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S65 PT #5: Day With the Cup

Prompt 1

If Jon St. Ark won the cup, it would be going on a world tour for sure. And the Cup would be flying in style, unlike when you see the Cup in coach in the National Hockey League. Instead we're going first class all the way with the Cup, making our first stop in Austria and Jon's hometown. Let me tell you, there's a number of teachers who told Jon he wouldn't make it as a hockey player that are going to be getting a front row seat to the celebration. After that, a quick jaunt to his adopted home of Sweden, and hanging out with the handful of Swedes on the team and the likely very rare New Orleans Specters fans abroad. Then finally the Cup would come home to New Orleans for the longest, wildest parties that you've ever seen. Jon would be getting very little sleep during this trip and by the end would likely need the entire offseason to recovery. Remember to drink plenty of fluids, kids.

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The first time Lemo won the Challenge Cup with the Texas Renegades in season 59, he took it on the usual ‘tour of his hometown’ on his day with the cup - his childhood rink, a barbecue cookout at his parents house, the grave of his first hockey coach who really inspired him to take hockey seriously enough, etc. The second time he won it in season 62, having already done the mandatory ‘tour’ a few years back, he took it hiking with him - sharing some quiet moments of reflection in the beautiful Estonian wilderness. Now Lemo is still searching for his third chance to have a day with the Cup, but he already knows what he’ll do with it when he does… but it is something that he believes if he tells anyone, then he will never get that chance. So we will all just have to wait for it to happen to find out what that is! Wink

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Forge  S69 Challenge Cup Champion - Philadelphia Forge   Forge
Renegades Renegades  S59 & S62 Challenge Cup Champion - Texas Renegades  Renegades  Renegades 
 Armada  S57 Four Star Cup Champion - Anchorage Armada  Armada 
Finland  Finland  S57 & S58 WJC / S62, S64 & S66 IIHF Gold Medalist - Team Finland   Finland  Finland
[Image: kLRJavo.png]       [Image: ZjgHcNL.png]
After 69 shots on net with still no SHL goals to show for it, even the opposition started to feel so sorry for Lemo, that they decided to help him out :D
- Bad pass by Jack Klompus, he gave it right to Lemo Pihl.
- Lemo Pihl rips it to the net...
- Lemo Pihl will find the empty net, that should do it!
TEX @ MAN, S59 game 31

HLO, being the level-minded and responsible person that he is, probably wouldn't do anything too crazy with it. Not eat cereal out of it or something like that. I guess he'd probably just go to bed with it, wake up spooning it a little (in a platonic way). Make it some nice breakfast (what do trophies like to eat for breakfast anyway? I have no idea). Maybe take it for a nice morning walk and then go see a matinee. At which point I guess I'd have to say he would probably put the popcorn in the bowl. After that take it for a drive around town or out in the country. Show it the sights. Then have a nice dinner with it at an Olive Garden maybe. Order some extra garlic bread just to flex. Then drive it home. I am assuming it has to be home by 11 like all responsible cups have to.

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Quote:Written Task: Tell me about the wildest day the cup has ever been through. It can be with completely made up players, or with real ones. Use as much or as little actual SHL history as you want. I just want you to have fun making up a crazy cup story. Who was involved? Where were they? Did this crazy day leave some kind of mark on the cup? What was the aftermath? (150+ words)

To find the story of the wildest day that the Four Star Cup has seen you have to go all the way back to the offseason following the S49 Four Star Cup Finals, which saw the Montreal Militia take home their first Four Star Cup since S33. That Militia team had some pretty big upsets on their way to the Cup, knocking off the top 3 seeds en route to their Cup victory. With 13 rookies on the active roster, the Four Star Cup had quite an eventful and party-filled summer, but nothing compared to the day that it spent with rookie free agent signing Michael Fitted. Michael Fitted opted not to take the Cup home with him, but instead spent his day on a wild goose chase trying to track down both of Terry Bradshaw and Terry Crews. The Militia locker room had sort of cultivated a locker room myth/legend surrounding the two famous Terry's, and Michael Fitted took it upon himself to do whatever it took to introduce the Four Star Cup to the Terrys. After multiple flights, cheap cabs, back alleys, and even one unfortunate misdemeanor arrest for the young stud, Fitted finally found Bradshaw before his day with the Cup was over. The legend continues.

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Aleksi Kettu
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Player Prompt

After the Patriotes win the cup, Wilson was given the cup for a day a week after winning the tight 7 game series, he decided to take it back home to his new motherland, Russia after defecting from London, Canada. In this return trip back home he first took the cup back to his favorite restaurant and had a great pasta dinner witht eh cup, the night went on and Wilson took the cup back into his house, and we will describe nothing further of what happened that night. The next day,  he showed the cup to his family to explain thaty he loved the cup so much that he was going to marry it as soon as possible, however the cup had different plans, as it seems to go to a different team every season, so the relationship between Wilson and the cup ended abruptly as the offseason came to a close.

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creative prompt:

Wow. You will not believe the crzy thing that happened one time when a team won the cup. That team? The Hamitlon Steelhawks. The Year? S61. Don't even think you know, cause you don't. So Rotticus Scott? You guys know him? He's crazy. He walked up to the cup and urinated inside it, then he said "THIS IS MY CUP!! " and then he broke it in half. And this was before anyone else even had a chance to lift it or touch it or anything. It was a serious problem. A lot of people were worried he did this because he was high on cocaine, but Hugh Jazz actually told me after the fact that he was completely sober. He's just that crazy. Then, he walked up to me, a 13 year old kid at the time, and he said "YOU'RE AN IDIOT! YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT IN THIS LEAGUE! TAKE A GOOD HARD LOOK AT THAT CUP BECAUSE THATS AS CLOSE AS YOU WILL EVER GET!" I didn't agree, and he politely told me to prove him wrong, which inspired me to become the man i am today.

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PT pass

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Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

The wildest day in the cups history is without a doubt the day that Prezmyslaw Brzeszczyczkiewicz stole from the simulation hockey leagues hall of fame. After smuggling it in to a plane to Poland and taking it on a tour of the country, including kielbasa factories, a crypto mining facility and local boxing gym in Krakov. If that wasnt wild enough when Interpol arrived to return the cup to America and to arrest Prezmyslaw he managed to evade capture before catching a train to Kazakhstan and sneaking aboard a Russian rocket by impersonating a cosmonaut. From there he launched into space and toured the international space station with the cup including a space walk where he almost lost hold of the cup. Upon re entry he was finally captured as he splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean. The cup was returned but due to the massive publicity the shl received due to the escapade they declined to press charges against Brzeszczyczkiewicz.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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The craziest day the Cup has ever lived in its history is without a single doubt when the Chicago Syndicate won it for the first time in franchise history. It was the victory parade day in Chicago and everyone was celebrating and getting as wasted as they had ever been in their entire life. JUST (who was still JURT back then) had poutine flown down from his little hometown in Quebec to eat some from the Cup as soon as possible. It was fucking terrible and incredibly soogy (what was he expecting) and he retched in the cup in front of all these people while Gunnar held his hair back for him (how sweet, what a good friend, thought JURT). Then Corey decided to order a paraglider and started throwing the cup from buildings to see where it would land, after cleaning it of course. Then at the end of the night Matty waterboarded a thug who owed him money directly inside the bowl of the cup.

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At the end of a long and hard, Mando Lorian would take his personal 24 hours with the Championship Cup and take it to his home planet of Mandalore. With his son, Grogu by his side, Mando would bring the Trophy to his home planet to show his people the accomplishment he has made. No one from the planet Mandalore has ever gone on to win a hockey championship, so the honor would be very great for Mando. Mando wants nothing more than to lead his team to a championship. The Elders would make a cast of the championship trophy and make a beskar steel version of the trophy to put on display on Mandalore. A plaque would be engraved with the names of all of the players on the championship team along with the names of the coaches. At the bottom of the plaque it would read the words “This is the Way.” (154 words)

So a day with the cup for Stephan might be a bit longer than a day. In an ideal world Stephan would be able to the cup back across the ocean and back to the United Kingdom. If he would be able to get the cup of for more than a day, he would love to do a tour of the United Kingdom. The tour would include appearances in all of the major ice hockeys teams. Each of the appearances would include signing sessions with fans plus photo opportunities with kids. Over the course of th week Stephan would also make appearances in his home town of Birmingham. Again like the ice hockey teams there would be photo opportunity and signings with kids. Stephan really isn’t a party goers so it’s unlikely that there would be a huge party around the tour. Maybe a charity dinner for providing sponsor opportunities for younglings to get them into the SHL and follow in Stephan footstep.

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1st prompt:
It seems like everyone always eats or drinks something out of the Cup, and it wouldn't be any exception for me. I start everyday with a glass of chocolate milk, and I would for sure make a big ol' cup of choccy within the Cup. I would then have all my family over, to let them have some time with the Cup and to celebrate such a wonderful accomplishment in my life away from the craziness of the general public. After that's done, I'd bring the Cup to a local rink where kids from all throughout the city can come and not only meet me, but get some time with the Cup. Most people never get a chance to see or touch the Cup, so giving kids the chance to (and maybe inspiring some to win the Cup themselves one day) would be such a great use of my time with the Cup. To end the day, the Cup is cuddling up in bed with me, gotta appreciate it while I have the chance.

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Ethan Bouchard and the Tampa Bay Barracuda have a very real opportunity to bring home the Challenge Cup this season as they have advanced to the conference finals against the Buffalo Stampede after defeating the Manhattan Rage 4-1 and the Atlanta Inferno 4-3. Ethan Bouchard’s day with the cup would not be anything wild like we sometimes see with players. Rather, he would take the cup home to his hometown and first of all, would take it to his parents house and take a bunch of photos with his family. Next, he would go downtown and give the residents of his hometown an opportunity to see the cup and take photos with it and/or with himself. He would enjoy all of the fanfare and such throughout the day but after that was all done, he would go back to his parents place in the backyard to enjoy some quiet time while sipping on some adult beverages and relishing the fact that he has just won the biggest prize in all of the SHL.
(173 words)

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If Melvin was to win the cup, he'd use it to do one thing, and one thing only. Stare at himself. It's not always easy to find the right mirrors for a moose, and the cup just has this very shiny and attractive quality. Along with wanting to give it to his friend, Adelie, so he can also carry the shiniest pebble, Melvin would just find himself drawn to looking at the cup the whole day long. Others might think he wants to drink water out of it, or hoist it up somewhere in his antlers, but the reality is, Melvin just loves shiny things and wants to look at them. Even if he didn't win the cup with Adelie, he would share the offseason with him, just chilling penguin, moose and the cup all together. Eventually it would lead to a day of tears and mournful bellowing as Melvin needs to send it to someone else, but he would definitely enjoy the time he had with it.

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In one day with the cup, Gravy Train would wake up with it next to him in bed. Then he would give the cup his finest robes as he dressed to pour it some coffee. It is a cup after all, so rather than a mug the coffee would just go directly into the cup. Next He would take it out for some breakfast at the finest Lithuanian diner in Maine, "The Lithuanian Diner". Afterwards, he would dress the cup in a Hawaiian Button down and dark sunglasses and take it to the beach to just vibe for a while, and breathe in the summer air and the hint of pine. To finish, he would wash out the cup and concoct the greatest jungle juice on Earth inside its bowl, the jungle juice of champions. This drink would be shared among Gravy and his closest friends, who are all champions on this day.

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