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S68 PT #2: Monstars Due: December 4th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

To plan a talent heist at a scale this large one has to carefully plan and plot, review their schemes to avoid any chicanery, and exercise a ridiculous amount of tact to ensure that everything runs smoothly and carefully. This is not a one time planning sesh that can be done in one sitting, this will take months of planning, ideating, discussing, and focus grouping before settling on what plan has the highest likelihood of success. So what's the plan? Doing it all at once would raise suspicion, it would make it obvious which team is benefiting and which teams are suffering from the talent stealing beam, so to ensure success, the Hamilton Steelhawks will purchase a replica of every single team's mascot costume, and one by one, as they play every other team in the league, they will select their best performing player, get close to them in disguise as their mascot (they've selected B Jobin to be their undercover agent), and blast em, rinsing and repeating until they have the skills of every top player in the league stored in the gun.

[Image: bjobin2.png]
[Image: 9tINabI.png][Image: c97iD9R.png]

**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

Jimmy Wagner is too noble and honest to use such a device, and he turns down the offer from the team doctors and heads home for the night.

After dinner, he gets on the computer and begins pouring over film from the team, clips on Youtube, and whatever games are on. Much like the original proposition, he's looking for skills and talents across the league to replicate himself. He replays highlight of a deke from Dwayne Gretzky, one of the best puckhandlers in the league, dozens of times - shifting his hands and rotating them around an imaginary stick as he recreates the move in his mind. He loads up the recent Montreal - Toronto game and begins following Sconnie McHits around the screen - watching how he uses the space on the ice as he gets open seemingly at will. If they find Toronto in the finals, some of those reads might come in handy.

Satisfied, he turns off the computer and heads off to the living room to play Scrabble with Kate.

[Image: sve7en.gif]

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Creative Prompt:

Ryosuke Sato is getting older and his skills are regressing, so he turned to a new leaf... a leaf in villainry! Sato took inspiration from the movie he watched "Despicable Me" in becoming the World's Greatest Hockey Super Villain. To do so, he built a "Talentstealing-inator" to secretly beam the best players in the league and steal whatever skill the gun is set to! To pull off this despicable plan, Ryosuke hid the large gun in his hockey pants and when the time comes at the faceoff circle, the talent stealing gun unfolds to be 10 times as big from his back pocket and completely zaps the entire other lineup of their talent! Absolutely despicable, but also absolutely obvious. Not the matter tho as Sato is trying to get known as the World's Greatest Hockey Villain (as long as he is not suspended from the league). The league best be afraid if they try to impose anything on him!

[Image: Dextaria.gif]

[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

pt pass

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

Nibbles is lucky when it comes to being able to steal the skills that he wants. Since he is a squirrel he is already naturally light on his feet and his speed allows him to get in and out of places in a blink of an eye. In order to obtain the other talents Nibbles would be one that would operate under darkness and strike when the other players are least expecting it. This might be when they are at home, or driving home from work. Nibbles can be everywhere and nowhere and that allows him to strike at pretty much any time. Also, because he is a squirrel it does not take much for him to have the element of surprise that would allow him to get close with relative ease. You will not find an individual that is more equipped for this level of espionage and it will not take Nibbles very long to gather up all the Talent that he wants.
164 words

[Image: SouthPaw.gif]

Creative Prompt

Well, to be sneaky the best way to do it is to not be the one holding it you know? Presumably you have to beam it into yourself later so I’d get one of the equipment staff to secretly do it at some point during the game while the player I want to steal the skills from skated past the bench. another way he could do it is by doing the ol’,” Oops, I tripped,” gambit and fall onto the ice with it under his shirt or coat or whatever and beam the skills directly into the beam thinger. Afterwards when I’m back on the bench I’d get him to secretly beam the skills to me and then I’d go and deke out or defend the living skill-lights out of every other sucker on the ice that night. Either that or I’d get Frenchie to do it. ?

[Image: zFE0mSA.png]      [Image: HKi05IH.png]     [Image: KS8UYv9.png]

Creative Prompt

For Mat Smith to get away with stealing other players' abilities, he has to first be able to do it without it being obvious and second not have people be able to trace it back to him. That's why he teamed up with the spotlight operator in the United Center to create Spotbeam ™. How it works is that Smith allows one of the more skilled players of the opposing teams to score a goal, and they get a spotlight shone on them to hide the beam that's taking away their abilities. Similarly, this also works when an opposing goalie gets scored on, they get a red spotlight shone on them which takes away their abilities. All these get stored within the Spotbeam, so after the game Smith sneaks up to the rafters to breathe these abilities in. So if you ever see Smith give up a weak goal, know that it's not through lack of skill, it's all part of the master plan to become the greatest goalie in SHL history.

[Image: Mat10Man.gif]

[Prompt 2]

I am already perfect in every single way, however if I had to concoct a way to beam these clowns without anyone noticing, it would probably be easiest to pretend that this laser gun thing is some sort of maybe like a body scanner or something. I could pretend I work for Bauer or something and say we have a new scanner that will measure every inch of their body in order to get the sleekest and most form fitting pads for their next delivery. Then I beam their stupid asses with this thing and bam, I have all their skills. I would just have to figure out who their preferred gear company is and say I am with them, and make fake credentials with my photoshop skills would be super easy. Photoshop some credentials, laminate that shit and put it on a lanyard and everyone would believe me. Easton, Bauer, Sherwood, don’t fuckin matter. Id have credentials for every single one.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

Creative Reply Prompt

Doctor Deadeye: Okay so I managed to invent the skill stealing beam as you requested, but the rest of this job is wholly on your shoulders. You have to tell me how you plan to get away with it though because this is a Deadeye product and if you don't have at least a decent plan I have no intention of helping you out with it.

Agent Tesla: Oh I promise you that I have a masterpiece prepared to collect the requisite skills of the various stars of the SHL. We are going to target them in the easiest way possible by luring them all to us by offering a big bag of money for a speaking engagement for retired sports dogs. You find me a sports star in any league that is willing to turn down a bag of money to talk to dogs and I will point out that what you actually found is three cats in a trench coat.

Doctor Deadeye: That is either the smartest or dumbest thing I have ever heard. You really think that is going to work?

Agent Tesla: Check the list of speakers we already have signed.

Doctor Deadeye with jaw dropped: Wildwing Flashblade?

Agent Tesla: Yeah I don't even think he belongs to this universe, but happy to have another talent to steal from with your super science device. Now are you supportive of this plan now?

Doctor Deadeye: Done deal!

Word Count: 240

Written Task

There is a couple of players talents that I would want to add to my own skill set. Right now Max Mannings goal scoring is something crazy to witness shooting 33%, if that is something he can turn into a trend it will be truly remarkable. You can also look at a player like Mats Marner who has been scoring goals his whole career, something that Kondos has struggled with - having many up and down seasons. I would also look to steal the skill set of Andreas Kvalheim who has constantly been a star in this league over his long career. Winning 4 Darr awards to this point in his career, and playing well over 1000 games. Kondos has 1 Darr award and I would love to add another Darr. On the physical side, Kondos would look at stealing Fantobens hitting ability. During his time in Texas Fantobens was putting up big hit totals, which Kondos has definitely been working on over his career.


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Player prompt

When Svoboda was approached by his team doctors with their skill stealing beam he took a long time to think about how he would use it. Well he could surely get a bit better on the defensive end of the puck, or maybe use it to further bolster the skills he's already good at.
That's when he realized the potential of this beam, why not just point it at all the players on the opposition team? There's no sense on simply using this beam to become 'good' when you can use it to be the best! If he can steal the skills of the other team's forwards he can be the highest scoring player in the league. Then also some defenseman, and no he can play all 5 positions at once! Point it at the goalie and now Svoboda can play every position on his team. Since he stole some stamina too, his plan will be to be the only player on his team. Not only would that help the cap situation, but in order to reach the cap floor Svoboda will be the highest paid player in SHL history!

190 words



PBE Affiliation


[Image: Screenshot_87.png]

i feel like the point of a beam is that it doesn't actually have to be that close to work? like in Space Jam (the original one from the 90s btw) i think they're just like sitting courtside and can point it from there, right? so the premise is kinda flawed here if you want to take it literal style the answer would just be sit rinkside and aim it at a player and it works. But to play along here since i'm an eel (philippe eko eel) i am very small and slippery - technically not that small, since eels can grow quite long, but i'm definitely smaller than like a guy or whatever. so i'll wriggle my way up another player's shorts and deliver the Kiss of the Eel which is how i will suck powers out of them like a leech i'm going Leech Mode for this one. I will gather other players' goal scoring abilities and become the most prominent power play goal scorer of all time!

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

Something that Vladmir Petrov would take from around the league to be sure that he would be like a Monstar, he would look for an ageless touch from older players, as well as a great scoring touch, athletic ability and if he could, younger body parts. Vladmir Petrov is getting up there in age and he can no longer skate like he used to, so getting new body parts from young players, basically becoming a frankenstein esque player, I know its not like the Monstars from Space Jam but it still gives you that feeling of being a "Monstar" if you get the play on words there. Either which way, Petrov would continue to push forward and try to keep his legs and scoring ability under him so therefore he would actually be useful on the ice still and become an all-time player for the Tampa Bay Barracuda. That's it. Thats the Monstar of Vladmir Petrov.

[Image: petrov2.png]
[Image: muford_hof_sig.png]

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