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S64 PT#0: Read the Room
(This post was last modified: 03-13-2022, 12:09 PM by Trautner.)

Michael Scarn has made an enormous mistake while running his second job working for Dunder Mifflin during the third period of a particular game. Dunder Mifflin, of course, is the official paper supplier and sponsor of the Simulation Hockey League and all of the paper that the league offices work with is printed on Dunder Mifflin paper. However, there was a huge mistake at the paper mill this weekend where some disgruntled employee printed some very vulgar and graphic images onto every single sheet of paper. This was a disaster and very embarrassing for Michael Scarn who is the branch manager and although he is not personally responsible for printing out the paper, he is of course the figurehead for the company and must take responsibility for the error. The SHL head office is very upset at Michael Scarn and he may be forced into retirement soon enough because of this error even though he is very sorry and will not answer any questions.

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Prompt 1

I've found that the prompts I've enjoyed the most over my past few seasons were the PTs that all led into one another to tell a full story over the whole season, things like the rookies vs. all-star vs. veterans vs. hall-of-fame prompts from a couple of seasons ago. I'd also enjoy stuff about my player like others have said to fully flesh him out as a person rather than just "the goalie of the Syndicate with a couple of key character traits." I also really think that this newer two-prompt system is for the better as well with some people strongly disliking some of the prompts in the past, this way those people can choose to do a boring one instead of the one they didn't like because they hate fun. All in all I thought Slash did a great job as PT Head and I'm looking forward to seeing what direction you take it in Dan!

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ISFL affiliate: Sebster

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I think my favorite thing about the point tasks in the Simulation Hockey League is that there are two options you can choose between to complete the task. In PBE, the other league I have to write PTs for, you don't get an option and have to do whatever is put out by the PT team. Sometimes, I don't know what to talk about for 150 words with the prompts they give, and that's not to knock them at all or insinuate the prompt is bad, I just find it difficult and tedious to do half the time. To each their own, yanno? But that's what I like about SHL PTs. If I don't like or have difficulty writing about the PBE PT, I come to SHL to write this one instead if I can jive with the prompt. I have passes in ISFL and WSBL so going there would be an exercise in futility. Frequently I don't know enough to do the prompt about my player, but I do enjoy the alternate prompts greatly and rarely have issue with them. It gives me less work and less thinking, and with my smol brain that is always a good thing. I wish other leagues would adopt this system as well, but we will see what happens there.

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Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

WSBL Affiliate

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Written Task: Tell me what you enjoy from PTs and the PT department! (150 words minimum) 

Well first I would like to say I think that the PT team has done a good job. I know its a tough job that doesnt really reward the team. But anyways I strive to do every single PT availabe. Even though I have affiliates that I could use, I would rather spend the time and effort to write something out and put in as much work as the PT team does in coming up with ideas. The ones I enjoyed in previous seasons were the ongoing story ones. Where you build up your player and create a story. I really enjoyed those. I also like the Song lyrics but hockey/shl/team related. I also like picking like the best 5 players at something or building your starting 5/6. 

The other side to PTs and writing is the Primetimes or weekly predictions. I think those are the best. It keeps people interested in other games and players that are not on their team and wouldn't normally care about. 
Other than that. Keep up the great work. 
-178 words

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

What I have enjoyed about the Pt's and what a few others have also mentioned is that the PT's allow for individuals who may not be creative or have good creative writing skills a chance to enhance them and discover what we like to write about. The types of PT's I have enjoyed are one's that involve the players life or the life of the players teammates. I enjoy them because it allows me to create a narrative/world and build around it. Those are the types of TP prompts that I enjoy. This past season with it being my first in the SHL, felt more like a chore. It was this way because sometimes the prompts just didn't really seem to be that interesting to me and because there were other things going on in my personal life that were taking my attention away from the SHL leaving them to the last minute

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PBE Affiliate

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credit to Qwest

First, thanks slash for dealing with the various back(s)lash from the community. I didn't have any problems with your PTs and I really didn't think the complaints were warranted. Also thanks for paying me for stuff.

What I liked about PTs was when I could come up with a ridiculous idea for my player and just run with it. At a certain point I just start vomiting words (in a good way) onto the post cause the ideas keep chaining together. I think creative premises that leave a lot open ended help get the mind churning. For example, talking about vomit made me think a PT prompt could be "what did your player find in their vomit after taking a hard hit?" And then to make it more open ended it could be changed to, "after taking a hard hit, your player saw their life flash before their eyes. What did they see?" And that could let people explore their players' priorities in what they'd see when reflecting on their life.

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget

I find that generally I do not enjoy PT's very much. I personally am just not much of a creative thinker and I don't really care to write that much, so they are generally just more of a chore than anything. I tend to procrastinate them till late on Sunday's (as you already know lol). For me I would say that I usually prefer prompts based on what's going on in the sim itself, regarding the standings or point races or whatever. The more creative, outside the box PT's aren't usually my cup of team, but honestly it really just comes down to whatever I can word vomit 150 words of easier. One thing I thought was a really good idea was bringing in the option to choose between two prompts. It's nice to have one on the creative side for folks who prefer that sort of thing, and one prompt that is sim based for folks like me who are boring and lame.

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Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page

Prompt 1

I like tasks which are easy to understand, even English isn't my native language. So in my opinion the easier explained task, then easier it is to do. I appreciate also if there is few options about the task, example 2 different types of tasks. I would also think about possibility to let users write with their native language, since at least google translator do ok work nowadays, even the most hardest languages, like Finnish. Sometimes it's a lot easier explain myself with Finnish than try to translate it to English somehow. Also it would not take long time to translate example my task, until it fulfill the requested task at least somehow. Of course people could continue use English if they want to, but that's one thing what SHL could consider to get more people attached, because I know that there is a lot of people who aren't so confident with their language skills.

(155 words)

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"9 seconds left in the third, tie game. Rand al'Thor has the puck looking up ice for Maxwell King with a stretch pass. He goes to throw it up and... it's fumbled! Big Newff jumps all over the loose puck and roofs it past Jonas Johansson with 3 seconds left to go. The Maine Timber have finally got past the Newfoundland Berserkers and won the Four Star Cup! The beast has been slain!" al'Thor, comes into the locker room, kind of subtly shrugs and says "My bad, I think Vic messed up my tape job. It's really his fault. Steaks are on him tonight, we'll get 'em next year." And with that, Rand woke up and realized that would never happen in real life because he is an absolute legend of the SMJHL and one of 2 defensemen to score 70 points in a season. He'd never fumble a puck like that.

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

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Honestly the PT system has come a long way just from when I started only a little less than 2 years ago. I think the addition of the two prompt system PLUS you can even do a graphic for these tasks PLUS even have credit from another league is over the top flexibility that makes it really nice for everyone so I appreciate the hard work there. I also do like that the PTs no longer give out the extra credit thing. It was a cool idea at first but to be honest it always just went to the people who wrote freakin novels. If someone is going to write a novel they should just write to media and get paid for it and keep the site more active. Another thing that's improved is that the same PTs are rarely ever recycled which is really cool to see and shows just how big an effort you guys put into it so thanks

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