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Chirper #67 (AC Week #525)

Happy Memorial Day

[Image: 2C932D37-514E-45EA-95D8-45C16F70520B.jpg...cd072524d&]

Hope everyone had a good weekend

[Image: 2C932D37-514E-45EA-95D8-45C16F70520B.jpg...cd072524d&]

New week, new team!

[Image: draft-ad.png?ex=66247d0e&is=6612080e&hm=...cddcfb611&]

anyone know how long a career can last?

[Image: draft-ad.png?ex=66247d0e&is=6612080e&hm=...cddcfb611&]

New chirper thread when? :pause:

 [Image: Jammin.gif]
[Image: aRCIyeu.png]
[Image: KS8UYv9.png] [Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: IhVx0wj.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]
Thank you @Stadacona for the Chaewon player sig!

Congrats to draftees yesterday!

 [Image: Jammin.gif]
[Image: aRCIyeu.png]
[Image: KS8UYv9.png] [Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: IhVx0wj.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]
Thank you @Stadacona for the Chaewon player sig!

Chirper day 1

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]
[Image: 9sKIbXE.png]

MTL about to start to trend up fer realz next 2 seasons.

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]
[Image: 9sKIbXE.png]

Busy life means tired nights

[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]
[Image: FThunMn.png]

And tired mornings

[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]
[Image: FThunMn.png]

Kahri has been awfully mean lately

Who wants to donate me $100M?

Oh this is last week’s chirper thread, will these still count towards chirper :(

The longest English word that happens to be in alphabetical order is Aegilops

Made my first sheet for simmers… go team ice

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