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S79 All Star Week Due: Sunday, December 8th @ 11:59 PM PST

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and
then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the
person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks
milestones. (+3 TPE)

Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag

5. This time the games are hosted in Minnesota. How would players spend their time in Twin Cities?
Would have to think most players will be spending their time in the Mall of America. It is perfect, because there is something for everyone to do and certainly no shortage of things to do there. Whether it is countless food options or going to the Lego Store, you can find it at the Mall of America! (+1 TPE)

8. Written, 50 to 200+ words. The Teammate One

Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they,
why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do
you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made
the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the
only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write
about your team's candidate for last man instead.)
My teammate joining me in Minneapolis this season for the all star game is Chris Valentine. Chris and I have been in this game together before, and it is always an honor to join him once again. Valentine is a Texas legend and now is very well known all around the league. He is a defenseman turned forward and Valentine has become one of the best all-around offensive players in the league. He was absolutely an obvious selection for the West team, as Valentine finished atop the SHL in points with 112 and goals with 54. This is by no means a surprise either, as Valentine has made it a habit to be amongst the top forward in the game each season he plays. Valentine is also always a great teammate, and I know he always chooses to do what is best for his teammates. When we are both out there on the ice in this game, I will be sure to do my best to get him the puck because I know what a special talent he is while in the offensive zone. I anticipate that Chris will have a big game in Minneapolis against some of the leagues best players with fans from all over the world watching. (+4 TPE)

[Image: 51LSJnR.png]

(This post was last modified: 12-08-2024, 06:11 PM by charlieconway. Edited 2 times in total.)

Quote:1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestone claim here

{+3 TPE}

Quote:Written, 50 to 200+ words each. Shiny Grab Bag
6. Your player starts practicing a skill that has nothing to do with hockey, what do they do and how it goes?

The skill that Jae-ik would pick is chess. It’s one that’s not physically demanding, only mentally demanding, so there would be no danger of fatigue or injury. It can be played online, so it’s something to do while on the road with the team. Jae-ik’s also had an interest in chess for quite some time, even though he’s never really acted on it since being fairly competent at it as a kid.

I think he’d pick it up fast. He’s a smart guy, and likes to just roll through with quick games over and over, with barely a moment of thought between matches. It’s the kind of thing you can just throw yourself into completely, no distractions, focusing entirely on the board in front of you (in person or on a screen).

{132 words, +2 TPE}

Quote:8. Written, 50 to 200+ words. The Teammate One
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man instead.)

Two of my teammates have made the All-star game this season: Billy Herrington and Jiggle E. Puff.

I’m going to talk about Billy Herrington, since he finished the season with 14 more goals than Jiggle E. Puff this season, though four fewer points total. I think goals are worth more than assists so I feel it’s fair to say Herrington had the better season.

When  it comes to the Atlanta Inferno this season, I think Billy Herrington has a case for being the team’s MVP. He was a very active offense creator at center on the first line, and along with Jiggle E. Puff and bongo, helped the Inferno make the playoffs and have a strong run when they got there, losing to Philadelphia in the conference finals.

Herrington , like Puff, wasn’t at all afraid to throw the body, finishing with 105 hits and 46 blocks. He logged huge minutes on both the power play and penalty kill, and shot more than any  other inferno, only trailing four players in the entire league in that department.

I expect Herrington to do what he does best at the all-star game: log huge minutes, hit everything that moves, and score big goals for Team East. He deserves to be there and he’s going to show it, of that I’m sure.

{219 words, +4 TPE}

[Image: 9ZNnX19.png]

Canada | Player (index) | Grizzlies | Player (portal) | Inferno

1. Link to SHL Milestones -  1 TPE

6. Well, I think it would be an easy transition for Andrade La Sombra to get started in the world of professional wrestling. After coming from an intense pro wrestling family, especially as he learned the ways of his father in the early years, it would be a simple transition. He’s already kept his body in top form because of the intense training of hockey, especially in his dedication to becoming a speedster. The cardio and strength are easy to come by in the ways of the wrestling world. However, not being related to hockey is a bit of a stretch; both involve showmanship sometimes as well as strength of will and determination. Plus, one can help train for the other in quite a few ways, especially in the ways of stamina and endurance. La Sombra likes to take the professional wrestling excursions during the offseason quite often, letting his body and mind strengthen over the course of those precious few weeks.

(150+ words, 3 TPE)

11. I personally believe there’s so many untapped markets for hockey that the SHL can really look to branch into. To have a giant spectacle of a hockey game in a market like South America, or even in the Asian markets. The idea of bringing the SHL to a market that previously lost its teams, with the rebrands that have happened over the years, could really help to revitalize that market. Plus, we can keep in mind the recent expansion a few seasons ago, allowing those markets to truly experience the spectacle of a Challenge Cup or Four Star Cup series. Spectators from all around the world, from veteran, retired players to those who are seeing the SHL and SMJHL for the very first time, could feel their passion return to the ice, finding ways to contribute to the leagues. To have games outside of the current team's markets could also bring in the idea for expansions. There are many leagues throughout sports that have expanded to markets some might not expect. For instance, I hear in the football leagues, they have a team centered directly in Japan; a league fully based on what most consider an American sport! Why can't hockey be just as inclusive to many different lands here on our wonderful Earth? And maybe, even past it...

(200+ words, 4 TPE)

Total: 8 TPE

[Image: 9kneOLq.png]

11 - 207 words +4

So since everyone is pretty upset about the meme of Quebec getting an IIHF team, which is absurd since Quebec isn’t even a country. It’s just an area where a bunch of Canadians get together and speak the wrong language and act like they’re better than everyone else. Except the fact that every French Canadian I have met on here has been an absolute delight (especially my dog evok and NOT frenchie). Anyway, the league is PISSED at the prospect of these Canadian world war surrenderers having their own IIHF team, so they have proposed a new IIHF location for a team: the moon. Think about it. The entire moon doesn’t have a single sports team on it. Not even golf, though golf has technically happened on the moon, they don’t have an official golf team. It is a prime area to grow the game of hockey. Much like Las Vegas, the hockey team will show up and then other teams will follow. The moon could even get its own SMJHL team eventually. They could be called the Moon Walkers or perhaps something involving cheese. This also opens the prospect of expanding further into the universe. A SHL team eventually being on mars would be pretty neat.

8 - 207 words +4

I am relatively new to my SHL team the New England Wolfpack, but I am still very proud of the three players who made it on to the all star team. I can’t pick just one to talk about, so I am going to talk about all of them. Heck your rules.

First let’s talk about the big homie Pork Tenderloin, which is an incredible name. As a defenseman, they had 49 points in 66 games, something Ongo Gablogian could only dream of doing. Park had a +14 and 187 shot blocks. He is among the leaders for lots of defensemen stats, including short handed goals, which as a defenseman is an insane stat to even have one, let alone 2. Pretty incredible stuff.

Next up we have Nathan Cormier who had NINETY ONE POINTS in 66 games, including 38 goals. Super impressive numbers, along with 157 hits.

And last but not least we have Antoine Beauregard, who absolutely killed it this past season. 103 points in 66 games, including 65 helpers, which is insane. What an absolute stud of a team player to set up his team mates like that. He led the league in assists and was number 5 in the league for total points.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

5. At this point in the year, most players should be spending their time inside. It’s freakin’ cold in Minnesota in December, which makes this a really unfortunate time to have an All-Star game, even for those in relatively northern US or any of the Canadian cities. Ice fishing, some fat tire biking, and going out to winter festivals for the more adventurous are possibilities, but always carry risk – nobody really wants to be that cold all the time, right? Last but certainly not least, there are bits and pieces of Minnesota that might be able to capture the Northern Lights. I’d think at least a few of the players would want to give those a try. [116, +2]

6. Violet starts playing instruments to practice manual dexterity. There’s no question that there are other skills that are more directly translatable – especially skills performed on the ice – but you can only do those skills for so long in a given day before they start taking a physical toll on the specific muscle groups and joints involved in the game. Instruments allow for greater fine motor skill development that might be able to support or decrease the load on those other groups of muscles/joints, with the end goal of getting greater training returns without the increased risk for injury. Let’s say she starts with guitar and go from there. [108, +2 for total 4]

11. As part of the SHL & SMJHL’s intent of essentially conquering global hockey, I think the All-Star games for these leagues should be in prospective new expansion region(s). It would make for a competitive bidding process that increases international interest in generally underrepresented regions (e.g. various African and Asian nations, South America, lots of unexplored parts of Europe) where the SHL doesn’t currently have teams and/or even players eligible for the IIHF. It’s a vaguely natural and hopefully clever enough way to garner support across regions, especially because the SHL is a reasonably valuable entertainment product, everyone loves an underdog story, and it would mean the league could capture the truest of global audiences. It’s especially unusual that the league does not have several teams in Europe or highest cost of living countries in Asia thus far, as it would massively expand the appeal and there have to be hundreds of thousands of people in China or India alone that would pay attention to the league if they were competing internationally – and that’d be less than 0.1% of the population. The main downside is that the league would lose these All-Star games in the cities that already have teams; you could make an argument that a Rookie/Sophomore game or some plain exhibition games could make an impact (albeit smaller) on the same countries. [223, +4 for total 8]

[Image: qgldMOE.png]
Thanks @Amidships!
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2024, 11:31 PM by KalixIzalumi. Edited 2 times in total.)

Milestones claim: 2TPE

5. This time the games are hosted in Minnesota. How would players spend their time in the Twin cities?

Aside from all the normal activities players are used to doing before and after games (such as last minute training and nutrition), the Twin Cities are home to the Mall of America! Such an attraction would be epic for players to attend! The mall not only has so many stores and restaurants for each player to spend their hard earned cash, but the mall has an indoor amusement park. Riding an indoor Rollar coaster in a temperature controlled environment while spending and eating till one's heart is content, it is a must see after games are over. If players are more inclined for a different and more relaxed experience though, the Twin Cities boasts having many art installations such as the Minneapolis art center and sculpture garden, the Weisman art museum, and a conservatory, among many walkable locations. Elly would definitely find herself prowling around many of the parks and enjoying the sunshine. Cosmo park and the falls are very scenic places to take in some nature away from the cities and perhaps other players and people. Overall the Twin cities have amazing tourist spots for before and after games, and the facilities to accommodate the players wonderfully and comfortably. It's a wonderful choice to host.
(208 words, 4TPE)

6. Your player starts practicing and skill that has nothing to do with hockey. What do they do and how does it go?

Elly really really wants to start leaning to actually use her vocal cords to speak a human language. As a big cat she is much more equipped for yowls/howls, purring, and various other animal noises. But like most animals, with some training and practice, they can achieve some semblance of human speech, even if not perfect. Elly also can understand English and various forms of communication perfectly, only can't respond.With lots of weird noises coming from the locker room and her spaces, she can eventually be heard over some weeks to months making human type words. She learned to day hello, thank you, and I love you first. She also learned a yes and no and is working on player names too. She plans on learning more as time goes on. But vocal work takes a lot of time. Perhaps someday she can speak fluent English like most birds do. 
(153 words. 3TPE)

1. Milestones

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE, WSBL, SSL, or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE!

3. On West you could build D pairs out of teammates or rivals as both Los Angels and San Fransisco sends 2 defencemen. Which one you’d choose and for why?

There are pros for both and if you are actually trying to win I would put the teammates together but for me I'm putting the rivals together. Considering the All Star game is about fun and fan enjoyment I would go the route the fans would want to see and for me that would be rivals playing together. These are top players so you'd think they'd still would be great having to play together but with a rivalry that burns as bright as LA and San Fransico I'd have to imagine there would be some hard feelings to sort through at first.

+2 TPE (106 words)

[Image: DrbPYHV.png]   [Image: B4x6AQm.png]
Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Aurora Russia Quebec

[Image: F4iUWyS.png]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Assists, +/-, PIM, TA = 3 TPE

2. East has interesting mix of top scoring players who finished on top 15 on points. How would you mix these players up to create best 2 forward lines?

120 words, 2 TPE

Tony Soprano will be heading up the first line with Antoine Beauregard and Jiggle E Puff on his wings. Though both of them are right wingers, I'm sure one of them will handle being on their off side for funsies just fine. The second line will be lead by Trevor Lahey, with Billy Harrington and Gnabe Dabson on either side. While all three are natural centers, Dabson and Harrington played as wingers this season (and maybe even more before that). All-Star games call for goals, and these six will provide that if they can get past the West team. It isn't biased to say that they've got their work cut out for them with how deeply skilled the opposition is.

3. On West you could build D pairs out of teammates or rivals as both Los Angels and San Fransisco sends 2 defencemen. Which one you’d choose and for why?

117 words, 2 TPE

In the spirit of getting to see fun pairings that we wouldn't usually get to see, I'd pair Toasty with Elena Maximova, and Willow Soderberg-Snooks with Sydney Shaw (shout out to poor odd man out Jack McCarthy). As for why, the reasoning is pretty simple: Willow used to not only play for the San Francisco Pride, but she also was paired up with Toasty for her entire stint there. Accordingly, both of them were paired with the only other possible options in Shaw and Maximova. We'd have many more possible combinations if Soderberg-Snooks were to be swapped out for the aforementioned Jack McCarthy, so maybe the dude can just move to LA for a season to accommodate.

7. What would be your starting lineup, 3 forwards, 2 defencemen and a goalie for one of the SMJHL conferences?

111 words, (up to) 2 TPE

My starting lineup for the Northern conference starts in net with Katharina Rosenthal, in hopes that she brick walls the South team like she did everyone else this past season. The three forwards up front would be QCC heroes Cristoforo Roccamontepiano, Randolph Thompson-Smythe, and Duke Howard. Though they definitely do not follow my plan to have line comninations unique to the All-Star games, it was hard to justify separating them with how extraordinary they all were this season. Guarding the back we will have Peter (again from QCC, my apologies), along with Anchorage's lone entry Javelin Bodine. I'm sure no one will complain about the cup winner's being so heavily featured.

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[b]Task 1 – 2 TPE[/url]

2 TPE Milestones

[b]Task 4 – 3 TPE[/url]

I’ll be a little bias when it comes to the Western Conference for starter, give me Zerg (I’m calling him that because after all these seasons of being teammates I still can’t figure out how to say or spell his name). Obviously Justin Time is an incredible goalie, and statistically had the better season, but I know Zerg just has that “it” factor about him, something just clicks when things matter and he knows how to steal games.

When it comes to the Eastern Conference, I have to say Rebecca Montagne. Rebecca has been around a while and she’s been a fantastic player for many seasons now. I do believe Sieve is playing in his first All-Star Game, therefore it would be fitting for him to play backup to Rebecca. That said, I find it interesting that Milasch wasn’t selected. He had one of the better seasons in the league and was up there with the best of them. Not sure if it was because Toronto already had 3 players going, but I think that was a pretty big snub to leave him off the list for that game.

[b]Task 9 – 3 TPE[/url]

It’s always tough to decide when you have the best on best players, especially of the calibre of players that got selected. Now looking at it just from a statistical perspective, I may have to lean with the East. The reason I say that is during the season sometimes there are mismatches on the ice and top players get out there against weaker opponents and they capitalize. Since the East has the more spread out talent and not just the very top, they can likely be too much to handle and will have a lot more “top end” players playing on all lines. Obviously this is nitpicking, considering these are the best of the best of the league. At the end of the day the game is mostly for the fans and the players enjoy it, so the winner usually ends up going to the team who has a few players who take it a little more seriously and want to win.

[Image: Otrebor13.gif]

[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]  [Image: gdppv5N.png]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
Milestones +1

ISFL Affiliate + 3

[Image: CnPenxE.png]


+3 TPE

Quote:Prompt 6
Clarence wants to go into acting when his career is done so he has been working on his acting skills. He constantly got picked on in Ottawa for his skincare routine. Well, that and the fact the no one else had hot water. But he wants to look good at all time because there could be a camera on him at any time. He has been in a few local plays including an stage version of John Wick. He did not play the titular character but was an extra. He is auditioning for a musical next off-season, it is rumored to be a musical version of Oppenheimer. It's said to incorporate popular songs but change the lyrics to fit the story. He's currently working on one that's based off of "Super Bass." He's pretty optimistic about it but it's definitely gotten in the way of his training. But he is thinking about life after hockey as nothing lasts forever.

159 Words

+3 TPE

Quote:Prompt 11
There are a few cities that I would like to see the SHL go to or even return to. I think it would be nice to see hockey return to Halifax and they are equipped to host an SMJHL All-Star game. That's an old market but I'm sure they'd like to host some hockey in the future. As for anywhere in the United States, there aren't too many markets untapped but there are some places like Wisonsin that might host. Kansas City would be another interesting venue. With the rumors of expansion bubbling again I just think it would helpful to gauge interest in new markets.

106 Words

+2 TPE

Total - 8 TPE

[Image: v1uynGf.png]

Highlanders Patriotes

Renegades  raiders  Finland
[Image: WuTGq5J.png]
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2024, 12:21 AM by DigDoug11. Edited 1 time in total.)

Milestones 3 TPE

2. 101 words - 2 tpe
Had to go and look it up, wasn't sure who all was in the east vs west, but glad to see my player Trevor was able to squeeze into the lineup after all these seasons, especially when he is near the peak of his career but i digress, I think you would want to keep the top of the top players all on one line, higher chances of success when the best of the best is on the ice. But im probably the last person that should be building lines, ive got zero skills when it takes to setting up tatics

4. 54 words - 1 TPE
Starting goalies for each team? this is an easy one, for the west it has to be Justin Time his name has been a household name for many years, he is an amazing goalie. and for the East, thats and easy one as well, Rebecca, no doubt, she has been killing it for buff.

5. 76 words - 1 TPE
The games are hosted in Minnesota! the Great twin Cities! But what are the teams going to spend their down time in this city? they could always go watch a twins game? assuming that they are playing at the same time? when does baseball start? and if that fails they could always just go out to the bar, hockey players are good at partying, right? Ive got no clue on what theres to do in Minnesota.

6. 57 words - 1 TPE
Trevor finally made it into the all-star games! but... the hasn't really been practicing skill that hockey use, he has started practicing solving a rubix cube and it's not going well. he keeps failing over and over and then eventually smashes the thing, good thing he ordered a whole pallet of them, hes going to need them

[Image: captainLahey.png?width=1000&height=606]
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1. SMJHL Milestones  3 TPE

6.  Bishop Van Apeldoorn has been learning how to unicycle for the last few off-seasons. He became interested in unicycling after watching videos on Youtube while traveling on the road during the season. When the off-season came around, he decided to buy himself a unicycle and begin practicing. He practices at least three times a week and has gotten quite good at it. He has since started to take his unicycle out on a ride everyday, using it to get to the rink for practicing with the team before riding back home. Some of his teammates find it quite amusing and have joked about multiple times.

(105 words. 2 TPE)

PBE Affiliation

6. Your player starts practicing a skill that has nothing to do with hockey, what do they do and how it goes?

NoNo Jo starts practicing his charisma. Some may say that charisma has nothing to do with hockey but we all know that if you want time on the ice and you want good fans and you want people attending your games you need people to like you. How do you get the coaches to like you? How do you get the fans to like you? How do you get the managers to like you? Having the Rizz. Now that NoNo Jo has been practicing, and has major Rizz, he gets the things that help him improve in hockey. He even got sponsorships from every single sports equipment team out there. At least they offered it to him, but he couldn’t accept all of them. He only accepted top notch A+ major hitter awesome sponsorships. Cheez-It is even sponsoring him. NoNo Jo is thinking about teaching charisma classes once he decides to retire from hockey, the love of his life.. So some might say that certain skills are not related to sports, but if you're an awesome person then you can probably apply any skill to your success in whatever you do, hockey or a less cool thing. Whatever floats your boat, man. NoNo Jo recommends learning the Rizz. 

Words: 200+ (4TPE)

11. All-Star games are usually hosted by SHL or SMJHL team but what if it wasn’t so? If you would like to grow the game on new market having an exhibition game with all the best players in the leagues could be good kickstart, or maybe it could revitalize an old market that might have had their team moved in the past? If you were to hold games outside of current teams, where you would take the games and why?

Have you ever been to Mexico City? I have not been but I have heard awesome things especially in relation to hockey. It’s hot there because it’s near the equator so who wouldn’t wanna spend a few hours inside of an AC complex where you get to wear your winter clothes that you’ve been storing away, hoping for a freak snowstorm. I think that if we had an exhibition game in Mexico City, first of all, everybody would attend. People would fly in to attend because it’s a vacation and an event all in one. I think having a game hosted in Mexico City would open up a new market of hockey fans and viewers. We could even get some new advertisements on the ice of course only the best players would be invited as it would be so exclusive.
Mexico City has a population of 9.21 million but after everybody celebrates the amazing hockey, SHL wonderfulness that just occurred the population will be booming. If you know what I mean, a whole new generation of hockey fans will enter the universe. I’m just saying there’s a lot of pros and no negatives that I’ve talked about for hosting the next SHL exhibition game in Mexico City. Grab your passport.

Words: 200+ (4TPE)

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