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S65 PT #4: Fitness? Yeah I'm Fitness Prompt in the Forum

The Texas Renegades are approaching their fans about health and wellness. Stay fit! Stay healthy! If you're blood pressure is too high there's no way you can hang around the hot dog vendor without constant worry! It's time to step up into the Texas Renegades line dancing workout! That's right! The whole team got on board for this one! Lead by the current goal scoring leader, Jarmo Kekalainen, the boys are suited up in their best Boots, ten gallon hats and Hockey Jerseys and their doing the Renegade routine. It's a 20 minute get up and get fit workout to get the heart rate going and it's being easily accessible to all fans and line dancing fans alike with the intent of them getting fit with the team. The Renegades will also be running promotional moments during the game! When you hear the line dancing music during the game, bust out those sweet moves for a chance to win prizes!

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Creative one

When a local gym in Los Angeles asked Luukas Lilja to do some instructional fitness videos for them, all he could say was yes. Lilja is big into being healthy and all of that which is why he agreed on that in the first place. First and foremost exercise which is also the one he decided to film with the crew was planks. Planking helps a lot while trying to maintain your core strength, which is one of the key elements in Lilja's style of play - whenever he can keep his body together, he will stride the most. The second exercise they filmed at the gym involved changing the pace. We all know that exercise where you have to touch the lines at the opposite ends, well Lilja brings up his change of pace by having the lines closer together, and when the whistle blows, he strafes as fast as he can to the opposite wall where his back is facing to - cause hockey is a very fast paced game you have to be able to adapt to the pace as fast as possible.

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Creative Prompt

As one of the longer tenured players in the SHL and someone who has a bit of brand recognition among even the more casual fans of the league, Kaarlo Kekkonen's workout video will definitely be done on a pretty sizable budget in order to really get his message across to the casual viewer who isn't versed in the world of fitness. The workout will largely feature the workout done by Kaarlo and hockey players like him (mostly functional, useful stuff), but in order to sex it up a bit for the mass market there'll be some things in there that everyone likes to see; bench press, bicep curls and then a spin workout because why not. Maybe he could even include a yoga section in there, that definitely might help them shift a few units and get some more interest behind it. It's one to keep an eye out on though for sure, you don't get to have a career as long as Kaarlo's without knowing what makes a good workout and it'll be exciting to pass this along to the fans.

184 words

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PT Pass

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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(This post was last modified: 06-07-2022, 01:05 PM by Ace. Edited 1 time in total.)

Creative Writing Prompt - 156 words

Ah yes, a workout tape! Lord Farquaads has the finest exercise regimen for all folk that finds themselves on the diminutive side of the height scale. It’s all about the lower core. It’ll be a great 80s-style vibe, with everyone wearing bright color spandex. I, naturally, will wear my beautiful royal red regal ensemble, and my assistants will be wearing bright orange and purple as we do lower body exercises.
We’re talking about burpees, squats (oh god so many squats), lunges, and so much more. In addition to going direct to consumers via YouTube, we’re also selling DVDs and retro VHS tapes! The soundtrack will be composed exclusively with Smash Mouth’s “All Star”. The original version, and then synth-pop remixes are included in this lower-body lambasting workout series.
But wait – if you subscribe to our channel now, we will send you a farQUAADS branded sweatband so you can rock it while you’re working out them glutes!

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother


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Petr works out or is on the ice for fifteen hours a day. Petr's body and existence are made solely with hockey in mind, hence how he handles the strenuous workload, all the while keeping up a perfect nutritional diet. Hours alone of his regiment are spent on perfecting shooting and the related techniques all the while scoring for Czechia being held clearly in his mind. Nationality and nationalism are what drives him and is his sole motivation. 15 hours today to ensure a gold tomorrow. Note that no steroids were used on Petr once he left the lab, so as to ensure he at the very least competed clean. Granted, the human body still has its limits, but the Czech government sponsors Petr fully and pays for all surgery necessary to ensure his body doesn't degrade to the point of failure. Just about everything muscle-related will need to be replaced eventually, but pursuing gold has no cost too great,

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
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[Image: Artermis.gif]

B Jobin just couldn't possibly say no when he was offered the possibility to create his very own, exclusive, multiple part at home workout subscription service to help the more actively inclined fans of the Simulation Hockey League get the some killer, sexy body that he has. The video has some comedic value to it, so as to appeal to even those who aren't interested in working out, in hopes that they come for the humour and stay for the fitness advice. The whole video will be part of the BJ Workoutz App, with all videos styled like an 80s retro zumba program, new videos every week, and available for a yearly subscription of $60 per year. As for the exercises shown? There would be a little something for everyone, like strength training and weight lifting for those looking to maximize their gains, or yoga and cycling for those who just wanna maintain and stay active. All of this will come alongside the deluxe subscription ($80 per year) which will include a meal prep guide, and a BJ Workoutz gym bag.

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**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**


Fitness is important, and probably a key reason as to why Alex has been in the league so long. So of course people are going to want to know his fitness secrets, making a workout video potentially lucrative. As much fun as it would be to make some delightful throwback, some Sweatin' to the Oldies knockoff for the 21st century complete with lots of leotards and leg warmers, that ultimately isn't Alex's style. He wants to create something for people that is practical, approachable, and fun. So there's no need to go big budget with this because a spectacle like that is ultimately not going to be something people can relate to. So we'll just do some simple workouts people can do from home without a lot of extra equipment, some quick and easy fifteen minute workouts people can squeeze into their busy days. We'll start by throwing some of these up on an Instagram channel, inviting people to join a comprehensive website for a small fee if they want some more in depth videos.

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(sigs courtesy of Carpy48, BDonini, Turd Ferguson, FlappyGiraffe, and Sulovilen)

Pan in to a waterfall. Is it serene? Is it beautiful? NO! Seamus jumps through the waterfall with a mic clearly in front of his face. Have you missed 80s workout tapes? We got 80s workout tapes. We start by karate chopping the waterfall. Chop. Cut to a karate dojo, and we're punching wooden boards. Transition slides down from the top. We're punching people in the league and delivering wood shattering hits. What is our secret? Buy this tape for only $9.99 and Seamus will personally (via this excellent video) train you up to be the best physical expert you can be. The plan is to market to anyone who is looking to get in touch with their inner goon. Of course we're not planning on selling senseless violence. We are going to be advocating for measured aggression. Just enough to burn those calories and get heart rates jumping. This is super low budget. Like we're not spending more than it takes to rent the equipment and this will be a one and done. We're planning on using that winning personality and free ads at the Nevada arena to market to our wonderful fans. Look soon for Seamus's Super Duper Body Builder Video. In trash bins near you.

[Image: seamsu_500.png?ex=66b438d3&is=66b2e753&h...96a382d50&]

Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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Shylo is a big built player. Obviously can get to the net make his presence known. He can lay huge hits, but also can score and make tremendous passes along the way. Shylo being a 2-way needs to be physically built up. So fitness starts out with the breakfast meal a protein shake that has the equivalent of 4 steaks. Yes hard to handle for most, but Shylo is a big boy he can eat those big meals. This is at 4 in the morning after a 3 AM wake up call. Fortunately he starts his workout around 4:30 in the morning with a simple walk. It is simple yet affective getting to walk the dog. By 5 in the morning Shylo is hitting the weights and getting in the process of either the daily routine of Core, Arms, or Legs. Depends on the day they rotate Monday through Saturday with Sunday being an off day. Of course as useful as that is that ends about 7:30-8 AM. He takes an hour break moves into some Yoga for an hour. Takes a shower at 10. And by 11 he’s at the stadium for the pre game morning skate as optional as it is Shylo decides to go no matter what.

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Player Prompt

The idea of a Fitness Regimen was pretty foreign to Mikko growing up. He always wondered why his competitors spent time in the gym working on very specific workouts and not diversifying their skillset through other sports. Mikko is an avid footballer, spending his "off-season" playing in the Simulation Soccer League for Hollywood. His mentality is that the bulk of his training is ensuring his body is used to more than just hockey, or just football.

When Mikko is in the gym with teammates, he is often focusing on refining his skillsets while increasing mobility and stability. So many guys wanna "look" the right way, but not have the core pillars of their health and fitness to bad that up. Too many guys getting injured because their body doesn't know how to move properly amongst the rigours of demanding sporting seasons.

Mixing in some mountain hiking, time in the pool, and anything else to get the body moving, Mikko likes to make sure his body is ready for anything


Written Task:  What does your players fitness regimen look like and why? What's your player's play style, and how do you support that with your off-ice routine? If you're a net front person, for example, are you big into upper body work for shoving people around? Or maybe lower body so you can plant yourself and not be moved. If you're an older player in the league, maybe talk about what you do to stay competitive with all the young folks. What secrets have you learned over the years? If you're a younger player, do you have any veteran friends that share these secrets with you? (150+ words)

The daily fitness regimen for Landon is pretty simple. A nice full breakfast of waffles, crispy bacon and eggs followed by about an hour of tv. After that maybe do a couple laps around the house, followed by a snack of some gold fish or cheez-its. For lunch it is likely time for either a grilled cheese or maybe a couple slices of pizza. Then it's time to go for a quick skate to get the blood pumping. Skate hard for maybe an hour and then after that, get back home for a nice nap. Wake up from the nap and go out and get a nice cheeseburger and fries. Once that is down, it is time to have a couple beers and a night cap of a couple jack and cokes while watching a movie. After the movie it is time to call up his friends and hop on to Warzone for a few hours and get wiped off the map by some 12 years old's while continuing to drink and have fun with his friends. Once that is done, it is time to stumble to bed, pass out and do it all over again the next day!


199 words

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S61 Four Star Cup - Game-Winning Goal in the clinching Game 4
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Creative Prompt:

Beck loves his alliteration, so his fitness routine and subsequent YouTube Empire is branded "Beck's Bangin' Body." Every video starts with him jumping into the camera saying "Hello there" just like his favorite fantasy character, Obi-wan Kenobi. After he gives his intro monologue, he starts the workout with a stretch, always starting with hip circles. His amazing hip circles always draws the audience in for more. After his stretching routine, he goes straight into intervals on most days. As he says, "strength, agility, and endurance are key - and HIIT helps with all those. Highly recommend." A handful of burpee and jumping sets later, he moves into the cooldown phase of the workout - Yoga. Stretching is crucial when it comes to injury prevention and durability. Always end each workout with controlled breathing. Each video fades out and "Always on the Move" appears on the screen - his motto (and another reference to his hero). His most viewed video is when he is long distance running towards the camera like Lancelot in MP+Holy Grail.

(WC 172)

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Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


Prompt 2

M'Baku Olubori is a big, strong dude. He was blessed with genes that let him start building muscle mass early in puberty and he hasn’t looked back since. In his mid to early teens (as he was getting into ice hockey), he was all about adding mass and looking as ripped as possible. That was fine in Nigeria, where there was a lack of elite coaching for hockey. Once he came over to North America to join the Regina Elk, that became a problem. He’s spent the last two seasons working on flexibility and conditioning, slimming down his bulk slightly so he can be more effective and explosive on his skates. Baku plays a highly physical style, and his massive legs and powerful core are so important to being able to knock defenders into the next century. He never skips leg day! This past offseason, Baku’s agent, Johnny Hamilton, set him up with a unique opportunity—spending a week at former SHL star Cassius Darrow’s private summer conditioning camp. There were about 13 participants at his private gym in Seattle, including fellow JHam client Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson. Baku learned a lot (while getting humbled by the intense, gym freak Darrow) and the rivalry between LEG and Baku continued to grow as they attempted to one up each other at various times during the week.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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