1. This is a question without a question as for all 100% Im gonna go to the game one and two in Edmonton and then complain that my tickets were wrong and I did not get in and demand to see the game three and four as compensation in Hamilton. But the main event would be in Edmonton and to raise the tab I would take out the whole Edmonston Blizzards team to a pub and pay for all the drinks, afterall that is the team that drafted me and those are my future teammates. Or maybe I would have a hotel party with a room service, not sure which one would make the tab bigger, so why not have both of them? Have a great time at the pub and after that go to the hotel and have an after party with those who are still in the mood to party. Probably we will pick up some girls that were doing shots with us in the pub and have a blast.
3. The two finals teams have decided to team up for a fundraising opportunity. Although originally it was meant to benefit both cities, they decided that both cities will benefit from the publicity anyways so why not to do it for something far more important. As the ice hockey is the game on ice and there is big problem with the ice on earth in terms of global warming and all the melting ice, then both teams decided to make a fundraising campaigns to raise the awareness of the global warming and the money would go to further educational means of educating the people around the world about the global warming and how does it affects our lives right now and how it will affect us in the future and generations to come. Many well known people were invited to come and support the campaign trough social media in hopes to attract as many donators online and at the event as possible.
4. Out of nowhere the players started to drop like flies. Not that much drop that get injuries like they would have been made out of glass. We are hitting a point where those who are left standing have to play out of their usual roles just to fill out the lines. Although Danila is a defensive defenseman with an average shot he is asked to play a center. The reason why the coach asked to play the center position was for the fact that most of the centers are pass first anyways and Danila has a good passing skills. When it comes to faceoffs then he definitely is not the best one, but he is very skilled in defensive play and that gives him knowledge of some tricks how to put the other player out of position. In no way the coach can hope that Danila is gonna be able to perform to the same level as someone who has spent playing center position half of his life, but in situation like this, there is no better options, so it is what it is.
5. The previous offseasons where quite chill as Danila was still getting used to the life in states and did not do much than trying to find new things to do and doing the constant training to better himself for the next season. He already had some offers from several IIHF countries that were interested in him to play for them in the previous seasons, but Danila knew he did not want to do it, at least not for now. The other offseasons he told them to not contact him for at least another season and you know how them managers are...they will be on to you as soon as they can. THis offseason came and the IIHF managers were dailing Danilas number yet again and asking him to represent. At the end Danila gave it a thought and decided that it might not be a bad idea to actually play in the cup and keep himself fresh. Knowing that most of the other guys from the leagues are representing their own countries and a lot of them were from the SHL, therefore will allow Danila to see what is the level he's gonna go against. The lucky nation was Switzerland as they were not only the first country that got in touch with him but also they were the best country when it came to tax deductions. Ukrainian government was asking too much tax from Danilas salary from his contracts and he was not happy about it, so besides the fact that he could keep himself busy and in top shape, he also did this as a business decision. So this offseason it is all about that IIHF.