Written Task: Does your player cross-train? Do you play other positions, other sports, or any non-hockey-related activity specifically to get better at hockey? If so, what and why? If you don't like talking about your player for these tasks, talk about cross-training for hockey in general.
Luckily for me I was talking about cross fit training in last week's prompt so this will be familiar for me! Ben Jammin first heard about cross fit training from WWE superstar Seth Rollins back in the day and saw how great in shape Seth was (and still is to this day). To be in that kind of peak physical condition requires an intense workout regime and boy does cross fit match that statement. There are several workouts that Ben Jammin does for cross fit such as deadlifts, squats, box jumps, bouncing a heavy ball off the wall and catching it, rope climbing and finally Ben's favourite the ring muscle up (it's like being a gymnast). All of these exercises are brutal and exhausting to do but to keep up in peak physical condition, this is what Ben Jammin does to keep up with the top players in the SHL today. One day I hope to meet Seth Rollins so we can both cross train together and get some cross promotion between the SHL and the WWE.