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S69 PT #0: City Planner January 22nd @ 11:59 PM (PST)

[Player Prompt]

For Strom it is sort of nice to be in Calgary, moreover to be back in Canada.  He always enjoyed his time in Tampa and the condo's there were nice...however...swampiness was a real thing, as was the daily thunderstorms.

In Calgary he was well accustomed to the weather cycles up there from his time in Winnipeg.  After being signed to Calgary he was able to snag a very nice condo adjacent to the Big Parm.  It was a 2000 square foot 2 bed, 2 bath facility with a large balcony that overlooked the plaza in front of the Parm.  Being one of the veterans of the league, the reason for the spare bed and bath was that he took it upon himself to welcome the rookies who were just starting out and giving them a place to rack up until they could get off their feet.  He kept the location comfy and cozy and it definitely had a very midwest USA feel to it.

Player prompt

Dusty Rhodes is one cheap sob. During the season he stays at Mrs. Schlamanski's boarding house. She is in her 80s and is still one feisty old lady who doesn't put up with shit from anyone. So there's never any noise, except when she watches her TV program before bed, she's kind of hard of hearing. She is an amazing cook as well and is always making the homestyle meals that Dusty so enjoys. Management isn't too thrilled Dusty stays here as he tends to put on a bit of weight during the season from all the old school food she fixes him. He usually goes in to skate early so he can try and work off the binges. He stays on the 3rd floor of her house in an attic room so he's away by himself with no distractions. It allows him to focus on his job and get the rest he needs for the grueling season.

[Image: iUd7IJE.png]
[Image: rhodes.png]


Dirty Boots is given a hard hat and a clipboard and is now trusted with imagining and building the surrounding area of La Salle Arena. Here is how Boots would like to build it up! 
Directly in front of the main entrance there should be a large park area. The front entrance will still have roads for traffic and busses and other vehicles to get dropped off for the game or just to be able to drive by, but there will either be a tunnel to get to the park or a skywalk to reach the other side. It will be  large park with lots of play areas for kids to come play, as well as space during the winter for an outdoor rink! It will come with walking trails and plenty of trees and well maintained shrubbery. Alongside the park we can add some residential buildings for people to live, something hopefully somewhat affordable. 

On the sides of the arena there can be shopping areas, like a downtown boardwalk area for people to hang out before/after games, shop at local stores and grab a bite to eat. On nice days it can be enjoyed outside all before walking to the next Renegades game! 

Behind the arena would be the Renegades training facility. It won't be as large as the arena but it will have many features and options for the team for health and wellness and it will also have plenty of space for the public to come and take advantage of!

[Image: 3WSeHAA.png]

Player Prompt

My player just moved from the SMJHL to the SHL. I was playing in St Louis, Missouri and now I will be playing for the Texas Renegades. Still far from my hometown in Québec, Canada.
In St Louis, I lived in a condo close to the arena for the first year, but moved to a house with some teammates after it. It's a thing in St Louis, the rookies are living in a condo or apartment for the first year and after that move in a house with some of the teammates.
That way rookies are taking their time adjusting to play pro hockey and the other are living together to get some team building.
As a first rounder, I know that I will have a great future so in this off season, I went to Texas to buy my first house. I've got some call up during my previous years so I've talked with the guys about where I should live and all that. Finally got one close to a bar, not far from the La Salle Arena, close to some teammates and got an absolutely beautiful view in the morning.

[Image: SyiOY8U.png]
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When it comes to accommodations, Nibbles is not very picky. However, the few things that he does like to have are considered necessities, so I guess you can say he is a little high maintenance. The first thing that is required is beautiful trees. Being a squirrel means that trees are your home away from home and being able to sit on a limb to antagonize the local dogs is a must for Nibbles. When it comes to the perfect neighborhood its all about the oak trees and picket fences that make traveling easier. Some place with plenty of leisure activities that would not cause any issues for Nibbles to go out and enjoy himself. He also really enjoys local restaurants rather than big chains. Having a place that has a small town feel and has plenty of outdoor activities for Nibbles to go out and enjoy. Plus a place with some good peanut butter would be very nice as well.

161 words

[Image: SouthPaw.gif]

Taschen is what you might call "between homes" at the moment. After four years in scenic Great Falls, Montana, he was still getting adjusted to life in the large Francophone city of Montreal when the call came that he would be moving to Tampa. Some of his things were still in storage in Great Falls, so he's pretty spread out at the moment. It's not so much that he minds moving around, but it does get challenging sometimes to remember where all his stuff is. Fortunately, he travels pretty light and doesn't need a lot of space. Unfortunately, the lease on his Montreal apartment couldn't be canceled for at least one year, so he has a few more months of rent to pay on a space that no one lives in. Sometimes that sort of thing is just the cost of doing business when you're a professional athlete.
He's looking for his own place in Tampa that's close to the team's practice facility without being too expensive (he's still on a rookie contract, after all.) Until he finds a place of his own, he's camping out in Dwight Knight's spare bedroom!

[Image: michiganshl.gif]

Written Task:  So where do you live while the season is actually going on? In a condo near the arena? Is your current team the place you've been for a long time? Do you have a permanent home there? Either way, what does it look like? What kind of living situation does your player prefer and why? If they've been traded or signed to a new team or moved from the SMJHL to the SHL at any point, talk about what the move was like! How did they go about choosing a new place to live? (150+ words)
Being a small dragon has it's perks as it means that Mushu can live comfortably almost anywhere and this is why Mushu has managed to live comfortably all season long in the ceiling above the Main Timbers locker room. It's very nice accommodations for a small dragon, as it is dark and cool and gives him plenty of access to the wonderful Maine locker room after hours. Mushu does not have many interests outside of hockey living here in the United States so he basically just keeps to himself and spends his time facetiming his friends back home in China. Mushu also is not a bad cook and being within the stadium at night allows him access to all the food and ingredients that are left around. Sometimes players come in and wonder what happened to their favorite snack but Mushu just smiles and scurries off onto the ice for practice at that point. It's a simple life, but it's a nice life for a dragon that was once a hero of China, and who is now trying to become a hero to all the people in Maine!

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Player Prompt

Tummy Hurts is relatively new to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, arriving from Sweden only after signing with the SMJHL's Newfoundland Berserkers. Given this was his first time on the continent, let alone the country, province, or city, Tummy was a bit lost in terms of finding a place to live. As he always does, though, Tummy trusted his gut and sought out the best food in St. John's, knowing this was the best first step in acclimating to this new location. Tummy found his way to the nearest Mary Brown's, an institution in fine Newfoundland fried chicken, now spreading its deliciousness across the country. Tummy found himself immediately at home as he ate his first Big Mary and gobbled down taters. He asked the cashier if they knew of any apartments for rent, and discovered that the basement of that very Mary Brown's location was available! Tummy gave a deposit immediately and started moving in his belongings. Importantly for Tummy, the basement apartment has a big kitchen, which was the first and only item on his wishlist.

Something happened on the day he died. Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside.
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried. I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar.

[Image: Wooly.gif]

 a bottomless curse, a bottomless sea, source of all greatness, all things that be.

Player prompt

Living in Anchorage is cheap as hell, cause nobody wants to live there. Therefore with the money he was able to gather from his first season playing for the Anchorage Armada in the SMJHL, Georg N'Zola was able to purchase himself his first home. Naturally, the guy has no idea what is essential and what is not. Apparently a pool table in the middle of the living room is essential, but frying pans are not. N'Zola is always hogging up the leftover cafeteria food from Armada's training quarters and heats it up in a pot with water - no matter what it was. The guy does not even own a microwave, eats straight from the pot so he does not have to use a dishwasher ever so often. Regardless of his repulsive habits, the place itself has nice hardwood floors and wooden surfaces in the kitchen, black and natural wood being the most dominant colors in his place. Furnished up with a few fur rugs he was able to snatch himself from a wholesale, N'Zola's place is actually looking pretty much like a lodge gone wild.

[Image: jE4ioeC.png][Image: meOh9pz.png]

PT Pass

[Image: Caleb_H.gif]

Graj certainly is not qualified to be a city planner and won't be a very good one, but he will do his best to create a excellent neighborhood around the Forge stadium. He will start with the stadium itself and clearing out all the land around it. He will then create a singular large parking facility with multiple entrances to the 4 streets surrounding it and multiple direct tunnels to the stadium. The other parking lots will be allowed to stay, but will largely be converted into smaller tailgate parking lots that fans can rent out and use at any point not only during the season but during the offseason as well. He will also create several blocks in the surrounding area with beautiful parks, several ponds with koi fish and awesome shrubbery, and walking paths for the people of Philadelphia to enjoy. It will be a ten-block area of serenity mixed with gameday hype. (155)

[Image: laser.png]

[Image: Virrok.png]
Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

It isn’t news to anyone that the cost of living in Los Angeles is absolutely horrific. Although a call-up is not yet in the cards for another 2 season in Derek Martin’s case, he’s had to get creative in which way he’d be investing his contract money from his time playing with the Carolina Kraken so that he may accumulate wealth and hope to be able to afford a cardboard box if he’s luck (those damn celebrities and all their big Hollywood homes bought with their big Hollywood monies am I right).
Ever since he arrived in Carolina, Martin has been investing in property and has become quite the rental tycoon in his neighborhood of Villa Heights. He’s amassed quite the net worth and is looking poised to keep working on it. He’s therefore found himself living in either one of his rentals when they’re not occupied and moving as required to maximize profits as well as avoid being homeless. Survival of the fittest.

(166 words)

[Image: image.png]  [Image: lap-teamsig.png]
@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
[Image: 7MO9RpC.png] [Image: G1cbXSf.png] [Image: gdppv5N.png]
Panthers Ireland Highlanders
[Image: YBIH.png]
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2023, 03:27 PM by KaleSalad.)

Player Prompt 1:

Around the arena nothing would be better if it had some extra festivities for the fans to take part in. Ontop of ensuring there is ample parking in parkade’s for everyone to ensure their vehicle is safe there would be a massive waking area that was full of arcades, and bars, along with play area’s so that people of all ages can come down and have some fun! Now the only catch would be everything is in theme with the hockey team and arena. So being the Maine Timber the play area’s would be themed of forest parks and have structures look like trees and forest themes. This would also apply to the bar’s who would keep the forest type theme with the staff wearing flannel and house special drinks having players names tied to them or tree themed backed names. Of course the tram that would take people would be shaped and look like tree logs because how else would you get from A to B without walking or express shuttle right to the rink if you are running late for the game.

[Image: CaleSalad.gif]
[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

Player Prompt
Jay O'Neil doesn't actually like going outside so you know he's got a decked out condo in Winnipeg to hang out in during the season. In the offseason sure how goes back to Boston to the brown-stone that he owns but during the season he picked up the biggest condo he could find near the stadium. The whole first floor of his condo is his gaming space, complete with a four monitor computer set-up, a VR room, a console room where he's got all of the latest models and a mini arcade where he has 4 of those dome hockey machines. Second floor is exclusively bathrooms, there are three separate full baths on that floor and nothing else. Lastly the third floor is the bedroom, nothing too special except for the skylight where he can see the stadium. Jay really hopes he doesn't get traded any time soon, the move from Newfoundland to Winnipeg was hard enough, moving all this stuff now would be pretty awful.

[Image: rFu52UT.jpeg]

Marton loves getting to visit Texas for a bit of off-season training with the Renegades between the WJC and returning to Carolina. From when LaSalle Arena first opened last season to now, a lot has already changed. The new grass is coming up on the park side with good affordable housing starting to have residents on the far side. The shopping district is still under construction but is coming along nicely. They certainly don't ask for the opinion of a J send down when building these things, but Marton has a few ideas he hopes others will share.

First and foremost, it should be an eminently walkable neighborhood with public transportation readily available too. The shopping area needs more character than America typically gives these things, with stores able to bring their own style rather than just slapping their logo above a nondescript door. Food options should have a range of style and price, so people aren't turned away by the cost.

Second, he wants to see the Renegades really lean into the neighborhood and family atmosphere. Both the arena and practice facility should have some availability to the public, for open skates, public events, anything they can host that brings people together. The restaurants and park give people reason to come out even when the team isn't playing, and the whole new neighborhood should be appealing for more than just hockey.

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Sig courtesy @sulovilen

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