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S47 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2019, 07:39 PM by chetib.)

Task 01: (Written, 3 TPE)
You are at the airport awaiting a flight to meet back up with your team after spending the day being honoured as a 'Hometown Hero' in the place where you grew up! Tell us about your day... what did they have planned for you? Who did you see there? What were you given? How did it turn out? ... In 150 words or more, tell us all about this big moment as hometown hero.

While Port Moody BC is Tibuk Soonika’s birth home this past year his adoption by the Swiss national team has prompted Soonika to reject his birth home and return to his adopted home of Davos, Switzerland. Being an avid skier Soonika has integrated well into the city and has become a role model for local “Swit-izens” (a term Soonika created himself being a combination of Switzerland and Citizens). While returning home the City through a parade to honour their accomplished adopted son. Signs adorned the streets as Soonika walked the streets waving to the crowds “Soonika ist ein seltsamer Familienname”, “Hurra, jemand anderes, den ich nicht kenne !!”, “Bitte hört auf, uns Switizens zu nennen. Wir sprechen keinen Idioten!". While Tibuk's language skills are still developing, he has never been more proud to be somewhere where people chant his name and accept him for who he is. Switzerland has truly become a place where Tibuk can begin his life again after hockey.

Task 03: (Written, 3 TPE)
If you are in the SMJHL then you have been there for at least a few seasons and its likely that a promotion to the SHL is coming soon. The question is.. are you ready?..  what areas of your game do you believe are SHL ready and what areas are you concerned about?  what things are you sad to leave behind and what things are you excited about when moving to your parent club. (Must be 150 words or more)

With the end of a very successful season Tibuk Soonika is looking ahead to what might be his first season in SHL with Chicago. Jay Bae has been a great fit for Chicago but as she gets further and further into regression the wear is going to be come greater and greater and it will be time to switch to some up and coming talent. Tibuk has a few gaps which will need to be addressed moving forward but there is plenty of TPE in the bank to make an impactful start. Chicago seems like an up and coming team with some promising young parts, there could be some growing pains in the next few seasons but there are some excellent building blocks which could make them real contenders. Will Tibuk see any meaningful SHL time? That is a job for the accomplished GMs of Chicago to decide but her is certainly ready for what the next chapter holds in store.

Task 05: (Written, up to 6 TPE, 1 TPE)
Pick up to 6 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more.

1. Breakdown this finals matchup for us, how will it play out? who will be the stars of this series, what will the outcome be? (*tag anyone involved)

  1. The SMJHL finals could playout in any direction. Anaheim has shown that they can dance with the big boys by knocking off St. Louis. They have good depth up and down their line and their good players are playing well. Montreal could also turn it on when they want and should not be under estimated. They have a great net minder and can score at will. While the series could play out for a full 7 don’t be surprised if Anaheim closes this one out early.

Task 07: (Written, 3 TPE)
You have been given the responsibility of organizing the National Anthem(s) for both teams in the Challenge Cup Finals. With the entire world watching the league feels its imperative that who ever you choose really encapusates the persona of the team and their fanbase. In 150 words or more, let us know who you chose for both teams, why you believe they represent that franchise and anything notable about their performance,, IE outfits, accompaniment, etc.

Anaheim’s anthem can only be one choice “California” by Phantom Planet. This song is not only unique to the California lifestyle but embodies the casual lifestyle that the supporters of Anaheim represent. There is of course the ties that this song has to popular TV show The OC which is an Anaheim staple. There are a number of characters that closely align with the Anaheim area that can be drawn from to include in various performances. But let it be known that while we love the song the kids from that show are washouts now and the Outlaws don’t want any bums hanging around near their locker room. Montreal anthem choice should have something to do with cold and death because that is what their winter’s feel like. Also something that has to do with French, but seeing as google doesn’t give any great options for “Song cold weather death French” we will be stuck with Celine Dion because that is a cold death right there.

Task 09: (Written, 3 TPE)
Which organization that didnt make it to the finals would you consider to be the biggest disappointment? What do you think are the main reasons why they fell short this season? (Must be 150 words or more)

The biggest disappointment of the season is going to have to be the St. Louis Scarecrows in the SMJHL and the New Orleans Specters in the SHL. For the Scarecrows, while it was inevitable that they be knocked out of the playoffs at some point the three-peat Champions are always expected to go far until they don’t. They lost in a tight series to the Anaheim Outlaws but after winning 3 years in a row expectations were still high that they would be returning to the finals again. The Specters were knocked out in their first round, all be it in 7 games, but after having a great start to their franchise this team was expected to go farther this year. Losing to the wild card Texas Renegades was a hard blow but hopefully one they learn from and continue to improve upon moving forward. Hard to say right now if this is just bad luck for these teams or if this marks a downturn for these 2 teams moving forward.

Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE)
Writers on the internet have jokingly tossed around the following playoff roster idea: "when a team eliminates another team, they get to claim a player from that eliminated team to join their roster" Pretend the SHL has adopted this rule this postseason. Pick one of the teams in the Challenge Cup final and pick any player from a team that they've eliminated to add to their roster for the finals. Why did they choose that player? How will this player help out? Where will they play in the lineup? (must be 150 words or more, *tag all players)

Having over thrown the reigning champs in the St. Louis Scarecrows I think we have the luxury of choosing from so many great players. St. Louis has an incredible lineup and we would be lucky to have any of them. But having to choose only 1 I would go with Nicolas Fleming (@“Nereus”). He had an absolute tear this post season and could see him slotting in with the Anaheim Outlaws. A total of 13 (8 goals and 5 assists) points across 13 Games played and a killer Shooting percentage of 28.57%. This guy seems like he would be dangerous anytime he touches the puck. Fleming also doled out a respectable 16 hits through the playoffs showing he is not going to be intimidated. There are so many options but if I was to choose one person it would definitely be Nicolas Fleming, great games my man see you next season.

Total 16 TPE

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

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S47 Championship Week - by DeletedAtUserRequest - 05-29-2019, 12:20 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by goilers - 05-29-2019, 12:21 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by bbjygm - 05-29-2019, 12:22 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by gordieboom - 05-29-2019, 12:24 PM
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RE: S47 Championship Week - by Sean - 06-06-2019, 08:24 PM
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RE: S47 Championship Week - by hewasajazzman - 06-06-2019, 09:23 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Blastmeaway - 06-06-2019, 09:25 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Slappydoodle - 06-06-2019, 09:41 PM

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