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S79 PT #3: The Man Behind The Mask Due: Sunday, November 3rd @ 11:59 PM PST

The horror movie that the Great Falls Grizzlies would film would be a Book of Boba Fett spin-off involving a rancor. Now, we, as true fans know, Rancors aren't really that bad if they are trained properly, but from the perspective of a Jawa running down the streets of Mos Eisley, I can only imagine the terror and the horror. of being chased by the creature who is relentless in his pursuit of tasty prey

A big snarly beast chasing you and you try to hide in a sewer grate but the freaking rancor just rips it up to get his delicious utini treat. I imagine the rancor chasing a herd of Jawas would be like the equivalent of a earth Anteater following a line of ants to the picnic. Not much chance for the jawas, but just imagine the horror from their perspective. The big question would be which one of the Grizzlies players gets to train the Rancor for the movie.

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PT Pass

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06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: bk2J0mY.png][Image: 3979.png]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!


Written Option 2: Focusing throughout the match is a matter of course for me as a goalkeeper. If I wasn't able to focus the whole game, I wouldn't be able to be a goalie. When I allow a goal, even if it's very stupid or simple, I immediately try to focus on the next save and not think about the conceded goal. Because I can't keep dwelling on something that happened in the past and I can't undo it. And yeah, I think it's possible to get overconfident before a match and lose the focus and I try to avoid being overconfident. I think my defenders and also skaters are great. They really try to do everything to make it easier for me at the gate. For example, they try to block shots a lot, get pucks, hit opponents, just players with team spirit and heart. And the other goalie can help you during your player warmup and intermissions a lot. If he is friendly, I gain more confidence.

Option 2:

We all know a goalie's best friend is the post, but a close second is their defensemen. As a defensemen, I have a strong rapport with my goalie. They are the last line of defence, but I make it my mission to make sure they have as easy a time as possible. We stay in constant communication through the game as well, which helps keep things running smooth.

There are a couple of things I make sure to do every game. In warmups, I make sure my shots hit their pads. They want to feel the puck in warmups and don't like players always shooting glove side. During the games, I always let them know where the puck is when it's behind them. We're always talking positive on the ice and supporting each other, especially after goals. We don't let either of us be too hard on ourselves and help each other shake it off and get ready for the next shift.

The relationship between a goalie and their defence is very important and I make sure to keep that relationship strong with my goalies in Texas.

(187 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Tampa Bay Barracuda
Season 81
Regular Season - [G 6] [A 28] [Pts 34] [+/- +19] [PIM 16] [Hits 40] [SB 123]


A lot of the support for the goalie comes in the locker room before we even take the ice for the game. Goalies are known for being "out there" and pretty eclectic, so we know on game day he wants to be quiet and dialed into the game & all the way through preparation. If he's showing up as a social butterfly and just not his normal self, we kind of push him back into his corner knowing that's exactly what he needs to stay 'in the zone' for the game. Warm-ups are pretty simple, just casually launching pucks into the pads instead of actually trying to score; gives him a bit of confidence heading into actual game play. After letting in a goal we've found out the best thing to do is just give him a tap on the pads & let him work through it; we aren't goalies, only he is going to know what to fix to ensure it doesn't keep happening.

Words: 150+



For Halloween promotion your teams PR department wants a short horror movie to reach new audiences and as that is about as much work as they feel like doing for it they have your player figuring out the small details like casting and plot. So what kind of movie it will be? Is it going to have a monster and if it does what will it be and who is going to play that role? Or maybe bit more psychological horror? Reliving a game seven loss from the past or is it going to involve hockey at all? What kind of movie your player would create and what role they would play in it?

I think if we're diving into the realm of horror, revisiting 
the classic "The Thing" by John Carpenter would be a great start for a premise! But how do we tie that into the concept of a Game Seven Series loss? Well from a psychological approach, the team takes a 3-0 lead going into game four. Spirits are high, with just a single win to claim the cup the path ahead should be straight forward. BUT. An alien virus crash lands into the team's practice facility, and one by one the members become infected. Going into game four of the seven game series, everything seems fine, UNTIL! The coach starts making the wrong play calls, subbing players in and out, taking the goalie out of net way too early, eventually leading to a loss. We go into game 5, some of the teams players start acting weird, playing out of character, and the team loses again dropping to 3-2. Of course , the main protagonist of the film starts to catch on, and over the time between games hunts out the alien virus while rallying his remaining "human" teammates. After a close game 6 loss, we go into game 7 all tied up 3-3. the finally of the movie sees the team go down 0-6 at half time, with a climax of the main character hunting down the aliens among the team during the half. The survivors emerge victorious, but must battle on into the second half of game seven of the series, down six points. With a full team effort, having just battled against an alien virus, they somehow pull out with a victory. But as the screen fades to black, we see the opposing teams coach with a glint in his eye, seeming having been infected by the same alien virus. 

302 words.

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Aumy Junior II has always cared about goalies, because they are half of the result. If goalie performs well, you can win just by 1-0. If he has a bad game, you can even lose by 8-9. So, goalkeepers are very important in hockey. Aumy Junior II always tries to help goalie warm up before the game. A little pep talk before the game in the locker room is important too. As a veteran, he always takes care of a goalie. Goalie has to get energy from skaters too and kind words are important in sports as well. A lot of small details just to get up the confidence of a man standing in the net. He has to be a part of the team and can't be left off. It's a big family which is fighting for the same reason. If you put it all together, team is good and works as one system.

155 words

Stars Stars Stars


The one thing I feel that Halloween is missing is a comedy/ Horror combination that hasn't been seen in years. Cabin in the woods did a really good job of balancing both but I am thinking we still lean into the comedy more than the horror side of it all. I feel like there is an untapped market of people who wants to participate in the horror genre but are frankly too scared to enjoy it in its entirety. Maybe bring back a style of Ernest Halloween had where the film is a comedy at its core but has some un easy moments due to how the monsters are or act making you feel uneasy at all times but watching the main character stumble through to success could be humorous. Personally I'd love to see a series or movie where the main chararacter is dropped into the horror setting but is the only person in the film with common sense and they know it. Like everyone runs upstairs to escape the killer - while they make calculated and intelligent choices. Almost a 4th wall break. (186 words)

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Title: Hotdog Slaughter

Jack Doggerman (Earl Biggins) was a teacher in his early years. He taught history 101 for a high school where he was beloved by many but he had a dark side to him. every couple of years a teacher would come up missing at the school. So he sought out a fresh start in fear he may be the next on the killers list. So he moved to a small town called Dexter in Michigan. He bought a small 2 bedroom house with 10 acres of land and began a new life. He started teaching at the nearby Highschool and settled in. For about a year nothing interesting happened. It was quite, almost to quite in this small little town. To combat the everyday life activities Jack met up with some colleagues from work one weekend and began chatting up one of the other teachers he seemed to gravitate towards. Frank Ween (Hotdog Lunch) was his name and Frank reminded Jack of his bestfriend in high school growing up. As they began chatting it up Jack felt something was familiar about this guy, he seemed to have known him from somewhere but he brushed it off and continued on with his night.

The next morning rolled around. It was a Sunday and a beautiful day for some yard work on Jacks property. Jack went out to the woods where he was clearing a section of trees out in preparation for a barn he wanted to build. While he was out there something caught his eye. It was a package of hotdogs which were ripped apart, spread out, and mutilated. He was very confused and also very upset cause how could anyone do such a thing to a tasty treat like a hotdog. He picked them up and cleaned up the mess. While cleaning up the mess he found one hotdog still in tact sitting on a plate perfectly. As he picked it up and looked at the hotdog he noticed a name on it, and not just any name his name, Jack Doggerman. A cold chill down his spine and a question, "why? Why my name?". He took the hotdog inside his house and wrapped up for the night.

The next morning Jack did his usual thing, Shower, Eat breakfast, go to work. As he arrived at work he noticed a familiar face on the way in, it was Frank. They talked a bit and Jack explained to him about the hotdog situation and Frank just brushed it off and said it was probably nothing. Jack agreed and went on about his day but the hotdog still lingered in his mind. On his way home Jack stopped and grabbed some hotdogs for dinner. When he arrived home he noticed a vehicle at his house. It was Frank. As Jack got out of his vehicle Frank approached him and said he needed to waste some time so he stopped over on his way home to see how things were going and to check out the property.

They had a couple drinks and a couple laughs and set off on the property. Jack showed him where he was clearing the woods out for his new barn. While they were out there, Frank had tripped and messed his ankle up a bit but was okay and they continued on. Frank set off to take a piss in the woods while Jack sat in his lawn chair. Frank was gone for a while and that worried Jack so Jack went looking for him. As he got deeper into the woods he started finding hotdogs everywhere. There was a path of them, So he followed the path. It lend to a chair in an opening of the woods where Frank was sitting tied up. Something in Jack was saying to free him but a darker side was saying to leave him. Frank asked "Why Jack, Why me?" Jack answered "What are you talking about frank?" Frank said "You smacked me over the head with a branch and drug me out here and tied me up." A confused look came across Jacks face and then a realization set in. He thought "I blacked out again didn't I?" "I thought a fresh start would fix this problem".

Jack naturally began his process, He grabbed a cloth baggy and put it over franks head. He then began to make his hotdogs on a little campfire he made. He boiled the hotdogs in a large pot of water. Once the hotdogs were cooked to perfection he took the bag off of Franks head and force fed him the hotdogs then put the bag back on his head. He then started pouring the hotdog water onto his head waterboarding him with hotdog water. The process went on for hours and Frank was sick to his stomach filled with hotdogs.

The next morning Jack did his usual thing, Shower, Eat breakfast, go to work. He repeated this process until Friday. He went out to his property where he was clearing the trees and found the hotdog path and remembered Frank was back there. When he went to check on him Frank had passed and it was to late. Frank perished with a stomach full of hotdogs. These killings would happen on and off again every couple years and Jack would keep moving until he grew to old. He would eventually get caught and serve life but we wont get into details as I don't know where else to go with the story and I've written way to much nonsense.
@Papajon I'm sorry for this I was bored at work.

934 words

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If we are going to have a horror movie, we might as well have one where the slasher actually has a good reason for having a hockey mask. So Darby Reznor stars as the main character in the upcoming slasher movie Blood on the Ice! In this small town where hockey is king, a hockey team's goalie does in an accident caused by his teammates, with them deciding to keep quiet about what happened and lie to the police about what happened. A year later, a man in a bloody hockey mask and uniform played by Kris stalks lol the old members of his team, taking them out one by one.

 The character Darby plays is the only player who suggested going clean to the police when the accident happened, but was ignored. As such, he will be the final guy in this movie, taking out the vengeful ghost of his old friend with a hockey stick through the face. However at the end, the body is gone when Darby goes to check on it, ending the movie on an ambiguous note.

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[Image: Darby-Reznor-MET-sig.jpg]

Written Option 2:

Oh man, goalies...just a different breed and how go go about getting them ready and focused will depend on that goalies personality. I've played with many different goalies and they all have their unique "quirks". Some need their sticks next to them in their stall and if you touch them or look at them wrong they'll have a meltdown. Others need complete silence and one psycho would even put their pads on after putting on chest protector. As far as Marsh goes pre game just leave goalies to their routine and make fun of it only after the games over.

During warm-ups its simple. Starter gets shots to help warm him up, low shots on the ice getting him to butterfly or kick save some easy shots what I normally aim for. I save warmup shots for myself for the backup and have been known to have a few slap shots get away and hit the backup in the mask but that's part of being the backup.

During the game can't do much to help keep focus but when a soft one is let in just let them know we have their back and we'll get it back and that he owes us bail out save later in the game when we mess up.

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The scariest horror movie that Squidwardo Tentacles would develop at the request of the Seattle Argonauts' PR department would provide a larger message to the audience about the issues of athletes facing concussion related issues due to sports related head injuries. It would be more of a psychological horror that would mess with the audience's heads and the main protagonist, making it seem strange and add a sense of uneasiness to the film without making anything make sense until it is revealed the athlete was facing symptoms from concussions suffered during sport. Symptoms that would plague the protagonist would be things such as ringing in the ear, nausea, memory issues, anxiety and depression. Highlighting these issues and calling for rules and safety measures to be put into place to remove headshots and unnecessary hits will be the ultimate goal of the film. Concussion issues are a real issue that plagues athletes in major contact sports and through a short film that showcases the issues in a realistic way from the perspective of the athlete would hopefully be a good way to bring more focus onto preventing them.

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Fileworker PT pass

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Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
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Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2024, 11:25 AM by CrazyMojito.)

Fileworker PT Pass

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Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3

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