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S47 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 06-06-2019, 12:37 AM by vbottas17.)

Task 01: (Written, 3 TPE)
You are at the airport awaiting a flight to meet back up with your team after spending the day being honoured as a 'Hometown Hero' in the place where you grew up! Tell us about your day... what did they have planned for you? Who did you see there? What were you given? How did it turn out? ... In 150 words or more, tell us all about this big moment as hometown hero.

Hailing from Nyírbátor, Hungary, a small town in the Eastern portion of the country with a population estimated at just over 12,000 people, it's well known that Thomas Bathory has left across the Atlantic to pursue a hockey career. Thomas forgot his favorite Autopsy C.D. (yes he still listens to these odd pre-historic creations) so it was completely neccessary to return to Hungary to retrieve Tournaquet's, Hacksaw's & Graves. Much to Bathory's surprise and pure delight, the town had decided to throw a party for him! There were crosses being burned, countless blasphemy's, the towns elders were in complete misery and despair, but the true icing on the cake was that Tormentor had decided they would play a show in his honor! It was fucking insane. They kicked major ass and satan himself rose to the earth to partake in the glory. Thomas got to take some shots with Lucifer and the two of them had a grand time laughing in pure enjoyment of the wonderful evening. Soon Thomas retrieved his C.D. and returned to Los Angeles to continue his strenuous training routine of lounging on the beach.


Task 03: (Written, 3 TPE)
If you are in the SMJHL then you have been there for at least a few seasons and its likely that a promotion to the SHL is coming soon. The question is.. are you ready?..  what areas of your game do you believe are SHL ready and what areas are you concerned about?  what things are you sad to leave behind and what things are you excited about when moving to your parent club. (Must be 150 words or more)

After the unfortunate ruling that the SHL Head Office made for who knows why the hell why, Thomas Bathory was declared a free agent and was left with his future uncertain. Luckily for him, the Wolfpack stepped in and offered Bathory an excellent contract that makes him one of the best paid players in the SHL. Thomas certainly landed on his feet and was very grateful of the Wolfpack's management and felt it was only fair to work hard and join the team in the near future. Thomas has known for a while now that he would be making his SHL debut next season. Bathory feels that he is ready to play at the SHL level and is looking forward to the opportunity he will be given by the Wolfpack next season. Bathory plays a well rounded game so the key will be training hard, developing chemistry with his teammates, and learning about the other players in the league. The SHL is full of superstar players and Bathory would be a fool to believe that he would step in and dominate. These are world class players that Bathory will be facing off of with skillset's unlike anything Thomas has ever seen in the minor leagues. It will be interesting to see how the defenseman rookie season transpires.


Task 07: (Written, 3 TPE)
You have been given the responsibility of organizing the National Anthem(s) for both teams in the Challenge Cup Finals. With the entire world watching the league feels its imperative that who ever you choose really encapusates the persona of the team and their fanbase. In 150 words or more, let us know who you chose for both teams, why you believe they represent that franchise and anything notable about their performance,, IE outfits, accompaniment, etc.

Being that they are the Calgary Dragons, what better way to warm up the crowd than with the hellacious flames of Watain??? Watain plays one note of the Canadian national anthem then says fuck that and breaks into a cover of Bathory's Blood, Fire, Death. They have the normal pentagram's and crosses aflame, they've also added a Dragon's head to there pyro that is shooting flames dangerously close to the Platoon locker room. The crowd absolutely eats it up and the whole lower bowl is turned into a giant mosh pit. There will now be a delay to repair the glass and remove anything that may have been fried to a crisp in the chaos.
Next up we head to West Kendall, aparently Thomas Bathory has become so sick of hearing the horrible versions of the national anthem that you normally hear at sporting events that he's decided to dip into his bank account and hire Cannibal Corpse to perform it. It wasn't cheap to bribe the SHL Head Office but money well spent. Cannibal Corpse plays the first note of the star spangled... oh wait nevermind. HOLY SHIT! They're playing Hammersmashed Face! The crowd is headbanging their asses off but what's this?? A pack of giant Black eagles attacks from the sky and mutilates the band in front of the entire crowd! Suddenly the band Death, Orlando's own rises from beneath the ice, complete with a re-encarnated Chuck Schuldiner. They play an entire set and the place is a fucking party. Multiple children are conceived and 30,000 unexpected fans rush the building packing the house. The beer and blood is cleaned off the ice and the game is underway.


Task 13 (trivia): sent to PT director

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[Image: or8VMxO.gif]

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RE: S47 Championship Week - by Sean - 06-06-2019, 08:24 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Serpe x 13 - 06-06-2019, 08:36 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Carbine - 06-06-2019, 09:07 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Thunder39 - 06-06-2019, 09:08 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by hewasajazzman - 06-06-2019, 09:23 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Blastmeaway - 06-06-2019, 09:25 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Slappydoodle - 06-06-2019, 09:41 PM

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