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S77 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time Due: Sunday, July 21st @ 11:59 PM PST

Generally with how I've done this season... I'm actually pretty decently happy with how I've performed. I genuinely thought I was going to do terribly in my first season. I was a brand new player and brand new overall to the League. My confidence was in the absolute gutter coming in. Since I've gotten to Vancouver though, I've genuinely had a pretty decent run for a first time Goalie! My fellow players help a lot in regards to being such a supporting force for my Goalie to thrive. Overall though with my performance so far? I've exceeded my own expectations. Next season however, I'm going to focus on making a strong, brick wall of a defense and actually being genuinely active. So far I need to actually keep up with the Chirpers, mPT's, and PT's. Beyond that being active in the Locker Room would be huge. That's generally my goal for next season, is to increase my activity in the League and the Locker Room.


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RE: S77 SMJHL PT #7 - One Season at a Time - by ConjureBones - 07-17-2024, 01:32 AM

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