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S47 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2019, 12:13 PM by micool132.)

TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)


Task 03: (Written, 3 TPE)
If you are in the SMJHL then you have been there for at least a few seasons and its likely that a promotion to the SHL is coming soon. The question is.. are you ready?..  what areas of your game do you believe are SHL ready and what areas are you concerned about?  what things are you sad to leave behind and what things are you excited about when moving to your parent club. (Must be 150 words or more):

I am more than ready. I think spending 3 years in the SMJHL gave me the time to develop the strenght I required to play my style of game with the big boys. I intend to be a forecheck machine and to hit everything that stands between me in the puck. I don't expect to have the elite scoring ability of established players but I will bring the grind aspect of the game to the Pride that is for sure. I hope to develop more puck management skills as I transition into the big league, meaning I want to keep possession of the puck in the offensive zone until a play opens up. I am sad to leave behind the Kelowna Knights, this organisation's management and player's attitude are better than some SHL teams, a really rpofessional and enjoyable organisation. I will visit the locker room from time to time to help out new Knights that's for sure. (158 words)

Task 05: (Written, up to 6 TPE)
Pick up to 6 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more.

1. Breakdown this finals matchup for us, how will it play out? who will be the stars of this series, what will the outcome be? (*tag anyone involved)

It will play out fast, the serie won't last long even if games are to be tight. I expect Alex Light @Zoone16 to score many goals and to bring the cup to West Kendall for another time. The dragons are a good team but they don't have enough experience to close it out. Of course it is easy to predict when everyting is over but that's what I would have written anyway. (72 words)

3. Which player in the finals should be considered their teams playoff MVP and which should be considered their teams unsung hero thus far and why?

Shooter McGavin from the Calgary Dragons should be the MVP so far in the playoffs but it could very well change depending on how the final plays off. The unsung hero is also on Calgary's side, Barry Batsbak joined the team mid playoffs and has been keeping up with much bigger players than him. He brings a lot of intangible and brought deepness to the dragon's forward core. (68 words)

4. Which player do you believe will be the differance maker in their franchise winning the title here in S47?
Crossfit JEsus has been on fire so far in the whole playoffs and I expect him to continue and to bring just too much for Calgary to handle. He has the ability to change the momentum of a game either with a perfect pass or a nasty goal. He makes miracles and of course his fitness level from crossfiting is off the charts. If West Kendall wins it all, Crossfit Jesus should be the playoffs MVP if he contributes the same way he did in the previous rounds. (88 words)

5. After trading off there best players and declaring themselves in a full rebuild back in S45, The Calgary Dragons have made it to the S47 finals.. just 2 seasons later.  Choose: ('No surprise', 'mild surprise', 'major surprise' or 'in shock') and explain why.

Mild surprise, I think they know how to build succesful team and it all starts with active prospects and good development. They play in a weak division which makes it a bit easier to come back into playoff portrait but to me the big surprise came from that they beat teams that should have beaten them easily.  The surprise is really that they are in the finals, I expected them to make the playoffs from the beginning of the season. (80 words)

7. The West Kendall Platoon are back in the finals after a season out of the playoffs and a team that was in serious regression Choose: ('No surprise', 'mild surprise', 'major surprise' or 'in shock') and explain why.

No surprise. This team has been consistent in making the playoffs and causing surprises over the last few seasons with a solid core and timely player acquisition. Some core players are regressing but with their skill level it doesn't show too much.  They have a solid netminder in Beaujeaux Biscuit and the rest of the palyers all push in the same direction regardless of if they are the star player or the depth player. (74 words)

8. Star netminders Kata Vilde and Beaujeaux Biscuit have both carried there teams into the finals. Which franchise goalie has a better chance to carry their franchise to a title?

I think Biscuit will have the upper hand on Vilde has he plays behind a more experienced team.  Kata Vilde would really have to be #betterthanbojo to carry the team to the win. I expect both goalies to have solid stats but that West Kendall's keeper will be the most clutch of the 2 scrapping saves where unexpected to make his team win.  Biscuit has also proven he can get the job done twice during his career which should bring confidence to his team's play. (85 words)

Task 07: (Written, 3 TPE)
You have been given the responsibility of organizing the National Anthem(s) for both teams in the Challenge Cup Finals. With the entire world watching the league feels its imperative that who ever you choose really encapusates the persona of the team and their fanbase. In 150 words or more, let us know who you chose for both teams, why you believe they represent that franchise and anything notable about their performance,, IE outfits, accompaniment, etc.

The national anthem will be singed by legendary Metal Band Dethklok. Nathan Explosion offered the league a free performance if they do not sue the band if any of the spectator's face were to be melt off during the show either by the huge pyrotechnics or from a sick solo. The league agreed, wanting to change their no--fun league reputation.  The band represents Dragons and Platoons well as they are the most badass band in the world and both team's logo are badass as well.  During the performance, the crowd was kinda surprised that the lyrics were growled out by Nathan Explosion, something that never happened on live television. The critic coming from purist when a 5 minute solo was played at the end of each anthem was huge and overtook the other critics who were complaining that there was no deaths during the performance, something usual at Dethklok's performance. Dethklok also made sure the plug the Duncan Hills Coffee brand during the performance, as the band is the biggest sellouts ever. (172 words)

Task 09: (Written, 3 TPE)
Which organization that didnt make it to the finals would you consider to be the biggest disappointment? What do you think are the main reasons why they fell short this season? (Must be 150 words or more)

I think I expected the Buffalo Stampede to win it all this year as they have a really solid team with developing players and established veterans. I'm not sure how they didn't reach the finals, maybe the coaching could not adapt as well as other teams ahve adapted to their playstyle, maybe they had hidden injuries to key players or simply the fact that they had won in the last season players were exhausted from playing too much hockey in a shorter timespan. I think they lacked scoring in tight games or allowed 1 too many goal in said tight games during the playoffs. This can easily break down the team's morale. Overall they had a really good team with no real weakness but I think their star players could have been more responsible defensively and the depth players could have contributed a little bit more to the scoresheet if they wanted to reach the finals. (156 words)

Character Page RD- Quarterback
[Image: micool132.gif]

Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

[Image: lUeg4KM.png]

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S47 Championship Week - by DeletedAtUserRequest - 05-29-2019, 12:20 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by goilers - 05-29-2019, 12:21 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by bbjygm - 05-29-2019, 12:22 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by gordieboom - 05-29-2019, 12:24 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Katth - 05-29-2019, 12:25 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by hhh81 - 05-29-2019, 12:28 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by esilverm - 05-29-2019, 12:29 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Julio Tokolosh - 05-29-2019, 12:30 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Leppish - 05-29-2019, 12:31 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by awils13 - 05-29-2019, 12:39 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by BDonini - 05-29-2019, 12:50 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by jcfbey01 - 05-29-2019, 01:08 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by NJBadApple - 05-29-2019, 01:36 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by slothfacekilla - 05-29-2019, 01:40 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by CampinKiller - 05-29-2019, 01:45 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by ArGarBarGar - 05-29-2019, 01:58 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Rabidsponge21 - 05-29-2019, 02:03 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Jaemistightdabs - 05-29-2019, 02:07 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Leafs4ever - 05-29-2019, 02:35 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by ViN - 05-29-2019, 02:48 PM
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RE: S47 Championship Week - by Gaia Mormont - 06-02-2019, 07:16 AM
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RE: S47 Championship Week - by micool132 - 06-02-2019, 12:07 PM
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RE: S47 Championship Week - by Ace - 06-04-2019, 09:15 AM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by AW13 - 06-04-2019, 11:09 AM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by BWIII - 06-04-2019, 12:42 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by gillon - 06-04-2019, 01:03 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Alaska - 06-04-2019, 01:51 PM
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RE: S47 Championship Week - by Jenny - 06-04-2019, 07:29 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Vandy - 06-04-2019, 07:53 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by DanbyRem - 06-04-2019, 09:02 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by raymond3000 - 06-04-2019, 09:05 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by drodger91 - 06-04-2019, 09:17 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by ztevans - 06-04-2019, 09:27 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by jaimeac - 06-04-2019, 09:35 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by DollarAndADream - 06-04-2019, 10:54 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by notorioustig - 06-05-2019, 02:26 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by karlssens - 06-05-2019, 07:04 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by xDParK - 06-05-2019, 07:21 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Otrebor13 - 06-05-2019, 07:59 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Boomcheck - 06-05-2019, 09:05 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Off - 06-05-2019, 10:38 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by FlappyGiraffe - 06-05-2019, 10:55 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by JSS - 06-05-2019, 11:05 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by jblock3 - 06-05-2019, 11:49 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Tomasnz - 06-06-2019, 03:23 AM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Baelor Swift - 06-06-2019, 05:28 AM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Steelhead77 - 06-06-2019, 10:02 AM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Wally - 06-06-2019, 10:34 AM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by gaby - 06-06-2019, 10:52 AM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Count Chocula - 06-06-2019, 12:00 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Mantroll - 06-06-2019, 12:18 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by RomanesEuntDomus - 06-06-2019, 02:30 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by soyna87 - 06-06-2019, 02:38 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by kit - 06-06-2019, 03:07 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by JRed94 - 06-06-2019, 03:19 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by prettyburn - 06-06-2019, 03:22 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Beaver - 06-06-2019, 03:25 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by sarmo - 06-06-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Citizen of Adraa - 06-06-2019, 03:35 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by c00kies - 06-06-2019, 03:59 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by jjlangabeer - 06-06-2019, 04:00 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Eggy216 - 06-06-2019, 04:16 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Deng - 06-06-2019, 04:27 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by MrPrime - 06-06-2019, 04:35 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by ml002 - 06-06-2019, 04:37 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by BarnabasCollins - 06-06-2019, 05:12 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Pris - 06-06-2019, 05:20 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Noble - 06-06-2019, 05:56 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Moosecop - 06-06-2019, 06:54 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by LarksTongue - 06-06-2019, 07:10 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by MCP_ - 06-06-2019, 07:27 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by sköldpaddor - 06-06-2019, 07:50 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by SlashACM - 06-06-2019, 08:07 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Sean - 06-06-2019, 08:24 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Serpe x 13 - 06-06-2019, 08:36 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Carbine - 06-06-2019, 09:07 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Thunder39 - 06-06-2019, 09:08 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by hewasajazzman - 06-06-2019, 09:23 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Blastmeaway - 06-06-2019, 09:25 PM
RE: S47 Championship Week - by Slappydoodle - 06-06-2019, 09:41 PM

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