their opportunities and outscored the steelhawks 24 to 18 over the 7 games. So in the end, despite it not being an exciting matchup for 90% of the league, the series itself was actually entertaining. 

+2 TPE 

Quote:12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Link to milestones

+3 TPE

Quote:15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)

Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!

Well let's just get the obvious out of the way first, by default CAN will likely find themselves among the top 2 of their group as usual, and will certainly be looking to avenge their finals loss last season. However, will they be the favorites? By TPE alone, team Sweden may get the edge, as this season they boast the number 1 team for both Forwards and Defenseman and thus the number 1 team in terms of skater TPE, with CAN trailing them at #2. I suspect USA - the 3rd ranked skater group - will safely make it out of groups, however it's been 5 seasons since they last played in a medal game, so can they break that bad luck streak? For my own team, Finland, we're optimistic after getting our first medal in literal years last season, and with the 4th ranked skater group I'm hopeful we can make another run. As for a bold prediction, I'll go with GB not making the finals. Bold because according to the index they've made the finals in all but 2 seasons in the FHM era, which is insanely impressive, and with the 2nd ranked forward group they definitely have the fire power to make it back again.

+2 TPE


[Image: smalinowski7.gif]
Sigs: Thanks JNH, Lime, Carpy, and ckroyal92 
(This post was last modified: 12-27-2021, 11:35 AM by artermis.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, 3 TPE, GM stands for Great Man (150 words min.)
There have been some good and some bad GMs in SHL history. (Mostly bad) Pick a GM you think was outstanding and explain why you think they were one of the better GMs in SHL history. Point to trades/signings/trophy wins/locker rooms to support your claim.

So I’m going through all-time trade trees right now thanks to Luke’s transaction database. I’m tallying the relevant stats for fantasy points, and then totalling those for the whole trade tree to see who came out on top in the end. I’m only six trades in, but there’s already two that feel like great blunders in trade-dealing.

The first trade in SHL history saw the 1st overall pick change hands in exchange for a 1st and 2nd rounder. Sounds pretty reasonable, right? Problem: no team has any players at this point, and the building block to any team is a goalie. Cezar, GM of Calgary and recipient of said first overall, then picks a franchise goaltender who plays for 14 seasons, while the picks he moved played one and two seasons respectively.

Leafs4ever may have been the one giving up first overall, but in the second trade he received Ron Mexico and a player who’d never play in exchange for two players (one who’d play 9 games and the other who’d play one season) and a 4th that was later traded in a trade not yet added to the tree. Mexico would go on to play 12 seasons for Winnipeg and join the hall of fame.

3. Written, 3 TPE, Draft Busts (150 words min.)
There are a lot of "could-have-been" draft picks in the SHL, but let's have some fun thinking about someone that busted hard. Write about their potential and where they were picked, and how that franchise could look *if* they had in fact panned ou

A strong defensive talent in one of the deepest draft classes in SHL history, Chris Fekete went 9th overall in the SMJHL draft to the Montreal Impact. An effective and efficient offensive defenceman, he was in the running for the Quilha Agante Trophy in his rookie season. Even with this success though, Fekete would become infamous. You see, not too many players, successful or otherwise, guarantee themselves to go first overall, especially early in their career. After this momentous declaration, Fekete must have lost steam, as he would drop off the face of the SHL as so many do, and was drafted 67th overall to Calgary.

He had some real competition in going first overall, but for fun let’s assume he does go to Manhattan at 1st and doesn’t bust. Fekete had already shown he had a leg up on his classmates, and could’ve gotten off to a great start as he was young. Compared to the other first round defencemen of his class, we could probably expect consistent 30-40 point seasons out of Fekete for 10-13 seasons. In fact, that’s just the career Chuck Goody had, the real first overall pick, however spending only four seasons in Manhattan. The early S20’s were strong years for Manhattan, with a cup win in S22 and a game seven conference final loss in S23, however not much afterwards. I don’t think we’d see a dynasty if Fekete were to replace Goody, but perhaps we’d see another cup? Who can say.

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

+3 TPE

15. Written, 2 TPE, The yearly IIHF task (100 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC if you care about that more. Will there be surprises? Will any players make their country proud? Who's gonna suck? Be bold!

Czechia’s best will always make us proud. Daniil Nikiforov, Aron Hernadivic, Luke Thomason, Michael Scarn, Simon Takshak, Mikkel Asmus Sondergard, Ambacas Cuddles, and Name Redacted. These are our heroes and they will fight for the nation. While we do not have Switzerland or Japan in our group and cannot win those small victories, everything is but a stepping stone on the path to our first gold.

UCORCAL’s run in the WJC was a rocky one on the other hand. Mostly Czechs, it seemed as if the team was on its back foot for much of the tournament. Petr underperforming at the World Juniors seems commonplace at the moment. I can only hope that this doesn’t translate to the IIHF.

18. Written, 3 TPE, Apocalypse Now 150 words min
In the not so distant future (s64), 4 Texas Hamilton finals in a row have seen most of the SHLers quit out of spite. Only a select few remain. Head Office reeeeaaally likes having 20 teams so they have now allowed every user to have 5 players to fill the void of everyone who left. Name your other 4 players that aren't your current player, select their positions, and decide their focus and path in the league. Postulate where they end up after the draft and how the players pan out.

In this 1984 future I have thought about writing for Czechia and what inspired me to make Petr Svoboda, there is only one option.

Now introducing the S64 starting lineup for Czechia:
At left wing, Petr Svoboda!
At far left wing, Petr Svoboda! (My current Petr)
At right wing, Petr Svoboda!
At slightly behind both wings and to the right, Petr Svoboda!
At rover, Petr Svoboda!

They are all made from the same genome as the first and current Petr, so what you have is five identical players on the ice at once, perfect humans all of them. There is one problem though: as a result of being copied, there is no specialization in this lineup. When on the ice together, all five will attempt to play winger, crowding the sides of the ice looking for breakout passes. None of them will be willing to take a faceoff or play defence. All of them have a shoot-first mentality, as such there will be times where all five will converge on the net expecting a pass only for none to come.

Their path is simple: never accept a deal that breaks up the unit, and the minute one of the Petr’s is moved to another line, assassinate the coach who thought they could get away with such a treasonous offense to the government of Czechia. They will go 1st through 5th overall, refusing anything less and all to the same team, of course. While the SHL may not be their focus, it provides adequate training for the real competition, and that is where they’ll shine. The IIHF will cower in fear at the offensive powerhouse frontlining the Czechs and they will win gold every year until the Petr’s retire (all at the same time, of course).

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
[Image: xuHy0EF.png]
[Image: Artermis.gif]
(This post was last modified: 12-27-2021, 03:38 PM by takethehorizon.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Victor Helstrom
Verification Word: Moisty

2. Written, 3 TPE, GM stands for Great Man (150 words min.)
There have been some good and some bad GMs in SHL history. (Mostly bad) Pick a GM you think was outstanding and explain why you think they were one of the better GMs in SHL history. Point to trades/signings/trophy wins/locker rooms to support your claim.

I haven't been around the league for very long but the job Puoli and RCD do for Texas over the past few seasons has been astounding. Everything from test sims, to making sure the locker room is active and members are excited to update to strategies FHM tactics. Texas has been a top dog for the past few seasons and that doesn't just happen by chance. Winning 2 Cups in the last 4 seasons is a feat to behold and one all of us in Texas are extremely proud of. To speak about free agent signings, Puoli managed to bring in Cillian Kavanagh, the Renegades starting goaltender since S57 from San Francisco who has been very helpful if I do say so myself in building this great franchise. Outside of that, good scouting and drafting has helped Texas become the powerhouse organization they are today. I know both of our GMs will continue to keep this up going forward as we now have a title to defend.
Word Count: 167

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
b. Be honest, would we have seen the same final 4 as last year (Chicago, Texas, Hamilton, Buffalo) had BUF/HAM and TEX/CHI not run into each other in the second round?
c. Hamilton has a population of roughly 5 people. Where would you relocate the franchise?
d. Who is the best player to NOT make the final in the past 2 years?

a. Winning a cup in the FHM vs. STHS era means no difference to me. Winning a Cup in this great league is difficult enough no matter what era it is in. I would maybe say it's harder to win now in the FHM only because there are now much more players than past seasons in the STHS resulting in more teams and more competition. This alone makes it more difficult. Word Count: 70

b. I think so. Last year, Hamilton proved to be the powerhouse of the league taking down Texas in the Finals in sweeping fashion. Hamilton was ready to do it again this year but Texas somehow pushed the series to 7 games and win. Buffalo and Chicago are also strong teams and could have easily came away with making it to the Finals in S61, especially because both series were so close. Word Count: 71

c. I haven't looked the US map of the league in sometime now, however I think a great place to relocate an SHL franchise would be Phoenix, Arizona. We don't have a big showing of teams in that area and Phoenix is listed as the 5th biggest city in the United States. Phoenix seems to be working out for the NHL so why not for the SHL. I think teams would have a fun time branding that team as well building off of the desert theme. Word Count: 85

d. So many players come to mind when thinking about what player is most deserving of a Final run. I'll take Adam Barron from the Toronto North Stars. He's been nominated for multiple prestigious defensemen awards over the past few seasons and seems to be hitting his stride with the North Stars. A player like this would be monumental in the Finals helping his team keeping the puck out of the net. Word Count: 71

11a. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Was it an exciting final, or predictable? Is one team the clear winner?

Yes, congratulations to both Finals teams on such an entertaining Challenge Cup Finals! As it ended up going to 7 games, I think both teams are more than deserving to bring the Cup home this season. As having the starting goaltender for the winning team, I happy Texas edged out Hamilton and winning the Finals. These 2 teams met last season and the Steelhawks edged out the Renegades in sweeping fashion, but this season Texas fought back. To answer the question, there was no clear winner as both teams fought hard til the end. Now, Texas has a title to defend and I wouldn't be surprised if both teams are near the top next season.
Word Count: 115

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

S62 Milestones - Claim 3 TPE

21. Written, 2 TPE, No take backs 100 words min
HO didn't feel like making a job posting for PT Director so they just put you in charge of picking the new one. So elect a new PT director, tag them, and explain why you think they'd be a great fit for the job. Or just someone you want to torture.

I nominate G2019 the newest SMJHL GM of the Detroit Falcons to be the new PT Director. This guy just keeps on taking more and more responsibility not just in the SHL but also in the ISFL as he is a GM over there as well. He was an outstanding scout/coach in Anaheim and I was taken back by just how dedicated he is to this league. He's super creative and i'm sure could think of some amazing prompts for PTs. G2019 could take on this job and a few more. Not sure where he gets the time or patience but he continues to excel in every role he has been in and i'm sure would be kick ass at this job too.
Word Count: 124

Total: 3 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 17
Claim: 16 TPE

 [Image: takethehorizon.gif]
[Image: IdMkYiH.png]

[Image: NIYtQkE.png] [Image: NjFSX1z.png]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification Word: Salt +3 TPE

12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Milestones Link
+2 TPE

13. Written, 3 TPE, Parody (150 words min.)
hahahahahaha remember this task from last season? The one where everyone was like "nah we're good, tampa and BAP will be in the finals soon and you'll see that the old guard will make way for the new young teams". Now that we have the exact same fucking teams in the final again, let me ask, is parity an issue in the SHL? How do we combat this?

I believe we are headed in the right direction in relation to parity in the SHL. I don't think you can compare a 2 season finals match-ups as much of a problem as some think. Top teams don't fall off sudden cliffs unless they make a grave mistake and they lose like 50% of their roster. They are going to be similar strength to the team that made the finals the season before so it shouldn't be surprising to see them back again. I think with some of the recent changes that HO has implemented, over the next few seasons we will start to see more parity emerge, especially in the post season. We are at least not in a time where there's 1 team that's 99% going to win the finals. Each team still has other good teams that they have to beat along the way to claim their spot at the top.
+3 TPE

14. Written, 3 TPE, Blow it up (150 words min.)
In your opinion, which team is on track to completely sell off all assets and begin a long rebuild? A few teams are already in the midst of this, but what teams are watching their window slowly close and need to get younger soon in order to start the climb back to the top?

As sad as it sounds, I think this might be the future for the Toronto North Stars. After a long period of mediocrity in the league they finished a rebuild into a powerhouse around the time of the FHM/STHS swap. This was a great thing to see and it was nice that ML's hard work was beginning to pay off. That being said, for as good as they got, they had fierce rivals in their division that made even making the playoffs a challenge and of the 4 Great Lakes power teams, they were the only one not to win a Challenge Cup. In the most recent seasons it definitely looks like the team has lost a step as they have a weaker division overall, but still are not challenging for the top. They finished middle of the road in the league and with recent GM struggles, it looks like they might be headed into a nosedive.
+3 TPE

21. Written, 2 TPE, No take backs 100 words min
HO didn't feel like making a job posting for PT Director so they just put you in charge of picking the new one. So elect a new PT director, tag them, and explain why you think they'd be a great fit for the job. Or just someone you want to torture.

I think the obvious choice for our new PT director would be to force Hotdog back into the role. They were a natural and I can't think of a single PT from their era that I did not enjoy doing. Along with this they have a great personality and from my sources I hear they make for a tasty meal when covered in ketchup and mustard. We will likely have to tie them down in a chair to force them to do the role again but sacrifices must be made if we want progress forward. They also likely wouldn't let their salt permeate into 90% of the CW tasks.
+2 TPE

6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
b. Be honest, would we have seen the same final 4 as last year (Chicago, Texas, Hamilton, Buffalo) had BUF/HAM and TEX/CHI not run into each other in the second round?
c. Hamilton has a population of roughly 5 people. Where would you relocate the franchise?
d. Who is the best player to NOT make the final in the past 2 years?

A. I do not think either era's cup win is significantly worth more in the long run honestly. Only time will tell for sure in this matter, but even if we were still in STHS, the top teams in the league would still be likely contenders for the finals just based on TPE levels alone.
B. It's hard to say if we would have seen the same final 4 if there were different divisional makeups in the SHL. While I will concede those are the most likely, there are a few teams that stand a shot at knocking one of the teams out in an earlier round.
C. Hamilton is already too close to Toronto for my liking anyways so if a franchise relocation would be placed in my lap I think there is only one sensible option for a destination. That would be Wood Buffalo, Alberta. To quote an expert on Reddit "Wood Buffalo is one of the fastest growing economic cities in the WORLD"
+3 TPE

16/16 TPE

[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

TASK 1 (+3)


TASK 3 (+3)

After winning the President’s Trophy in S50 the San Francisco Pride failed to qualify for the S51 playoffs and ended up winning the draft lottery for the 1st overall pick. With that pick they selected Simothy Drunkebird from the Colorado Raptors. Drunkebird would go on to score 35 points in 166 SHL games across three seasons, the first two of which were actually spent playing for Baltimore before returning to San Francisco for one season in a Pride uniform. SFP management was heavily criticized at the time of the pick, and continued to be ridiculed for the selection continuously, which perhaps contributed to Drunkebird’s decision to hang up his skates. Looking at the S52 draft reveals a plethora of star players that the Pride could have chosen instead, and given the fact that they won another President’s Trophy in S52 having a successful player from that 1st overall pick could have made a huge difference in the trajectory of the team. [161 words]

TASK 6 (+4)

a) Honestly, given the issues with STHS, and the clear inequality in FHM, neither seem to stand out as more significant. While I have my own gripes about what has become of league parity since the FHM, it’s hard to argue that the switch over was necessary. I remember really wanting to win the S52 Challenge Cup and reign as the final STHS champions, but alas I came up just short. [70 words]
b) All signs point to yes, but honestly you never know do you? These four teams seem to have figured out how to repeatedly find success in the simulation engine, and while it may seem really fucking boring to the rest of us, they deserve some credit. After all, without these four juggernauts we wouldn’t get to enjoy the same shit over and over again. [64 words]
c) No relocation would be my choice, because I feel like they’ve earned that right, but since that doesn’t seem to be the question, I’ll go with Houston. It’s still an H city, which is important for some reason, and there are way more people there. It’s also much less cold all year round. [53 words]
d) I’m going with Ethan Duncan. This is one dedicated user, and seeing him come up short is killing me a little inside. The whole Baltimore roster is a bunch of studs, so really I could pick any of them. They seem to be right on the cusp, and Duncan will be a key part of their eventual run to the Cup final. [62 words]

TASK 11a (+3)

Well here we are, another Challenge Cup down and Hamilton are once again the SHL Champions. Surely no one is all that surprised. Of course it’s impressive to win regularly, but at this point things are getting a little stale around the SHL. If your only ambition here is to win the Challenge Cup then you’re likely to end up disappointed anyway, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less frustrating to have so few teams enjoying in the simulation success. Whether that success is deserved by the few who experience it lately is irrelevant, because inevitably a league with so little parity will die sooner or later. Hopefully the joy of cracking the simulation hockey code will sustain these folks well into old age. [124 words]

TASK 12 (+3)

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Highlanders Specters Usa
(This post was last modified: 12-27-2021, 08:22 PM by CptGoosar.)

Prompt 1 - Gibson Victor Helstrom (3 TPE)

Prompt 2 - GM (176 words / 3 TPE)

For me the GM or GREAT MAN should really be Talls. He was and still is the first GM I ever had any contact with. He really has been a driving force in the SHL. It’s hard to say but or confirm in any way but without him being a great guy in the locker room who know if I’d still be part of the SHL or greater sim league community. He’s been building a great locker room in Anaheim over the past few seasons and hopefully this is only the start of that. I’m sure he really is a very very deserved person who should get the award of greatest GM l. As a member of this community in the Uk is surprising how quickly he respond to earlier message sent by self and other European members. He really is on at all time and ready to help with anything that you could imagine from advice to jokes and chatting about the weekly sports result. All in all he truly is a great great man! 

Prompt 6 (a / b / c / d) - (285 Words / 4 TPE)

a.)    The goal of any player when the join any junior hockey league is too win cup plane and simple. Everybody dreams of lifting that trophy and being part of the winning team. Stats are great and all and maybe that touch more memorable but I think most player would trade a league stat leader for a single championship victory without hesitation.

b.)   Let’s be honest it’s sport and who knows what could happen in any given game or series. I think it’s safe to say that’s Chi / Tex / Ham / Buf are probably the best four teams in the league. Statically is was very likely that given favourable match ups and seeding that those four teams would almost have certainly made the semi finals given the opportunity but as I said its sport and who knows.

c.)    If we are to relocate the Hamilton franchise to a location of higher population I would at the Banff deserve a franchise. A small town for sure but one that holds a lot of history though not with hockey. Banff has a high tourist attraction due to the winter skiing slopes and summer hiking or mountain biking. This would provide that extra push and cash into the community to really kick it into the next gear. 

d.)   This is a fairly easy answer here and it has to be Ryan Shepard of Chigago. Over the last two seasons he really has been a great player contributing 53 & 60 assists along with 29 & 33 goals. He’s just been a power house. I’ve no doubt that a title will come his way soon to really cap off a Hall of fame career as it stands. 

Prompt 11a - (101 words / 2 TPE)

It was far close final that’s last year 4 – 0 whitewash to Hamilton. This year Texas we’re able to get there revenge and take a very close and hard fought 4-3 victory in the finals. It was a great series with the score being 3-3 after six games with some close OT results going both ways. In the end Texas took the deciding game 4-2 to take the title and get their revenge over Hamilton. This gives them a second title in 4 years and solidify a then as one of the best run franchise in the SHL past or present.  

Prompt 12 - Milestones (3 TPE)
Stephan Gill - Centre 
5 achieved 

Prompt 15 - (101 Words / 3 TPE)

For me a junior I care a touch more about the WJC than the IIHF. Hopefully the British isles (my team) play well and hopefully push through the tournament a touch further and make a solid run into the playoffs. Personally I would my player to have a decent run scoring a few goals and racking up those assists. Last year was a good challenge. Overall I can see Canadian victory this year, they look a strong team on paper and ice. Hopefully the tournament will be a great showcase with lots of surprises and fun twist. Only time will tell. 


[Image: gill.png]

1 Verification: juiceisloose

2 Being a general manager in the SHL seems like it would be an awesome gig until you actually have to do it.  So, my props go out to all the GM who actually volunteered/applied for their jobs, good for them.  When I think of a good general manager, I think of Tig.  Yeah, I’m serious.  I know it’s a meme to say he tampers but honestly the dude has built some of the more impressive rosters in the league throughout his days in Detroit and Seattle.  His S52 and S53 in Detroit for the Falcons were some of the best seasons ever in the history of the SMJHL, and the STHS era.  It sucks he hasn’t been able to make waves in the SHL so far with Seattle, but honestly I like his strategy and I think he will win a cup with the boats before his tenure is over.  It’ll be cool to see a newer expansion team win one.

3 This question makes me take a good hard look at my player honestly.  I was selected 15th overall while being ranked around 30th in my class for TPE.  I had hit about one hundred percent of my point tasks and my trainings, but due to the time at which I made my player I was behind the curve.  After being drafted and called up one year early, I produced a mediocre rookie season.  I averaged a point every other game (mostly on the back of my teammates producing an incredible season around me) but I missed a couple very significant point tasks.  I know it is still far too early to determine if I will be a bust, I just know that the pressure is on to perform, especially being selected to one of the best dynasties in the league as of late.  I guess only time will tell if I can hang or not, or if I will turn into a choke artist.

4 Honestly, as a whole, I think the SHL is doing great.  I think my biggest gripe with a change this season is (you guessed it) the regression changes.  I know I just played my first season and regression is a ways away, but damn man all I wanted to do was to play my player into the ground.  I wanted to play this player so long that he regressed back down to 155 TPE and he died somewhere in the J on a minors team.  That was such a goal for ole Ty Murphy, and I wanted to carve out a hall of fame career in the big leagues while doing it.  I’m not saying it’s impossible to do now, but I do think that the Hall of Fame committee is going to have to change their standard accordingly for late career performances.  Maybe they have already taken all of this into account, but who knows man, I’m just a lowly user along for this sick ride.

6 A. Hard to answer this question considering all my success as a user on the site came during the STHS era, but I think I will say FHM.  I just want a cup before we change engines again, you know? I think it’ll happen for ole Ty Murphy, but that’s just because I am an optometrist. 
B. I have no idea really, but I guess I’ll say yes.  I was told by like four people from different teams that only a handful of teams were actually trying to compete this season, which kind of suggests to me that maybe this wasn’t the most competitive season for all the teams.  Will things change next season?  Who knows, it seems the draft this season is pretty weak so that sucks for those teams that tanked to get weak earners.
C. Kansas City, or somewhere in the southwest USA.  There are no teams in the desert states compared to other regions, so that would be cool.  Arizona can’t survive in the NHL but that’s no reason starve those citizens of beautiful SHL glamour.  But shiiiiit, why move Hamilton?  They win a cup every other year what more can they do?

Milestones, (+1TPE)

Total: 16 TPE

[Image: murphy2.png]
[Image: NI78UUy.png?width=400&height=267]
[Image: Skree.gif]

1 - CW Trivia 3 TPE

Verification word = bigsnow
Victor Helstrom

2 - Great Manly Man +3

When it comes to naming the most outstanding GM in the league, there need not be a further search than Carolina Kraken GM sve7en. This man swings and swindles on a whole new level that the entire locker room is unable to contain. Every week, we demand more of his face, more content on the OnlyWins. He is the winningest #selfie channel poster in the Kraken Discord channel, the most selfies per 60 in the league, and the most skin per pixel shown on an SHL discussion podcast. He cannot be stopped. His biggest move is his very smooth slide into your DMs, however other notable moves include seducing the All-American free agent rookie Lenny Hawk away from other SHL sharks smelling fresh blood in the water, however no one knows the waters better than a Kraken. He’s done some other stuff like win some cups and make some trades for some unreal players like Viktor Zukal and Marco Barengrub, but that’s not what we’re here for, not really.

3 - Draft Busts +3

The biggest draft bust is not in the past, but is yet to be burst. Lenny Hawk was drafted at a far too high #30 in last season's draft by the Philadelphia Forge. On paper, Lenny is an All-American hero, having served in the United States Coast Guard for 5.1 years and maintaining a military discipline and lifestyle that would make even the most mustached of drill sergeants leak a tear or two down their frown lined faces. However, it’s hard to believe that a player wearing an eye patch will be able to visualize the game of hockey better than literally any other human being. Regardless of the fact that Lenny has been bred through multiple generations of… partner choices that has given him the sight of a Hawk in his perfect 10/10 visioned eyeball, it’s a risk that cannot be ignored and can only be watched with the most negative of assumptions.

11a - Procrastinator Special +2

Welp, I sure did wait until the last day and that’s pretty not smart. The finals were fairly exciting and it was great to see a bunch of stupid boats get sunk exactly like I predicted they would, regardless of whether it was us or Newfoundland who did it. The real excitement comes from not the sweep, but from the fact that the Berserkers won at all. You see, the Carolina Kraken lost to Newfoundland, but they ended up winning the cup. The Kraken also had a positive record against Anchorage through the regular season, so the math results in the Kraken actually being second place and if the sim wasn’t so rigged we’d be the winners. Once our investigation is completed the rightful deep sea elder gods will be crowned appropriately.

12 - Milestones +3


15 - IIHF Predictions +2

As always, the hottest event in hockey is the World Junior Championship. Nothing matters more than watching a bunch of young guns duke it out. Unless you’re watching the actual Young Guns team, then you’re just there to watch a bunch of hopes and dreams be obliterated as the SMJHL’s finest smear the orangest of pylons. I predict that the greatest country, AMERICA, will win it all. With new blood Lenny Hawk proudly representing his country, they will be unstoppable. I predict that Canada will fall early, in a disappointing fashion. It’s time for the old guard to be stripped of their power and for us to feast on what is rightfully ours - championship GOLD.

Quote:1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Victor Helstrom

Quote:2. Written, 3 TPE, GM stands for Great Man (150 words min.)
There have been some good and some bad GMs in SHL history. (Mostly bad) Pick a GM you think was outstanding and explain why you think they were one of the better GMs in SHL history. Point to trades/signings/trophy wins/locker rooms to support your claim.

I think the best GM in the SHL is yours truly. I know this because I am a time traveler and can predict the future. Well, its not prediction, its more like reading from this notebook I have. In S63, I trade Strom Chamberlain, Ambacas Cuddles, Michael Fitted, and Zoltan Topalo for the 1st overall in the S64 draft, which I use to draft Robert Bergen who becomes the first player in SHL history to score 2 goals per game in the playoffs of S65, leading us to a sure victory. In order to get these goals. In all seriousness, I think MCP deserves a big shout out for architecting the current Barracuda roster. His trade finnesse gave us the picks and his drafting and leadership helped us with the first half of the rebuild before he retired. After that I think Dwight and Trella deserve a nod not only for carrying the torch, but for making the right moves later in the game to acquire big talent like Stromboli and Liljestrom

Quote:12. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Quote:6. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. What is worth more to you, a cup win in the FHM era or the STHS era?
b. Be honest, would we have seen the same final 4 as last year (Chicago, Texas, Hamilton, Buffalo) had BUF/HAM and TEX/CHI not run into each other in the second round?
c. Hamilton has a population of roughly 5 people. Where would you relocate the franchise?
d. Who is the best player to NOT make the final in the past 2 years?
a. A cup win is definitely worth more in the FHM era, unless you're on one of 4 teams. Randomness is way down and parity is also way down. It takes a lot more combined know-how and build quality to get a cup in this era, whereas in the STHS era things can be way more chaotic. (56 words)
b. It's hard to gauge for me. I don't know that Chicago is an automatic win over LAP or if buffalo is an automatic win over BAP. Both Buffalo and BAP have gotten more close in TPE this season, but the true power of BAP remains to be seen as they have yet to topple buffalo or hamilton. (57 words)
c. The next city deserving of a hockey team is Mexico City. Too long have we treated our southern neighbors with such contempt as to not allow them into our little club of commerce. A virtual hockey team is just what we need to help repair the divide. I propose the Mexico City Eagles. Eagles are a powerful animal in aztec culture, and eagle warriors are indeed a symbol of their military prowess back in the day. Rather than get into the whole "using people as a mascot" it makes more sense to just use eagles. Mexico city sits atop ancient aztec ruins as well so the connection is strong. (109 words)
d. Bobby Lane has to be one of the better players to have missed the finals pretty consistently. I don't recall TOR being in the finals, but I could be wrong. At any rate, Bobby Lane is a crazy high earner, well above his S51 counterpart Mitchell van der Heijden and his S49 counterpart Elijah Jones. In fact, being 19th in the league as a S50, standing above so many S53s and S54s is quite an accomplishment. (76 words)

Quote:19. Written, 3 TPE, Groundhog Day 150 words min
You log on to the SHL. Oh shit gotta do your Finals Predictions. Yay Hamilton Texas finals, love shl parity. Weird, the title says s61 finals predictions but its s62? But wait, all the PTs are labeled s61, we're on activity check #388, and no one is complaining about regression. You must have woken up back at the start of the S61 Finals! What do you do differently now that you know how the next season will play out. Change some of your casino bets? Predict some drama? Cheat at primetime?

If I were back in S61, I would probably run a few more tests on Tampa Bay to get a better record out of us in the first half of the season. I did a fair bit of testing midway through and found we could improve significantly with a few tactics changes. Next, I would make sure not to miss a few of the PTs that I did miss (and the trainings I missed as well). Lastly, I would try my best to remember the draft order to get top marks in the mocks so I could be the best player ever. i was 1 or 2 TPE short of a breakpoint in the playoff update, so that couldve helped tremendously. Lastly, I would definitely make sure everyone was on the same page about the impending regression changes and sabotage the HOs' computers so they couldnt implement the version where we move regression up a season for no reason. (159 words)

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
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