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S67 PT #1: Media Mogul Due: September 25th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

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That's actually a pretty good question. In general, I think the sports media has really taken a turn downhill over the last 15 years or so... which aligns perfectly with the meteoric rise of social media platforms like Facebook and its predecessor MySpace. Before those came around, I think you saw a lot more candid interviews with players, and they were willing to be themselves when asked a series of questions. With social media being the way it is, and media outlets using them to their own advantage to twist and manipulate stories, the fans get really left in the dark when it comes to what the athlete and/or organization is actually thinking; some sort of intrinsic fear has been fostered because of the media's use of social media. I don't really have a favorite writer, but I do like the behind-the-scenes interviews; or when the athlete is walking around the city or their home. You get to see them out of the normal "habitat" we're all used to seeing them in.

Words: 150+

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philippe eko eel takes over the atlanta inferno youtube channel for a day - this is a day in the life of a top prospect, since eel isn't with the big league club yet. he has a fun time going around annoying the older players and seeing who will actually be nice to him and who will tell him to piss off. his SMJHL rival binko koivu just got called up and gives philippe eko eel some shit for still being down in the SMJHL, but eel tells him he's coming for BInko's award this season now that the latter is gone! burlok sulfurgold is by far the nicest older player, taking lots of time to chat with PEE and goofing off with him on camera, following every bit. puddles o'duck is mean and snippy. pavel jeziak tells PEE to fuck off he's busy (he was not busy). Eel's favorite interactions were with michael withecheck - withecheck played the part of the wise old man and gave eel some genuine advice for when eel takes his spot in a few seasons :uhoh:

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

player prompt

binko of the koivu variety from the atlanta inferno of the simulation hockey league actually really enjoys appearing in the team social media such as their youtube channel and their tiktok account because of course binko is a young lad a very hip individual who is definitely a zoomer just like pablo @Jepox salve of tea tree and paul @Briedaqueduc koivu his brother of course. now what kind of things does binko like to do for the channels of the team? well binko loves dragging around his friend agnes @micool132 mcpipe onto the videos with him and they make videos where they sit around a wood fire and throw their money into the fire. and then he also loves hanging out with his new defense partner tomas @efiug "fugs" kalnoky and they do these videos together like "who can drink the most pilk in 30 seconds?" and "guess that spaghetti" yeah i would say it is definitely a whale of a time and then lastly the also does videos with atlanta prospect pee @hotdog e

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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Player prompt - graphics task

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Special thanks to Carpy48, Ragnar, Merica, High Stick King, Sulovilen, sothfacekilla, enigmatic and LeSizz for the signatures!
(This post was last modified: 09-25-2022, 04:14 AM by academydropout. Edited 1 time in total.)

Jamal hates being in the spotlight. Strange, for a Jamaican really. When the team calls and expects him to partake in social media content creation for TikTok or whatever, he does his level best to avoid it. On the occasions he's forced to take part, he tends to be as silent as possible, communicating solely through facial expressions, vowel sounds (something which Jamaicans are particularly skilled at in general, by the way; it is said that a pair of Jamaicans can have an entire conversation using only vowel sounds) or things such as sucking his teeth.

Most of the time, he is barely visible, though. One time, fans noted he was "conveniently" positioned behind a teammate, or faced away from the camera every time it passed him. On other occasions, he has "needed to take an urgent call" (though did not specify who from, or what for), or "gone a wring out mi socks dem" (Jamaican slang for urinating, btw), or "gaan fi see a man bout darg" (a phrase commonly used to conceal one's true reasons for an abrupt departure; often to defecate).

While his subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) machinations have not gone unnoticed, he has been allowed to continue with them as fans find his antics amusing. Some even commenting on team posts things like "can't wait to see how Nightingale dodges this one", or "who else playing spot Jamal?"

ISFL: 37thchamber

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Player Prompt. Makrus is head of the teams media department already. This came about when Makrus learned his phone also had a camera built in. what a world we live in where phones are also cameras. Makrus then proceeded to start filming everything with his camera. Practice despite being told not to. Team meetings despite being told not to. Even on the ice during a game Makrus would have his phone out filming. Everyone let it slide because they were sure Makrus wouldn’t be able to figure out how to upload any of the videos to the internet. But Makrus was one step ahead of them. Makrus knows a guy, well a teenager really. That teenager owes Makrus a favor and with a few clicks Makrus is a Tik Tok star. That’s right Makrus has 50 followers. 50 people regularly watch Makrus fight with the team vending machine and occasionally get stuck in places you didn’t think anyone would try to get into. Like the vending machine.

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These days Twitter takeovers and appearing on Tik Tok just seems to be a part of the job when it comes to being a professional hockey player. So how does your player handle this? When it's their turn to show up on the team Youtube, are they excited for it? Are you the type to be coming up with fun ideas for content and goofing around with the social media team? Or maybe you go to increasingly insane lengths to not appear on camera? Is this a welcome part of the job, or just something you have to do? (150+ words)

Egli gree up in an isolated village tucked quaintly in the shadows the Swiss Alps. Lumnezia is known for its spectacular beauty and picturesque landscapes, rolling foothills and flowing rivers. The village didn't get their first computer until 1997 and better yet, their first internet connection until 2004. 

The Egli's lived just outside of town where they tended to their herd of sheep. Emil recalls how he would have to hike mountain paths after his chores were done just to be able to use the computer at the Lumnezia Bibliotheca. He would watch endless videos of the best in the world at the time, MacInnis, Pronger, Lidström, Niedermayer... 

All of this to say, social media wasn't a part of Egli's life growing up. He doesn't seem out the camera and when he is on it he isn't quite sure what to do or how to act. He plays hockey and that's about it.

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Player Prompt

Tomas is not really that fond of cameras or otherwise actively participating in social media. When the team tried to do these, "What are you listening to", "What are you watching", "What is this 90s gadget" videos before practice during the pre-season, Lind was very quick with his responses and just went out on the ice. It has become a bit of a sport for the fans to try and identify Lind in any of the social media the team posts, both video and pictures.

One thing he wasn't able to get away from was the player media day where all the players on the team had to sit down with some representatives of the media, including a couple of social media influencers who went for more of a silly interview format. Tomas had to put on a show for that one, but the public reception when he actually participated in the tomfoolery was great.

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Kenneth Lind (S78-)

Tomas Lind (S57-S78)

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@sköldpaddor @High Stick King @Ragnar

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I'm a very self centered person, so I only enjoy reading media if it's about me. If I see a writeup that involves a team I'm on or a draft group I'm a part of, I will 100% read it. Other then that, I couldn't care less. As far as real life goes, I'm a lot more varied, I read a majority of hockey posts and writeups across many different channels. I don't have a favorite writer in particular, but I do really enjoy the way The Athletic does their stories. Between Sports Centre every morning and then reading blogs or reddit posts during the day, I would say I get my fair shar of hockey information from a wide variety of mediums. Being involved in fantasy hockey means that I am taking in even more then I did before i got involved with it.

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Hockey Prompt

Okay this might be a bit of an unusual response to this as I am not what one would consider a target market for hockey media as I am admittedly not a hockey fan. That said out of all the prompts I have access to I think this is the one that I can most easily embrace as someone who does read probably too much sports media relating to the sport that I do follow. However I do want to preface this that I have not really engaged heavily with hockey media, although I do occasionally look when things are talking about particularly interesting milestones and paces.

Now I do enjoy the hockey media I have seen as I genuinely enjoy seeing all the 'this player is on pace to pass Gretzky if they play to this level for 16 more years' and 'this player is the first to accomplish X thing in Y years' which are things that cross into my social media streams on occasion. I do not see enough to say whether that is common in regards to hockey media, but it is absolutely the kind of thing that I enjoy seeing as someone who has only rudimentary understanding of the game. Any time that you can put a performance into numbers and then compare those numbers to other things you can sell me on the media. Stats are my jam. All that said I would not be able to name a single hockey writer in existence.

My absolute favorite type of sports media content is the one that I engage with most as an admittedly abnormal fan and that is dream team designs. Gridiron football is my sport of choice and in that regard I would say the best article/article series of all time is the RSPWP4 which was a prompt of super advanced aliens have challenged the planet to game of gridiron football to determine the fate of humanity make your team. The types of conversation that spur are the exact things that I enjoy the most about sports media because it involves a lot of stats talk, but also a huge amount of talk about things that maybe don't make the stat sheet. Going with the sport I second most understand in basketball any article talking about 'this is the best starting five you could ever assemble according to this Hall of Famer' hooks me because I love to see what former players think about their peers, and again I love to see how other people would assemble their rosters. I confess at this point I think I am an unusual person in this regard in that I have a fully designed 46 man gameday roster and 90 man camp roster dream teams for gridiron football, and also a full starting lineup and bench dream team for basketball. All of which I occasionally get an itch to update and in fact I spent the majority of yesterday digging through snap counts on pro-football-reference to optimize my roster according to how my dream coaching staff used their rosters.

Now that is a huge tangent on other sports, but it brings me back to hockey in that if someone wanted to get me interested in hockey they would put that kind of media in front of me. Based on what little knowledge I have Gretzky is going to be on every team, but I imagine most people would have different defenders in mind which is where I would be sold on reading it. It also works wonders in my opinion in that it allows you to talk about a large amount of the game in relatively simpler fashion which worked well in my experience with the aforementioned RSPWP4 in terms of getting me to become knowledgeable about players I never got the opportunity to watch. By extension it also gave me an idea of what to look for when I am watching to see the kind of plays and players that you would call upon in a scenario where you are to come up with an ideal roster.

Now we move onto giving me a hockey media empire and here is where I change things up. Whereas before I looked at this from the perspective of news articles and the like; here I want to address media under the larger umbrella. You see the above is great for getting someone who knows something about the sport interested and someone who just has a love of stats, but it does not do as well I feel in getting someone completely green interested. In that regard the best experiences that I have had to sell me have been comics specifically manga in the form of Eyeshield 21 for gridiron football, Kuroko no Basuke for basketball, and Baby Steps for tennis. The time I was closest to hockey was probably around the time that The Mighty Ducks came out, but that was more a character driven story thing then an explanation of the sport. Therefore the goal is to combine the explanations of a rundown of the sport with the entertainment value of The Mighty Ducks to ideally form a fun series that can get people invested in the series itself and the sport at large.

Okay I need to go get something to drink so I am going to call it here. I hope enough of that rambling mess comes through to qualify me for this PT. Thank you for your time!

Word Count: 916

Hockey Prompt.

Because I live in Latvia, I can tell you about Latvian media and how they teach hockey life. Previously, when Latvian ice hockey had one big base team, in fact all the media wrote about them directly, but because of the surrounding circumstances we had to leave the big ice hockey, then all we have left is the local championship and there, let's be clear, that level is not so high as to follow it very much until. The biggest minions, which are too little coverage of our hockey players among journalists in Latvia, especially articles about those who play abroad and are now very numerous. Usually, the news is served only after the games have been played, but I would like to see reviews made before the games. I've also sometimes watched foreign media, and it shows every medium trying to follow the sport of their district to the industry. It's also kind of right because they're big powers, our scale already needs a news presentation at the national level. If I had the opportunity to sort out that sphere, there would certainly be a lot of focus on all the Latvian spells abroad so that sports fans get the feeling and desire to follow up with them as well, not just local clubs, which of course is also very good.

My issue with hockey media is that most of it are very centered upon very specific markets. Yeah, Toronto, I am looking at you. Some of the best content creators like Elliotte Friedman work for Sportsnet, and therefore cater to the Canadian marketplace. I enjoy listening to podcasts like the 32 Thoughts podcast and reading content focused on my team from the Athletic. This content can be insight into what’s going on around the team and also some of the personal behind-the-scenes stories about individual players. I always enjoy getting to know the people that play for my favorite team and not just the robotic PR-trained hockey stuff. Some of the content that was created by Sara Civian was pretty engaging too, and highlighted some fun off-ice stuff associated with the club she covered and the players she covered. I would love to have more actual behind the scenes in the front offices stuff as well.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

Written Task: Do you enjoy the kind of hockey media you see out in the world? If so, why? Who are some of your favourite writers? What are some of your favourite types of content? If you don't enjoy or engage with hockey media, why not? What kind of things are missing for you? If you could start your own hockey media empire, what would you like to do differently? (150+ words)
I generally dislike the hockey media and sports media that is available to the world. I find it not only to be diluted and really cookie cutter for the most part, but it is also so in your face and just never ends when it comes to new stories that everyone is trying to get out. If you turn from one channel to the next or if you listen to a different podcast, for the most part, everyone will sound the same and have the same opinion for the story. Journalism has become so typical because no one is allowed to really voice their own opinion or be different. If you want to keep your job in sports media, you have to follow the pack and really say the same things that everyone else is saying. If I compare it to NFL media, I find things like Skip and Shannon or Stephen A Smith, maybe even the different NFL panels like the Manning brothers, they have their own platform to really say what they want and do what they want with their show without having the broadcast channel restricting their own views and opinions. Having an honest opinion in media and really having someone say what someone might not want to hear, that my type of entertainment in the media world.

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Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

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