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S65 PT #2: Matinée

Player Prompt
Giannis's love of oreos is pretty legendary in the NBA. But Jay O'Neil? He's a Hydrox man. Two hours before every game, Jay eats three Hydox cookies and crème sandwich cookies. The first always by itself and undisturbed, he just goes ahead and takes a bite. The second he twists open and eats the cream and then the cookie pieces. Finally the third cookie, he has to dip in sugar free oat milk. After eating his high sugar Hydrox snack, he takes a nap and he's ready for the game. This ritual get's thrown for a loop with these new noon games, who eats Hydrox for breakfast? For Matinees, Jay instead eats two toaster strudels without any crème on top and then pours the two full crème packets into his mouth before he takes his nap. The ritual is changed slightly but he still gets the sugar rush that he needs to crush his opponent. Without doing any of these before a game throws him off and leads to some poor performances.

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Kyle Sux Lmap

ISFL affiliate +


Player prompt

Normally as a part of his pre-game routines, Lilja would sleep until 10am, but now since that is no longer possible, he will wake up at 8am. For breakfast, its the usual, oatmeal with blueberries and a protein shake with bananas and peanutbutter. He will not be having lunch anymore as it is too heavy to consume before a big match, so a massive breakfast does the job for him. Normally, he would do anything he pleases until its 3hours before gametime, but since that is no longer a possibility, Lilja will head straight to the arena after breakfast, around 9am, to get his groove going on and get his morning skates in. After doing this schedule for a week, it is safe to say that he is not liking it one bit. Very huge L for the league, since it also will no longer have the working class be there to watch the games, cause theyre hecking working.


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Written Task: What other changes do you make to the SHL in-arena experience to turn these afternoon games into THE place to be for old-timers? What does the intermission entertainment look like? What extra services, bonuses, or giveaways do you offer? Remember, you have to out-compete Bingo Nights and Wheel of Fortune. (150+ words)

The new SHL experience starting this season is perfectly tailored for the long time lovers of SHL hockey. Games start at 12 PM sharp, but ticket holders are encouraged to arrive early in order to enjoy the full experience. As guests arrive for the game, their coats are checked at the door; the ushers use a state of the art electronic coat organizing system to hang up and retrieve coats in mere moments. From there guests will pass through a checkpoint where they are given an option between a handful of entrees as well as beverage choices. Their orders are noted down and lunch is delivered to each audience members seat during the first intermission. Another element of this program will be the addition of collectible programs handed out to every guest, which include a memorabilia poster. Generally the focus of the experience is on the comfort of the audience, and giving them memories beyond just the score at the end of the game! (164 words)

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sig by me (:

Kezia MacKenzie - LW - Regina Elk - Atlanta Inferno

The 60+ demographic is at times a tough market to please, but it also depends on where those seniors grew up and how they live their current life. In order to gain the attendance of seniors besides consistent matinee games, we can do things like the obvious senior discount, senior love a good discount and right away you've got them interested if they can make the game for cheap. You can also offer things like bring a grandchild and get a free shirt! Seniors love their grandkids and giving them an opportunity to hang out is pure gold, especially if there's a free t-shirt involved!
Besides cheaper tickets and free stuff, one of the other big things will be interaction. Some seniors will just want to be left alone but a lot of them will just go to have someone to talk to or spend time with. Get the players involved somehow. Team mascots are a great opportunity to engage seniors in getting up and moving or just laughing and smiling. Create a memorable moment for them and they'll want to come back to see the funny team mascot.
Seems we're having matinee games, we can also provide a service to the seniors for tea and lunch. Maybe at a special price or even free of charge, we can provide seniors who require it a special attendant who can run and get them a hot dog so they don't have to get up and move around people in between busy periods, or someone to help them to the bathroom when needed. On that note, they can also have their own bathroom queue so they don't have to compete for a urinal with the beer chuggers at the game.
Finally, seniors love to dance. Get the music going, but get the old Irish jigs out and get them out for a waltz. If they've got a partner and some room you can guarantee that alone might be their favorite part of the night. We love to see seniors out to games and activities just as much as anyone else.

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Player Prompt

With respect to pre-game rituals GK typically likes to get himself into the zone by listening to music, and calming himself as he believes that to have a successful game, a clear mind is needed. He works on his breathing techniques, and some stretches but makes sure not to overwork himself so that he is fresh for the game. Usually, players need to leave GK alone while he gets himself in the zone, as he typically is not really responsive during this time.

With now having extra time, GK will likely just read a book, or add more to his regiment to relax himself before the game so that he can go out there, leave real life out of the rink, and turn on his winner mentality to go out there and give it his all for his team. The more time he has the more he can get into the zone, and potentially throw in an early morning light workout, so GK would welcome this change.

167 words

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Well as a fan of European football and amateur sports, mid-day puck drops and kick off times really aren't that new to me. It's not unusual here to have you team play between 1 and 4 pms so you meet up with your buddies at noon at the latest to have some beers before walking to the stadium and then end up with a nice mid-day buzz. Sure, it's not quite as practicable during weekdays, but you can make it work nicely on the weekends. So what could the SHL do to make these matinee games work for them and for their older target demographic? Well first we need shuttle busses to pick all those geezers up at home who can't drive themselves anymore. Also we have to be realistic - with how modern hockey arenas are built, most of them won't be able to see a thing, with the ice so far away from most of the seats. So you either need a whole new elder-appropriate arena, or provide opera glasses or just a TV screen in every single seat - or maybe just some nice warm blankets because hey, isn't it nap time already?

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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WSBL Affiliate

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Prompt #2

When the game starts at seven Jaska Seppala of the Buffalo Stampede has a nice ritual involving a nap and relaxing before the big game. His game day food of choice is a giant plate of pasta with ground beef and red sauce on top. After that he takes a nap for a few hours before heading over to the stadium. This is not true when games start at noon. When games start at noon, all hell breaks loose for Jaska Seppala. His normal routine gets thrown out and he just tries his best to stay awake. Jaska Seppala wakes up around 8 and injects caffeine directly into his veins and starts to run around his home like a chicken with his head cutoff. It is truly a sight to be seen. Jaska Seppala does not welcome noon games because it messes up his entire rhythm and wishes they would throw out noon games entirely

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Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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Player Page || Update page

Growing up for Shylo was also a strict day, normally waking up at 3 AM getting the workout in, eating the breakfast smoothy, then going for your shower, going for another light workout walk with the dog or something. By that time it's 7 AM. So when you move into that next sort of phase of going into work getting a 2 hour morning skate in before the actual team morning skate then you proceed with lunch, and your film room sessions, then you get to your pregame warmups by 4-5 PM and get yourself ready for the games at 7. Now it's a little different right? We have to adapt and set up the time schedule a little bit of crunch time by 7 AM you are doing a little morning skate and the team morning skate. By 10 AM you are ready for lunch snack sessions. The you move into film room for about 30 minutes before starting pregame. Mr. Moxii was always one to push Shylo to wake up early and always be ready for games, and be ready to workout. A healthy lifestyle is what Shylo was trained to do. Just under more of a time crunch you expect to do everything a little bit quicker and not slow like usually done.

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Player Prompt

Kaarlo Kekkonen has never been that big a believer in superstition, especially not by the standard of hockey players who are notoriously bad for not wanting to curse themselves by making the smallest change to their daily rituals around a game. While his teammates are avoiding washing their gloves or cutting their hair, Kaarlo largely carries on without much thought, the only ritual he has taking place before the season even starts. Each offseason, for the last 10 years, Kaarlo has returned to Akaa, his hometown in Finland to play on a frozen pond rink that he skated on as a child. Doing this each season has enabled him to get confidence going into season, and avoid getting sucked in to some of the more childish pregame rituals that some of his teammates will engage in. Kaarlo is happy that to date, he's been able to avoid these type of things and can keep something of a clear mind going into the games that he plays.

168 words

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Games at noon would be hell for Chicago Syndicates regressing defenseman Disisde Dayudie. It is already hard enough for the Japanese native to get up and play in the evening, how the hell would he manage to be anything but a defensive liability? J and Corey would need to force-feed him with sugar-powdered uppers to get him on a pair of skates. Anyways, Disisde Dayudie usually wakes up eating some oden, which probably won't change to be honest. Hot hot Oden will wake anyone up really, and that flavor!. The Radish, the Ganmo. The chikuwa and the eggs. oden wouldn't be oden if it wasn't boiled. Konbu is important to. it really is! The essential factor for the taste is the stock, it really wouldn't be oden if it wasn't boiled. So yeah, perhaps i will be able to make this change after all. All you need is oden and I will do anything to make that happen.

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PLAYER PROMPT: For noon time games Mats Marner does not change his pre game routine to much either then getting up earlier. As a player who strictly follows routine Mats Marner does not like to switch things up out of superstition so Marner will just get up at 6am instead so there he still has the six hours required for his pre game routine. The night before the game Marner likes to go to bed with a clear head, so he chooses to read or watch a movie. For sleep Marner makes sure to go to bed early to still get the full eight hours of sleep before a 6am wakeup. Marner starts the day with a large breakfast, but limit the fast acting carbs and drinking a lot of water. Mentally Marner reviews the game plan and key assignments. Then Marner plays soccer before the warmup and then a light snack before its time to head to the area for the on ice warm up.

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Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

Player Prompt:

Ah, the noble sea cow, gliding through the ocean like a leathery mermaid… wait, what? Matinee? I thought it said manatee? Fine, whatever you say…..

Well, Seattle is famous for a certain brand of coffee, so in order to get myself up and energised for an early game, a big cup of the pacific north west’s finest would be a good start! Obviously, nutrition has to be messed with, you’re not going to be ready to play the SHL elite after a bowl of Coco Pops and a cup of tea! So I would need to wake early, carb up late morning, ready to get torn into some Panthers. Making sure I get a good nights sleep beforehand would also be paramount. No sitting up until all hours watching YouTube or playing Chel. Maybe a relaxing book, an early night and some soothing ocean noises to lull me to sleep, ready to break some faces early doors tomorrow!

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