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S73 PT#2: Who's on First?
(This post was last modified: 10-16-2023, 02:12 AM by diacope. Edited 3 times in total.)

After a successful championship in the scrimmage rounds of the Rabinov Indoor Adventure Camp Raiya is going to award the winning team tickets to watch the best team in the league play, Vancouver. Seats didn't really matter whenever cashing in at the booth knowing they would be thrilled either way but since it was a discounted choice they will sit right behind our bench so we can hear them cheer us on all game long, will help with the wave of signatures afterwards too having the team sign between shifts. After the game the kids will split up into two teams and play on the unruly ice we just played on, to make it even better it'll be an away game so the youngbloods can travel.. Thanks to the bulk sale parents will be able to tag along as well to hoot and holler at all the new improvements, skills and swagger learned during their experiences.

Platoon RAIYA Platoon RABINOV Platoon

Option 2: The bare minimum that I expect from my defense is to limit shots on our net. That can be accomplished several ways in today's game. The most simple albeit painful way is to block a ton of shots. Wheater that be using your body or good stick placement, the less pucks that make it to our goalie the better. Then there is having the physical presence to keep players out of dangerous shooting areas. If you punish the opposition anytime they get near the net you can effectively keep them on the perimeter where all shots are easy to stop. Being physically imposing is a good way to scare people into submission. A couple of big hits into the walls and cross checks in the slot will have them thinking twice. That is what I expect from a defenseman. If they can make a crisp breakout pass and hit my stick in mis stride then I will be happy. Defense don't need to score goals, but if they can get the play moving and be the engine, I will do the rest.

[Image: Chocula22.gif]
Berserkers Wolfpack France

Prompt 2
Edžus really wants his defensemen to start feeding him the puck a bit. He has like, no points, he could use more offensive support! More realistically, he'd like for them to start actually defending. After all, what's the fun of being a defensive liability if no one actually plays defense? Who thought of the +/- metric being lower than the celsius value of the coldest day in Quebec’s winter? Clearly, Ozolins didn't consider that, and he now suffers from being awful at two-way play. Another thing that could be good from his blueliners would be to block some shots since LA’s funky named goaltender keeps getting 40 shots his way a night. Someone HAS to help him, and for those that think “Edžus should do it himself instead of complaining”, I will answer with “read the part where I said he’s terrible defensively”. Why would he even want to defend, the funny thing to do is hit, take penalties, cause his GM to generate a lot of grey hair and complain!

Option 2

As a defenseman, Artturi Lappalainen does a whole hell of a lot for his goaltenders on the St. Louis Scarecrows. Being known for his defense, Lappalainen has a tendency to play back in his own team's zone rather than going up far into the offensive zone. This allows him to easily keep track of what's going on in front of him so that he can easily react and make the correct play for the situation so that the other team does not even get a single chance to get a shot on net and at his goalie. If the other team does somehow end up getting into the Scarecrows' zone, then Artturi is the guy sent in to harass the forwards and make sure that a play is broken up, either by delivering an absolutely devastating, career ending hit or by blocking any shots that they might get the chance to take. Overall, Lappalainen is an extremely important part in the Scarecrows' lineup and would surely be missed if he were to not be on the team.

[Image: Pythonic.gif] [Image: Championship_Sig.png]

[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] [Image: QtEp67y.png] [Image: 2sRs0Cq.png]

Sim Wen is a big thick defenseman for the Anchorage Armada this season and soon to be just as thick up with the Atlanta Inferno in the Simulation Hockey League. He loves helping his goalie out in any way he can. Clearing the crease with a nasty cross check or other illegal stick manuever that he can pull off because he bribed the refs is his go to. He also loves to feel the rubber on his body aka he loves to block shots. He's one tough guy and is an absolute freak. He'll practice blocking shots for hours after practice, usually forcing some poor teammate or coach to just fire pucks at him he's an absolute psycho. Goalies love him for it though. He'll drop the mitts with anyone who dares even breathe on the tendy and he'll dummy them for the rest of the game if they let him out of the box. Just an absolute specimen on the backend that the goalies love to have backing them up.

[Image: Jepox.gif]

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