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S68 PT #2: Monstars Due: December 4th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Over the course in the history of the whole of the simulation hockey league, I would take many skills from different players. First of all, I would put my killer instincts into the player called Danny "bananas" Foster. He had the kilelr isntanct to blow up players with big hits. Next, I would take goal scoring from Jason VIsser, some of the GOATS of the simulation hockey league. Then next, I would take the powers of saving from jakub Aitookiuo, the first goalie to get 300 and 400 wins. When you can save that many shots on you, then you can save the game with those. FINALLY, I would take the skills of skating from some guy Named Luke Thoomason. Aparently he was like 99 in skating or something, but then he would smoothly skate around players until evertyone else was tired. But then, I would take the people of the shl for deterimination

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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(This post was last modified: 12-04-2022, 10:13 PM by Z-Whiz. Edited 2 times in total.)

I am going a little outside of the box on this one, but if I could steal one persons attribute it would be Leppy’s swagger. He’s just got too much and needs to share it. So I would be polite about it and only steal half of it. I would steal enough to build my confidence and steal just enough to get Leppy out of his own head. This will allow him to focus on the hockey things more and prevent him from trying to be too cool while doing his hockey things. I know there is a good player in there and he is the key to unlocking a deep playoff run. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I realize I am wrong. I am calling an audible. Instead, as a team, everyone on Atlanta should steal one of Leppy’s abilities. Then he’ll be bad enough to retire. Congratulations on retirement Leppy! It looks good on you!

[Image: puddlesoduck2.gif]

wait this can not be true can it? the scientis have finally made a super sucker skill beam thats gonnna start sucking out all the jujice of everybody and storing it into little like cups for consumption. now if tommy westbrook but this time i upd has anything to say about it, and he does, he would probably pick like fast feet skills or also maybe like a good strong back becasue he can pick people up on the ice and like throw them into the boards for free breakaways and also goals that he would score on those breakaways. thats not all tommy westbrook but this time i upd would suck tho, he would also take all their good farming skills so he can get a perfect farm going for all his pigs and farm animals. he can grow good crops and feed them to his pigs while also bolstering strong legs.

[Image: TommyWestbrook.jpg]
[Image: UznKCpb.png]

Player Prompt:

The two main skills I would want to steal from players around the league would be as follows:

Steal the longevity from Kriss Darzins, who continues to defy regression and be a contributing force up front for Montreal. For Serious, as the resident decrepit old man, he just keeps coming back season after season and putting up points.

Second, the goal scoring ability of Max Manning. Absolutely filthy. Disgusting. Gotta have it. The two of these combined would turn Roddy B into the SHLs most unstoppable blueliner, and would dominate the league for generations to come. 

Beyond that, likely the athleticism of Tomas Lind. Terrific, well-rounded physical build, excellent skating skills, strong on his skates, decent agility.

Struggling to finish this one out but I'll close this one out by hoping that the skill-stealing lazer would result in teams playing with one mega-juiced up super player and a bunch of guys who play like a sack of wet hammers

[Image: banes.png]

The skill levels of the goalies in the SHL are all so high, I don't think there is much benefit to stealing any particular skill set. What's important for goalies in this league is less the quality of the goalie, but more the longevity. And there is no player that has played longer in this league than the man himself, Geezus Kryyst. Playing in his 16th season, Kryyst by far has one of the longest careers in the sports history, and is older than a few teams themselves. Being able to maintain SHL quality performance for such a long period of time is extremely rare, and being able to steal that ability would do wonders for any goalie. If the beam steals the longevity from Kryyst and adds it to Wall's own longevity, it very well could make him immortal (like jellyfish immortal). As long as Wall could keep his other skills sharp, he'd be set for the rest of his long, long, long career.

[Image: 65151_s.gif]

[Image: Tqabyfh.png] [Image: Tqabyfh.png]

The skill stealing beam is something that you don’t just want to do in broad daylight. However, its pretty hard to also end up in the same location as the best players around the league. The best of the best stick to tight regiments and don’t wander too much from their rituals and habits. So, I’ve asked the team’s best equipment manager to find a way to install the skill stealing beam mechanism in my left glove. When I take the ice next weekend, I’m gonna have my way with the best player on every roster for the rest of the season. Being that I’m not a top flight player anymore, I have to be very quick during my shifts to nab the best players before they get off the ice. So, I asked our equipment manager to put the trigger for the zapper under my right thumb so I can press it quickly. Excited to see what kind of skills I can nab from the best rosters in the league before playoff time rolls around.

[Image: ho-lee-smokes-iihf.png]
Thanks Jove for my sig

Oooh, stealing traits from others. This will be fun!

As a forward, obviously I'm gonna wanna score the puck. So far this season, nobody has done better at that than Max Manning. Gimme his shooting accuracy for sure! Over 28% shooting while leading the league in goal-scoring is absolutely insane; the dude is a cheat code right now. Obviously, as the assists leader, I'll need the vision of Chimkin Wing; and with his hitting ability, I'll take his aggression and checking as well! We gotta have those dirty dangles, so I'll take the puck handling of Dwayne Gretzky. Hell, if there are no limits, I'm taking faceoffs too, complements of Makrus the Tater Jager. Gimme the speed of Grogu Mandosson and, just for fun, the fighting skill of Jukka Timonen. We'll finish things off with the strength from my good pal Jonathan Hagen and call it a day. Life would be good as the best all-around player the league has ever seen!

(162 words)

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In order to be able to get past a players defenses, we're going to have to lay a pretty good trap. It is definitely not something that could be done at my own home arena, players are already feeling too uncomfortable and on edge to fully trust anything there.

Another teams arena is risky in its own right because there would not be a group of employees that would trust and try to assist me.

I think I order to truly get their defenses down, we would need to be doing it somewhere where their focus is completely off of us, and their guard is down

While a little unethical, I would propose doing it on a charity tour. I could create a foundation and enlist the help of the leagues best and go town to town and teaching kids some wonders of hockey and doing press. This will cause the players to get very comfortable with me and begin to let their guards down. During this travel, there will be plenty of time that I'll be able to use the beam on them to steal their powers and turn me into the best player of all time.

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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Written Task: What skills would you take from which players around the league if you wanted to make your player the best they could be? What kind of attributes would you be looking for? Scoring touch? Longevity? Glove hand? Speed? What skills would be most important to your player, and who do you steal them from? (150+ words)

ok i am going to build the best player possible out of multiple player. First of all, Paul koivu is already a very good passer, so he can keep doing his thing. then i would take the scoring of tommy westbrook but this time i upd, he is a natural scorer and will grow into a very good scorer and paul wishes he could score like him. THne paul would take the intangibles of b jobin, b jobin might not be one of the best player on paper, but he brings this sort of energy that makes the whole team beter with it. Then I would take the mental touyghness of ricky koivu. Ricky is being told by many people he is the worst of all time (WHICH IS NOT FALSE) , but he still has his head in the game and keeps on playing, so i would love to have that ability with me to have good metnals all the time

161 words

[Image: BriePK.gif]
|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

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The easiest way to steal talent from other players around the league is to distract them! Lucky enough for those who don't know. Nash is a dog, and a super cute pomeranian husky mix at that. Nobody can resist the puppy dog eyes! Its like stealing candy from a baby, but just getting other players around the league to pet you is easy peasy! A little playful nip on the hand is all Nash needs in order to suck the talent from the other players and transfer all of that tender goodness to himself. Just parading around the league as the offical mascot of the Detroit Falcons, its easy for Nash to get into the areas to meet the players. He has a fake emotional support tag on his collar to get into even the places that wouldn't regularly allow dogs. Its easy for someone such as Nash to make his way around the league. One bite at a time, he will soon become the Most valuable player in the SMJHL

[Image: topalo2.png] [Image: sig-nash.png]
[Image: Rangerjasegmailcom.gif]

You can not teach size but you can certainly steal it. Shoyo Hinata is having success in the league but he is still a small hockey player and he thinks that he would be way better if he was 6 foot 5 inches. So Shoyo will hatch a plan to steal the size of Willie Miller. The Argonauts goalie is tall and it's one of the reasons of his success. By stealing it, Shoyo will become better and Willie will become worse. Everybody wins! He will invite Willie Miller to a pizza date. They will enjoy a pizza and a mountain dew together. After their third slice of pizza, Shoyo will invite Willie to his home to play a game of NHL 23. There he will point the skill-stealing laser and steal all of Willie's size. After that Shoyo will fight the now-small Willie Miller. He should win easily. Once he renders him unconscious, he will drop Willie at the pizza place. Shoyo will be sad to lose a friend.

[Image: 75fL0ul.png]
credit to Qwest
(This post was last modified: 12-05-2022, 02:03 AM by hockeyiscool. Edited 1 time in total.)

If it were up to me to use a beam to steal other player skills from around the league. The first skill that I would take from all of the players in the simulation hockey league would be balance. The primary reason why I would do this is that if everyone else in the league had no balance then Dwight would be able to skate circles around everyone and every time that Dwight would go up to fight someone or go to hip check or take the puck away from them. The opposing player would be found on the ground. If I were to name this beam I would then name it the no-skilleanator in classic fashion.It would be especially effective against goalies as if they were to not have any balance slight moves laterally would cause them to fall or to flail around on the ice. Dwight and the Tampa Bay Barracuda would win not as a result of being good but by being able to play the game.

[172 words]


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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
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Honestly just to make the best player in the world. I’d take scoring touch of Gudmundur Kristjansson in his prime, passing skills I’d go for the same, defense I’m going Eero Makela, for the playoff experience I’d go with Luukas Lilja. He’s been there a few times in his day. That would ultimately make the best all around player. Now if I’m going for anything I’d take Strom Chamberlain’s goaltending with a mixture of Brick Wall and Rebecca Montagne. All 3 of them would make the most consistent and skillful goalie in the league. Now if we’re talking a full on manager. The mixture of Fuzz, WannabeFinn, JR95, NotoriousTig, CampinKiller, Muerto, and HFFO would be the greatest manager skill set out together for not only on the ice player builds but a team full on build because you have the skill of drafting, trading, signing, strategy, line builds, and team v team tactic skills. It would be an extremely potent manager.

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