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S64 PT#0: Read the Room


I'm Dan and I'm your new PT director! Technically I have been for a couple of months now, but after a season of choosing primetimes and learning the ropes, I am finally allowed to write prompts. Lucky me! Lucky you! I'm a person that really enjoys writing, and as such I tend to lean towards fun and silly PTs rather than straight up and down "pucks in deep" hockey PTs. But that's just me! I want to hear from you and take a little temperature check on the league!

Written Task: Tell me what you enjoy from PTs and the PT department! (150 words minimum) What kind of prompts do you love? What do you want to see more of? Are PTs a chore that you won't find fun or engaging no matter what they are? I think getting a vibe from all of you will help me settle in and plot my course forward, so why not award a little TPE for it.

I also think you should thank Slash for his work over the last few seasons. I've now seen first hand how much work this position takes, and he did it excellently. Thank you Slash.


Written Task:
 Whoops! You made an enormous mistake late in the third and it cost you the game. Everyone looks furious and it seems like they don't want to talk about it, but for some reason you feel compelled to apologize. What was the mistake, and how do you make it up to your team? (150 words minimum)

Graphic Task: Depict your player trying to apologize to the locker room, and include a speech bubble so that we know what happened.

You will receive 3 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.


Affiliate claims from either PBE or ISFL or that WSLB thing are accepted; link directly to your post and note if your username is different there.

If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded. The graders reserve the right to determine malicious intent, after discussion with me. You will not be warned.

This task is for SHL players and send downs only, it is not for SMJHL rookies.

[Image: pin1_1.gif?ex=66ef0174&is=66edaff4&hm=69...e3ef77306&]
(This post was last modified: 03-13-2022, 06:22 PM by hockeyiscool.)

Wow, there are so many possibilities over the years of point tasks that I have really enjoyed. I would say my favorite point tasks have been player development tasks things that just make the player I am roleplaying that much more real, things like describing what got you into the sport, or if you were to have franchise hockey manager 6 attributes applied to a different aspect or sport what would the primary stats be (see photo below). Most of all I enjoyed the point tasks that could be turned into really low quality Microsoft paint graphics when those were accepted, I am uncertain if those are still allowed but man those were fun. I really enjoyed the season where slash put almost a story together for one of the point task options. At first I thought it was lame but once I realized the progression of what was going on and was committed to it, it became one of my favorite point task ideas, as it was really fresh. 

[Image: unknown.png]
[170 words]
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2022, 01:57 AM by JamesT.)

Written Task: Tell me what you enjoy from PTs and the PT department! (150 words minimum) What kind of prompts do you love? What do you want to see more of? Are PTs a chore that you won't find fun or engaging no matter what they are? I think getting a vibe from all of you will help me settle in and plot my course forward, so why not award a little TPE for it.

What I enjoy about PT's is getting to unleash my creative juices into the fictional world of the SHL. I have also enjoyed getting to chat with you Leviadan and helping get DT to make it so that PT threads can close at a specific date and time (because manually remembering having to lock a thread can be annoying). The hat trick PT's are intriguing to do as well, because it requires some league knowledge to determine what the best option will be (although sometimes FHM will FHM and you can't really do anything about that). I remember there was a PT where you would need to say something nice about another user in the league and I feel that should be a seasonal PT (especially with how negative the league can be at times). Looking forward to your tenure as PT director Dan and I hope you have an amazing time being the PT director for the SHL.

A suggestion I have would be to have a viewable calendar/google sheets on when PT claims for tasks should be posted? Would help people know when claims are going to be up and how much TPE they should be expecting to come their way.

I hope that the auto lock thread option has made your job a little bit easier as well!

(222 words)

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ISFL Affiliate PT

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My favorite thing about PTs is that I have a PT pass. Well, not anymore. I used to really enjoy getting 3 TPE for writing the words "PT Pass" on every thread. Now that it's all gone, I have to start writing again. There are some PTs that are super easy for me to get immersed in. There are also PTs that I find boring as hell. I think the main component of a good PT is having multiple directions to write in. I really like being creative and able to come up with fictional scenarios about my player. When the subject is closed-ended I find it hard to write. They make me feel like I'm confined to a jail cell. However there are some topics that get me immersed without being all that fictional! My favorite PT I remember doing was the pre-game playlist. I literally got to pick out 5 of my favorite songs and write about them!

[Image: MWJDjbu.png]
[Image: 183de87f8b7c0453e0172c60380f5739.png]

I love to do the fun, and more interesting PTs. Not so much always from time to time I like to do the Hockey based ones to switch it up a bit, but a little creativity can go along way. I like the ones about your player’s life outside of hockey or even creative ones like questionnaire situational types. Because it keeps me interactive and not struggling to be creative myself along with being engaged. Which can sometimes be very interesting people think jotting down different things for 150 words is hard, and others believe it’s easy. I think if you keep it creative and just quite open and fun it has a great positivity about it, and for some it makes  it have a better reaction because people can be funny with their characters. If we keep making these workouts or what are you doing in the off-season, how are you training, how do you feel about your team. I think it gets sort of stale after awhile and repetitive.

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What I really enjoyed in last season's SMJHL PT prompts was the opportunity to figure out what my player was really like. Going from the start of the season and reacting to the draft and the preseason, all the way to bonding with the team and pushing for the playoffs, every PT gave me the chance to explore who Justin Time was, and how he interacted with his teammates (or even his opponents). I haven't looked at every SHL PT since I've been on the site, but from the few that I skimmed, it seemed like the SHL PT prompts were far less hockey related, and while some of them were interesting, a lot of them were so far removed from the actual SHL "world" that I don't think I would have had as easy of a time responding to them. I don't think every prompt should be strictly related to the league or the actual games, but I'm definitely more inspired to write these when I can find a way to tie it into my player's ongoing career.

186 words

[Image: RAmenAmen.gif]
sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
[Image: kcP9WEd.png] [Image: DNLeeu0.png] [Image: DKMMlC3.png]
[Image: RAmenAmenPride.gif]

Prompt 1

Thank you Slash for all your hard work and dedication to the job over the last couple of seasons. What I enjoy most from the PT department is not quite related to the content itself, but rather related to the consistency of posts. I am much happier seeing any prompt posted on Sunday night rather than a prompt I really love posted Monday or later. I recognize that making fresh and interesting PTs every week is tough and getting them posted consistently as early as possible is sometimes not possible, but it's really nice to be able to finish writing before the work week starts. In terms of content, I still really enjoy having the option of responding to one of two prompts. I think it's very hard to go wrong with this strategy as long as the two types of responses are different enough from one another. I think the PT department has done a very good job overall, so at a certain point I think the most important thing to see going forward is that the PT director allows themselves to enjoy the job and do things however they want to do things.

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

What I enjoy from the PT department is seeing the special kinds of shout outs that happen as the PT directors read the special words written by each person responding to the Point Tasks. It makes it feel like our words are actually being read by the people grading them instead of just looking over the random amalgamations we create so as to try and get the extra points for our greedy and competitive selves. I think Slash did a good job about making varying and incredibly differing tasks to respond to but I think at the end of the day most people really just want the points and not to read so there's too many people just going full LIBIDO and not actually writing something to be proud of. Much like I am literally right now to just get this done as soon as possible so thanks for doing this job

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S66 Damian Littleton

[Image: CsnVET2.png] || [Image: wu5MVvy.png]|| [Image: c8B2LE3.png]
Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

Frankly there is only one mistake that Jericho Styles has ever made before and that was fighting the mascot of my college rivals. Did I take a dumb penalty? Yes, but that doesn't give that scrub in the mascots costume reign to taunt me. So I hopped over the boards and knocked the clown out, promptly earning a game misconduct in a game we lost in OT. That was a really tough one to swallow, and daggers were shot my way in the locker room. No one wanted to talk to me. I figured I have to apologize. Not just to the players but the coaches. The mascot didn't deserve one. So anyways half way through my apology this teammate of mine that I hated stands up and says "Dude you fought my cousin he was the mascot," and in my masterful reply I said "Then I wish I gave him a stone cold stunner," all hell broke loose. I may not have stunnered the mascot, but I did stunner my teammate, and lets just say there is a reason I made the jump from college so early.

PT Pass

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2022, 05:22 AM by Trempale.)

Affiliate Claim

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2. task

It's a horrible feeling. Making mistakes late in the game is horrible. I've made a mistake a couple of times in this way and since I'm a goalkeeper, then the responsibility for that is huge. A particularly bad feeling is if it's done at a time when teammates can't play back anymore, because it just misses time. I never want to feel such feelings because it's really horrible. It's hard to look in the eyes of teammates afterwards. Although I had made mistakes, no one was angry with me, but I suppose it was just because I was a rookie player. But now I'll certainly be looking at me more, because I'm no longer the youngest on the team. Time to go on and your mistakes must be understood and learned from them. I would therefore like to apologise for the mistakes made in the past, and I hope that this will not happen again.

Toms Zīle - young talanted latvian goalie

For #1,

Currently in the point tasks I love how you make users use their imagination from time to time. Last seasons best PT had to be the one where you had to modify your own arena. You really should make those more. Currently the PT's tend to be a chore from time to time, as the prompts do limit a lot of what the user can and can not write. So im just saying you should give more broad choices in prompts. But when compared to when I first started 1.5 years ago, the weekly point tasks that require 150 words minimum are way easier to do, so kudos to that. Especially as a non-english speaking person it has really helped me a lot to maintain myself in this league which is relatively slow paced from time to time.

Thanks @SlashACM adding the 2 prompt system had helped me a ton for PT's my english does simply not comprehend enough to be able to write down a significant measurement of text. Sorry for the PiNg

[Image: jE4ioeC.png][Image: meOh9pz.png]

I think the biggest thing that I've enjoyed from the last couple of seasons is having a choice of two prompts to write about. Given the variety of opinions people have and the different things that people actually like to write about, having a more serious and a more light-hearted choice for people to write on definitely makes things a lot more interesting for everyone. I think for someone who's been in the league as long as I have there's always going to be an element of chore when doing PTs but I don't really find the recent ones to be too bad. There's definitely been some in recent years that have been awful, but I think allowing people to have a choice goes a long way and it'd be great to see that continue in order to make it as engaging as possible for the people doing the point tasks. I'm sure the new PT team will keep things going to a good standard in the future, good luck with it all!

173 words

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