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S63 PT #2: Dress to in Press

PT Pass

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PT Pass

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

Task 2

Reporter: Hi William! Long time no see. Tell us about your season so far.

Salming: Nice to meet you again. Well, as a team we have started better than ever before. After 20 games, record 12-6-2 is great and we lead our division. We have recently added mr. Slate and mr. Cleary to our squad to push far in the playoffs. Individually, I have also played better than before because I have 15 points (4+11) after 20 games. I got promotion to second line this season alongside mr. Söderberg-Tremblay. Sutherland was another winger before recent additions and after that mr. Podcalzone came to our line. I had my first-ever five point night also against Edmonton in a 8-3 win (2+3). 

Reporter: Cool. Any thought about rest of season?

Salming: Yeah, we try to keep TOP2 spot in the division. I will continue to contribute probably from second line and then also play on second PP unit and first PK unit with mr. JUST. We try enjoy every game because game day is always a holiday.

[Image: salming.png]

Prompt 2
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Special thanks to Carpy48, Ragnar, Merica, High Stick King, Sulovilen, sothfacekilla, enigmatic and LeSizz for the signatures!


So, Evert. I'm Joe Mama and I'm a sports reporter for Detroit Today. Is it okay If I ask a few questions?

Sure, go ahead.

All right so you got your first shutout in the J league. How did it feel like?

It was a really special moment. Getting that shutout made me get back a lot of the confidence I lost last season when we only won 5 games.

I understand last season was very stressful and I can imagine it made you question your career coming in as a rookie that season. What do you do during a season like that?

Well, you need to keep on working on the details of the game and not throw in the towel mid-season. Sure we lost a lot of games but that can't make you loose focus of what you are doing that just leads to a downwards spiral of negativity. So I stayed positive during the whole season which also earned me the A on the shirt.

Alright, that's all the time we have. Good luck Evert!

ISFL Affiliate


Interview Interviewer: ''Hi Aumy Jr. How are you feeling about not so good start of the season for Dragons?''
Aumy Jr.: ''Well. It is what it is. We struggled in the beginning of the season last season too, so I'm sure we will get better.''

Interview Interviewer: ''What might be the problem at this moment?''
Aumy Jr.: ''Hard to say. I think it might be the chemistry. We had some new players in the off-season and some of our players left too. Changes isn't easy and we all know that. We just need some time to figure things out.''

Interview Interviewer: ''Do you still think that Dragons can fight for a cup?''
Aumy Jr.: ''Absolutely! We have enough power in our roster to make it happen. We just have to figure out what's wrong at this moment. Lines, strategies or anything else. We will fix it and make things happen.''

Interview Interviewer: ''Have you ever thought about playing for a different team after joining Dragons?''
Aumy Jr.: ''Actually, no. I haven't. Well, I had thoughts of ''What if?'', but I don't want to play anywhere else. It's like a home for me here.''

Interview Interviewer: ''And last, but not least... Which game of last season was your favourite? And why?''
Aumy Jr.: ''Ohh... Haha. Interesting question. I don't remember which game it was exactly, but it was the middle of the season when I had my second career hat-trick. I think it was against Los Angeles Panthers, but I don't want to lie. I really don't remember the exact date and team, but yes.''

259 words

Stars Stars Stars


Danny adjusted the fake moustache for the fifth time since the PR rep had stuck it to his upper lip in the makeup trailer. He vaguely registers how his scalp itches under the wig that doesn't quite fit on his head. With one more adjustment to his tie and ill-fitting suit jacket (seriously, where did they buy this thing?!), he stepped into the press room and took a seat near the back of the room. No one paid him much mind, but the reporter from the Toronto Sun made eye contact and giggled.

After but a few moments, they ushered out Ryosuke Sato for the Captain's press conference. Toronto's been on a relative hot streak and it's garnering quite a bit of attention. Most of the press questions are typical and serious; "How has the culture shifted?" "Will there be changes moving forward?" "Speculation on --- rumors about ---?" Sato's press training has him giving the normal, tasteful answers.

"We'll take one more," the rep says all too quickly. It's Danny's time to shine.

"Mr. Sato, what are your thoughts on the emote and meme game in the Toronto Group Chat?"

"What," he grunts, caught off guard.

"Who has the best emotes and memes in the North Stars locker room chat?"

At this point, Ryosuke is straining to see the back of the room. When he spots Danny, he breaks into a grin.

"Better question is, who hooked you up with that get-up, Dan?" he counters good-naturedly. Danny is all too quick at that point to take the wig off as the gathered press turns with their cameras and recorders. There are a few scattered chuckles.

"To answer the question, it's Carpy."

"It's always Carpy," Danny agreed. There's going to be a picture of Danny with a fake black mustache, baggy and wrinkled puce sport jacket, and a matching tie over his North Stars workout gear floating around the Internet for the rest of time.

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!



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prompt one

it is my (mitchell van der heijden, center of the simulation hockey league's hamilton steelhawks) task to sneak into the press conference of fellow hamilton steelhawks center ty murphy, who's one of the youngest players on our team. thanks to that fact i know i can mess with him pretty easily, and that's exactly what i came to this press conference to do: make the quasi rookie break and laugh his fucking ass off. legitimately, all it took was one question. how? i do not know. but i can give you the question. i came in as hamilton news press daily reporter cameron mcvictor dangelheim (a name which already had ty on the borderline of laughing because it is just a very ridiculous alias). i think asked him the question. "hello ty. can you give credence to the reports that you enjoy drinking urine?". he just started laughing. a lot. then i unveiled myself and he was like "mitchy, you know i don't partake in the piss drinking. nice try though."

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

Prompt 1:
I infiltrate the press conference to ask questions to @visceralpotamus.  I begin by asking what beaches he likes the most and why.  Then, I will ask why he hates Canada's beaches so much because we all know his favorite beaches are not in Canada.  Next, I will follow it up by asking what size jersey he wears to cover his shell.  Then, drop a little "wow, not even the goalie's jersey is that big" comment.  I will follow it up by asking what he hates about killer whales, sharks, and dragons, the turtle's few predators.  If he doesn't give a good answer I will drop a little comment about his "love for dragons".  Finally, going forward for the rest of the press conference, I will sigh loudly to all of his answers and say under my breath "this guy".  Once the press conference finishes up, I will go up to the podium, move him out of the way sit down and tell everyone that we can finally start the real press conference.  But, not before a big hug and some laughs with Pasta before moving him along.

Japan Outlaws Blizzard  Blizzard Outlaws Japan

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Prompt 2.

Randolph Reporter:
Interview “Hello fans! I am back! And I am here to get you an exclusive interview with Harry Carpet, you know, Toronto’s star goalie who usually never gives interviews. I’m right here in front of his hotel room and I’m just going to knock and see if he opens.”

Harry Carpet (opens door):
Eyebrow “What the…?”

RR (pushes into the room):
"Hey Harry, do you remember me? It's your friend Randy. You probably forgot I existed. It's been so long."

"Uh...right. My 'friend' Randy. I thought they had finally locked you up for good back then, after breaking into my hotel room, not once but twice, and-"

"Well, ... anyway, I'm back to ask you some questions. Last time we talked you were still playing in the SMJHL with Lethbridge and look at you now, already a superstar in the SHL. I heard you just made the SHL all-star team again and won your second McBride trophy. You even managed to get gold with Finland as their fed head. How much else did I miss? Can you sum it up for me?"

"Anyone here who can get me away from this weirdo? Lock him up again?"

"Oh no no no! Don't call the police again! I'm sure our readers want to know what's happened. We have so much to talk about. Let's start with your first season in Toronto."

"Listen Randolph, if that's even your real name, you are a random journalist-turned-stalker, I don't even know why I'm still talking to you. This is not an interview, I don't give interviews! GO AWAY!"

"But, but... we had such nice chats when you were younger. Oh. Oh, wait. They are coming. I- sorry, gotta go. See you maybe next time?"

(Backstory are some really old media articles from 2019 with RR and HC)

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @"Capt_Blitzkrieg", @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
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Prompt # 2

Written Task:  Play out an interview with your player and the press. You can switch between bold/italics and regular text to differentiate between the two parties involved. Ask any questions you think are relevant, it could be about a certain game, season, cup win, whatever you choose. Include your player's answers to the questions (150+ words).

A short interview with Gale Force and Rinky McDangle

Gale:  Hey Rinky.  How's it going ?  I see you finally got a goal.

Rinky:  Ya, it seemed a long time coming, but you knew that eventually something would go in whether it be off my stick or my ass, they all count.  I have to say that it is a bit of a relief.  Now I can get on with improving and trying to help the Monarchs get a few more W's.

Gale:  What are your thoughts about moving to Minnesota and the SHL ?

Rinky:  Firstly, I must thank the Minnesota management for giving me the opportunity of playing here.  When I first set a skate on the ice, the first thing I noticed was how fast the game moved.  A huge difference from the SMJHL.  I produced a lot of points in Junior, but I fear that will not be the case here.

Gale:  The Monarchs are seemingly mired in the middle of the pack.  Any thoughts about that ?

Well, Gale.  I was made aware of how the team was likely to perform before I became contractually obliged to then.  This is a team in the process of a rebuild and i am happy to be a part of it.  Each and every one of us still has to go out there and give our best shot every night.

Gale:  Thanks for the few words, Rinky.  We will catch up again soon !

Rinky:  For sure, Gale.  Thanks for having me on your show.

[Image: Rinky-sig.jpg]

Prompt # 2

An quick interview with Gudmundur Kristjansson:

Reporter: Good Morning Kristjansson, how are things going for you?
GK: Going well I suppose, happy to be where I am at in my career.
Reporter: What made you decide to hit free agency, and leave the Wolfpack?
GK: It was a tough decision that I had been thinking on for years, and when the time came it felt like it was time for me to part ways with the team. I am still in love with the city of Boston and its fans but it was my time to see what else was out there for me.
Reporter: How do you feel about your season thus far?
GK: I have been very happy with my game, and find myself meshing well with the guys over in Chicago, we have a really great thing going for us, and that chemistry has assisted me with really feeling myself, and as you can see hitting my point per game stride.

No further questions (168 words

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Prompt 2

Hey, Cillian - thanks for having the time to sit down with us and discuss the offseason and who you and Texas is preparing heading into this season coming off a championship year

Of course, no problem.

The Texas Renegades have won another Championship trophy, that's your second in 4 seasons. Looking back on your Cup win, what do you remember most and where do you think your success last season came from?

Yeah you know, this was a tough one. Edging out Hamilton hasn't been easy these past few seasons so to go down in the series and eventually win in 7 like we did I think really says a lot about our character and the guys I share the ice with. We knew it was going to be a tough year with so many good teams out there but we knew if we kept playing our game every night we'll be alright. Fortunately, it turned out and we're excited to defend our championship this year.

You spoke about character and the guys you share the ice with, how are you feeling in Texas -- is this a place you would want to play the rest of your career?

Absolutely. It's a world class organization from ownership to the great coaching staff and the fans. They've done an incredible job here to assemble a championship caliber team such as this one and found ways to get it done on and off the ice. As long as I'm able to continue to play at a high level I want to call Texas my home.

Thanks Cillian, we appreciate your time and wish you the best of luck this season.


Word Count: 278

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