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S70 SMJHL mPT #7 - In-Flight Entertainment

POKEMONNNN GOTTA CATCH EM ALLLLLLL, YOU KNOW IT'S MY DESTINY. Definitely just jamming out with a switch grinding those shinies and competitive pokemon. What else are you supposed to do except maybe sleep?

[Image: Svatos2.png?ex=660626ee&is=65f3b1ee&hm=4...height=350] [Image: sig.png?ex=660330ca&is=65f0bbca&hm=574bd...9bdc77fda&]

I left yukon this morning to go to Texas to meet the new team and see some familiar faces. Tomorrow morning I'm headed back to my main house to Miami where all the beautiful scenery is.

[Image: b3ayEGX.png]

My favorite game is rocket league though I’m kinda burned out on it at the moment. It’s the only game to hold my attention for almost a decade. iRacing has been my new hotness the past year

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

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