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S77 PT #0: Call me again when the season starts Due: Sunday, June 9th @ 11:59 PM PST

Written option two

Everyone has their own philosophies for how to go about getting ready for the season training camp is supposed to be the big sort of gauging point for where am I at as far as how was my summer training? What do I still need to work on? God forbid, especially if you’re older, it happens more. Did I lose a step and what do I do to get that back.

For Brooklyn fist that’s easy stuff has a workout routine has plans has side things that she likes to do to incorporate and make her workouts fun and the opportunity to continue getting stronger and faster and better in a league that now she has another full year of understanding. Where she struggles is dealing with trying to just get back into that regular season routine.

You’ve had a summer off, especially for a team like Toronto, who unfortunately missed the playoffs. You had this long extended. Where you can kind of train at your own pace, you can visit family and friends and go to cool fun functions and crucially for her go surfing alone with no strings attached no people looking for her or what have you just sort of gearing out of that flowing sort of fluid situation into a rigid schedule of practice this day off day train this day food what do I have to eat specific things perhaps team dinners team functions team related PR events games Everything starts to revolve around being a member of the Toronto North stars so that’s what she does to ramp up. It’s to just go from a fun schedule to a rigid tight hockey base schedule and getting her mind on how to do that, which is half the battle won.

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After a few deeper post season runs, Nathaniel uses the off season to rest and recover. There is a lot of gym time to work on things such as strength building as well because the season is more for maintenance, conditioning, and flexibility. Off season is the time where you can really work on muscle growth. The final 2 weeks of the off season is also when the diet comes back into play. Burgers, hot dogs and pizza which are nice luxuries of the off season are no more, and are replaced by nutritionist crafted meals. At least the in house chef is really good and the food always tastes great.
Getting back on the ice for an hour a day just to skate as well and work on familiarity on the ice and with the puck is also what the waning days of the off season can bring. It's not too bad spending 4-5 hours a day at the rink, hell other people spend more time at their jobs and they aren't playing a sport, this is a pretty good gig.

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Written Option 2

When training camp rolls around for me, that is when I really ramp up my physical training. While I do not stop training during the off season, I ensure that training camp has an increased focused so that I can get my body in playing shape again. Being on the same ice that we play on in the game is extremely helpful as it allows for me to get re-familiar with the quirks of our home ice and how to best adjust to it. I have always found that training with my teammates has gotten me in the right headspace, too. When it comes to training camp, it is also a great time to meet the new off-season acquisitions and get to know new teammates. I really enjoy spending that training camp time with those new teammates, so that we can begin to build our chemistry for the upcoming season. Without training camp, I don't believe that we would have the same success in the regular season that we have had in recent years.

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In the two weeks leading up to team training camp, Chicago Syndicate sophomore forward Sad Ketchup tries to emulate the day to day routine to get his mind and body back into game day shape. This is the time to prepare his body for the grind of the Simulation Hockey League season. So for example, he'll wake up every morning at the time he normally would for practice and or game day. He would do his routine and get himself ready. His routine usually involves working out, and resting, a mixture of both. This helps get his body ready for the grind of team training camp and lowers the risk of injury if his body is already used to the grind. Sad Ketchup also likes to spend time with some of his family, as during the grind of the season it can be hard to make time for special people in his life as the life of an athlete is tough. Sad Ketchup does his best to both train hard, but also relax because it is important to find the balance.

175 words

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Made by Rindiee, rum_ham & Carpy

Jacob Mueller S5-S
Julien Dupont S6-S13
S9 Challenge Cup - Calgary Dragons
IIHF Gold - Germany
Rufus Reinhart S13-S24
S14 Challenge Cup - Texas Renegades
Christoffer Björnsson - S25-S35
S25 Four Stars Cup
S26 Tom Corcoran Trophy - SMJHL Top Goalie

Sami Owens - S36-S52
S38 IIHF Bronze - Canada
S39 IIHF Gold - Canada
S42 IIHF Silver - Canada
S51 Challenge Cup Champion - HAM
Liam Slate - S54-Present
S53 WJC Bronze - British Isles
S54 WJC Silver - British Isles
S55 Four Star Cup Champion - Newfoundland Berserkers
S57 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S58 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S60 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S61 IIIHF Gold - Great Britain
S67 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
S68 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
Triple Gold Club

Sad Ketchup -Present
S76 Ryan Jesster Trophy Winner

Viktor doesn't ever really want to do anything besides play hockey and go home to his favourite pets (that's all of them). That said, there's nothing worse than letting people he cares about down, and he very much cares about his team, their fans, and the management that brought him to where he is today. It would be kind of rude to skip out on responsibilities as the newly minted Challenge Cup champions, so right now Viktor kind of says yes to absolutely everything. Meet and greet? Just give him the when and where, and he will be there. It's fine if it's in Australia, Japan, or the moon. It's totally okay if no one shows up (might even be preferred, honestly), though the odds of that happening are nil. The one case where Viktor would be more than enthusiastic is for skating camps/sessions with kids. If he gets so much as a hint that that's happening, Vik is already booking the plane ticket and packing his bags.

169 words

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Oh yes, another season is upon us. Ace Lightning is one of the more senior members on the Toronto North Stars, which seems insane, but he is looked upon as a leader and must set an example. That means coming to training camp in as best shape as possible. How does he do it?

Two weeks before the start of preseason, Lightning eats nothing but ramen in order to gain as much oil and weight and possible, only to lose it very quick in a nice cleanse before the on ice training starts. Clearing the body of offseason toxins is very important and ramen is delicious.

During training camp and preseason, Ace Lightning pets as many dogs as possible. It is huge for morale of the body to come in happy and make sure you smile around your teammates, because that’s contagious. It will translate on the ice and who doesn’t love a good boy.

Written Option 1:

The off-season can be a long one for some, but for Konig Wolf, is was pretty damn decent. They spend their time in New Orleans during the regular season, but during the off-season, they head over to Perth, Western Australia to spend their days in the sun and beauty that the West Coast of OZ has to offer. Their agent, Banackock, moved from Canada to Perth in February of 2023 and lived their for 8 months before returning home. He pitched the idea to his client, Wolf, and they loved the idea. After booking the flight and hopping on the amazing 16 hour + 6 hour flight from Sydney to Perth, he landed. Now... what does he get up to?

For starters, he lives in Mandurah. Perth is one of the longest, if not the longest city in the world. With this, there's tons of things to do. When he first got there, he did all the sightseeing. Bell tower, Elizabeth Quay, Kings Park, the amazing beaches, Freemantle areas and more. He escaped down to the South of Western Australia to visit Albany and then made his way North to visit Broome. He swam with Dolphins, visited some areas with wild kangaroos and made the wicked trip to Rottnest island to ride a bike around, snorkel and check out some of the cute little quokkas.

ISFL affiliate

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Past Players

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Option 1

Bishop Van Apeldoorn is always willing to be active in the community. Bishop loves participating in meet and greets and is always willing to volunteer at the local animal shelters, since animals have always been one of the thing Bishop has been fascinated with. Bishop is ready to help his team when it comes to promoting and advertising too. whether it's pretending to be a drive thru worker at a Fast Food Restaurant, being a spokesperson for a car rental company much like a certain goalie legend, or being a "customer" for Great Clips. Bishop will also try to convince his fellow teammates to join in on being active in the community. Whether he is successful in convincing them usually varies, considering some of his teammates hate being bothered over the summer. Although Bishop loves interacting with his team's fanbase, he does need to decline some community events so he can fly back home to Lloydminster to help his family with their Cannabis business.

My player is enjoying his offseason so much, away from hockey and training, that he decides to create a copy of himself. He has two options: the biology route, where he clones himself, or the technological route, where he works with specialists to create a spitting image robot that can do the tough things he doesn't want to do while he's off enjoying some well-deserved leisure time. Utilizing the minds of Ireland’s most genius technicians and robotics experts, of which there are many who are capable enough to do what he wants, Mads creates a copy of himself made entirely of circuitry, silicon, and stainless steel. He programs, with the help of the aforementioned technicians of course, the robot to speak like him, walk like him, skate like him, even breathe like him. At some point, he realizes the robot is too close to him for comfort, so he decommissions it, after a long tense movie-like battle. In the end, he returns home for training because it’s better to cut your vacation short early than to have some robot running around pretending to be you.

Words: 150+

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This time last season, the Time family was coordinating an international move from overseas, hoping to spend an abbreviated offseason getting to know their new city. Just one year later, Justin Time is a Challenge Cup champion again, helping the Pride bring their first title to the bay area, and with it comes another whirlwind offseason. The season is right around the corner and the team events never really stopped as the city went wild with hockey fever. After nine seasons as the captain for the Blizzard, Time's instinct was to be the first one to any event, and stay to help however he was needed, but this time his responsibilities were fairly light, and he took full advantage to take in the parade with his family and celebrate with the cup at the beach. All good things must come to an end, though, and Justin hopes that the time in the sun counts toward his offseason exercise regimen, or at least that the extra weight will stop a few pucks.

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sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
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Written Option 2:
I put a lot of good time into resting after the season is over, and that lets me have a lot more energy to put into training before camp starts. I have been here for a bit now, and I know coming into camp already in great shape is maybe one of the most important things you can do. The best way to be ready to endure a long hard season, is to be prepared for it before it even begins. To do that, I ramp up my strength and stamina training, while getting a couple more skating practices with my coach before the team hits the ice together. I don't worry too much about technical stuff with a stick and puck, as what little skill I have with them in the first place tends to come back pretty quick. Hopefully this will help me keep up with these young up and comers trying to take my spot for another season, and will show them how its done.

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Cadmael, knowing that he had some work to do, decided to hit the ice while on vacation. But in an effort to not be bothered, he put on a very clever disguise. No one will know who he is now.

Written Option 2: Offseason is almost over and team training camp just over the corner. How does your player prepare during these last weeks before team is put back together. Is it time for rest to so you can endure the long season to come, do they ramp up their gym practises or maybe do some special technical training to further improve their skills to make the next step during their career or keep fighting the inevitable aging? How do they spend their last few weeks before team training camp?

Frøya normally would do as she has always done, however, with new teammates and a new environment, things got shook up a little bit! Having left Québec City officially to prepare for her début season in Calgary, she actually spent quite a bit of the weeks leading up to training moving to Calgary in a more official manner. She had already gotten a home to prepare for this eventuality, but there was only real light stuff there. It was almost like a vacation home for her rather than her official place to live. All of that would change now though as the moving officially had to be done. That being said, while the move did most definitely take time away from her normal training schedule, she would still try to make up for it by hitting the gym and practices harder than usual. This is a little unusual for the Norwegian girl as she had always been an advocate that a strong and constant training that pushes your limits slightly was going to help you train more than pushing well above your limits from time to time, but not giving a constant effort. (193)

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