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What I Know About The SMJHL Teams: It May Not Be Much, But It Is Something

Well, it’s almost draft time( I hope). I decided I would just write up a quick piece talking about what I know about the SMJHL teams so far. Let me preface this by saying this should all be taken lightly. I’d happily be drafted to any team, and would love the chance to play for any of the six. That being said, let’s get started.

Falcons Falcons Detroit Falcons: Falcons Falcons
I remember I really followed Detroit when I was growing up. They were one of the few American teams and I’m pretty sure they were the closest ones to New Jersey. One specific memory I have is sneaking into the living room to watch the end of the championship game. I think it was season 9 maybe? I can remember a bunch of guys from that team. Drizzy, Smirnov, Adua, and the funny thing was their was actually another guy named Steven Esposito. That is one of my most vivid memories of watching hockey as a kid. I also have had a few run ins with one of their GMs, Tommy Creller. He seems like he is a great GM and doing a great job, along with Esa (who I have yet to met). Detroit may not be the best city, but it is certainly a great hockey town and would be an awesome place to get drafted to.

:impact: :impact: Montreal Impact :impact: :impact:
The impact are another one of those teams that I remember watching when I was younger. I’m pretty sure that they had JNH, but don’t quote me on that. I really don’t know much about the team currently but how can you go wrong with Montreal? It is one of the best, if not the best hockey markets in the world. It’s more than just a sport there, it is pretty much a religion. I haven’t met either of the GM’s but clearly they both know what it takes to win, since they are both members of the Renegades. I would be thrilled to go to Montreal to start my career. I just might need to learn some French. I really feel like I would be able to make a huge IMPACT. :facepalm:

Scarecrows Scarecrows St.Louis Scarecrows Scarecrows Scarecrows
I barely know anything about the Scarecrows, but what I do know is great. First of all, the scarecrow is an awesome Batman villain. Don’t get me wrong, he is no Joker, but I think he is really underrated as a villain. Anyways, St.Louis is a great town. They aren’t just a hockey town, they are a sports town. Their fans are extremely dedicated and would be great to play in front of. Plus it would also be cool to stay in America. Once again, I don’t know either of the GMs. They both have established careers in the SHL so I’m sure that they know a thing or two. Both of them have won multiple SHL Championships too. It seems as if they would be great guys to learn from.

Knights Knights Kelowna Knights Knights Knights
Ok, I am gonna be perfectly honest. I am not exactly sure where in Canada Kelowna actually is. If I had to guess I’d say somewhere around Calgary or Winnipeg? I’m sure that is completely wrong and I apologize. The Knights have an awesome logo though and the whole name just flows. Kel-own-a Kni-ght-s. I might be crazy, but that just sounds really cool in my head. It would be great to play in front of Canadians to start my career because you know what they say: Canadians are crazy for hockey. Oh yeah, there is also the fact that they are the champs. Who doesn’t want to play for the champs? Jedi looks like he is doing a great job there and they seem like they will have a real shot to repeat, based on management alone.

:force: :force: Regina Force :force: :force:
Regina: Once again I have no idea in Canada where this place is. I guess I’ll say it is near Kelowna. I know I could just look this up, but that isn’t any fun. That moose logo is bad ass too. I’ve never seen a mountie or a moose in person but a Mountie-Moose is just awesome. Very intimidating I must say. It would be cool to get somewhere pretty far away from Jersey though just to get a better idea of what Canada is like. Lundvigsen looks like he is doing a great job as a GM. He also plays for the Rage who were my favorite team growing up, since they were the closest. Zerchai- I think I spelt that right- looks like he has a great plan for the future of the team.

Whalers Whalers Vancouver Whalers Whalers Whalers
Vancouver: Ahhh. Finally a place in Canada that I know where it is. First of all, they have a great color-combination. I love the green and blue together. Something about it just seems like it would be awesome to wear. And you know the fans in Vancouver are extremely passionate too. Any player who be thrilled to play for a team like that. Scherbluk looks like he is a great GM, plus that Stamkos signature he has is just amazing. And then you have a guy like Wong who is just an amazing legend. It even says so in his title. He also has an awesome Temmu sig who is an another legend. These two guys clearly know what they are doing and could make Vancouver a real scary threat next year.

Welp that is pretty much all I have to say. Take everything I said here with a grain of salt. I said it once, I'll say it again, I’d be thrilled to go to any of these teams and cannot wait for the draft.
Thanks for reading guys, hope you enjoyed it!!

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