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S65 PT #2: Matinée

Player task:

There is no big difference for William Salming if games begin 7PM or seven hours earlier. He has pretty much same kind of routines. When he wakes up, he eats a healthy breakfast. it is some juice, bread and yoghurt. After that he puts everything ready for a hockey bag for which he can grab when he leaves the house. If game begins at noon, then Salming just rests before his teammate comes with a car to collect Salming for a rink. If game begins in the evening, Salming eats a meal at three or four PM. In this case when game begins at noon, he just goes to play some hockey between and usually game is over when it is time to eat at 3 or 4 PM so there is no chance in Salming's routines. His eating time remains same. Only difference is that he plays one match of ice-hockey between meals and doesn't rest. If you are a professional, you keep things pretty much same from day to day.

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Creative prompt

First of all, allow me to say the time change is very welcome! Jarmo is an early bird, so he's up first thing, and prefers to be in bed early as well! So this will help him for sure. So for the 60+ crowd, you have to think, what do they enjoy? My first change would be, you know those TVs in the concourse that show the game so that when the people that are getting food are out of their seats, they don't miss any? Change the programming to show game shows and daytime talk shows like Ellen and Dr. Phil. They won't want to be out of their house and miss their shows. Next up, the t-shirt gun. T-shirts are for the youth. Instead of T-shirts, they'll shoot out the local flyers so the lucky few who catch them can highlight the local deals during the intermission. Also, a new addition to the drink menu will be Metamucil. It's so important to these folks that they get their proper dose of immune system enhancing drugs.


Duncan Mackenzie is not afraid of games that start earlier. A noon start just means he is done work early and can enjoy his evening. The first change he makes for a noon start is eliminate the pre-game nap. It is now unnecessary with the early start time. His pregame meal and breakfast can all be combined into one super meal. Chicken Parm is a great breakfast food. He keeps himself loose and limber by turning his morning jog into a jog down to the arena. He then showers and puts on his pre-game clothes and demolishes his breakfast. Then it is into the lounge to watch Sports Center and find out if the Dragons won or lost the game before, because he wasnt actually paying attention to the score during the game, being far too focused on hits and points. After Sports Center, it is into the gym for another warm up and then it is just about time to hit the ice. After the game it is into town for booze and food. Rinse and repeat.

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Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora


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prompt 1: Wow the older generations really are trying to ruin everything, huh? I guess in order to appeal to the noon hockey audience, we are going to start having a lot of foods that they like at the concession stand. In addition to the stuff stuff like nachos and hotdogs, we are going to start having bags of those weird candies that look like strawberries that your grandma always had in her candy dish but never seemed to exist anywhere else. We will also have bags of werther's available for purchase. We will also have a bunch of things that might not even be old but sound old, like sarsaparilla, and asparagus. That's just the food. The game experience will also be a bit different. Instead of hazardous intermission activities like shooting competitions and foot races, we will have everyone in those giant inflatable bubbles, because we really don't want anyone's grandparents getting hurt. Also, the prizes will be things my grandma would want. You could win a Buick sedan, or a cruise where you simply sail around Florida to the other side of Florida.

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With games starting at noon, not only will we be targeting the 60+ crowd, but we will be also targeting the late 20s/early 30s crowd for the games on the weekend. But lets get to the 60+ crowd first. These folks are looking for anything to do on a weekday before their afternoon nap. Those blue hairs pine for the days of old, so the music in the stadium will feature music from no later than 1970. The Beatles, The Doors, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, the Beach Boys etc will all be bands that are featured. Crowd Pump up videos will be collages of older TV shows and Movies that will bring back all the nostalgia. Of course the sound wont be insanely loud, as people in this bracket are not a huge fan of loud noises. And if its too faint, they can turn their hearing aids up. The give-aways will be memberships to the local museums and AARP discount booklets. More Lounges are being built in the concourses so that everyone can more easily watch without going up and down the many stairs of the stadium. The stadium will also be open at 8am so that the Olds can get there early and do their Mall walking at the stadium instead of at the local mall. As we all know the stadium's concourse is a perfect walking track. Ok now that the blue hairs are taken care of on the weekdays. Weekend games we will be focusing on the younger crowd. What do the late 20s early 30s crowd love on a weekend? Boozy Brunch. We will change out the concessions from your standard stadium eats, to brunch time delights. Avocado Toast, Eggs Bennys, Breakfast Burritos etc, and of course it wouldn't be boozy brunch without bottomless mimosas. This will get the crowd fired up as we all know, a drunk fan is a loud fan. 

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Former Player

Written Task:  Many professional athletes have a pretty strict regimen to prepare for games. When games start at 7PM that gives you a lot of time to fit in all your little rituals and pre-game prep. But... games start at noon now. So how are you going to adapt? What does your player normally do to get ready for games, and how are you going to adjust your schedule to get yourself ready 7 hours earlier? Is this a welcome change for your player? Or is this a huge wrench in the system? (150+ words)

Ya, games starting 7 hours earlier will sure make a difference in my schedule.  I assume that all games will start at this time, because if it is just occasionally, I wouldn't get too excited.  My normal routine is to get up around 7, sip some coffee and fuel up for the morning.  Typically there would be a morning skate around 10.  So I would get to the arena and work out a bit..  If games are now at noon, I wonder if there will still be a "morning" skate.  It is pretty important to kind of loosen up before a game otherwise you run the risk of injury and nobody wants that to happen.  So, I can see a skate around 7 a.m., then a meal; and a nap before taking the ice at noon.  For those of us that like to sleep late, or who are not at their best in the morning, this could be life-altering !

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The way Slavakov prepares for a game, the start time of the game doesn’t matter. In fact, an earlier start ends up better for him. On game days he has so much adrenaline that it can be difficult for him to maintain that energy throughout the entire day, whereas with that early start he can wake up and go. On the longer game days, he typically spends his days eating copious amounts of pasta, stretching, and a nice pre-game shot of vodka. If the game happens earlier in the day, he wouldn’t have to carb load as much, would just drink a shot of espresso vs vodka, and most importantly would have plenty of time for post-game recovery. One of the biggest assets is access to trainers post-game to help with stretches, the whirlpool, the sauna, and other things so that the team can recover. Most players don’t take full advantage of this when a game ends at 10:30, but if a game ends in the afternoon you may see a healthier league overall.

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

CREATIVE PROMPT - Wu-oh! SHL ticket sales are down and the top brass has decided to make a bold marketing play in an attempt to corner the coveted 60+ demographic. The first major change? Effectively immediately, all SHL games will be shifting from 7PM starts to noon starts. Hope you like waking up early.

Written Task: What other changes do you make to the SHL in-arena experience to turn these afternoon games into THE place to be for old-timers? What does the intermission entertainment look like? What extra services, bonuses, or giveaways do you offer? Remember, you have to out-compete Bingo Nights and Wheel of Fortune. (150+ words)

The first thing we would have to do is get rid of all of the concession stands that are in the arenas already, and replace them with only buffet style food offerings because senior citizens love themselves a good buffet. They wouldn't be able to resist it. Another thing that we discussed was maybe banning young zoomers from the arena as a way to attract the 60+ demographic. But then we realized that the 60+ demographic loves telling zoomers and anyone younger than them how it used to be back in the day, so there will only be a rule that young people have to sit and listen to these stories and they can't roll their eyes. Instead of towels or other souvenirs being left on the seats in the arenas we will start leaving Sunday edition papers and old Reader's Digest issues on the seats. They won't care if it is older editions they will just have plenty to read when there is a break in the action. Lastly we are thinking of replacing the regular plexiglass with glass that enlarges what is seen through it so that the senior citizens can better see the puck and the action. We thought about an in game glow puck but we just ended up lighting the thing on fire and that seems unsafe around all the old people.

227 words without the prompt

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WSBL Affiliate PT

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Games start at noon now instead of seven? That's no problem for Sven, he already wakes up at 7 each morning to start practicing or working on his Fed Head duties. Having a game at noon just means he'll be able to get that out of the way a bit quicker and get back to practicing or doing fed head duties directly after. He's only had 3 hours of sleep a day since he was 13, and it's amazing what one can accomplish when they have 21 hours to work with in a day. Sometimes he loses the ability to speak by the end of the week, but that's fine...he just has to survive until Sunday, where he sleeps 21 hours instead of 3. It's a system that's worked for him for years now, taking him right up to the top of the Sven hierarchy. Someday he'll retire and catch up on sleep, but not until he's accomplished everything he can.

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Well first and foremost, every fan in attendance gets a @Zombiewolf sexy calender. It doesn't matter how old you are, Zombiewolf's sexiness transcends the boundaries of age (18+ still tho let's not get crazy here) and gender. He will be the featured model for every single month. We won't be able to keep them on the shelves.

Additionally, we will serve fish sandwiches and Sencas at every concession stand and nothing else. Those old blue hairs love their fish sandwiches and Sencas.

We will double the number of men's bathrooms in the building, for our older gentlemen with prostate issues.

We will offer binoculars for the old folks with seeing issues.

And those old timey ear horn things for those with hearing issues.

We will get rid of the bar in the north upper deck and replace it with a knitting zone so grandma can really go to town on that blanket she's been making for you.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

If the game started at noon instead of seven it would be elderly heaven. However with that we need to make some changes to the ice surface, we need subtitles. Example, say Grandma wants to see a game but can’t tell what’s happening, Boom subtitles. With this there would also need to be a puck tracker, you know a little dot following the puck around so they know where it is, I guess it’s that or we make the puck Neon green or pink, but I think we should lay off that for now. However if we really wanted to see em party we should make there be a 60s song and dance party, in this they would be allowed to come onto a dance mat put out on the ice during intermission, it would be like granny heaven on ice. Not to mention all of the 50/50s and the bingo championships in between periods, I call it 60+ peak arena.

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Don Juan S65 shl draftee, Tampa Bay Barracuda. Regina Elk send down.

Agent Tesla: Alright the first thing we are going to do to make all these senior citizens comfortable is we are going to make the games black and white.

Anthropomorphic PT: We are trying to drive traffic to the stadiums not increase home viewership. How would that help?

Agent Tesla: You misunderstand me. I do not mean we make the broadcasts black and white, but make the games themselves that. This will require a minor degree of reality warping, however I am sure I can find an item or power to make it happen in my collection of tool belts.

Anthropomorphic PT: Carry on.

Agent Tesla: The intermission entertainment is going to be varied, but I will detail a few of the options for you. Rapid reenactments of cases from the original Perry Mason, and we can keep it in touch with the youth by throwing in Phoenix Wright references too! Bingo games because they also double as giveaways and are what the people are used to doing. Finally just send someone out to mindlessly talk about the weather until the game is back on.

The Anthropomorphic PT still looking for an exist from after the Phoenix Wright comment: I love it so far do tell me more!

Agent Tesla: The one major extra service I think we need to add is a whole lot more bathroom stalls. Old people go to the bathroom at a rate unheard of relative to the youths of the world and we want to be as prepared for that as we can be. That will also include diaper change stations that can support the weight of a full grown adult, and given we have teams in America that has to be a big full grown adult to be safe.

The pepperoni pizza with pepperonis arranged into the shape of a smiley face left behind by the Anthropomorphic PT that fled down the fire escape: …

Agent Tesla: Glad you agree with the idea so much Mister PT!

Word Count: 333

prompt 1

We must break out the old time hockey for the old time boomers now. First rule, no curves on the stick blades and wooden sticks only. Modern day technology is overrated and for people who use analytics, real men made their bones on the hockey rink by taking whacks from 2x4s to the face. Next rule, lifting the puck is banned and goalies can’t drop down to make a save. Goalies being able to stretch out and cover a cross crease pass? Inconceivable! Those modern day hippy dippies have it too good. Goals had to really be grinded out and your goalie had to be next to useless! Lifting the puck allows too many goals to be scored, 5-4 games are terrible. 1-0 games are the best everyone knows that. Final rule is that things such as elbowing and headhunting are no longer against the rules. If grandpa’s favorite player Jericho “Steel Elbow” Steelflex was able to make a career giving players concussions, why can’t we bring that back?

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