- How many hours a week do you usually have free? (ie. 1, 3, 6+, etc.): Idk like 5-10
- Is water wet?: Yes
- What made you join the SHL?: It sounds fun
- What are your general expectations of your juniors career? Are you looking for a long and successful career as a junior player, or are you hoping to be called up to the big leagues as soon as possible?: I have no idea
- If you had to give a 30 minute a lecture off of memory what topic would you choose?: Why walruses aren't real
- Have you ever heard about Kelowna before joining this league?: Yes I have a cousin who lives there
- How do you feel about walruses?: They aren't real
- In honor of your team’s Pride Night, you’re being asked to wear a pride-themed warmup jersey to be auctioned off for the benefit of a local LGBTQ+ youth charity. How do you respond?: I'll wear the jersey
- Any hobbies you’ve been into lately?: running, hockey
- What is the best book you have read and why? (Comics included): I can't read
- What do you consider the most important part of a fun league experience?: Good vibes
- What’s your favorite Pokemon? Why?: I don't really play pokemon
- What video games do you play?: NBA 2k, rocket league, valorant (I am bad at all of these games)
- If you were to choose a breed of dog you would most likely be, what would it be and why?: Black labs are sick