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S63 PT #1: Tie the Knot

Prompt 2

Honestly in my opinion, having a 1 goal lead with the minutes winding down is absolutely the most stressful thing ever. I think it’s because you know you have the lead and as long as you just hold on, you win the game. However, FHM always has different plans when it comes the sims, and it seems like more than not we always blow leads like this. The worst part of the streams is the 10 million highlights that happen in the final 2 minutes, with you holding onto a 2-1 lead, and every time the highlights pass with a “shoots…” or “tips the puck…” or anything like that, my heart jumps as I see us barely making it out and grinding to chip the puck out to center. But immediately after that, the puck makes it back into our defensive zone and we get scored on as the clock has like 5 seconds left.

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Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!

Raptors Argonauts 
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I think each situation could be equally as stressful, however when evaluating them from a neutral standpoint, I would say this is how they feel:

Tie game: A tie game is tough, one bounce can change the outcome of the game. However, this also means that your team has a chance to take the lead if things go the right way. While it can be stressful, it’s sort of a 50/50 stress, so I don’t think I would say it’s the most stressful (this kind of changes if you’re in OT and there’s a lot on the line, but we’ll ignore that for this exercise).

Up by 1: Being up by one is always nice, and some might say it’s not too stressful, because you have the lead. And even conceding a goal, you’d still be tied. At the end of the day, you’re always better off holding the lead than chasing it.

Down by 1: I think this is probably the most stressful of the 3. Simply because you’re always chasing the game, you’re trying harder than usual to make something happen and the more the game goes on you know you have less and less time to try and level it up. Especially if this is a big game, being down is always tough.

Based on the 3 scenarios, I’d have to say chasing the lead is probably the most stressful.

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I think anyone that has been around @CementHands and me know that we are very close. So It would only seem fitting that the two of us would be the ideal people to be married. There is no doubt in my mind that this would be a fantastic idea seeing as we are division rivals! A better love story has not been written since Romeo and Juliet and we all know how great that ended. Our ceremony would likely have to be done in secret so that our rival teams would not have to sit across from one another in the church. There would of course be Orange and Blue suits respectfully for Krash and Kale at this ceremony  just see no other option in that. It would likely be best if we flew to San Francisco to have the wedding as our good friend @Toast Jack Klompus could be the officiant then. It would also allow us to see my good friends from the Pride that have always been there for me! Of course @SewingWithNancy is just down the road and I would hope that he would come down and bartend as he the best there is when it comes to fine drinks! Overall I think it would be a great time and I obviously joke as all of the Forge and Platoon players would be invited as long as they were on their best behavior!

[Image: CaleSalad.gif]
[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 
(This post was last modified: 01-17-2022, 02:05 PM by Kyamprac.)

Prompt 2:

Honestly all three of these scenarios put me on the edge of my seat if something important is at stake, like good playoff position or a championship or something like that. If I had to pick one that made me the least tense it would probably be a game where the team is leading by one. It definitely feels better than being one down or tied, but still never completely comfortable because that gap can close so easily. You can still blow a 2+ goal lead pretty easily like my Oilers, but that extra goal cushion still feels a bit better than just having the one up.

A tie game can be tense, but it's still not really that bad because both teams are on the same level and it's as though the game just started again. Unless it's overtime. Then it can be super tense because of the whole sudden death aspect.

A game where the team is down by one is obviously also tense, especially towards the end of the third period when it's do or die and it could lead into overtime, which leads into more tension. But there's also something to be said about the hope a one goal lead gives you I guess.

(208 words)

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

Tie games are the neutral factor in every game. Every game starts 0-0. When anyone wants a mental reset, they say picture the score as 0-0. It is just net neutral. Being up by 1 increases the pressure on you to keep them from tying the game up, but you have a sense of relief, that if the worst come to worst, you are tied again. Not losing. Being down 0-1 in a crucial game, say the gold medal game of the WJC, that brings the stress and tension out. You are on the edge of your seat, hoping, praying, for someone to grace you with that tying goal. Giving you momentum to carry into maybe a win? Maybe overtime? Being down in any game is a lot more stressful than being up or tied in general. You now know the pressure is all on YOUR team to preform and not the other way around. 

For #2,

I think the intensity of the situation is depending on many factors, when youre playing and being 1 down and being constantly pushed to your limit in order to defend your lead, might be the most intense for player in that situation, where as a spectator it only depends on which team youre rooting for, if youre rooting for the leading team then you might get more intensity from them being on the defending end rather than the offensive end, and on the other end if youre rooting for the team that is down by 1 and is constantly pushing to get a goal, youre probably having most intense moments there. From a GM's perspective it does not really matter, it is going to be intense no matter what. Whether youre down by 1 or up by 1, nonetheless its still intense as hell. For me personally, watching my countrys IIHF games from the TV when they are on the lead and especially playing against the big countries (USA, Canada, Sweden, Russia) they are all intense games no matter what - so spectator is the most intense from my POV.

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Personally, I don't find a game where a team is leading by 1 goal to be as tense as one that's tied or being down one goal. There's an obvious desperation to being down a goal that makes teams pull out all of the stops while the other team generally relies on what's been working in a given game, especially in series-clinching games (even moreso in game 7!). When you're tied, you're fighting to avoid the Golden Goal or Shootout scenario, where the pressure in my opinion shifts more and more onto the goalie and less so in terms of the agency of the free skaters - I'm unsure if these situations are equally or more tense, it's more the aforementioned sense of agency for certain players that does. I'd also say ties in general are a bit less tense for a team than being down 1 goal in a crucial game just by the notion of thinking "we're going to lose if I can't do something great in the next few minutes."

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Thanks @Amidships!

ISFL affiliate pt

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[Image: Darby-Reznor-MET-sig.jpg]

I mean, not to brag, but I did this already (is this PT my fault? I'm sorry you guys). Gunnar Söderberg and Jean-Uhtred Ragnarson-Tremblay were married in a beautiful ceremony that was about 10% ceremony and 90% drinking and jackbox games, but don't let that detract from the tabloid narrative. It took weeks of planning (read: Gunnar and JURT trying to remind each other to get stuff done and both of them repeatedly forgetting) and careful thought to put the event together. In the end, they decided to get married on a golf course that straddles the border between Finland and Sweden, then went to a hotel just over the Swedish border to have the party with all of their friends. Gunnar's agent and their mutual friend Johnny Hamilton officiated. Gunnar's best man was his Very Best Friend Corey Kennedy, and JURT's was his brother RART. All of Gunnar's family were in attendance, including his six sisters and all of their extended family, as well as many of Gunnar and Jean-Uhtred's friends from their careers in the SHL. It was a delightful way to send Gunnar off into retirement after his final season in the SHL, too.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

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. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

Prompt 2

I think both scenarios can be very tense; when your team is leading by one or is down by one at the end of the third period in a regular season game. If your team is leading by one it's especially exhausting to watch as a goalie because if you let in a goal that means the game is tied and you could've prevented that. If your team is down by one all you can do is make sure the other team doesn't score again because if you're near the end of the third period and you're down by two - things don't look great. Obviously it's not really up to you because it's a sim, but it's still exciting to watch. More exciting than a game where one team is up 5-0 and is totally killing the other team. During a playoff game I'd say a tie is more exciting, especially when it's a game that went to OT. I don't think anything gets more exciting than winning a playoff game in OT. Hypothetically speaking, since I've never experienced that myself with my team.

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

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We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Evgeni Petrov and Tommy Tightpants. Having known each other from their days in Newfoundland, that spark between the two of them was always there, but alas they could not try it because they were teammates. Now, apart from the bonds of teammate-dom, they are allowed to be wed. Invited will be the members of the locker room in which they both met each other, Newfoundland. People like Ham, Juke, Ty and the Beeg Yosh himself will all be in attendance at the wedding. The wedding itself will go quite well. The traditional bride and groom dance to "The Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats will be a rip roaring success and everyone in the room will be enthralled. Except Puddles O'Duck. Puddles feels betrayed by Evgeni for falling in love with another player and mid dance decides to try and tackle Tightpants to ruin everything. At the last possible moment, Angus McFife steps up and checks Puddles into the wall, nodding once at Evgeni before returning to his 87 pounds of shrimp cocktail.

(185 words)

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A game where you are leading by 1 would have to be the most tense in my opinion. When you're up 1 you can start to get complacent and possibly make a mistake or slip up and allow the other team to have a chance at clawing back into the game. When the game is tied, it's not as stressful because you know the game could easily go either way, and you're more alert and trying hard to push for the win rather than just hold your lead as you would when youre up by 1. Being down by 1 would probably have to be the least amount of pressure in my opinion because if you slip up and they score, its more of an "oh well" than a feeling of "we had the win but we let it slip." In a game where you're down by one the only way to go is up, losing by 1 or losing by 5 is still a loss nonetheless.

167 words

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Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
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Prompt 1
Usually what happens in the locker room stays in the locker room, especially with all the crazy stuff that happens in Newfoundland. No way this one wasn't going to get out for the rest of the SHL to hear, with all the tension between these two players since they joined this team their engagement didn't come as much of a surprise. Congratulations to  Valters Denisova and Rand al'Thor on finally confessing your love. They already spent every waking hour bickering like a married couple, and with the recent addition of Rand teaching Valters how to plat dark souls, everyone knew that the back and forth would eventually result in a relationship. All of newfoundland will be in attendance at the rented out Mary Brown's Centre (with the home team discount of course) and other than a short argument at the reception, everything went beautifully. At some point during the ceremony, Toast and the MET posse did crash the wedding but ended up getting drunk and joining the party anyways.

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