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S77 PT #5: Trust Your Gut, Trust Your Game Due: Sunday, July 14th @ 11:59 PM PST

Written 2
Oh god. 4-3. I haven't done anything all series long, but I've got this. There is no doubt if I get on the ice, I'm going to go full Wayne Gretzky on those losers and get us two goals. The issue is I haven't been on the ice all third period long. Coach stapled me to the bench, and there's a real issue.
Hey coach maybe I take a shift? Those 5 defenseman you've been riding seem tired. No? Dang. But coach I've got it, remember I scored a goal in the regular season? You don't? Oh it never happened? Whatever, it was last season, maybe it was in the Js. I'm telling you, I've got this.
So after that didn't work, I went the other approach. I'm telling you, if you put me in even just for a shift I'll get into a fight. Now that was an offer he couldn't refuse. I was an awful fighter and was bound to get crushed. Indeed it did, here we go.

Class S55
Reincarnated- Class S71

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Written Prompt 1: "Alright so hear me out, I absolutely adore savory foods. I'm looking at something that can echo my mom's spaghetti. She makes some of the best in the world, with the perfect balance of garlic and onions and her own custom made sauce. She's been cagey about sharing the recipe until she's older so if you can just break into our house and get some leftovers that'd be fantastic." - Gwendolyn

As the shady looking man departs, she'd pull away and put on her favourite playlist. It changes every time, and in fact the playlist is currently just one song on repeat. Ignoring the obligatory restroom break, Gwendolyn would put all of her equipment on from left to right and just draw. As an artist, the relaxation (or frustration) of drawing can keep her nerves calm until the man would miraculously come back with her mother's spaghetti to scarf down to stifle her churning gut.

Option 2
When the Whalers were down in the final minutes of the fame, Oliver knew that he had to earn the “A” on his chest and lead the boys to victory. He examined the defensive setup of the other roster, noticing that they were cheating towards the defencemen to deter point shots. He turned to player-coach Dextaria, pointing out that there’s an opportunity to insert a puck-mover to jump in, distribute the puck to the forwards and hopefully generate some offence. Fortunately for Oliver, the two other puck movers in the Whalers top four had just come off the ice and would need a break before they could get back out again. Seeing that Oliver had a good point and recognizing the need for a player to stop rushes going back the other way, Oliver got the tap and jumped over the boards to go help his team score the clinching goal.

151 words

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sig credits to @Nokazoa
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Written Option 2:

If we manage to pull off the comeback and bring the game to Game 7 tomorrow, I think that could be a very real scenario. Spycher would definitely be right in the coaches ear DEMANDING he be put on the ice as the extra attacker to tip things over the edge. I doubt it would take very much convincing as Spycher is one of the team's top offensive talents and they'd be doing themselves a disservice by keeping him on the bench in those crucial last few minutes. The minute he hit the ice, Spycher would be in front of the net playing the dirtiest, chippiest, rudest game of his life as he shook off defenders and created space in front while blocking the goaltender's vision to make that goal scoring chance happen for his team. With two years of experience playing on the team's offense, he'd be the perfect extra player to add to control the flow and change the tide.

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Graphic 1

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Option 1:

Jussi Mutou has a very long pre-game meal routine that cannot be interrupted. It’s lead to lots of teammates completely avoiding him on game day out of fear of having a plate of chicken noodle soup chucked at their head.

This time, however, Jussi was unable to procure his usual fare of food. Luckily there is a very kind gentleman in this dark and secluded alleyway who is offering a copious amount of food. Jussi Mutou couldn’t say yes fast enough.

It turns out, the man runs a local indie wrestling promotion in Montreal and needs competitors for a segment on the show that night. Jussi had watched a few nights of the show so he kind of knew what he was getting into.

This particular segment was a spaghetti eating competition between several wrestlers who would be taking part in a Fatal Four Way match for the championship.

Jussi decided to agree so he could get all the spaghetti he could eat. What he didn’t know however, was that he would be slammed through the table into the plates of spaghetti by the big bad heel known as Colossal Pete. Jussi took that bump like a champ and still made it in time for the Patriotes game. The Patriotes would go on to lose 6-0.

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Graphic Option 2: Draw your player talking to their coach while on the bench.

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Getting coach to let Grzegorz stay in the net after an awful goal in game seven is probably not that hard: look at his save percentage over the past six games. Goaltending is a game of averages, and Grzeorgz's average of bad goals per game is so low that the coach can and should write that bad goal off as a fluke. Grzegorz knows how to keep his head in the game. His one howling bad nightmare goal of the series is behind him and can be safely relied upon to not happen twice in the same game. Furthermore, this is a Challenge Cup winning goalie; a known commodity and not a hot rookie or a career fluker. Pulling him after a howler like that would be far more embarrassing and humiliating than leaving him in for nine goals against on a genuinely awful night in the regular season. Just let the man play it out. Show some trust, and he'll show you the cup.

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Will Nuck is a young hulk of a human being, still growing but still huge for his young age. Forgoing his usual pre game meal of bratwurst and sour kruat is sacrilegious to the beast of a young man and as a result he normally travels with a second hockey bag filled with the fixings. Unfortunately on a recent road trip to San Diego during the playoffs, Nuck's emergency food bag was lost in transit during their flight. A mad dash was ordered to search the city and near by area for any sour kruat with no luck. Some whisper that this was a game plan on the part of the San Diego management in order to throw the big man off his game for the away portion of the series. With time winding down and the puck drop nearing, Nuck was forced to try a new combination on European weiners and relish. Needles to say, he did not play well....

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BUBBA -- Roster===Updates

Bojo Machine
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Opt 2

N'Zola rarely has a bad game given the fact that he is very talented hockey player in general but given the situation which seems like that one scenario which we had last season against the San Francisco Pride it would not need much convincing to put N'Zola on the ice. When the opposing team is defending their lead they tend to get really passive and just keep focusing on keeping their own end clean without any regard of attacking to avoid mistakes. Whenever our team would get in a favorable attacking position where we can move the puck freely with 5 if not even with 6 skaters, N'Zola is your man to run the play from the ice. The effect that a proper quarterback-esque player has on the attack with both playmaking threat and shooting threat is immense, you are going to want to have that type of player on the ice even if it was not game 7 of a major playoff series.

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It's game 7, 2 minutes left in the 3rd and are losing 4-3. You haven't had the most stellar game but you have a feeling in your gut that if you're on the ice for the next 2 minutes, your team will score a goal. How do you convince your coach to make sure you get put out there? Do you have a plan of attack? Did you find a weakness in the opponent's gameplan? Do you just tell your coach to trust your hunch?

Its game seven and you trail by 1 goal.  It is every hockey fan's wet dream to think that they'd be in this position and now you are there...except you are on the bench.  Being a rookie and the league leader in takeaways isn't anything to be sneered at though.  You know in the next two minutes you are literally facing giants but deep down you know you can get the puck and the team can score to force it into more time.  Eyes pleading you yell at the coach, and then you see it on the ice.  Number 37 on the opposing team all night has revealed a tell.  Just before they're getting ready to pass and shoot they do a head bob that takes their gaze from the puck to the net and back.  Frantic, you shout at the coach "Put me in!  All I need is one shift!  I can get us the puck!".  Staring insistently you raise your hand with the number one and mouth "One shift.".

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Option 2
With the game being on the line and Peyton struggling, he has to make his case on what he can do to salvage the game and make something happen. Option A is to go full agitator, attempt to draw a penalty so that way the opposing team gives up a power play opportunity that can swing the momentum back to Ottawa, the second option of course is to try and point out some flaws on the opposite team, I mean really taking a look at what they’re doing carefully and trying to deploy a tactic that can be used with the best percentage to win, this doesn’t guarantee victory but it gives one last effort to counter attack in the best way possible for the given scenario,Really try and give the coach some confidence that there’s still fight in the game and for these next few minutes just allow for some physical play to occur to try and wear them down

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Option 2
It's normal to let in a bad goal from time to time, but what make the difference between all-star goalies and the rest, is their capacity to come back after letting in a bad goal or completely shut the door to every attack the other team bring at you.
In a game 7, to have to be at the top of your shape to bring one of the best performance of your career. Having a one goal lead at the end of the game is not enough so you need to stay focus. In my case, that bad goal that went it with less than 2 minutes in the game doesn't look good.
It was at that time that the coach call his time out to be sure all his players, myself included, stay in the game and be ready for the overtime. When he come to me, he knows that I'm not proud of myself and being the cornerstone of the franchise he needs to have confidence in me. I'm not one to let my team down so after talking to the coach about staying in the net a let my teammates know that it was my fault and they just need to keep playing like they were and I will make sure to bring them to the victory.

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They scored again. That dang team scored putting them up 4-3. I'm a -4 this game. Now there is only 2 minutes left on the clock, and I am riding the pine. I break another stick in frustration, this time I think it might have been @Rankle since I only had 3 backups. Sorry linemate. Sorry I am playing like shit.

I just know I can score one, I am due. I know it, the coach knows it, @JR95 knows it. Shit even @Durden knows it. He has been watching me suck all day, but he knows I got more in the tank. I just gotta convince the coach. That is when I got the idea.

I wait for the next stoppage, there is only 1:30 left in the game. there it is, icing. I jump off the bench. I start to skate down the ice, with looks of shock coming from @ViN and @SewingWithNancy as I skate by. This is followed by @Runningman434 Straight up picking my ass up and throwing me back onto the bench.

@Bruins10 Scores, we get the game winner 20 seconds later from @Nokazoa and @luke takes us for pizza after.


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