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S68 Championship Week Due: January 8th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

GM pass

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Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora

CW Pass

[Image: BoucherFan12.gif]

[Image: benzeev.gif]

06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: BLUE.jpeg]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!

(This post was last modified: 01-02-2023, 04:08 PM by kenvald. Edited 5 times in total.)

ISFL Affiliate for 3 TPE

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
b. Seattle returns to the finals with a roster that's very similar to last season's champions. So why would they lose this time around? This squad has proven they can do it, so what's changed? Do you think this team can do it again?
Not too much has changed in the Seattle crew. If anything they have gotten even stronger and been able to build even more chemistry than they had last season. I strongly believe they can do it again. The only thing that can make them lose this time around is if MAN has been able to figure them out from last time around.

d. With all that being said it's round two of SEA vs. MAN. Who wins this time? Regardless of any other stat in this series-- who do you think wins it and why? Last season Manhattan was the upstart without any experience, but here they are again to face the same behemoth Seattle team. Make your pick.
As mentioned in the previous prompt I believe Seattle will take it home once again. They are simply such a strong team that owned the regular season and bulldozed their way into the finals. Not even having to dust off their shoulders. They are simply the team to beat nowadays. Manhattan is also a solid team of course, but they're not as well-rounded and experienced as the Seattle squad.

3. Written, 3 TPE, New Year New Me (150 words min.)
What is your player's New Years resolution? What aspect of their game do they want to work on in S69 to help them reach the finals next season? If they did make the finals this season, is it because of something they resolved to work on last season? If so, then what's next?
Sven's New Year's resolution is to help build a great team and locker room culture any way he can. He's been around this league for what feels like a couple of lifetimes, and is especially familiar with the New England Wolfpack. A long tenure of multiple rebuilds looks like they might be coming to an end, but no matter what happens in the coming seasons Sven wants to make sure New England keeps being a great place to be for players from everywhere.

Something Sven needs to work on regarding to on-ice skills is to try his best to keep up on the defensive end. As he's aged he's lost quite a lot of what he had at his very peak. Almost as if he's half the player he once was... This was Sven's first positive plus-minus season is recent memory, and this is something he wants to make a new tradition. So it's full focus on defense during practice from now on!

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
+2 from milestones

17. Written, 3 TPE, Neutral Turf (150 words min.)
We simply cannot play in a host country any more, it's too big of an advantage for the home team. You're going to have to find the ideal location to host these international tournaments, and it cannot be in any existing country! Where do you take this season's IIHF tournaments to ensure neutral territory? Bonus points for any fun and exciting extra effects this location might have on the game of hockey.
We're going with the most neutral area on the planet: International Waters.

There's no single country which has ownership over a specific are in international waters, meaning no one gets home advantage. Even better if we're able to put it in the most remote location which is furthest away from any piece of land. So, the plan is we erect an arena similar to how oil towers are erected in the middle of the ocean: On giant "stilts". The water to make the ice will be pumped straight from the ocean and de-saltified before it hits the rink. This way no single country can claim ownership of the ice either!

Then, as a final piece to make absolutely sure there are no sets of fans that are closer or further away to the arena in terms of travel time we create a rule to force a minimum amount of travel required before entering the arena. Everyone who tries to enter will have their passport inspected. And we'd require entry stamps from at least three separate nations on three separate continents. That should do it!

[Image: sBUQCq8.png]

Past Players


CW Pass

[Image: Faelax.gif]
[Image: aroach.gif]
[Image: vhY18i8.png]    [Image: DNLeeu0.png]



[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  


[Image: 66168_s.gif]
[Image: lUeg4KM.png]


[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]


gm pass

[Image: geRnYPO.png][Image: 0S9kFQ6.png]
Shout out Ragnarr for these two amazing sigs

J GM CW pass

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
[Image: xuHy0EF.png]
[Image: Artermis.gif]
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2023, 11:45 PM by Crazylemire. Edited 9 times in total.)

Kayden was determined to take his team as far as they could go, and through hard work and dedication, they managed to make it all the way to the semi-finals. Despite facing tough competition from some of the best teams in the league, Kayden and his teammates never gave up, fighting tooth and nail to keep their dreams alive. In the end, however, they were unfortunately eliminated from the tournament, falling just short of their ultimate goal. But Kayden was not about to let this setback defeat him. Determined to come back stronger than ever, he spent the off-season working tirelessly to improve his game, focusing in particular on his defensive abilities. He spent hours on the ice practicing his positioning and angles, and worked with a team of coaches and trainers to develop his strength and endurance. As the new season approached, Kayden was ready to take on the world. With his improved defensive skills and his newfound determination, he was confident that he and his team could make it all the way to the championship.

Mars is a neutral location that does not have any advantages for any particular team as on Earth, hosting the tournament in a particular city or country can give an unfair advantage to the home team due to the support of local fans and the familiarity of the surrounding environment. By contrast, all teams would be equally unfamiliar with the conditions on Mars, making it a level playing field for everyone. Mars would be a unique and exciting opportunity for players and fans alike. The novelty of playing on another planet would add an element of excitement and adventure to the competition, and would likely generate a lot of media attention and interest from around the world. This could help to elevate the profile of the IIHF tournament and the SHL and make it even more prestigious and competitive. The event could serve as a showcase for humanity's ability to come together and cooperate.

The plot of the movie revolved around Syndicate, a ruthless hitman who was hired by the Chicago Syndicate to take out the mascots of rival teams. With his cold-blooded efficiency and killer instincts, Syndicate carried out his assignments with ruthless precision, leaving a trail of vanquished mascots in his wake. As the film progressed, the body count rose and the stakes grew higher, with Syndicate facing off against increasingly formidable opponents. But no matter how formidable his foes, Syndicate always managed to come out on top, proving himself to be the ultimate assassin in the world of ice hockey. it has a unique blend of action and dark humor. The Chicago Syndicate saw a surge in popularity and merchandise sales. And as for Syndicate, he remained a shadowy figure, lurking in the shadows and waiting for his next assignment. Who knew what twisted mission the Chicago Syndicate would send him on next?


+3 TPE - Milestones



1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Manhattan comes into this series with a much more balanced attack than their previous playoff run carried by a scorching hot Lev Lebedev. This time around they have nearly seven players chugging along at a PPG clip. Is this a different beast than last season's Rage? Why or why not?

b. Seattle returns to the finals with a roster that's very similar to last season's champions. So why would they lose this time around? This squad has proven they can do it, so what's changed? Do you think this team can do it again?

c. The play of Max Manning for Seattle and Thomas Lind for Manhattan has been a key factor in their respective teams' playoff runs. Do you think they're both able to continue performing at the spectacular pace they have thus far, or do you think someone is able to figure out how to shut them down? Is that the key to this series?

d. With all that being said it's round two of SEA vs. MAN. Who wins this time? Regardless of any other stat in this series-- who do you think wins it and why? Last season Manhattan was the upstart without any experience, but here they are again to face the same behemoth Seattle team. Make your pick.

a. I would say that this version of the Manhattan Rage is more deep and balanced compared to last season's. They have a deep Forward core and their Defence has improved with the deadline acquisition of Rikard Bjerg from SFP. Their goaltending is the same, but we all know how much TPE goalie on matters.

(54 words)

b. After facing Seattle these playoffs, they are showcasing why they were the president's team in the regular season and have carried that performance over to the playoffs. Max Manning had a career year and historic one too breaking the single season goal and points record. He has been performing phenomenally as well during the playoffs. Seattle are definitely the favourites in the final and to repeat as champions once again. 

(70 words)

c. With first hand experience in going head to head against Max Manning on Seattle, I think it's safe to say that he can keep up his out of the world play in the final series for S68. With Tomas Lind on Manhattan's side he has gotten an impressive 24 points in 19 games (as of this post). However, both teams have deep rosters and will rely on that to produce goals in this series. 

(74 words)

d. My heart wants MAN to win since they are the underdog and were one game away from winning last season. Also, they have my good friends Askel Fiske and Sven Svechnikov and I would love to see them hoist the challenge cup! However, my brain says SEA will win since they are such a deep and talented team that it is hard to see another team defeat them in a 7 game series. I also picked them to win the cup too so I would like some teeps. I will go with SEA to win the cup and repeat as champs. 

(101 words)

4. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Series (150 words min.)
Many teams have rivals they'd love to trounce in a playoff series. Maybe you as a player have another specific player you'd love to beat to win the cup and lord it over them for the rest of their lives. Tell me who you'd love to play in a playoff series and why! Why would you love to beat this team or player? What would it mean to you or your team? Keep it friendly.

Ben Jammin is quite nice and friendly to his fellow SHL players around the league, but there are a few that he would love to matchup in a playoff series! If we were able to have defeated the Seattle Argonauts these playoffs, it would've been amazing to face Manhattan since they have my fellow S62 draft classmate Aksel Fiske, Aksel and Ben have been through it all in the J and are great friends off the ice, however on the ice they are looking to check each other and will take any opportunity to trip one another. Another player they have is defencemen Sven Svechnikov, Ben and Sven first met in the Edmonton locker room when Sven was just a rookie and are constantly bantering with one another. The fact they are both in opposite conferences is a shame because whenever these two clash it is always a spectacle to see. It would've been amazing to have faced them in the cup finals as one of us would've guaranteed a cup win but it is what it is, hopefully next season though! 

(182 words)

5. Written, 3 TPE, Boat Versus Bull (150 words min)
We aren't talking about some fake hockey league-- I'm asking for real. Who would win in a fight? A small navy of three living war boats with eyes, or a herd of 45 raging bulls (15 per boat). Battlefield is your choice. Create whatever scenario you like to back up your choice of winner. Tell me how it goes and why it goes that way.

My choice would be the war boats against the bulls in a fight scenario. If the fight was on land the bulls would win easily since boats can't travel on land but the water is where this fight would take place. This battle would take place in the pacific ocean between the boats and the bulls. The bulls would have those floating arm noodle things to help them keep afloat, but with the powerful engine and speed I see this battle being very one-sided for the boats. I foresee the bulls being able to wear and tear their way to damage the boats with their horns, but it won't be enough to crack it and cause the boats to sink into the depths of the ocean. The final battle would be an epic clash between the last standing bull against the last standing boat, they would both charge at each other full speed with ultimately the boat prevailing and capturing victory in this duel. 

(164 words)

15. Written, 3 TPE, IIHF Analysis (150 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! Tell me about your team! Are they up and coming? Win now mode? Entering into a re-build phase? What are your expectations for your player? What teams are you watching out for this time around?

Once again this IIHF season, Ben Jammin is honoured and proud to dawn the maple leaf jersey and represent Team Canada in this yearly tradition. For my predictions I have Finland winning the gold, Sweden winning the bronze and Canada capturing the bronze medal. Last season we were unable to capture a medal and finished 4th overall and anytime Canada doesn't capture a medal that is a bit disappointing since hockey is our national sport. This season our roster is relatively the same. However, Max Manning from Seattle took a major stride forward this season by shattering the points and goals record in the regular season. We can only hope he carries that over for us in the IIHF tournament as he will be heavily relied on to produce goals for us. Defencemen Luc Blouin improved this season as well on his first season with the Philadelphia Forge by racking up 71 points as a D man which is quite remarkable for a defencemen. Luc will see a lot of ice time against the top players on opposing teams. It would be amazing to win the gold, but I predict that a bronze medal should be achievable for us this tournament. 

(201 words)

17. Written, 3 TPE, Neutral Turf (150 words min.)
We simply cannot play in a host country any more, it's too big of an advantage for the home team. You're going to have to find the ideal location to host these international tournaments, and it cannot be in any existing country! Where do you take this season's IIHF tournaments to ensure neutral territory? Bonus points for any fun and exciting extra effects this location might have on the game of hockey. 

In an IIHF tournament that cannot be hosted in an any existing country, the IIHF Head office team has decided that to make this as neutral and balanced as possible this season's tournament will take place in outer space on the moon. There can't be any advantage since nobody is on a planet and we were all born on Earth (I hope). There is also no gravity out in space, so each team will have adjust playing hockey with zero gravity and being able to float around to get the puck. After playing hockey on ice this whole past season, players participating in the IIHF tourney will only have a quick amount of time to adjust to playing on the moon and by playing inside of a spacesuit. It will truly be a sight to see seeing the best players in the SHL battle it out with one another by playing on the moon, floating and bouncing everywhere. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity this IIHF tournament! 

(169 words)

Total: 19/16 TPE (in case Trivia was wrong)

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[Image: kILVP74.png] [Image: vokU6Ra.png] [Image: eP8F2Ne.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png] [Image: IhVx0wj.png]

(This post was last modified: 12-31-2022, 10:38 PM by High Stick King. Edited 2 times in total.)

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE, New Year New Me (150 words min.)
What is your player's New Years resolution? What aspect of their game do they want to work on in S69 to help them reach the finals next season? If they did make the finals this season, is it because of something they resolved to work on last season? If so, then what's next?

Spack Jarrow has never been one to celebrate New Years by making any grand changes in his life. He has always viewed New Years as a celebration and a reason to drink and party. However, as he has gotten older and realized the importance of change and trying to improve, Jarrow is going to make is first New Years resolution.

Spack has vowed that he will undo a shameful secret that has been a shadow on an otherwise successful hockey career. He vows to learn how to skate backwards. This is something he has been ashamed to admit to others, that he has never learned to skate backwards and certainly doesn't know how to do cross-overs in any direction while facing the wrong way.

It is his wish that by the start of the next season, that he will have learned the ability although he knows it will likely take him a long time to get really good at it. Regardless, he is just looking forward to no longer having to hide this dirty little secret.

[ 176 words ] - 3 TPE

Quote:5. Written, 3 TPE, Boat Versus Bull (150 words min)
We aren't talking about some fake hockey league-- I'm asking for real. Who would win in a fight? A small navy of three living war boats with eyes, or a herd of 45 raging bulls (15 per boat). Battlefield is your choice. Create whatever scenario you like to back up your choice of winner. Tell me how it goes and why it goes that way.

I don't know why so many people dislike insane scenarios like the one that is made up here because I love them personally. On that note, the situation created here is a bit too lopsided towards the boats. With the option of "Battlefield is your choice" it creates a situation where you can choose any land or sea but regardless of where it takes place, the boats win.

Obviously the 3 sentient ships would dominate in the water against 45 raging bulls. That isn't even an argument. But on land, you'd think the 45 raging bulls would have an advantage but not really. The ships I assume have artillery and can still blast the bulls to smithereens using canons and gunfire. Even if the boats didn't have weapons, what are a bunch of angry bulls going to do to the thick iron hulls of the ships? Eventually the bulls will run out of food and die and the spooky sentient ships will just exist.

So short answer. Ships. Easy. No matter what.

[ 172 words ] - 3 TPE

Quote:7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones - 3 TPE

Quote:17. Written, 3 TPE, Neutral Turf (150 words min.)
We simply cannot play in a host country any more, it's too big of an advantage for the home team. You're going to have to find the ideal location to host these international tournaments, and it cannot be in any existing country! Where do you take this season's IIHF tournaments to ensure neutral territory? Bonus points for any fun and exciting extra effects this location might have on the game of hockey. 

Spack Jarrow has dreamt of the day that he could bring the game of hockey to his native country. Sure, ice-hockey is played there in rec leagues and in non-professional capacities but to have the best of the best playing hockey right in the middle of the Caribbean? What a dream.

Since season 66, Jarrow has been putting pressure on the various hockey committees that decide the location of the IIHF tournaments trying to get them to, at the very least, have an exhibition game hosted on one of the Caribbean Island nations but nothing has come to fruition so far.

The news that a host country can no longer host games, is exactly what Spack was hoping to hear and has immediately put in a pitch for a shared tournament between the top 5 Caribbean nations much like the next World Cup of FIFA is doing with Canada/USA/Mexico. With any luck, the next time you see the IIHF tournament it will be played in the beautiful Caribbean.

[ 170 words ] - 3 TPE

Quote:21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Animated Movie (150 words min.)
Your team's marketing department just got an enormous budget to make an animated feature film about your team's mascot. Write me a short overview of movie. What does it look like? What happens? Who voices the characters? As a graphic option, show me a still frame from that movie!

Oh boy, I hope this doesn't lead to any lawsuits from the David Bowie people.

Winnipeg Aurora's mascot is of course Stardust the lovable but slightly punk polar bear. Now I'm sure everyone has seen the Care Bears cartoon. This will sort of be like that but Stardust uses glam rock to defeat evil rather than "caring". I'm picturing Stardust wielding a electric blue, green, and black guitar with splashes of purple and pink. Like the lead guitarist of a hair band, Stardust's special power move is the double knee slide power chord that obliterates any evil in-front of it.

The show will be a way to teach children about the negative effects of climate change and how to use music and creativity to overcome the Syndicate of evil who are the antagonists along with the stable of evil creatures like Dragons, Panthers, and Spectres.

The theme song will be an absolute banger. A cross between the X-men theme song and The Gummy Bears theme song from the 80's cartoon.

[ 170 words ] - 3 TPE

ISFL Affiliate - 3 TPE

18 TPE of the needed 16

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SMJHL GM/PT Director Pass

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Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!

Raptors Argonauts 
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J GM CW Pass

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     Sig Credit: Ragnar
[Image: vaxlare.png]
Sig Credit: Moosey

Falcons  |  Raptors | Stampede |  Patriotes |  Czechia
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