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S65 Championship Week

Trivia: Verification Word

Milestones + 3

Affiliate + 3

[Image: Oqsvuu4.png]

(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 12:55 PM by Thunder39. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. 3 TPE - Yuh

2. 4 TPE -
a. I'm taking LA in this cup final. This team has been chomping at the bit for a couple seasons and while Tampa Bay has come close as well, this LA team just hit different. Tampa will have their time in the spotlight i'm sure, but this whole final just has a vibe of a Challenge Cup coming back to Los Angeles

b. It's a tough task for LA to match up with the offensive powerhouse that Tampa has been rolling. Honestly I think trying to free up your offensive players to get their shots and making sure your best defensive players stick to Tampa like glue is the only way to go here. Pair that with some hopefully stellar goaltending and you can smother Tampa on your way to a cup.

c. Again just like LA above it's all about matchups. You have to find a line that can have one player just run roughshod and split up the pair, once you have it down to just one that should open even a small window for your players to take advantage. On top of that you have two other D pairings to match up that could be ready to just leak goals all series.

d. It certainly seems like a case of both. There are signs of these being blocks that could be avoided with better possession, but come playoff time every team wants players that will lay down the body in the quest for the cup. This Tampa team has the grit to go all the way, but it could come back to bite them.

7. 3 TPE -

13. 1 TPE - [Image: zsq9n64.png]

16. 2 TPE - While I don't believe it is a “traditional” German dish, more of a fusion, I love currywurst. I had this dish when I went over to Germany, more specifically Berlin, a few years back and have been searching for a way to have some back in Canada, but no luck so far. It combines two of my most enjoyed foods, curry and meat. A bit on the nose for sure, but I've never been a veggies guy and this dish just hits home for me. The search will continue or if it comes down to it, a trip back to Germany will have to be planned out soon.

19. 3TPE - [Image: pFgMmeN.jpg]

Germany Elk Aurora [Image: vKrOFwy.png] [Image: VbtOVyg.png] Aurora Elk Germany

[Image: Thunder39.gif]

1 - TRIVIA - applesauce

2 - Grab Bag
a. - I think this could be Tampa Bay's year. They've had too strong a team recently, with the chips never seeming to fall their way. All in all, they have too experienced of a team, and have had a string of good luck entering into the final week of the season. Tampa Bay all the way. (55)
b. - As we see in the sport all the time... you don't. You simply have to hope and pray that you slow enough of the team down that your own superstars in Wagner and Fruit can carry the load effectively, and that your studs in net hold up to what has the potential to become an onslaught of shots. (58)
c. - Tampa Bay has the talent to succeed against any top defensive pairing. They need to continue to play their brand of hockey, and let the Panthers adjust to them. Their own goal scoring has been next-level this playoffs, and we will soon see what truly happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. (54)
d. - If I were in the coaching room of the Barracuda, I would be worried that so many of my players had been playing with minor bruising and injuries throughout our run. All I would be praying for is that we could make it through another series before the soft tissue injuries began to pile up, rather than how effective shot blocks are on defense. (64)

3 - The Four Star Cup added its four stars after the Ham and Juke/Ham and Yosh dynasty officially retired. Before that, the league didn't have the infrastructure nor the funds to successfully invest in the levitation technology that keeps the stars hovering slightly above the lip of the cup. However, after the investment firm known as Hamlet Enterprises assumed majority ownership of the Newfoundland Berserkers, a new revenue stream was inserted into the hands of the league, paving the way for improvements such as the switch to new arenas, a new game format, and better analytics, alongside an increase in the flair of the league itself. Alongside such improvements came a reduction in overall time spent off the ice, allowing for an increase in games played in a season and limiting both injury minutes as well as full brawl breakouts between players. Overall, I think the addition of the four stars to the cup marks a significant turning point in the history of the league, marked by an uptick in individual production as well as team accolades, and the future of the league shines bright beneath a starry sky. (189)

6 - The stat I would respectfully like included in the new analytics scheme would be that of what I refer to as "doinkitude". This stat collects the amount of times a shot on goal results in a ricochet, and a further stat (DLTS, or "doinks leading to shots") would reflect exactly how expert each player is at setting up rebound and put-back goals for their team. The individual shot percentage of a player when combined with their DLTS would show you exactly how effective each player is at maintaining control of the puck in the attacking third, regardless of the eventual outcome of the shot. It would aid analytic and coaching staff information collection in a way the league may not be ready for. For example, if you were to select a player that had a low shooting percentage but a high DLTS percentage, you could safely insert them into a lineup with a player with a high shooting percentage but low shot attempt rate, and expect both players to thrive far more together than if they were apart. (178)

15 - I truly believe that Finland has the team to take gold this year. They've got complete lines at every single level of competition, from the greats that we all know and love, to a bevy of new faces who have not made the team until this year. The collection of enterprising players, as well as a coaching staff that truly seems to care not only about team success but also about individual player development and inter-team chemistry seems like a recipe for success that very few other nations can boast. They will face stiff competition (as they always do) from the Canadian side, but I would look for the Finns to have somewhat of a renaissance year in international competition, leading to a surprise gold. And, if my prediction fails, at least I can fall back on the excuse that I am a homer at heart and wish nothing but the best for my team. (155)

TOTAL - 16 teeps

[Image: vo42C2b.png]
[Image: hTIaaQX.gif]

Cheers to tweedledunn and supertardis101 for the awesome signatures!

Milestones +3 TPE

ISFL Affiliate +3 TPE

Trivia - Verification Word - coward +3 TPE

Task 18

AS the Panthers finally won the cup, this marks like the first season in forever that someone that isn't Hamilton, buffalo or Chicago has seemed to win, and with the sim change on the way, you never know who will win next season. But as for this season, the Panthers took it home in 6 games, with a strong goalie performance by Olof Karsikko who had 3 shutouts in the playoffs and only lost 4 times, allowing less than 2 goals per game, it was obvious that he was the Team MVP for the Panthers down their playoff run, and hopefully he will be able to continue it into the future.

Task 23

I am pretty good, enjoying life as it is, but SHL life is not as good, I am broke and have been barely affording training for the past couple of seasons, never finding the ability to write about hockey and never getting the creative juices flowing to keep making graphics, so I've just decided to go back to updating and maybe hopping on a podcast or two. The Patriotes seem to be turning a corner, so thats another thing adding to my SHL experience, as we have been in a deep rebuild since S60, but thats about all thats going on with me and the SHL at the moment.

Task 6

Of all the new possible stats that could be added to the new FHM stat, I would have to go with "Sim Luck" as my personal choice, as when your character is created in the sim it runs a random number generator to give you this uneditable stat between 1 and 100, with 100 making you the goat and 1 making you the average IA players that never even get drafted into the SHL. This stat would make your player play either way above or way below expectations. This would make teams looking to tank for high draft piocks a lot easier as their players won't randomly pop off and have a MVP caliber season if they have 11 Sim Luck, while the best teams could win the cup with a bunch of 100 Sim Luck 500 TPE players, as they will all behave as MVP level players throughout the entire season, most people would end up retiring and recreating until they get a high stat in Sim Luck

16/16 TPE

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: lIYTYDN.png] [Image: 9pUocRs.png] [Image: tCcIWQC.png] 
[Image: Skree.gif]
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 03:49 PM by Gooney. Edited 1 time in total.)


verification word: gooneyman


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. An LAP team that was disappointed in a S63 finals loss is back again to face a TBB team that has been hungry for their chance in the entire FHM era. Who are you taking as a winner and why

I am taking the LA Panthers because honestly I think the roster has the strength and most importantly, the courage to take on the brave and strong tough hockey team, Tampa Bay Barricades. I just think the panthers have a more well rounded out locker room and can stand a war of attrition better than the Barricudas.

b. Tampa Bay’s top forwards have been absolute power houses on this run, totalling 102 points across their top 6. If you’re LA, how do you line-match against two lines that are on an absolute tear?

Well you know what the La Panthers definitely have a tough position in this upcoming matchup. I think what you have to do is put out your sandpaper grind and grit guys and tell them to you know like rub hard agaisnt the top opposition. Make them work for every inch of ice and then hopefully tire them out.

c. L.A.’s D pair of Kierkegaard and Kahnwald are maintaining a shocking 2 more GF/60 than GA/60, despite playing more than 21 minutes a game including PK time. If you’re Tampa Bay how do you get around these two? Hope to outlast them in endurance, or look to more depth scoring?

The secret to getting around both of Kierkegaard and Kahnwald is you  just gotta get your legs moving and go around them, they have a well known weakness of being really slow and honestly i think the panthers have the right firing power to exploit that weakness. It is easier said then done though.

d. TBB’s roster has racked up many more shot blocks (294) than LAP has (188). Do you see this as a good thing? Is this an iron willed team that’s willing to lay down their bodies to get the job done, or do you think it paints a picture of a team that can’t maintain possession and has to find another way to keep the puck out. Maybe a bit of both?

I think its a combo of both if im keeping it honest. in the playoffs you have to sometimes lay your body on the line, it is inevitable and all the great teams do it. but you dont want to rely on it because it hurts a lot and maybe you can like brusie your leg and then be out of comission and nobody wants that man.

+4 TPE

5. Written, 3 TPE, Mysterious Person 150 words min
Make up an important character from SHL history. Tell me their name, what their job was, and why they’re important. Maybe they were an eccentric team owner? An agent that represented half the league? Heck, make it a real person from SHL history if you want! I’m always down to hear cool old SHL stories!

Let me tell you the tale of Tom Mcdonald, one of the most important people in the history of the simulation hockey league. Tom Mcdonald was born in Maine back in 1984. He was a tall man who liked the game of hockey and had wide hands. He grew up on the farms surrounded by a bunch of like little pigs and let me tell that caused him significant problems that occur a lot. any ways he became a goalie because the pigs would like attack him and he'd have to dodge them because theyre really fast and they can hurt you. this helped him build his reflexes and he went on to become the greatest goalie in simulation hoceky leaugue history. he won 4 cups with his time on the regina elk and added 2 mvps. he still keeps pet pigs to this day and even has one in his house. he calls it his special pig.

+3 TPE

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


+3 TPE

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Gone Viral (150 words min.)
Your player unexpectedly has a video go viral on social media. Why? Does it make your player look good? Does it make them look bad? What happened and why was someone filming you to begin with? ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player being filmed in their viral moment.

oh no this is horrible news for tommy westbrook (but this time i upd. a video was released and it is not a good thing for him. he is in big trouble. he was caught bringing some pigs into the hamilton locker room. when asked about it he said hey why were you following me? these are my pigs and im gonna bring one in and do what i like. this is my locker room. the media did not take kindly to this and hes currently under investigation by the hamilton steelhawks. tommy westbrook but this time i upd has deleted all his social media. many fans are crying and asking the hard questions. why did he have a pig? was gonna eat it? (no he wasnt he had other plans) hopefully the steelhawks go leniant on him. it was a simple mistake. the pig has been rescued and sent back to the farm.

+3 TPE

[Image: TommyWestbrook.jpg]
[Image: UznKCpb.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 04:12 PM by GoonerBear. Edited 3 times in total.)

PBE credit - 3 TPE


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Verification word: freefallin'

6. Written, 3 TPE, New Stat (150 words min.)
I work for the FHM dev team and I’m giving you, sweet user, the ability to add any stat you want to our player build system. Footwork? Sure! Stink level? Why not! Stomach capacity? Ok… I guess so! Tell me what stat you want to add, and how you imagine it’ll affect the sim.

A new sim attribute I would add to the SHL is Brain Toughness. Not Mental Toughness. How well do your mental stats work after getting your bell rung on the ice? This could interact with your stamina, strength, and balance, as those would affect how much temporary mental damage you would take, how long the effect would last in the game, how well you can resist the effects in the first place, etc. Brain Toughness would play a factor for clean and dirty hits. And it doesn't have to stop there - what if you get into a fight? Getting punched in the head during that fight can have consequences later on in the game if your opponent mops the ice with you, or if you do unto them what Mike Tyson did unto a lot of his opponents. Will it wear off during your 5-minute timeout in the box? Will you be ready to go when you take your first draw after the penalty? With long-term injuries turned off, this would only affect a player to the end of the game. Effects are cleared between games.


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones claim here - 2 TPE

13. Graphic, 1 TPE, DALL-E? More like WINN-ING!
Since the ring task was unbelievably easy, I thought I’d try out another insanely easy graphics task. Try using OpenAI’s DALL E Mini to generate a Challenge Cup related image. It could be a championship ring, your player lifting the cup, a locker room celebration. Go nuts as long as you’re attempting to make it SHL related! The results will be weird, but it’s fun!  

[Image: C45jAme.png]


16. Written, 2 TPE, Just Like Back Home (100 words min.)
Choose a dish from your IIHF federation and tell me about it! Does your player make it? A member of their family? What’s special about it to you?
I've gotta go with a classic that I can find surprisingly easy in joints around the SHL cities - bangers and mash. I'd usually help the boys make this comfort delight back on Ogre Street. It gave us good sustenance, though just getting good quality meat for it was a bit tough. I'd insist we only make it when we could make it right - no settling for just any old potatoes or sausages. This was almost sacrosanct, and we'd typically save it for when a special occasion happened. Something worth celebrating. These days, I do still try to keep to that old tradition. I've only had it three times since I came to the SHL - first goal, All-Rookie, and first playoff appearance. 'Twas more plentiful in Newfoundland, especially when we won the Four Star Cup.


23. Written, 2 TPE, How Are You? (100 words min.)
Instead of asking you about other people this season, I figured I’d ask about you! How are you feeling? Take a couple of minutes to write about what’s going on in your life and how you’re feeling lately. I think taking the time to write things down helps me appreciate or understand them better, so maybe this could help you! Or you can just rant about your cat annoying you for 100 words and collect 2 TPE. I guess that works too.

I'm glad you've asked. I've been getting better since I had a panic attack about two months ago. It was rough for the first week after, though once I got with a doctor and he got me on a prescription, it's helped a ton with keeping cool during everyday stressful situations. There are still more uphill treks - a bit of depression here and there, struggles at work and with the people I work for, the ever-growing desire to find a good time and either take a vacation or at least a weekend to get the hell out of my droll-ass hometown...and reconsidering how I approach these sim leagues. About that time, I'd considered dropping out of the SHL and PBE entirely. I think I'm going to compromise and phase out of my updater jobs for both. Simplify things, as someone retiring from one of my clubs put it. I want to have fun with it. I want to do well. I just need a long break before I decide if I could handle a league job again.


Speedwagon Player Page | Speedwagon Updates Page 

[Image: speedwagongifsig.gif]

[Image: GoonerBear.gif]

3. In my point of view I would say that the four stars on the Four Star cup stand for hockey, heart, happiness, and home. The first h in the stars of the four star cup is pretty self explanatory, this is a hockey league therefore one of the stars if for hockey (pretty simple). For the second star, it stands for heart because of the heart and passion that goes into being able to win the four star cup. Happiness is the third star because of the pure joy that not only goes along with winning the cup but also by playing the game of hockey in the first place. Last of all, the fourth star in the four hs of the four star cup stars is home. For players in the SMJHL, hockey is more than just a game, it is the place they call home, a place full of family and love which is embodied in winning the four star cup.

4.I am not the biggest fan of superstitions related to the playoffs in SHL however there are a few things that I have heard others talk about being superstitious about. The Timber as a team has a little known tradition where we sacrifice a tree before big games as a belief that it brings good luck from mother nature. The process of tree sacrifice is very particular and has many steps to it which I am sure I will miss many of and probably should not really mention in the first place. But I digress...some highlights of this tradition is the type of tree is chosen based on the vibes of the opponent for the game and then the tree is cut down by the mvp of the previous game and then a piece of wood is given to every player to burn right before the game. Of course it doesn't all go to waste, we use it for team bonfires or other purposes as well.

5.A very little known but iconic character in my heart and in SHL history who deserves recognition is willy bottom, one of the most heroic janitors known to some in the SHL. When you think of a janitor you might just think of someone who cleans bathrooms and sweeps when no one is around, but if you are only thinking of that then you probably (certainly) have not met Willy B. Willy is an unsung hero of the SHL for his kind and caring heart. He always went out of his way to make everyone have a better day, even remembering what candy players like and surprising them by leaving candy in the locker rooms. Willy did all the work of a janitor and so much more. Not only did he deal with nasty stinky locker rooms, he made them feel like home, with scented candles and all. May have been a fire hazard but we never cared because Willy was always there for us when we needed it most.

6.The new stat that I think would be interesting to add into the sim would be stealth. Especially since my player is platypus secret agent Perry Theplatypus, I think that this could benefit him greatly. Stealth could maybe be similar to agility in some regards but I think that something that would make stealth special is the element of surprise. Players high in stealth would pull out moves from nowhere and become the hero when least expected. It's not super easy to be stealthy on the ice, not like there's anywhere to hide but I think this stat would give a player a certain quiet grace to them, skating and moving so smoothly that you hardly ever hear them move...they just appear and dominate. This stat would also be helpful when a player is subbing in they may be able to be sneaky about it and appear on the ice at the exact right time.
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 03:53 PM by The Roope Hintz Effect.)

1. CW Trivia, 3 tpe
blueberry og

7. Milestones, 3 tpe 

16. Just Like Back Home, 2 tpe

Rylie Versi is from a small town in Texas and spent many family BBQs eating burgers. Ground beef was always cheap in Texas so the Versi family made burgers just about every weekend. Rylie has an amazing family recipe that he’s modified and updated. Nothing store bought, bbq sauce made from scratch, honey directly from local beekeepers, and a marinade containing ingredients known only to Rylie and his family. Utilizing local farmers markets to get the freshest vegetables and spices, Rylie has taken the family recipe to another level. He also makes banging chocolate chip cookies.

21. Boss Fight, 3 tpe 

The “Edmonton Blizzard” world boss is a large rolling blizzard that travels the entirety of the ingame map destroying any unsuspecting gamers in its path. Dense fog surrounds thick rumbling snow, in the center the bright spirit of Edmonton. Fighting the boss is futile as normal and advanced attacks and abilities do nothing to it as the fog blinds players, greatly reducing their attack accuracy, and the snow regenerates quicker than any player's damage output. The boss can be slowed by fire type attacks but not defeated entirely, players can use this to buy them time to get by the boss or keep it contained for a moment. The only way to defeat this world boss is by completing the SHL dungeon and getting the Challange Cup. Players with the cup may enter the Blizzard and use the cup to consume the spirit of Edmonton, dispersing the fog and melting the snow. Defeating this boss upgrades the Challenge Cup granting the player +25 snow and ice immunity.

22. Gone Viral, 3 tpe

After getting bounced early in the playoffs. Quebec city players Justin Time(tag ramen amen) and Rylie Versi left for an offseason road trip accompanied by their captain of the last few seasons, Aksel Fiske who’s ascending to SHL superiority in Manhattan.During the wee hours of the morning near the US-Canadian border, the stereo started spinning Taylor Swift’s Love Story. Versi awoke from his state of exhaustion with a loud scream of “WHAT A BANGER” and the three proceed to serenade the open road with the soothing notes of T-Swift only stopping to hydrate their mouths with some wet wet. Unknown to Versi and Time, Fiske was recording the entire time and the video made its rounds quickly. The three friends turned karaoke champs became overnight sensations stunning the hockey world with what the kids are calling "the best rendition of the song since its inception".

23. How Are You?, 2 tpe

My job is kicking my ass and taking absolutely too much of my time. It’s been 100+ degrees in my city everyday for like a month straight and my car doesn’t have ac. Aside from those things everything has been great. One of my cats had a birthday today and my snake got a fresh cheese boi for dinner. About to do huge upgrades to the pc and that should be a massive serotonin injection straight to the brain. I also got some banger edibles the other day that help me sleep so I've been getting more than 4 hours a day.

16 tpe total

[Image: ykvg72u.png]
[Image: kcP9WEd.png]
Professional frogposter
Electric lettuce enthusiast

3. I think that the four stars on the Four star cup stand for the four greatest light beers, obviously Miller light, Bud light, Busch lite, and Coors light, with the champagne of beers (Miller light) being the most coveted of them all. This is due to hockeys esteemed culture in drinking which I believe to be one of the central tenets of hockey, and really inspired me to play this beautiful game in the first place. As a Latvian immigrant, I had only ever had local beers before coming to the states and playing in the SHL, but when I tasted my first American beer in the locker room before my first game, I knew what this league was all about and I wanted to taste the glory of the four star cup for myself. I look forward to bringing home the four star cup one day along with all the great american beers for my friends back home.

4.In terms of superstitions, I only have one, yet this superstition is more important to me than any others I have ever heard. My superstition is that in the twenty-four hours before every game I must consume twenty beers, also known as a case race. Now you may be asking yourselves, why, why would I be treating my body this way? Because consuming this much beer is not only my destiny, but my calling. This is also why I believe that blood alcohol content should also be one of the new stats tracked for players, I know I would have the best stat in the league hands down. The importance of a high alcohol content cannot be understated as it improves balance, coordination, hand eye precision, decision making, speed, cohesion, communication, love of the game, passion, blood lust, and tree chopping abilities if you know what I mean. See you on the ice.

5.The most iconic person in SHL history is obviously Mr. SHL, whom the league is named after. Mr. Samuel hockey league founded the SHL in order to keep all of the people in the drunk tank at the local jail busy while they sobered up. Once they sobered up they were free to go, but until they played hockey. Trapped on the ice with little wherewithal, these drunk tank inmates had to compete. Mr. SHL is incredibly iconic in my eyes for creating such a beautiful idea. I actually knew one of the first drunk tank inmates to make it to the SHL. Nowadays the SHL has changed quite a bit, unfortunately getting away from the spirit of the game, as so many players are not playing sober. I am one of the few who remembers the origins of the game and continue to honor Mr. Samuel Hockey League today.

6.The new stat that I strongly believe should be added to the SHL is Blood alcohol content. As previously stated, blood alcohol content has been proven to be an integral part of not only the league itself but the ability of the players to perform to the best of their abilities on one of the largest stages in hockey. BAC is a test of endurance, strength, willpower, grit, determination, perseverance, swagger, and of course, hockey. Those with high BAC will have increased talents, which one of them you would ask? It's all of them. Blood alcohol content is a stat that measures how close you are to the true roots of the SHL and truly hockey itself. Quite frankly, the exclusion of BAC as a stat thus far is an erroneous oversite by stat trackers and league officials. There cannot be discussion about the greatest SHL player of all time without the inclusion of BAC as an official stat. 
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 04:42 PM by lmao. Edited 7 times in total.)


1. CW Trivia (+3)

Verification word: please

4. Written, 3 TPE, Do You Touch It? (150 words min.)
In the NHL there’s a well known superstition that any team that touches their conference championship trophy won’t win the Stanley Cup. Are there any superstitions like that in the SHL playoffs? If so, what are they? Where do they come from? Does your team or your player believe in them? Why or why not?

It is a very well known superstition that players in the NHL often choose not to touch the trophy they get for winning the conference finals in the playoffs. Personally, I think that this superstition is pointless. Well first of all, unlike many sports players, I am really not superstitious at all. So if it were up to me, if the Chicago Syndicate were to win the conference finals (and we have before of course), then I would be completely fine with touching that trophy. However, since I am not currently a captain of the team, I do not really have any choice in the matter. While I am not superstitious at all, I do respect the leadership of my teammates, so if they did not want us to touch the trophy, then I would not. Because it is not that I particularly want to touch the trophy to begin with, I just do not really care either way.

7. Milestones (+3)

16. Written, 2 TPE, Just Like Back Home (100 words min.)

Choose a dish from your IIHF federation and tell me about it! Does your player make it? A member of their family? What’s special about it to you?
My home federation in the IIHF in Japan, so I would like to choose a dish that not many people know about, which is called natto. Basically what it is, is just fermented soy beans. It has a very strong odour which anyone who is near it can smell. I personally have never tried it, and to be honest, I really do not want to try it ever. It is basically a running joke with my friends that if one of my friends ever gets a six pack, then I will try eating natto. But until then I will stay far far away. I will not try it.

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

Well, to be honest, I would have to say that the playoffs did not completely go as expected. I definitely was happy to see that there was some new blood in the finals though that ended up bringing home the Challenge Cup. Of course, being on the Chicago Syndicate, I had really hoped that we would back in there in the finals, so in that way, the playoffs did not completely go as expected. However, we knew that it would be difficult to repeat, so we just have to tip our cap to the team that beat us, and I would congratulate the champions on a great season.

PBE Affiliate (+3)

(username is twix)

[Image: Rg2aCpa.png]

[S78] #14 C | Jon Garfield
[SMJHL] Regina Elk / Thunder Bay Walleye

[SHL] Buffalo Stampede | Prospect

[S58] #72 LD | Shion Okamoto
[SMJHL] Newfoundland Berserkers | Former Captain | S60, S62 Four Star Cup
[SHL] Chicago Syndicate | S64 Challenge Cup
[IIHF] Team Japan | S60 Gold
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 04:40 PM by O4L. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

verification: kdone

6. Written, 3 TPE, New Stat (150 words min.)
I work for the FHM dev team and I’m giving you, sweet user, the ability to add any stat you want to our player build system. Footwork? Sure! Stink level? Why not! Stomach capacity? Ok… I guess so! Tell me what stat you want to add, and how you imagine it’ll affect the sim.

A giant issue I have with FHM right now is lack of fighting, it doesn't matter if you poor 500 tpe into fighting, your player still won't fight. Obviously, it'd be nice to have a setting like EHM where you can set how much you want your player to fight, in EHM that setting greatly increases fight totals especially if your player has high aggression/fighting already. If that setting is too far off adding to modern day FHM, then I'd really like to see goons be allowed people to lower the temperament of their player to increase fight totals and PIMS, there's really no reason for that attribute to be locked at 15 like the other mental attributes, it should be a trainable attribute like aggression/fighting. Goons have always been the role that get most screwed in SHL due to sim engine, and I'd like to see some steps taken to make their role more relevant.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

7. Milestones, 2 tpe

[Image: 57879_s.gif]
[Image: 37742_s.gif]
[Image: jov7Yk9.png]

SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

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1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

[Image: jrousseau.gif]
[Image: j7ebBxQ.png] [Image: FbT2Pb1.png]
Canada Knights Canada Knights Canada
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 05:08 PM by jsteele14. Edited 3 times in total.)

CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each
correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below.
Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit.
Post your verification word in your CW post.
This is the way

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and
then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the
person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks

Total TPE Earned: 6

[Image: jsteele1423.gif]
[Image: dOfqg1T.png]
[Image: lhZ3TTV.png]
[Image: QwTZD8C.png] [Image: uJXrVDL.png]
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7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

+3 TPE - milestones

2. Written, up to 4 TPE -

A. I’m taking Los Angeles as the winner because I’m writing this after the finals are over and Los Angeles Panthers have already won hahaha... but seriously, I would have picked them regardless. They have climbed the ranks with determination and excellent management that have built a team worthy of the cupo. Excellent season boys and girls!

B. You can’t really do much to counter such a fantastic offense in the other team except hope they hit the post a lot and hope that your goalie stands on his head. The best way to counter the opponent’s scoring is to simply score more goals. Sounds easy but ultimately, it’s a team effort and the best team will win, not necessarily the best offense.

C. If Tampa Bay was a dirty team a good strategy would be to make those guys take penalties, but seeing how those two are incredibly disciplined players, you just have to hype up your goalie to make some amazing saves or keep those two out of shooting range. Honestly, there’s not much to stop these guys. They are stud players with good chemistry.

D. Tampa Bay taking so many shot blocks in the season may be a detriment in the finals. Those defense are going to be banged up hard by now and LA has some serious snipes with lazer shots. Those are gonna hurt to block, but no pain no gain. Tampa is gonna have to bring all they got in the finals.

3. Written, 3 TPE, Four Star (150 words min.)

The Four stars could mean a great many things but in my opinion, the four stars stand for the four major components of a winning team. First, coaching. You have to have a great coach or really you have no chance to be successful. You need a motivator, a leader, and an inspiration behind the bench and in the locker room. Second, you need a good offense. If you can’t score goals you simply won;t win games. These offense also need to have heart and soul and the want to win and recognize their own strengths. Third, you need a fantastic defense. It is said that the team with the best defense will win it all in the end, but while they are important component, it is ultimately a team effort that will lead a team to the championships. Finally, you need a goalie who is willing to leave it all out on the ice every game in the playoffs with little room for error. All these 4 stars of every team will win it all when it all comes together.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Do You Touch It? (150 words min.)

The Calgary Dragons, well, most of us anyway are not big believers in superstition. It’s hard work and determination that will take us further than worrying about not changing our socks, or the order we put our equipment on. There’s nothing better than a blaster at your side than worrying about hokey old religions. But, we do believe in luck, which arguably could be considered a type of superstition but luck is luck whether it’s good or bad. The puck hits the post and bounces left instead of right? There’s no superstition that will affect this but luck sure does. That lucky bounce off the goalie for a wicked rebound into an open net cannot be blamed on not touching a trophy. Superstition is equivalent to the hokey old religion and a hockey stick is the blaster. One is something you can control and the other is up to fate. If given the opportunity to touch the trophy, I would do it, and not think twice about it.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Mysterious Person 150 words min

There was this old hermit that I heard about once, who lived beyond the dune sea who apparently used to be a super stud SHL player. He fought many battles and was victorious in many wars but despite this all, he suffered a horrible defeat at the hands of one of his old team mates. He went into hiding to protect his skills, thinking he would possibly never use them again. But, there came a time when a team was so brutally powerful, he was forced to come out of hiding to teach a young lad the ways of his previous success in order to topple the powerful team. He showed the lad how to hone his skills and he lead the boy to other people who would help him build a team that would topple the evil team. Though the old hermit laid down his life in sacrifice for the new generation to take over, his efforts were never forgotten and the good guys won in the end. Like they always do.

[Image: wLeEjGc.jpeg]

(This post was last modified: 07-03-2022, 09:59 PM by goilers. Edited 4 times in total.)


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

2. Written, 2 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
b. Tampa Bay’s top forwards have been absolute power houses on this run, totalling 102 points across their top 6. If you’re LA, how do you line-match against two lines that are on an absolute tear?
It’s impressive how Tampas forwards have been this season. Their top six has been absolutely power houses. If I had to line match I’d put my most defensive pairing on the very top line & I’d try to put a defensive forward with my two best players in the 1st line. That’s the best I could really do. There’s no stopping them when they are putting up a point total like that.
d. TBB’s roster has racked up many more shot blocks (294) than LAP has (188). Do you see this as a good thing? Is this an iron willed team that’s willing to lay down their bodies to get the job done, or do you think it paints a picture of a team that can’t maintain possession and has to find another way to keep the puck out. Maybe a bit of both?
Honestly I think that Tampa is just all around a strong team right now and there’s no getting around there offensive and defensive skills. I think it’s a good thing for Tampa and obviously not a good thing for Los Angeles Panthers. I do however, think that it is a little bit of both though. There’s players who are going to lay it out & also players who lose possession more Easily.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Do You Touch It? (150 words min.)
In the NHL there’s a well known superstition that any team that touches their conference championship trophy won’t win the Stanley Cup. Are there any superstitions like that in the SHL playoffs? If so, what are they? Where do they come from? Does your team or your player believe in them? Why or why not?
Greyson Cooper is a very superstitious player & has been since he was very young. He never goes out of his routine unless he absolutely has too. Growing up he knew that if you touched the Stanley Cup it would never be yours. So when the Stanley cup came to his hometown when he was a young boy he knew back then not to touch it either. So you can imagine now that he is in the Simulation Hockey League that he would never ever touch the cup until it’s his. I’m not really sure where that all began because lots of professional hockey players have touched the cup or the conference trophy & have gone on to win it. However Cooper has his ways & there’s no way you’d be able to change his mind. He’s been like that since he was a young boy & I can’t see that changing anytime soon.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
+1 TPE - Milestones

16. Written, 2 TPE, Just Like Back Home (100 words min.)
Choose a dish from your IIHF federation and tell me about it! Does your player make it? A member of their family? What’s special about it to you?
One of Grayson Cooper‘s favourite meals from his IIHF team is roast pork with dumplings and cabbage. Cooper makes this meal whenever he has some free time but no one makes it as good as his grandma. So whenever he goes home or has the opportunity to get a home-cooked meal from his grandma he never misses the opportunity. Its a simple meal with pork, dumplings and pickled cabbage but his family secret recipe is one of the very best & it doesn’t taste as simple as it is. He learned how to make it at a very young age and everyone who has tried it has told them it’s one of the best meals they’ve ever had.

23. Written, 2 TPE, How Are You? (100 words min.)
Instead of asking you about other people this season, I figured I’d ask about you! How are you feeling? Take a couple of minutes to write about what’s going on in your life and how you’re feeling lately. I think taking the time to write things down helps me appreciate or understand them better, so maybe this could help you! Or you can just rant about your cat annoying you for 100 words and collect 2 TPE. I guess that works too.
How am I? I’m actually doing really well. I have been really busy with work and busy with friends and family. I have seven weddings this summer lots of bachelorettes and a lot of camping planned so feeling a little bit overwhelmed but excited for the most part. It’s nice that everything‘s open again and people are able to do what they want too and finally get to see some family and friends that we haven’t been able to see for a couple years. Other than being super busy life is pretty great & I’m really looking forward to the rest of summer.

Stampede Citadelles  [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]  Citadelles Stampede
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