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S78 Championship Week Due: Sunday, September 29th @ 11:59 PM PST

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1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE, WSBL, SSL, or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE!
ISFL Affiliate

2. Derek Martin is player with most points that plays in finals. Los Angeles has 3 other players that are also above or tied in points with Tampa’s Max

Carnage. Does Los Angeles have advantage on scoring or does it just seem like it as they have also played 3 more games?

Max Carnage was the top goal scorer in the regular season but when you look at it LA definitely has the goal scoring advantage, they have not only the top playoff goal scorer but also their scoring depth is much better. So yes LA has a giant scoring advantage and I don't think its close.

6. How was the season for you player? What you expect from next one?

So a bit of a disappointing season for my player, I'm at the highest TPE I've ever been and had a role change for the better and yet the stats really didn't show it. My offensive numbers are right around the bottom of my career, and while my defensive number were pretty decent they are lower then I thought they'd be. I changed from a defensive role to a 2 way role but the offensive output really didn't cover for the slight decrease in defensive numbers.

[Image: DrbPYHV.png]   [Image: B4x6AQm.png]
Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Russia

[Image: F4iUWyS.png]

6. (167 Words – 3 TPE)
Overall it was a generally tough season for Ju-gong, but considering the situation of the teams rebuild, it was nothing too unexpected. Leading the J in losses and saves shows how often the Montreal goal was coming under fire. Overall it could be seen as a slight disappointment given he neither hit .900 on save percentage, nor managed a shut out over the course of the season. Still, there is plenty of reason to continue to optimistic about things to come. Not only is the young goalie still improving leaps and bounds every year, but the team around him is also on a firm upwards trajectory. Even with a key defenseman in Journey Man heading off on their Journey, the addition of Deth Klaw and big improvements made by the existing core, the Montreal defense should slowly reach their potential over time. While next season might still carry some struggles, Ju-gong is still primed to succeed with the rest of the Patriotes in the seasons to come.

12. (211 Words – 4 TPE)
Given the small sample size we get from both IIFH and WJC games, there is always room for a high level of variance. It means that even average level teams might get hot at the right time, win 3-4 games in a row and end up with a gold medal. While variance can be seen as a bad thing, in this case I don’t think it matters all too much. National team sports are more or less like this in the real world too, where the chaos of having a new collection of players tends to matter more than any strategy you can instill in a new team over the course of a week or two. Even accounting for this level of randomness, the talent that is on each roster still certainly matters a lot, as is evidenced by Team Norden winning 3 gold medals in a row, when all 3 years they were also highest TPE in the tournament. All in all, I don’t think there is anything that needs to really be done with IIHF in terms of competitive balance. It will by nature always be a more random and variable, while still naturally rewarding better quality teams in some small manner – and that’s okay, if not just realistic.

14.  (57 Words – 1 TPE)
Sadly there was no time to do coinflip predictions this year, but had there been one, it surely would’ve picked LAP winning in 6 games. While TBB had an incredible year and would’ve been deserved winners, its hard to deny that LAP with their quality and competition didn’t grind and earn every bit of their Challenge Cup.

Quote:1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


Quote:6. How was the season for you player? What you expect from next one? (107 words)

Marton started feeling regression a little bit this season, falling back to under 100 points. However, he nearly reached the same Assist total as in S77 and he actually managed to get 2 more hits than last time around, setting a new personal best and topping the league for back to back seasons. So on the personal angle, he should definitely break 400 career (regular season) assists and is hoping he can pass the 1000 career (regular season) hits threshold. As a team, a return to at least the Conference Finals is the goal, but it figures to be the toughest path we’ve had in some time.

Quote:11. Give Me More (237 words)
When things stay the same for too long there is risk of them becoming stale, so to ensure that doesn’t happen we need to add something or to something and as you were just elected as dictator of SHL you get to make the pick. Are we going to have more games? Maybe add few teams or 4th lines to current ones? Could even add more stats to spend our TPE by not standardazing the mental stats? What or to what would you add and why?

First, I would actually reduce the number of games played. Especially with the ridiculous number of back-to-back games we have in the SHL, our calendar needs more breathing room. I still don’t understand why we can’t just extend the in-world season by a month or two to reduce the b2b issue, but as the dictator I get to go even further than that initial solution. So we start by adding four weeks to the season, and then having everyone play divisional rivals 6 times (24), other conference members 4 times (20), and teams in the other conference 2 times (2). It’s still nearly the same number of games but spread out more evenly so every matchups includes a balanced home-away count.

Second, now that the regular season is focused, let’s take the playoffs to 1-8 seeding instead of divisional matchups. I get the concept of driving rivalries by pitting the same teams against each other annually, but I think it’s crossed the threshold no into just being repetitive. The extra regular season games against your division will keep the rivalries alive, and we’ll see the best rivalries pushed into the conference semifinals and finals.

Finally, no more tactics. Everyone just presses “AI Setup Organization” in FHM and we let it go nuts. Forever peel away the illusion that we have any control over what this engine done and just bet it all on black. Spin the wheel!

[Image: YpRQWIT.png]
Sig courtesy @sulovilen

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10. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Took Me By Surprise
Pick a one SHL or SMJHL team, that isn’t your own, that did not play as you would have expected at the beginning of the season. Did they do better or worse than you expected? Why you think your expectations were off, can you find an explanation for their performance? Does this change how you view them going into next season?

74 words

The Ottawa Highlanders were suspected to do very well this season but ended up finishing the season under .500 with a .482%. I suspected they would be much better this season due to the existing team they had and the players they picked up in the S79 SMJHL draft. their top line amassed 228 points together, with Hockey Player leading the charge with 83 points. pretty damn good if you ask me. I think something they might be able to grow from is their rookies playing more important roles going into next season. A player like Hotdog Lunch could see a huge jump in points if deployed properly next season. He obtained 34 points in the regular season and could see a uptick in points taking on bigger roles while also building that chemistry with his line mates. The chemistry is an important trait that everyone needs to develop. They are going to be a scary team to face going into their next season. Maybe they could benefit from some more of a defensive side going into next season which could get them some important wins. I could see them being extremely lethal in the scoring department. I suspect some good matchups. Especially against the Mutes.

206 words

[Image: xMZsRxn.jpeg]

Commenting to remove from checklist as I am S79

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11: As dictator of the SHL, I will introduce wacky random fun time random week! In which we play a single-elimination tournament with all of the players put into a blender, and randomly distributed to each GM! The prize? I dunno, something that isn't too consequential, money or an award? And honestly, the fourth lines don't sound like a bad idea, it would help manage IA players, and make for an absolute mad scramble of drafting - which yes, would be a little insane, but it would definitely shake things up! Overall, I'm honestly just too new to responsibly suggest real changes, but as dictator, I would ensure that broadcasts are spiced up by contractually obligating all of the commentators to wear funny hats, and to comment on each other's hats. That seems like a really necessary addition, and I support it whole-heartedly.

Moreover, I would, for not particular reason whatsoever, delete the Detroit Falcons in their entirety. I recognize that this would create some difficulties for the historical department, which is why I would also (again, for no particular reason,) increase all of their pay to not less than 20 million a season. That seems fair, I think.


[200+ words, +4 TPE]

12: The IIHF and WJC are in an interesting spot, and the swinginess of the tournament is definitely a big part of that. I think we all say just how volatile the sim can be with that re-sim earlier this year, and FHM8 in general is very... very unpredictable. I know that watching Jack Booth go from nailing hundreds and hundreds of blocks each season to having less than half of his expected blocks in a single season was very unexpected, as well. Returning to the IIHF and WJC, I don't actually mind the swinginess, since it means that things are a lot more wild west-esque, marking it definitively as the "alternate mode" of the SHL - which I don't think is a bad thing per se. As for Matthias, this will be his first time through the WJC, and the irony of me playing against him is actually pretty entertaining. I've heard from a fair few other users that splitting up Norden, while a good decision to increase the number of GM spots available, basically doomed all of the teams to being completely non-competitive. Given that the nordic teams are now splitting their people apart pretty heavily, I can definitely say that I understand the sentiment - but I suppose only time will tell.

[221 words, +4 TPE]

"That way - no, no, a little to the left!"

"Oh, shit, not like that wait no -!!"


"Oh god Cake is gonna hit me again" :'0
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2024, 09:53 PM by Vrain. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW Trivia verification word: Spiffy
1.5+ TPE

13. Out With The Old, In With The New
227 words

The current slate of IIHF teams has a great mix of traditional hockey loving nations and non-traditional nations. From the real world IIHF Men's rankings eleven of the top fourteen teams are already represented showing a strong interest in the teams that normally rank in the first two tiers of international hockey. Yet, there is still enough interest for lower ranked teams like Great Britain, Japan, and unranked Ireland to gain support and success in SHL's IIHF. The highest ranked teams that we don't have are Slovakia and Denmark, both intriguing options but I don't know if either has the pull to compete. I would choose to go in a different direction and go with a lower ranker nation with some extra appeal. Assuming a team is added through expansion and not replacement, the island nation of Iceland would be my first choice. Iceland is home to some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world, including mountains, volcanos, waterfalls, the northern lights, and so much more. It is sure to be a draw for any player interested in exploring nature. Once you include fake Icelandic music duo Fire Saga and the fake hockey team from D2: the Mighty Ducks Iceland's inclusion in a fake international tournament begins to make more sense. Besides, with the elves and Bjork on their side there's no way Iceland will lose.

PBE Affiliate 

8.5+ TPE total

[Image: tcMCGba.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2024, 08:50 AM by Rtpc31. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. shwoop +3TPE

6. Rence Sykut has proven to be a model of consistency in his three seasons in the SHL so far. He tallied his third consecutive 50+ season with 52 points and broke the 20 goal mark for the second season in a row with 23 goals. While, some may find it concerning that his statistics are not trending up over the course of his career, the context of playing on a rebuilding team has to be taken into account. The Seattle Argonauts are currently composed of a majority of players in their first or second year and on a slow and steady upward trajectory as a team. Showing this level of consistency while playing on a team that has struggled for offence should be taken as a positive marker or things to come, and not a source of concern. The statistics and accolades will come as the team enters a contention window with a rock solid core for many seasons to come. Progress is already being made with a playoff berth this past season, and hopefully the beginning of a long streak of seasons that will see Rence and the Argonauts slowly making their up to contender status with solid contributions from Rence Sykut. (203 words) +4TPE

10. The Tampa Bay Barracuda were my surprise team this past season. They had had quick starts to seasons before and fizzled out as the season went on, but this season was different. They were able to maintain their strong play through the majority of the season and have been rewarded with an impressive playoff run and finals appearance. This could be the start of a serious contention window for the Barracuda. (71 words) +1TPE

CW Trivia: Gritty

I have a few things that I’d like to see added to the SHL. Some would probably be controversial but some aren’t. I’d love to see a minor league added. It would be a step above the SMJHL and be another development league that would allow players to uncap and earn more tpe before finally joining their SHL team. It would require a lot more players, but it could start off with like maybe ten teams and two teams would just have to share a team (maybe they could separate them them equally? 6 F, 3 D and 1 G a piece?) Teams could also grab inactive players below a certain threshold to fill out their rosters. Another thing I’d like to see added is injuries. It’s a little weird to play almost 70 games a year and not see a single injury. I know why they aren’t a thing but it could be interesting to see.

Honestly I don’t like Quebec being added to the IIHF. I think it’s weird and kind of dumb to separate it from Canada. I know they’re a lot different culturally but it’s taking players away from Canada AND France and I don’t know if they’ll end up being all that good honestly. I’d like to see the IIHF add more general regions I guess? Maybe like Oceania with Australia and New Zealand. Maybe add a Latin American team and have Mexico, Brazil, etc covered all in one nation. Theres small nations in the IIHF that don’t have enough players and aren’t all that good that should just be condensed into a bigger nation imo.

CW: 3
11: 3
13: 2

[Image: Mendhall.png] [Image: i0ZCRTJ.png]

Malamutes syndicate Usa   Malamutes syndicate  Usa
Malamutes Malamutes MalamutesMalamutes Malamutes Malamutes

*Thank you Nokazoa and Squid for the sigs!

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

1. truth

+1.5-3 TPE

6. How was the season for you player? What you expect from next one?

6. This season was almost inexplicably bad for Marek Carda. With the way the Forge roster came into the season, Carda should have been expecting similar deployment to the season prior, but with more experience under his belt and a bit more capable of contributing to the team’s success, and yet the numbers don’t reflect an anticipated uptick in performance. While Carda added nearly a full minute of penalty kill time, and a minute and a half overall, his assists and points decreased from where they were in his sophomore campaign. While he set a career high in goals with 17, his plus/minus decreased by 39 to only +7, his shot% dropped to 9.9%, and his fancy stats took a beating with corsi and fenwick percentages both 2 points lower than the prior season and an unlucky PDO of 97.7 versus historically lucky numbers. As Carda went, so went the Forge, with a disappointing season coming off a big campaign in the prior season, and a first-round playoff exit. There’s no real explanation other than the index currently shows Carda and his linemates as line one rather than line three. Whether that was so counter matchups in the playoffs or held steady throughout the season, I’m not sure – but Carda will be hoping to bounce back next season. I’m expecting an improvement in every metric as he continues to mature in the league.

232 words

8. Written, 50 to 200+ words. The Path
Los Angeles comes to finals after two seven game seriesses while Tampa Bay has only lost one game after the first round and they have 3 less games during the playoffs. Do you think Tampa Bay gets meaningful advantage from seemingly easier path to the finals as they come in more rested? Or is there no stopping the train of the Los Angeles after they fought their way through teams that finished second and third during regular season? How do you think the path to the finals will impact the series and does it change who you favor?

8. I don’t think it matters at all that Tampa had a seemingly easier path to the finals because I think everything in the league is constantly reset and there are no injuries. The path I don’t believe really impacts either team. I could be wrong on momentum being reset, but I felt LA had the advantage over Tampa purely from the standpoint that the Barracuda roster seemed to be performing above expectations all season long and for that to continue would have been peak FHM. Obviously, it couldn’t be ruled out, but I think in the end the better team prevailed this time.

103 words

13. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Out With The Old, In With The New
Team Russia got replaced by Quebec, which for sure got people talking about the IIHF. What other nations/regions would you like to see get their own team? Would you think they should replace current teams and if so which ones would you seek to replace? And most importantly, why you think that teams you picked would be more interesting or improve the IIHF in general?

13. Currently we have 14 squads in the IIHF tournament. I think that to mirror real life (we are role-playing after all) it would make sense to have the 14 top-ranked countries in the real world be reflected in the SHL IIHF tournaments. Obviously including other nations makes for a bit of fun and helps counteract the flux that occurs at the lower rankings in real life, so its kind of understandable, but also takes away from the realism a bit.  Russia, the current world #2, has just been evicted from our fantasy, and that makes a bit of sense giving the global climate, so I would propose adding Slovakia (9th), Denmark (11th), Austria (13th), and Kazakhstan (15th) at the expense of Quebec (not a country), Japan (24th), Ireland (not in the top 58), and Great Britain (17th). I have time for arguments for including GB over Kazakhstan since we’re talking about an active team with a real world ranking only 2 spots below at #17 to Kazakhstan’s #15, but otherwise I’m comfortable with my lineup.

175 Words

TOTAL TPE EARNED: 10.5 to 12.0 for a maximum of +8TPE

[Image: v09bRKvt_o.jpg]

CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each
correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below.
Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit.
Post your verification word in your CW post.

verification word: doggo

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Short Prompts

2. Derek Martin is player with most points that plays in finals. Los
Angeles has 3 other players that are also above or tied in points with
Tampa’s Max Carnage. Does Los Angeles have advantage on scoring or does
it just seem like it as they have also played 3 more games?

3. Many of Tampa Bay’s defencemen, like Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk and
John Brown have better defensive stats compared to Panthers defencemen.
Do you think they can keep shutting down the offensive of Los Angeles or
do you think that Los Angeles defencemen just appear worse because of
the tougher opponents they have had to face?

4. Before finals both goalies have pretty similar Goals Against Average,
Soonika leading 2.51 to 2.55, but Brzeczyszczykiewicz has edge on save
percentage 0.927 to 0.919. Which of the teams do you think has edge on

5. Finals can often come down to smallest details and teams are looking
for any edge they can have. On average Tamba Bay players have longer
names by almost 2 characters, how can either of the teams take advantage
of that?

6. How was the season for you player? What you expect from next one?

7. This time for J: Who you got? Who wins the Four Star Cup? Why?

6. 4 TPE, 210 words

Leonard Wood's sophomore season with the Philadelphia Forge went reasonably well. I'm still finding my game in this league. My point totals increased mildly from my rookie season, from 49 points to 51 points. But what that slight increase doesn't show is all of the work I put in, the comfort level I'm now at in this league, and huge strides I'm taking in improving my game. I'm contributing to my team's success but I feel like I can do a heck of a lot more. Next season, I'm hoping all of that hard work I put in will pay off and Woody will make a huge splash in the SHL but more importantly for his team.

Secondly, I'd like more primarly measure my success with my team's performance. We had a great regular season and were expected to make a deep playoff run but unfortunately got knocked out of the playoffs in the first round in six games by the Atlanta Inferno. As a team and as an individual, we hope to learn from that experience, put it behind us, and be right in cup contention again next season. We have the players, we have the skill, we just need to get over the hump and win that cup.

7. 1 TPE - 63 words

Well, the Maine Timber won the Four Star Cup this season already. That is not surprising, they are always a strong team and in the mix to win it all. But I'm hoping that next season the Colorado Raptors can regain the Cup. They are a strong team with great leadership that can never be counted out. They will win it again soon.

[Image: LChpoGG5_o.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2024, 06:01 PM by Rabidsponge21. Edited 1 time in total.) - PBE PT

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Short Prompts
6. How was the season for you player? What you expect from next one?

An improvement. Thats the main key take away from this season. Mikkel had made the decision to get called up earlier than most junior players usually would have targeted and it showed with their stats and play overall when tossed into the deep end of the SHL landscape. Approaching a career minus of 200 soon over just three seasons shows you how much of a bad situation they put themselves in. The good news is that over the last season they really started to show some forward momentum in their game when it comes to improvements. A career high in Goals. Assists and points. The plus minus is sub 50. The Grades they have for play have all improved 62 -> 68 overall with defense having the largest climb 63 -> 77. With the rest of the team starting to fill out finally with some true promising skill players the the team around them will likely look to them to be a leader and one of the core veterans moving forward to push this team to new heights as they look to drag themselves out of the basement of the league and into the lime light of the playoffs sooner than later. I expect this seasons jump to be smaller overall from S77 to S78 but pushing for a sub 30 plus minus and new highs once again across the boards (229 Words)

Trivia - Dougcat

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S79 Ineligible. Just removing from list.

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