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S78 Championship Week Due: Sunday, September 29th @ 11:59 PM PST

1. verification word: stick

8. I believe that TBB has just had a much easier road to the finals than LAP. In my mind, the finals really happened in the western conference, as LA had to go through two powerhouse teams in Texas and San Francisco. Scraping on back to back 7 game wins is grueling, but really gets your team going and shows what you are capable of. Tampa hasn't really had any adversary like that so it will be interesting to see how they come on against a team that has been pushed so far already. Coming in rested is important, but coming in pumped up is even better. 107 words 2TPE

13. I am not a fan of this change, as I think it was done just to weaken team Canada. As I play for Canada, I do not like this as I want to win medals. To even this out, Minnesota should also be given a team, as that is where most US players are from. Sweden can be split with Stockholm, and Japan with Tokyo. This was all teams will be worse off to even the playing field. Ireland can combine with Great Britain. This will actually be a disadvantage for them as there will be a lot more infighting this way. 102 words, 2TPE

14. LAP wins it! Zerg really clutched up with 2 shutouts in the finals, and TBB solid defence just couldn't seem to keep LAs attackers at bay like they had in the previous rounds. A good series and was secretly hoping for an EDM v FLA NHL comeback style, but this was good as well. 55 words 1TPE

8TPE total

[Image: NOLA-oiduser.png]



6.) This season was a season of humble pie for Troy McClure IIII. We went from cup champs to playoff losers in one season. As New England ages, the young guns are going to have to step up and hopefully help carry us to victory. Personally Troy McClure did very well, leading the team in blocks in the playoffs and not being awful in the regular season. Next season I expect Troy to continue to grow and get better as he continues to train hard. Also a change in tactics might help. But as I have been saying all along, in Luke We Trust, as the mastermind behind NEW is amazing at his job and will continue to put the best product on the ice. (124 words 2 TPE )

10.) I am surprised that the Colorado Raptors aren't the champs again. @Takk806 Runs a tight ship and I thought for sure they were going to lead the Raptors to yet another deep cup run. Alas the goaltending wasn't there and the forwards were too busy playing with Fred Flintstone, so now they are in bedrock. They are down, however I do not think they are out. However, Tak is a drafting machine and I am willing to bet for sure that they draft well again, and it won't be long before the Raptors are back on top. the Raptors will always have a spot in my heart. (108 +2 TPE )

13.) Russia's fall makes me sad. However, I think it would serve the IIHF greatly if they were to make another North America team so that they are 2 Canadas and 2 US teams. I say that because both NA teams are FULL of talented players who haven't been able to crack the roster. Loyal players like @Chevy Who deserve to be a starter and would be on like, 10 other nations, but instead waits in the wings for the his chance to play maybe 2 seasons before being out TPEed. If there was a Texas Team, my friend might have a chance to crack one of those line ups. Also, the hell with all the US / CANADA teams and go Czechia! (121 +2 )

+8 TPE, Update post coming soon

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for
each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked
below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get
credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Short Prompts

2. Derek Martin is player with most points that plays in finals. Los
Angeles has 3 other players that are also above or tied in points with
Tampa’s Max Carnage. Does Los Angeles have advantage on scoring or does
it just seem like it as they have also played 3 more games?

3. Many of Tampa Bay’s defencemen, like Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk and
John Brown have better defensive stats compared to Panthers defencemen.
Do you think they can keep shutting down the offensive of Los Angeles or
do you think that Los Angeles defencemen just appear worse because of
the tougher opponents they have had to face?
2. I do believe that Los Angeles has the advantage on scoring. This team is loaded on a couple of lines, lead by Martin. While they have more games played, it is clear in those games that they are a scoring machine and I do not see that changing in the finals, considering that they have played against some top defenses throughout the playoffs already.

3. I do not believe that Tampa Bay can shut down Los Angeles. While the Barracuda have some solid blue liners, I think that the Panthers top forwards are just too tough of a matchup for any defender to take on. I could see a game going to the Tampa defense, but I do not see them shutting down the Panthers fully.

8. Written, 50 to 200+ words. The Path

Los Angeles comes to finals after two seven game seriesses while Tampa
Bay has only lost one game after the first round and they have 3 less
games during the playoffs. Do you think Tampa Bay gets meaningful
advantage from seemingly easier path to the finals as they come in more
rested? Or is there no stopping the train of the Los Angeles after they
fought their way through teams that finished second and third during
regular season? How do you think the path to the finals will impact the
series and does it change who you favor?
I believe that Los Angeles gets the advantage because they have already been through some of the toughest teams in the league. I do not believe that rest plays as much of a factor when we get to the finals, because the players are already running on so much adrenaline that when they get the chance for the cup, the lack of rest does not even come into their minds. Because of the teams that the Panthers have beaten, I think it only makes them stronger as a group and more likely to claim the cup over Tampa Bay. In particular, beating a team like Texas in the semi-finals who had one of the best defensive seasons in the SHL, it only makes me feel more confident that this Los Angeles team will be cup champions. I do not doubt that Tampa Bay will come out firing because of their less games played, but I do not think it makes up for pure talent out on the ice.

[Image: 51LSJnR.png]

1. Swamp

12. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Is It Always The Same?

The IIHF has always been a quick little tournament thrown in between the end of the season and the draft for both the juniors and the seniors. It makes sense that there’s only twelve games, otherwise it would run for two weeks and that, though exciting would be a little too long in my opinion. I have always enjoyed the IIHF, its fun to play with players you don’t play with all the time. Some superstars that never cross your path or jut some really fun user who you never got to know very well.

This year is exciting for me because my player is in that rare position to be playing in both the WJC and the IIHF. Not on the same team mind you, but for the same nation and that should be fun as I get to follow the stats of two teams for the short while that the tournament gets played. This happens sometimes only once in a career so it would be so cool to win a medal in both. That will be hard because all the teams are balanced and there’s new players coming and going from both leagues, but its still rad to think of the best case scenario and that’s being successful in both.

212 words: 4 TPE

13. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Out With The Old, In With The New

Team Russia getting replaced by Team Quebec was a very good idea in my humble opinion. I know its just a simulation league, but the real life antics of the Russian Federation have been sketchy at best over the past few years. I like how we have chosen to remove them from our world tournament. Adding Quebec was brilliant for many reasons. There a lot of really talented players who come out of Quebec and Montreal has one of the most loyal fan bases in the NHL. While they are not an independent nation, this gives them the opportunity to be a hockey nation.

I, personally, have always joined the smaller nations in IIHF, mostly for the reason that I like to play and it’s easier to make the team. With like Canada, or the USA for example, you could be in your 5th or 6th season before you make the team. I like how in Juniors, the bigger nations are split up into separate teams, like Canada Red or USA blue just to make sure everyone has a roster spot. I wonder if this wouldn’t be a horrible idea for the IIHF too! So many players create from USA or Canada with their first player not knowing the challenge to get on an IIHF team. Perhaps a Canada West and East or go historical and have an Upper/Lower Canada team. I like how the HO has branched out to explore some other options and I’m proud of us, even though we’re Simulation, that we shun the Russian antics in the real world.

263 Words: 4 TPE

[Image: wLeEjGc.jpeg]

Quote:12. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Is It Always The Same?
IIHF is short tournaments with only 12 round robin games for each team, which leads to huge swings from season to season when it comes to standings. Same is true for the WJC as well. With that in mind what do you think will be different from last season? Do you expect things to change for your team or player? And what you expect to stay the same?

Billy Herrington was disappointed with Team Canada’s performance last season, especially after their gold medal run the year before. Not making it to the medal rounds was a hard pill to swallow, but it’s only fueled his desire to improve for the next tournament. The sting of falling short has pushed him to analyze what went wrong and where he can step up in future games. One of Billy’s biggest takeaways was that international play is unpredictable. With only 12 round-robin games, there’s little room for error, and the swings from season to season are huge. Billy understands now that every game, every shift, every small mistake can add up to big consequences. That’s why he’s focusing on refining his play to eliminate any inconsistency, making sure he can be counted on in crucial moments. He’s also been reviewing game footage from the tournament, not just of his own play, but also to better understand the strategies other teams used to disrupt Canada’s flow. Billy knows that things need to change for Team Canada if they want to contend again. They’ve got the talent, but they’ll need more cohesion and smarter decision-making on the ice. One thing that will stay the same, however, is Billy’s dedication to the team and his drive to perform at an even higher level. He’s already preparing for next season’s tournament, determined to lead Canada back to medal contention and prove that last year’s result was just a temporary setback.

Quote:13. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Out With The Old, In With The New
Team Russia got replaced by Quebec, which for sure got people talking about the IIHF. What other nations/regions would you like to see get their own team? Would you think they should replace current teams and if so which ones would you seek to replace? And most importantly, why you think that teams you picked would be more interesting or improve the IIHF in general?

Having a Team Antarctica in the IIHF would be an awesome idea. Just picture it—a squad made up of players training in the icy wilderness, getting to skate on frozen lakes year-round! The weather might be rough with freezing temperatures and minimal sunlight, but that’s exactly what makes it a unique training ground. Players would get used to harsh conditions and learn how to adapt their game to different environments, which could really help them when they compete internationally. Think about it: players training on glacial surfaces, creating their own ice rinks, and developing some wild skills that we just don’t see from other teams. And who knows? This could attract players from warmer regions looking to sharpen their skills during the offseason or even during the season. They might want to take advantage of the chance to play in an environment that’s unlike anything else out there. Adding a Team Antarctica would definitely bring some fresh energy to the league. It’d give fans something new to root for and create some buzz around the sport. You can already imagine the fun rivalries that would develop as players from other nations face off against a team made up of polar hockey stars. It’s an idea that could shake things up in the IIHF, making for some thrilling matches and a unique story every season. Plus, it would be a cool way to showcase hockey in an unexpected place, proving that the sport can thrive anywhere, even in the coldest conditions!

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[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]
Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

1. Verification word: Splatter

6. Rough, but that was not in any way an unexpected outcome. Seattle were always going to be a bottom feeder this year, it's part of the process, and this season was an improvement on last year across the board. Which, when your team is mostly stocked with first- and second-year players, it precisely what you want to see. It's difficult to judge where the corner is and when the Argonauts are likely to be able to turn it, but I have tremendous faith that it's coming - we've got a good group of players, everybody is active and plugging away to make their avatars are strong as possible, what more can you ask for? (113 words, 2 TPE)

7. I'm coming to this late but Maine have been an example of excellence in a junior league franchise for so long that you could never go truly wrong betting on them. They were a clear class above the rest of the J during the regular season - pick a statistic and they stood head and shoulders above even the other highly-placed teams - but swinging a deal for a player as good as Anna Skovgaard was a real baller move from the Timber GM team. It's not often Four Star Cups are won off the back of teams willing to make a big swing and trade like that and I'm quite glad it happened, because maybe this will usher in a fresh wave of risk taking from management teams. (127 words, 2 TPE)

8. As we've seen now, the Panthers are champions and it gives support to my long-standing theory that relying on a team of professional athletes to be tired and need rest days after playing seven-game series is ridiculous. We play a huge amount of hockey during the regular season, often on back-to-back stands and lengthy road trips, and suggesting that the playoffs are going to somehow be different has always struck me as weirdly blinkered. Set the superstitions aside - playoff hockey is not intrinsically different to regular season hockey and if you saw a team on a hot streak you wouldn't stop and go "oh but they'll be tired". (108 words, 2 TPE)

11. It's funny that it's brought up here because I've long thought that the mental stats should be up for TPE changing in the same way as the physical stats are. I can firmly appreciate why injuries are turned off, but I'd love to see discipline and suspensions be incorporated and the mental stats would play right into that: I can roleplay Simo however I want but his in-character ironman determination plays out exactly the same in-game as that of another player written to be lazy and lackdaisical, which feels wrong to me. Hell, maybe we should introduce injuries - a league full of perfectly healthy human robots is strange. (108 words, 2 TPE)

[Image: Skree.gif]
[Image: xSn0esi.png]

1. Truly

6. The season for my player, Louis Belanger, was a slight improvement over his previous season. This was his 3rd season in the junior league. He scored 28 goals and recorded 33 assists for a total for a total of 61 points. The team asked Louis to be a playmaker this year instead ofd a power forward which slightly impacted his GR which reduced a bit. The good news was his time on ice which had a big jump with 20 min 41 sec compared to last season 17:39. Entering his 4th and last season in the SMJHL, he hopes to be a force for his team. Looking at his advanced stats, Belanger had a CF% of 47% which isnt that good. Next season, I expect my player to help the team become a champion. Nothing short of a championship is a failur for Louis Belanger. But sometimes you need to be realistic. Stats wise, Louis Belanger expect to reach the bar of 40 goals and 40 assists for a total or 80 points. It would be nice to finally truly reach the PPG status. He also expects St-Louis to reckon the league and be a good defensive team.

I believe the team that will win in the junior championship is Maine. Maine is always one of the best team in the SMJHL. Year in, year out, you can expect them to be in top 5 in the standings, if not top 3. I dont know how they do it but they are constantly good. Another reason why I think they will win is because how good some of their players are. You look at a player like Doug Weight, a true superstar who reached 105 points. Right Winger May O'Nayse had 96 points and reached 41 goals, same total as Doug. Unbelievably, they also two more player who got more than 90 points in Anna Skovgaard and Stavros Kondos. In total, they had 6 players who had more than a 1.0 point per game. What a feat! To make it to the finals, it was easy for Maine. They won each round 4-1, eating their opponents quite easily. So if you thought they would crash in the playoffs after a strong season, you are wrong. They were great in the post season. The final reason why I think they will win the cup is because they already did, they won 4-2. Congratulations to them!
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2024, 10:09 AM by Bruins10. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Word: Hilroy

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Short Prompts
2. Derek Martin is player with most points that plays in finals. Los Angeles has 3 other players that are also above or tied in points with Tampa’s Max Carnage. Does Los Angeles have advantage on scoring or does it just seem like it as they have also played 3 more games?
3. Many of Tampa Bay’s defencemen, like Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk and John Brown have better defensive stats compared to Panthers defencemen. Do you think they can keep shutting down the offensive of Los Angeles or do you think that Los Angeles defencemen just appear worse because of the tougher opponents they have had to face?

2. I think the fact that the Panthers have more than just one guy at the top says a lot about the team they have and the way they are built. When it comes to the finals in the SHL, I have always had that feeling that it is easier to stop just 1 player rather than have a team full of guys on fire, and thats what the Panthers seem to have this year. And it is not even like they only have players at the top of the points category, when you look at the leaders of the playoffs, the Panthers have guys that are leading in Shots with Derek Martin, they have the hits leader with Alexi Piastri, the shots blocked with Elena Maximova and to finish it off, shorthanded goals with Oliver Castillon. This is a wagon of a team. And let us not forget the goaltender, where Panthers Goalie leads the Save Percentage and Shutout category as well. (162 words, 3 TPE)

3. I think, just like I had mentioned above, to stop one guy is easy, to stop 2 guys on a team can be done with a collective and 2 pairings on defense, but when you have to look at trying to shut down 3 or 4 or 5 guys, it becomes very difficult for just 2 defenseman to do. YOu always always have to be on your game and you have to be ready because the next guy jumping the boards is coming in excited to be on the ice and also just on a hot streak. It seems as if the Panthers have guys that have the puck stuck to their stick and they always create a chance when they have it. When everything is clicking for a team, it is almost impossible to shut it down. You might be able to slow one guy and get him off his game, but he is just going to notice his teammates on fire and it will pump him up for the next shift, making it super difficult for the opposing team to really shut EVERYONE down. (186 words, 3 TPE)

[Image: Bruins10.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

1. CW Trivia, 3 TPE

Verification: Dog

6. My player, 59 words, 1 TPE

There was no sophomore slump this season for Cristoforo Roccamontepiano this season as he finished with 76 points, tied for the lead on his team. He really couldn't have asked for much more from an individual standpoint going into his second season, but going forward he hopes he can help Quebec City make a deeper push into the playoffs.

11. Give me more, 214 words, 4 TPE

There's not a ton I would add that would make things more interesting, I do think it would be fun to be able to adjust the mental stats though. Knowing nothing about FHM or tactics, this could cause issues by being too strong, or maybe it's the opposite, they wouldn't make any difference, but it's always fun seeing different builds. Other than that, I would go back to a 50 game schedule for the regular season, this would add up to 160 fewer games in the SHL and 128 fewer games in the SMJHL. The standings are all but decided anyways by the 50 game mark, and from a simming standpoint in a time where simmers are hard to come by, it makes the schedule that much less busy. It also allows for fewer quick simmed games which adds to the engagement and enjoyment of the league. Other than that, make more teams miss the playoffs. The regular season isn't interesting when the only teams that miss are the ones who are tanking for a higher pick anyways, and even then some of them make it into the playoffs. A 12 team playoffs where division winners get a 1st round bye would raise the stakes for the regular season and make every game matter.

Total TPE: 3+1+4=8

[Image: Mat10Man.gif]

1. Coffee

6. Scoring wise, it was a strong year for Dominik and his team on a whole, they played great hockey for most of the season and were one of the best teams in the SHL this year. It was a good growth season for him as he looks to continue to take big steps to be a strong contributor with the rest of the not-so-kid line. They each continue to grow and develop and Dominik is near the forefront of that as they continue forward. 
WC: 84

9. I’m going to be honest, I thought that in that stretch of time where Baltimore was one of the most competitive and complete teams in the Eastern Conference, I thought they had won a Cup somewhere in there. I regret nothing in terms of defeating them to help win San Francisco’s first ever Cup, but they’re a great team and a well run organization. I know that doesn’t always translate to winning the Cup, but I think that Trips has the ability and the will to put that team into a good position to succeed and get back to the peak that they had previously experienced. It might take some time and it’s not going to be an easy task with the growth of other team sin the conference and the league, but he’s good enough at his job and he has a good team with him to be able to succeed in that task. It’s not a guarantee as nothing ever is in the SHL (except for that time that Hamilton broke the sim and all that), but I think they’ll get back on a track after a few down years and will be competing with the upper tier in the SHL again soon. 
WC: 206

Total TPE: 8 TPE

Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52



1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification - KeK 

+1 TPE


Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Short Prompts

6. How was the season for you player? What you expect from next one?

This season for my player was a testimony for the defensive and offensive side of my player. Last season, Minnesota was in another level, with all positions, special lines all playing in harmony, Kevin Kim finally got the 70 point season he always dreamed of. However, this season, Minnesota lost depth, especially defensive. They are now the usual mid team. In contrast, the big talent rookies are developing, and the star players are starting to climb up to their prime. And this season, Kevin is building his skills even more. Even though this was a down season for Kevin, his defensive and shooting skills shined even in a mediocre team. While his teammates were in the negatives, Kevin was always in the positives. He also upped his offense, with a personal record of 31 goals, he is the next big star for Minnesota. For next season, Kevin is extremely focused on using these new abilities he learned this season and implement it into the next. With the help with Gibbles, Knight, Hoang, and the rest of his team, Kevin will be the nucleus of this team and help win the regular season and playoffs. Even if the team downgraded, if the team has the winning mindset of superstars, anything is possible. 

211 Words 

+4 TPE 


10. Written, 50 to 200+ words. Took Me By Surprise
Pick a one SHL or SMJHL team, that isn’t your own, that did not play as you would have expected at the beginning of the season. Did they do better or worse than you expected? Why you think your expectations were off, can you find an explanation for their performance? Does this change how you view them going into next season?

If one team had exceeded by expectations, every single season including this one is the one and only Atlanta Infernos. Getting 6th place in the regular season after many doubts if they could even make the top 10, they were one place from top 5. Even with their players passing their primes, new stars emerge, with Jiggle E Puff getting 88 points and leading his team in points. Atlanta seems to never stop producing new talents, if their homegrown or even if their traded in, Atlanta always makes it work. Even Shoyo Hinata, a past super star, is still producing a good amount of points. In my opinion, this strategy is genius. Even if their players get old, Atlanta will still survive and make it into the top ten conversation. This is the case even in the playoffs. Where they won in the first round against the previous semi finalist Philadelphia Forge. Eventually this new strategy might slow down, but right now, it is a great step into bouncing back into the cup. 

173 words 

+3 TPE

1 + 4 + 3 = 8TPE

 [Image: hbtB38x.png][Image: Screenshot_2024-07-25_171622.png?ex=66a4...56461ae57&]
                               Canada Knights Monarchs Thank you Enigmatic and Jaypc8237 for the sigs!  Monarchs Knights Canada
                                                                      [Image: qGhUIfY.png]  Monarchs Knights [Image: YADp0uU.png] 

just clearing my checklist again

[Image: kRPTH1727130285.jpg]
credit: @Aurora
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2024, 04:42 PM by gaby. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW Trivia 3 TPW

9. It has been a while 3 TPE (179 words)

I think the easiest way to get our answer here is going by elimination. Unless a complete rebrand or relocation I don't see Minnesota winning one in the next 100 seasons. This is a team with not a great reputation having a hard time to attract free agents. Long time users like myself just don't take Minnesota seriously. The next two teams I could see it happening but it would very surprising to me are Manhattan and Toronto. Toronto has a good mix of vets and youngins but it's hard to tell when their window should be. The Rage are nearing the end of their rebuild but could use 2-3 more top players to put them over the top in a really competitive division. Baltimore it would have to be within the next 2 seasons as their core is regressing but San Francisco and  Los Angeles will still be the favorites. So my pick would be Calgary. They will peak in a few seasons with the likes of Seattle, Chicago and Montreal and should be able to win one.

10. Took me by surprise 2 TPE (119 words)

I hesitated between Chicago and Baltimore for this one but the casino addict in me pick the Platoon here. They were my first bet, I really thought the over was a given. Baltimore adding the best defenseman in the UFA market while having a top 5 TPE team and all they need is 39 wins. Easy money right? They barely finished above 500 and I still don't get it. I think Atlanta and especially Tampa Bay having such good seasons hurt their season. Their division was the toughest but I still predicted them to finish 2nd in the Atlantic and they ended up in fourth. I guess I'm gonna have to add them to my do not bet list.

[Image: opt6vpu.jpg]

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