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S77 PT #1: Guilty On All Counts Due: Sunday, June 16th @ 11:59 PM PST



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Viktor does not often see the inside of the penalty box. He'll hold his ground like an (undersized) ox, but the dude doesn't even see it as a real option to ever do anything but follow the rules. Ice rink or out in the real world, it doesn't matter—boring ass Hargreeves is going to follow them to the letter. But in the event that he does find himself in the penalty box, which has absolutely happened on several occasions, Viktor spends the entire time stewing in disappointment at himself. It doesn't matter if he wasn't even the one who tripped/kicked/grabbed/licked the other player in the first place. While the home crowd jeers at the refs and their terrible call, Viktor stresses over potentially causing the opposing team to score in his absence, which means they might also win, which means Viktor played a part in it. Will he ever let on that he's a spiral-er? No, but he also doesn't realize that anyone with eyeballs probably already knows.

172 words

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I like to think my player is pretty level headed. If he’s placed in the penalty box, then he’s probably deserved it. The only times my player gets upset about being in the penalty box is when it’s a bad call by the refs. For example, a player gets clipped by their own teammate’s stick and then suddenly I’m called for high sticking because the ref sees their head snap back and figures their idiot teammate couldn’t possibly have done it. If I get caught cheating on a play, then that’s fair. There’s always a time and place for trying to cut corners in games. When everything is on the line, you better not get caught cutting corners and drawing penalties or your teammates are going to want your head on a pike. Taking penalties is nuanced. So when you get in the box, it’s best to just reflect on what led you there and how you’ll either be better next time or not get caught.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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Graphic Option 1:
This is the symbol for game management- when the ref needs to give a team a penalty but hasnt found a good enough excuse, he makes this signal to a player and they sit for 2 minutes.

[Image: RAHZt4k.png]

Yes the glare is neccessary.

I think that there needs to be penalties based on people not drinking enough water in the game. Of course people are drinking gatorade and stuff, but we really need the hydro homies in the league. I would propose that we have a water bottle station that is hooked up to the water pipes on each team bench and each player has a bottle that will fill at a steady rate during the game. If your bottle ever overflows with water, that's a 2 minute minor.

The bottle would have to be kinda small to make this work, and of course while you're drinking the filling would pause. BUT the filling doesn't pause while you're on a shift, so if you put in too much time, you're gonna get a minor. This would open strategic depth and really make it funny.

I guess it's also sponsorship opportunity where you could get drinks companies to make it that players have to drink xyz drink.


philippe eko eel is always pretty even keeled (some might say even-eeled haha lol am i right @goldenglutes @micool132) even when he gets called for a penalty. he tries to lead the inferno by example and never get too high or two low emotionally. he may have internal moments of frustration upon being called for a high sticking or a boarding or some shit but he tries his best not to voice these frustrations to the refs. he used to get frustrated in his younger days when older players who should know better like pablo salvatici would complain and throw a little hissy fit after every 2 minute minor instead of just heading to the box and serving his time @Jepox so he vowed to not be a whiny whiner in his career. he takes the two minutes in the box to bark out some directions to the players on the ice; since he is the PK leader, they tend to not do so well without him so he tries to sprinkle in a little coaching from the sin bin. they usually can't hear him since because he is in fact an eel and eels cannot yell too loud.

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

Written Option one:

With the need for more penalties to be called in the SMJHL, a good idea for the brass was to introduce the personal foul. This means any player will very carefully have to calculate whether it is worth it to chirp an opposing player, or even the quick dirty dig that might not qualify for a roughing penalty because it will be the refs discretion as to whether or not to call the foul. And they are being told to call everything, it can be assumed that in the first few games, there will be a lot of guys sitting in the box. Also the league hopes this will speed up the play as there may not be as many scrums after the whistle. It will totally be worth it to see the increase in power play goals and the old school skills being used instead of the chirpiest chirp. It would make to game more interesting to see so much called.

[Image: wLeEjGc.jpeg]

(This post was last modified: 06-13-2024, 07:01 AM by AuggieO. Edited 1 time in total.)

Option 1:

NoNo Jo simply sheds a single tear, but sucks it up and gracefully glides over to the penalty box. He leaps into it and picks up the granny square he was just finishing up. He is making a gorgeous blanket and only has 8 granny squares left to go. It is a little hard to make them while wearing his hockey gloves but he perseveres through. 

“Two minutes?” he thinks to himself… that’s not too long of a punishment.  Especially if it is a fast sim. He runs through the play in his mind, not to see what he could have done other than a penalty but what he could have done to not get caught. These refs though… they are like an ever present omnipotent force that seems like… a program? NoNo Jo pushes that out of his mind. “This is real life hockey!” He thinks, “I do not live in a simulation, I am a real boy.”

Words- 159

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Montreal Patriotes star centre Emil Karlsson prides himself on his calm demeanour and measured approach to everything that he does. However, that all goes out of the window as soon as he is sent to the penalty box by the referees. Emil is frequently seen to be visibly outraged any time he is taken off the ice, shouting and swearing and making a commotion that often grabs the attention of the fans and the cameras. He has been warned many times by the league and the team about his behaviour and has even been accused of bringing the game into disrepute through his wild and unhinged actions, but nothing seems to have any effect in terms of calming him down. Given that he is a star player and household name in the world of hockey, the league lacks the teeth to really bring a punishment down on him for it but he's certainly a provocative and volatile character as soon as he gets any hint of a call going against him and him having to trudge his way to the penalty box.

182 words

[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]

I think in Ryland's case its gotta be something stupid, maybe a slash call that wasn't intentional or something. He would probably feel a mix of frustration and disappointment, knowing that his team will be at a disadvantage for a couple minutes, probably throw some f-bombs that aren't entirely directed towards anyone. But, things happen in the heat of a moment and sometimes players don't really recognize what they do until after the fact. He'd skate to the box quickly, trying to avoid arguing with the referee to prevent an additional misconduct penalty. In the penalty box though, he's gonna use his time to mentally regroup, watch the play to see if there are adjustments he can make once he's back on the ice, and cheer on his teammates to kill the penalty effectively. He'll remember who he slashed and probably after the game, offer him a beer or three on him.

161 words.

[Image: rm2.png?ex=661824aa&is=6605afaa&hm=6885c...6e2d79654&]
(This post was last modified: 06-16-2024, 07:31 PM by Jason. Edited 1 time in total.)

What my player came up is this. My player has to go out on the ice and make players take penalty's they'll then land in the 'you've been a bad boy' box.......before returning to the ice they most to a full workout out and run around the outside of the arena with there skates on before returning to the game. This penalty HAS to happen at least 10 times in a game if this is not met both of the team have to give one of there best players to a other team without receiving anything in return, you might think that's unfair but it really isn't if the league wants more penalty's then this is a great way to do it. Don't ask me how I came up with this my brain comes up with the weirdest things ever. Anyways this is what rule I'd implement.... but also if you don't want hockey to be ruined don't follow my advice

Option 1

As the newest chancellor of rule making in the SHL I would enact the Bald (or balding) call. If a player's helmet is dislodged during play and it is realized or discovered that said player is bald (or balding), play will be stopped immediately, regardless or which team currently has possession, or if the game is currently active, this means the penalty can be assessed during the pre-game warm up, during TV time-outs, intermissions, and even post game. The referee gestures the penalty by rubbing the top of their head in a smooth clockwise motion to implicate that the top of their head is smooth as a baby's bottom. The penalized player will be assessed a double minor penalty, one for attempting to hide their baldness, and the second for losing their helmet and exposing everyone else to their baldness. The player will be required to wear a toupee immediately before putting their helmet back on before serving the penalty in the hallway leading to the dressing rooms. The penalty shouldn't be called too often, but you would be surprised how the bald hide amongst the rest of us. We will only know once their helmets are off, god help us all. (This rule will most likely apply to fans of a certain team of Quebecois affiliation but reside in neighboring provinces).

227 words.

Edmonton Blizzard Co-GM
Yukon Malamutes Hall of Fame
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Granny Panpan Count: 258
(This post was last modified: 06-13-2024, 03:59 PM by spidey. Edited 2 times in total.)


We all know bad calls happen.  It sucks, it sucks as a fan seeing your team take them, it sucks as a player being given one.  It can completely change the momentum of a game.  It sucks.

The penalty I want to see is the payback penalty.

This is a very special penalty awarded after a game has been played.  An auditor will go through each called penalty in a game, see if the call was correct or if it was a bad call.  Than apply the total bad call penalty minutes applied to team A vs the total bad call penalty minutes applied to team B.  The difference between the two will be assigned the following game at some point by the team affected by the new game penalty.

So if Team A is assessed 6 mins in bad calls, and Team B is assessed 0 mins in bad calls.  The next time these two teams meet up Team B will have 6 mins of PK time they need to assign during the game.

Now here is where the strategy part comes in.  Team B could assign the 6 mins at any point during the game.  They could take it when they have a penalty.  They could take it at the start of the game and hope to get through a rough beginning.  They could even take it at the end of the game if they have it locked up.  It would be up to Team B to decide and when.

I love this because it would take the sting of bad penalties away, and it could add a new wrinkle in strategy to a game we already love.

279 words

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride
(This post was last modified: 06-16-2024, 12:20 PM by Juho. Edited 2 times in total.)

Option 2: Kaarlo koivunen reaction depends on what the penalty is if the penalty is obvius and/or fair and he knows he did it he will accept it and not complain at all straight to the penalty box but on the other hand if he thinks he didn't do it and it shouldn't be a penalty kaarlo will try to complain to the ref that he didn't do it and that shouldn't be called but not too much complaining since then he would get extra time but when he gets to the penalty box he can't change it so he will accept it and focus on the game to watch and try to read what to do when he gets out of the box but not overthink since that would lead to but i should have done that i should have done this et cetera what won't lead to good stuff

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