7. Watch an SHL or SMJHL stream on YouTube
I watched the prospect tournament finals and it was kinda hard to keep track of things to be honest. It looks like the image of the rink in the bottom corner also shows the puck position, but it zips around so fast sometimes, I have no way to make any sense of it. I have a similar issue when watching hockey for real, tracking the puck is a nightmare. I could keep track of the commentary at the bottom of the screen sort of, in the same way I can in Football Manager between highlights, and at the very least I could catch a glimpse of my player name every now and then, which is nice. Scored a couple in fact. Mostly, I tried to look on the right hand side to see when my player was on the ice, and then try to scan the commentary that scrolls on the left for any mention of things he was doing. I can't pretend to understand the sport well enough to read any further into things than that, unfortunately. But maybe with more time... Anyway the finals went to game three, and my player's team came out on top. Just about. Was pretty tight score wise across all three games in the end, so that was pretty exciting, even not being able to follow the intricacies of the play. Also I feel like there wasn't a klaxon for every goal -- otherwise very helpful for letting me know I missed something -- is that my imagination or what?
7 tasks graded, 7m to your bank account! If you would like to also claim Task 6 and therefor the bonus, please make a new post. well done @academydropout