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S75 PT#4: Spooky Fat Guy Due: Monday, March 11th @ 11:59 PM PST

Cross-training is a very interesting topic of discussion for Andrade La Sombra. As his Colorado locker room is well aware, La Sombra comes from a big wrestling family. There's definitely times where La Sombra will find himself in the ring, running the ropes and practicing with his family and other wrestlers in his family's lucha libre promotion. The agility and knowledge that's needed in order to work inside the ring is something that can also translate to the ice. The technical ability and practice in the ring can also help Andrade La Sombra's decision-making on the ice, something that's sorely needed improvement this season. That being said, there's no substitution for experience on the ice, and Andrade La Sombra is only in his second season in these leagues so far; the more he plays, the better he will be. La Sombra will certainly be a name to watch in the future, and the training within the ring and on the ice will certainly help.

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(This post was last modified: 03-06-2024, 01:55 PM by Ricer13. Edited 1 time in total.)

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During practice, every other day Pass Forfeit plays as the goalie. Nobody knows exactly why, but he brings his own equipment and everything. If he was a goalie in the league he probably would be the best though since he has never tried nobody knows. Every practice where this happens he has a shutout and thus nobody scores. Perhaps this cross training is to help with his shot blocking though surprisingly it isnt very good. On other days he practices as a forward, taking slappers and screening the goalie. Once again, it isn't clear why or how this became his routine because this is something he never gets to show off on ice but he plays how he plays I guess. Now that it is playoff time, Pass mainly chills in the locker room and doesnt practice as to have as much energy as possible to score goals (he is a defender and has 1 goal so far). Maybe pass will get better with time.

Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

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Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

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Option 2

Paul Bondage actually absolutely loves professional wrestling. And by wrestling, I mean rasslin. Not that olympic stuff (though that is also a very insane legitimate sport). He loves it so much, he actually trains a bit when he can have some time. Will he ever be suplexing the opponents on the ice or dishing out a devastating rainmaker on them? No, probably not. But the physique it requires to be able to pull of these moves in a fashionable manner is immense. While not necessarily focusing on any one part of the body, it helps with his overall build and also his balance and composure while out there skating around. He also tried getting into jiu jitsu (sp?) for a bit but gave up on it after a few months. It's still there in his mind, but something about real fighting and martial arts just doesn't have the appeal of choreographed movesets.

WC 154

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Will Tomlander has heard of this cross training thing from another Swedish hockey player, Magnus Liljestrom. Liljestrom was the son a fisherman and he used to drag nets full of fish out of the boat and to shore. This allowed him to train really hard in pulling, as well as reflexes to avoid being slapped by flying fish and fish tails and the like. Trying to copy Lijestrom, Will Tomlander asked to borrow some fish nets and do some dragging but he got really weird looks because he does not live in a coastal town where fishing is a job that people are familiar with.

Undeterred, Will Tomlander instead started pulling cars out of ditches in winter using sheer willpower. This worked not so well, and the tow truck drivers were not amused by his efforts. The locals put up with Will being weird but really wanted to just be on their way.

Will Tomlander decided to just stick to using the gym.

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Written Task: Does your player cross-train? Do you play other positions, other sports, or any non-hockey-related activity specifically to get better at hockey? If so, what and why? If you don't like talking about your player for these tasks, talk about cross-training for hockey in general.

Between the endurance training and the strength training highlighted in the last 2 weeks I'm not sure Oskar has much time for other sports let alone the rigorous schedule of practice and game days for hockey. But you'd be sadly mistaken if you assumed that as well. During the hockey season a lot of his other activities are put on hold, but once the off season starts all bets are off. One sport Oskar has really taken a shine to lately is golf. It's a stark difference from hockey, but he loves the competitiveness, especially with himself. Between shot distance and score he's able to tell if he's improving each round and what areas he needs to improve on. Just last off season he hired a coach to help work on his swing and improve his putting. He's excited to see if it'll make a difference in his game this summer.

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

I think when it comes to the hockey ghost of the future, there's definitely a few words that I would say to them. It's important to keep in mind this as you lace up your skates and hit the rink: it's not just about the game. Enjoy every shot, pass, and every push of the skate. Never lose sight of the reasons you like this sport. Never forget this when things get hard and the pressure is on: You have control of yourself. Make sure to remember that. Push through the hard times, that is what makes you better, stronger. Never give up on your dreams; have faith in your colleagues and yourself. This is going to be about you. Make sure to take every experience and shake every hand. You have the goal of the Hall of Fame and do not let anyone stop you from that. You got this, you know you do.

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Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3

Billy Herrington is all about mixing it up to boost his hockey game, and one of his go-to moves outside the rink is wrestling with his buddies. It's not just about throwing down for fun – wrestling sessions with the team bring a whole new level of agility, toughness, and mental sharpness to the ice. When Billy hits the mats with his teammates, it's not just a workout – it's a chance to fine-tune his balance, body control, and slick moves. Plus, grappling with the crew helps him get a grip on those tight battles for puck possession, whether it's along the boards or right in front of the net. And let's not forget the killer conditioning wrestling brings to the table. It's like a turbo boost for Billy's strength, endurance, and explosive power – all the stuff that makes him a force to be reckoned with on the ice. So yeah, Billy's all about that mat time with the team. It's not just cross-training – it's a whole new way to level up his hockey game.

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

Written Task / Option 2

I have referenced the game of golf and my player before, but in this case I want to highlight how much playing golf has helped me be a better hockey player. First and foremost, it has helped me tremendously with my mental game. I truly believe there is no game more mentally challenging than golf, given that it is just you against yourself. This ability to control my emotions and be more mentally sound on the course has made me more mentally strong when on the ice and in the heat of the moment. I also think golf has helped me to deal with not sweating the small things and having a short memory. On the course, when you double bogey a hole, you have to just pick the ball up and move on to the next hole. You can't wait around and cry about it. It is tough to have that short memory, but dealing with it in golf has made me better in hockey when I need to quickly forget one of my mistakes and move on to the next shift.

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Option 2:
Of course I cross train, its the easiest way to trick yourself into doing a workout without actually have to do a workout. I really like skiing, but unfortunately that has quite the overlap with hockey season and can be quite a risk to injury, so I don't get to do that as much as I would like. Offseason summer sports are great to do as well. Some casual soccer games, keeps the cardio up and can have some fun as well. The best cross training though is golf. Pretty much any athlete will tell you that. In reality I am not really sure what it does for training, maybe swinging the club is like shooting a puck? who really cares though. Everyone who plays golf is just looking to drink a bunch of beers and drive a golf cart around for 8 hours and forget about their real life problems. I'm not sure any of this helps me be better at hockey, but life is also about have some time off.

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PT Pass

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Thank you hewasajazzman, Slothfacekilla, Sulo, Frenchie, and Raymond for the sigs Smile

Option 2:

Beck does cross train. In general, he will try out any sport or activity that seems fun, but mostly sticks to long distance running, biking, and skiing. The long distance treks allow him to clear his brain and calm himself for the hard work ahead for SHL. The exercise keeps his muscles fresh and he is able to listen to enough Taylor Swift and Alanis Morrissette to keep himself humming. Occasionally he will come across a bear, but that's no matter because bears like him. Did you know Marcel Beck is the most popular SHL player among the bear population of North America? Know one really knows why, because bears can't talk, but it may have to do with Beck's goal celebration being the MJ Thriller claws. So as he cross trains in the summer running and the winter skiing, he must always bring a pen and paper for the bears that regularly ask for his signature. Celebrities never rest, you know?

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Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


Option 1:

Encountering my next recreate would make for a very awkward encounter - as the person in question will be none other than Emil Karlsson's unborn son. Emil will stand dumbstruck as he is confronted by his own offspring, bearing a likeness to him while still being distinct, the as yet unnamed Karlsson will confront Emil with his own aging and his own mortality, but this encounter will give the unique opportunity to instil some of the lessons learnt early. Emil would tell his unborn child that he is loved, and that anything he wishes to achieve in the SHL is possible if he applies himself enough. It won't be an easy road for him, but as Emil has found as he gets ready to begin his journey in the big league, the rewards will come if the work is put in. Seeing your future child in a dream would be deeply unsettling, and I don't like that this has come during the playoffs for Emil, but hopefully it'll give him a little burst of inspiration and energy and he is able to use it to push ahead and achieve some impressive things while playing for Detroit in some postseason games.

199 words

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Option 2:

What's this? Another training tips request with "Training for hockey players who would like to shoot good and do other stuff good as well", part 4! 

So you've got the first 3 parts down and mastered did you? Impressive, most people either give up or die by part 2. At the TFHPWWLTSGADOSGAW training academy, we follow a philosophy that if you're going to do something, you do it all the way. So for cross-training and getting other sports involved in the off-season training, we GO PRO. We try to jam as much secondary/non-elite sports in our hockey off-season. All other sports are inferior as they are just the minor leagues to hockey. So in the off-season, we get our players to train and excel at basketball (SBA), F1 racing (SCORF1), soccer (SSL), football (ISFL), wrestling (SWA), and baseball (PBE). The goal is to win at all these off-season extracurricular activities, if you don't win, then don't bother doing them at all. All these "sports" will add up to a complete hockey training experience which will turn you into an SHL champion.

193 words.

Edmonton Blizzard Co-GM
Yukon Malamutes Hall of Fame
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Granny Panpan Count: 258

As the little skater goes bar down and celebrates with his teammates, they all stop and look straight at me. I'm frozen, on a pond of ice. It's me as a child and I have some guidance for the little one before I wake up from whatever this is. A dream? nightmare or both? who knows... My player leans in and speaks. "Don't trust @Seany148". Boom I wake up. Thank God I got that in to my future or past self before I redo my career and it's a total mess once again. What would my recreate name be? I wonder this every day when I wake up and think of SHL twenty-four seven. Why did Seany ruin my player? he got me to GM team Latvia, after I told him I wouldn't have a clue on what im doing. He still has me in there for some reason. I'm also not getting paid anymore for it. What's the seal dude!

161 words

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