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S69 PT #2: Contract Talks February 5th @ 11:59 PM (PST)
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2023, 08:05 PM by brickwall35.)

Written Task

Brick Wall is known for his unbeatable goal-tending skills, but what's not as known about him is his peculiar contract demands. The Montreal Patriotes club was eager to sign him and offered him a contract extension. However, Wall had a few special demands as part of the contract negotiations. Firstly, he demanded a private plane to travel to all away games, as he didn't like flying commercial. Secondly, he requested a personal chef to prepare all of his meals, as he was extremely picky about his diet. Finally, he demanded a specific type of hockey stick, one that was not widely available in North America, to be used in all of his games. The Pats were taken aback by these demands, but they were determined to sign Brick, so they agreed to all of his conditions. To their surprise, Brick Wall's performance on the ice improved dramatically, and the Patriotes are on pace to have their best season ever.

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[Image: Tqabyfh.png] [Image: Tqabyfh.png]

Andreas Kvalheim does not have a player agent, or anyone else in a similar role, to help him out during contract negotiations. Andreas is a frugal man, and he cannot bear to have any portion of his salary siphoned off to fill someone else's pockets. And in the SHL, where players are pretty much forced to take minimum contracts if they are on a contending team, there really is not any need for an agent. Contract negoations for Andreas usually take a second or two, or however long it takes for him to reply to his general manager's offer. Of course, perhaps if he did employ an agent, perhaps Andreas could have negotiated some much larger deals that what he ended up with. And perhaps Andreas wouldn't be facing down bankruptcy right now. But even having an agent now wouldn't help Andreas get more money. At this point, he's still lucky to even have a spot in the league anymore.

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StarsnorwayRenegades // PLAYER PAGE || UPDATES \\ RenegadesnorwayStars

as you know the same with all my record and label deals I negotiate all my own deals. to get prepped for any big meeting i always think of Michael Scotts advice in the office and try to implement those techniques to gain every tactical advantage from the situation. At the end of the day i always leverage my ability off the field or court to make them know that ya boy 4 chainz has plenty of options and opportunities and he doesnt need anyone. Its always best this way. I keep all my own money and i dont need to worry about trusting anyone who may eventually screw me. its the same reason that i do my own taxes and and im always my own accountant. Being self reliant is the most important thing to me and that about of self reliance is something that all athletes should learn so they stop having issues and going broke

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(This post was last modified: 02-05-2023, 10:06 PM by Spartan. Edited 1 time in total.)

Oddly enough, I haven't really had much discussion in any of my contract negotiations in the past. Maybe it's partially because I don't quite care much and will take team friendly deals, or also that I'm not in a position as a low earning semi-inactive to be demanding much. I've seen folks get contract bonuses of absurd amounts, others getting some interesting roles in the Discord locker room. 

I don't think I'll demand anything like that as I approach the twilight of my career, but I could go for a bonus if/when I recreate. I think it'd certainly help me with the grind of buying weekly training and seasonal coaching, especially since I'm not overly keen on writing media as of right now. Twitter seems to be able to sustain me for now, but I'm also saving up as much as possible in my bank account before retiring Leon and creating a new player.

I will absolutely have conditions in my contract this time around. Atlanta is typically good at snuffing out erroneous clauses due to their top notch lawyers, but I’m going to be prepared this time. I myself have hired a new agent and I’ve instructed him to not back down. The first thing I will request is a cup of worms (freshly picked from my desired location). I will want these worms hand picked by @hotdog himself. He cannot send a crony to do his work. The next clause will be one I previously had, but got “forgotten” on my next contract. I will be requesting a monthly poem from hotdog as well. He was great at them (jk) and I know he loved doing them (he didn’t), so I’m really doing it for his sake (I’m not). The last clause I will get is regarding the great @micool132. I will be requesting he wins the cup once more with McFungus.

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Shoyo Hinata does not like negotiating his contract. He always asks his general manager, Hotdoge and Goldenglute to give him the minimum salary. He just wants to live a simple life! But recently he heard that they were giving a lot of money to other players and giving them big bonuses. Shoyo did not it was possible and he feel like they took advantage of him. In his next contract, Shoyo will ask for something big. He will ask Hotdoge to mandate a volleyball game before every home atlanta inferno match. The whole team would have to play with Shoyo and if they don't, Hotdoge would have to give Shoyo a beer. It’s a win-win for Hinata. Either he gets to play his favorite sport or he gets to drink his favorite beverage. Shoyo thinks that he really fleece the inferno with this contract. But Hotdoge won again since he is still paying Hinata less than he is worth.

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credit to Qwest

Billy absolutely loves to act as his own agent. Little a known fact that Billy actually attended Law School for a few year before he decided to go play hockey professionally! It wasnt the best decision of all time for BIlly but he absolutely loved the aspect of negotiation. The art of the deal in finding exactly how much money the team was willing to part with for Billy's service. Unfortunately, BIlly is not very good at what he does. HE has never gotten a contract that wasnt the absolutel miniimum that he could be paid so be that what he willed. Irregardless, it was still the best that could be done with Billys limited experience! There is a lot of really awesome things going on in his head, if not maybe for his negotiating skills. Anyway, it doent matter too much because Billy is doing what he loves and he is having a great itme doing it. There is a lot of love in ones music that can be had and Billy plays his music like he plays hockey.

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There have been plenty of clauses in the history of the league so if you want to be remembered you're going to need the most unique clause seen in the league. Fortunately, being general manager means that I can get away with demanding anything and getting it added to my contract. To start with all players are going to have to say good morning Mr. Toast to start the day in the locker room. I will have someone appointed as an assistant every week to help out with the day-to-day operations of the team and managing my work as well. There needs to be some specific Toasty themed night every month of the season so the fans can shower the MVP of the team with cheers and I can see how valuable I am to the team. Finally, there has to be a new food item sold at the games that is Toasty themed. We'll be nice and allow the team to decide what to go with here since you could do a toasted club, or anything with some toasted bread.

183 words

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Creative Prompt: There are a few benefits that come with being the oldest player on a team. Since Collin Gibbles was drafted before some of his teammates were born, he has developed a stellar reputation with management that has allowed for special provisions in his contract. There has been a 10 flavor frozen drink machine installed for Gibbles and his former teammate Mika Mayfield in the team locker room.

This is all compounded by the fact that as a young player he signed the most complicated contract in league history. Each season had a goal that would pay out an additional 500K the following season if fulfilled. Sadly many seasons ago a league wide contract re-structuring killed his glorious contract was thrown in the trash as it didn't comply with the new regulations. The contract would have lasted until Season 68. Many questioned if Gibbles would play this long but he is still skating now in Season 69.

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Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

When it comes to the contract talks for JR Frankenstero, it all comes down to listening to the agent for what's best for the player, but also listening to your own heart to make sure that you aren't just doing it for the money.  That's why his Agent, Special Agent Pendergast, is the best of both worlds.  He understands that money is good, but playing on a terrific team with special people around you is better.  So when he can talk to teams at contract time it isn't just what can you do for JR, it's what can you do for the entire organization to make sure things are smooth, fun and running the way things should be.  If you have one of those players that's all about me me me, then it's time to look a different direction because that always leads to ruin.  Luckily there shouldn't be anything coming in the near future to change any situation, but it's always best to keep your head up and ears to the ground and beware if something starts going south.

When contract talks finally come around, Rikaad Metzller only relies on himself. He has always been wary of anyone trying to assist in contract negotiations because they aren't doing it altruistically. Rikaad is usually a trustworthy person, so he trusts the management of the team that he is dealing with to have his best interest in mind as well as the interests of the team, hockey is business after all. Rikaad usually isn't very serious in contract negotiations because at the end of the day, he just wants to play hockey. He is ok not getting the perfectly though tout deal, but as long as he thinks he is getting paid what he rightfully deserves then he hardly causes trouble during the talks. This has been especially true during his first couple years. Being brand new to the league, he decided it wasn't very wise to make any demands, clauses, etc., and burn any bridges

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Lacksamus requires that during warmups the team is led out the this song. People may not like it, but he does not care the least bit. It gets him into the mood to play hockey and is a hard requirement or he does not play. And so what if the team is better without him on the ice? That is completely irrelevant.

We also must have a nacho bar in the locker room. It is important for the players to be well fed before, during, and after the game and what better thing to pump someone up than nachos? Nachos are one of the greatest foods ever made. Then covered in shredded cheese and topped with nacho cheese it really creates the proper amount of gut bomb necessary to bring the team together on and off the ice. Pre-game? Barbacoa nachos. Mid-game? Guacomole nachos. Post-game? Dessert nachos. Well now I want some nachos.

[Image: thiefofcheese.gif]

[Image: Yztckjo.png] 

Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King

Contract time. I'm a simple man. And by that I mean I like money. But I am also a team player and do not want to handicap the team for the sake of my new beach house. Plus with all the winning were about to do I am going to have plenty of endorsements off the ice that will be paying for my "extras". My big thing with my contract is I do want to protect myself incase of a overhaul of management. I love the guys I'm working with now and can support their vision but who knows how out of touch the next guys are going to be. I'll be sure I'm not the one causing budget issues but if there are ever any sweet dollars left over I'm more than willing to deposit those for some shinny new equpiment in the following year. I'm a man of the team, but I want my money.

Creative Prompt

For Mikko, he was the freedom to be able to play any and all sports that he wishes to.  For many pro-athletes, they are limited to what they can or cannot do in the off-season.  Rashford is a Midfielder for the Hollywood Football Club and thinks it is important to keep his competitive juices flowing.  

Rashford also wants a tamper clause in any of his contracts.  Not because he wants to leave, but because he loves having the chance to chat with others.

Outside of that, it is a must that Kinder Chocolate is somewhere on the property.  He probably shouldn't eat any, but when his boys visit, he loves sharing a half of a Kinder Egg with them when they are around.  It is also a must that the property has a disc golf course.  Ideally championship level so that Mikko can have some fun with teammates and friends when he is taking an afternoon off


Player Prompt

Sven Svenson has always relied on one person for help with his contract negotiations – a Viking seer that lives in the wilderness of northern Sweden. This seer performs various sacrifices and blood rituals to truly understand the will of the gods and use that knowledge to advise Sven on whether to re-sign with the Pride and if so, for how much money. Sven feels that this seer, named Ubba, has always served him well despite always being seen as taking team friendly deals. Ubba helps Sven in many other aspects of his professional and personal life in addition to contract talks. For example, it was Ubba that suggested Sven first start flirting with and eventually create a child with Sara Wagner. Ubba knew that it was Odin’s will for Sven create a child that would eventually be drafted second overall in the SHL draft. Unfortunately, Ubba’s investment advice has been lacking over the years and Sven is basically destitute, living paycheck to paycheck.

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Jean-François Bokassa

Proud Father of Johnny Wagner-Svenson

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Sven Svenson Career Stats

Sweden Raptors pride

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