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S64 PT#0: Read the Room PBE AFfiliate PT

Thank you Slash for working so hard for all of us! I can appreciate all the work it takes for each of you who have jobs in this league. Maybe I’ll be a cool kid too someday. For now, I’ll just admire and praise you all.

As far as prompts go, I really love prompts that are not game or stats related. I like being able to answer questions that are related to league, but I don’t have to look up history or know game stats to be able to answer. There have been a few I loved like the like, “What would your game day playlist be?”, for example. “What would you do if your team had another million dollars to spend and you were in charge of spending it?” Questions that make me think, that are imaginary scenarios, or that allow me to be creative and funny are the types of questions I love to write about.

162 words

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An aspect of Participation Tasks that I find invaluable is the biased opinion from each user. It gives the PT team knowledge of the general opinions on performances. I think this can be taken a step further. I believe "Story Lines" Would be a great PT idea. The idea being: Each user is posting a story line based on their player. Then the following week they ca review how they story line went. Okay, wait. Maybe it's a bad idea.

Also, this may sound lazy, but I think that the Participation Task word count should be dropped to 100. I literally just hit the word count and I am so bad with words I don't even know waht to add.

I like Participation Tasks that review how your players' performances are going.

Maybe trivia would be fun too. Maybe not. MY GOD, STILL NOT AT THE 150 word count. I'll never get there (without using contractions).

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[Image: kpALfz6.jpg]
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S53 Four Star Cup Champion- Detroit Falcons
S56 Challenge Cup Champion - Hamilton Steelhawks

Point Tasks in the Simulation Hockey League are things I have a love and hate relationship with. On one hand, it gives me the sweet, sweet return of total points earned, so I can fight off the evil regression monster that will be always present now. However, I've had a harder time engaging with them recently. Nothing wrong with Slash's prompts, and I appreciate having two different sets of prompts to write about. Sometimes I have a tough month or two and run out of creative juices and I just need to pump out the point tasks as fast as I possibly can with as little contractions as possible. Sometimes, I like to get really into it and have fun with the prompts. I like to make fun of my teammates, and create a good culture in the locker rooms. I don't like digging into past players on the team or league, especially with so many newer teams in the last couple of seasons. Trying to imagine what the cup winning team of an expansion draft team is difficult and not always fun. So, mix it up, keep it light, keep it fun. Oh, the last thing, please just put out all the PT, PRIMETIME, HAT TRICK, AND mPTs out at the same time. Personally, I want to knock all of those out at the same time, and as early in teh week on my day off as possible.

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I want to say thank you to @SlashACM for being a great PT director for the past few seasons, especially when brought back into it against your wishes. @leviadan, I'm definitely looking forward to what you can come up with! Being a part of the PT Department is not something I think I would find enjoyable (as many people view the sim team), so I'm glad that you and your team are willing to step up and take on this huge responsibility! This is the first time I'm doing PT's since starting up as the SMJHL simmer several seasons ago, and I'm very much interested in coming back to someone who is enthusiastic about the position! I know almost nothing about hockey in real life, so I am definitely looking forward to some of the more quirky and fun prompts that you are able to come up with!

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Thanks to @sulovilen, @the5urreal, and @sve7en for the sigs!
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That WSBL thing

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Personally, I am a fan of like some stats based PTs. PBE introduced something called a JPT a long while back - this was just like a PT, except instead of a topic, you just have to write 100 words about anything PBE related. I often used this just to talk about what my player and team had done during that week. I'm kind of a stats guy, that's largely what I joined SHL for over 5 years ago. I wanted to see my player put up numbers (he did, btw), and so talking about how things are going on the ice is largely what I find most interesting in PTs. I'm not a fan of the extremely minute details of my players as PTs. Stuff like "What did your player eat for breakfast today?" IMO doesn't really help build any kind of the story to my player, and in general the important facts of my player's life would be done through a media. In general though PTs are mostly just a chore that I push off for as long as possible. As I said I've been in SHL for 5 years, and since then I've been fairly active in PBE and ISFL for most of their existences as well. I've done most of the random prompts people think of. At least talking about my player is going to for sure be something new every week.

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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
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Prompt 1

I actually like both the storyline PTs that slash was putting out, as well as the option to do generic "pucks in deep" PTs. I think that opened up multiple avenues for people to approach PTs, and while I think it's fair to not like PTs, I think that when you're able to shit post a bit and have fun while also creating content the league is at its best. That's a big part of why I'm excited to see you at this role actually, dan. I've known you to be one of the most creative dudes on the site these last two years and even your "pucks in deep" media pieces were phenomenal. I hope to see a continued effort like that which slash put in that rewards people who want to let their hair down a bit and bang out 150 weird words, while not alienating anyone who doesn't.

157 words

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(This post was last modified: 03-13-2022, 11:01 PM by Zomp.)

Written Task: Tell me what you enjoy from PTs and the PT department! [b](150 words minimum)[/b] What kind of prompts do you love? What do you want to see more of? Are PTs a chore that you won't find fun or engaging no matter what they are? I think getting a vibe from all of you will help me settle in and plot my course forward, so why not award a little TPE for it.

I definitely prefer the prompts that actually have to do with hockey. Given the fact that we're on the Simulation Hockey League, it makes sense for us to be writing about hockey themed ideas. Over the past few seasons a few of the PT's were a little bit on the wonky side and weren't really the most fun to write. There's no question that they've felt like a chore for some people, rather than something fun to do. I personally think PT's that have you writing more about the background of your player and their actions on the ice. It'd be a good way to put more life into a player that we dump years of our time into improving over numerous seasons. There's definitely been a few PT's that I've found enjoyable to do, so it's not a situation where all of them are a drag for me. I'm quite excited to see how the PT's over this upcoming season are going to play out, hopefully much better than they have been lately.

He was supposed to be the guy the team leaned on in times like this. Especially having put up 60 goals in a single season, all the lights were to be on him, to take the puck when it came near his stick and bury it. Yet Minamino had one weakness in his game (aside from wanting to take faceoffs) and that was his inability to proper digest lactose products. Normally this wouldn't be a problem as thanks to the regular digestion of lactase pills, there wouldn't be a worry about the side affects of consuming dairy and other lactose products.

However in a tied game where he had the chance to win it all, overtime a breakaway situation...he felt that squeeze. No not himself squeezing his stick out of nervousness as he barreled down on the opposing goalie. It was the tightening of his intestines. Deep down in his gut, he felt the call.

The call of mother nature.

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PBE Affiliate

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I think the addition of multiple prompts for PT’s was a really good move, giving the options for the prompt make it so that you can really make it more interesting for everyone especially with there being graphic options on top of that. I think that having a good combination of one fun/story related task along with one sim/stat related task is a great way to gives those with different ideas of fun in the site enough options to not be miserable doing pts. Even then I still miss my fair share of them for whatever reason. In the end I think that the current state of PT’s is really solid and seeing people complain about the prompts kind of blows my mind sometimes. Im also super surprised I feel like we havent done the thank you PT in forever and it always felt like that one used to come up every couple of weeks lol.

[Image: Z8yXihx.png] [Image: U0nD2Rt.png]

It's incredibly embarrassing, but I guess that everyone makes mistakes every once in a while. In the third period of a tight game, I finally had my chance. All day I was just off - barely missing passes, barely missing shots, just a hair off from having an incredible game. I was fighting the entire time just to barely make up for those close misses until it happened. I found myself with the puck in front of the goal with a completely clueless goalie. I ripped a shot that found the back of the net and began furiously celebrating. The only problem? I got gotten turned around and it was my own goal. That's why the goalie looked so clueless - he wasn't ready to defend against my shot because it was, well, me! Luckily, I was able to make up for that incredible blunder in the shootout after the game went to overtime thanks to my mistake. I have to say - even though we ultimately won the game and there was no harm done, I still get crap from players and fans alike.

182 words

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