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S65 PT #4: Fitness? Yeah I'm Fitness Prompt in the Forum

Prompt 1

With the large task of creating a new excercise tape looming ahead, the appeoach is simple. People find it better to have fun when exercising, so this routine will be filmed in the goofiest way possible. First my player and everyone in it will be wearing costumes of the SHL mascots as we excercise, to sweat more and to be silly. Another thing to keep people engaged while exercising is playing an interactive fuck marry kill game in which we say groups of 3 players and viewers can decide what they would do! (Always kill scoochie tho). Lastly this tape will focus more on actual skating and technical skills, because aint nobody got time for boring exercising, everyone is here for the fun stuff so that is exactly what we will give. Also with the purchase of the tape, you will get a message from me and be entered to win tickets throughout the season!

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[Image: drokeep.gif]

Fitness is really important when you are competing at a professional level. And even more so when you are getting to the prime of your career. In the SHL, we see lots of young guns making their mark simply by being more athletically gifted than others around the league. However, in Chicago our head trainer is pretty strict about our time in the gym and most of our roster takes it pretty seriously. As someone who likes to kill penalties and play the body, I spend a lot of my time on fitness around the core and legs. Strong legs are categorically one of the most defining features of the best players in our league. The guys that can squat, can skate. And the guys that can really put up the weight in the squat rack AND have a strong core, can become human missiles out there on the ice. Other than weights, its important to be doing endurance work to keep up with long shifts and long nights with the ladies after we win cup finals. So I spend a good amount of time on the bike as well to keep the heart healthy.

[Image: kickz_jr.png]
Thanks to Merica for my sig

"The Billy Blazes EXTREME SEXY fitness program is what YOU need to make your fatass look like a Greek god, just like me. First lets start with a little warmup, a quick 20 mile run should get you fired up to get yourself game ready. After the quick run were gonna go right into 200 pushups to make sure your muscles are HUUUUUUUGE. Then we'll hop into doing some squats, 100 should be enough but do a couple extra if you want those Billy Tree Trunk Thighs™. And guys its important to stay hydrated while you're working out, so make sure you're sucking down your favorite flavor of Billy Blazes EXTREME SEXY sports drink to enhance the gains. After all that you're probably pretty tired, but if you want to look like me you gotta push yourself, Let's go do 50 pull-ups to ensure you'll be looking like the strongest person on the planet, well after me of course"

Miroslav Ketil, fitness aficionado! If Ketil and the Whalers media team were to put together a fitness video, it would be similar to the song Pump It by Electric Callboy, with heavy music, strobe lights, and some very serious working out.

First, because balance is so important in the sport of hockey, we'd work on our legs. We'd start with some easy stretches before going into some weights like leg presses. You gotta build up that strength if you plan on skating with the big boys in Simulation Hockey League! Then we'd get into some arms and chest with some chest presses and deadlifts. Remember, don't lift with your back, lift with your arms. Be smart, be safe, be great!

As for the plan, Ketil would obviously have to become a renowned fitness influencer if he was to actually have any sway in the fitness world. This means that the Whalers and Ketil would be starting a YouTube channel in which he could display his love for metalcore music, working out and being the best player with William Nylander as his hypothetical look-a-like!

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Borje Samuelsson aims to be an offensive juggernaut in the Simulation Hockey League. With that said, he spends all of his time dedicating his training to perfecting his offensive abilities. This involves him sleeping with his hockey stick. As soon as he wakes up, he has five pucks lined up in his bed room. He takes five wrist shots, then lines them up again (which practices his stick handling), then fires five snap shots, then he repeats the process again for slapshots. Samuelsson does this every time he enters and exits his bedroom. After doing it so many times, the shooting motion has become automatic.

He also practices his agility and stamina. Samuelsson will run up and down the stairs at his house until he can't go any more. To make it even more challenging, Samuelsson holds his breath while doing his run. You may think that's weird, but it actually helps him practice his mental for when he's very tired during the games. Practice pushing when you have no breath!

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Please take care of it. Here are some helpful links just in case.

Algonquin College Student Support Services - 613-727-4723
Crisis Text Line - Text 'HOME' to 741741
Distress Centre Ottawa and Region - 613-288-3311
Good2Talk - 1-866-925-5454
Kid's Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Hotline Ontario - 1-866-531-2600
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

Click here for a list of crisis centres within Canada
Suicide Prevention Resource Centre
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education

If you have the contact info to your local mental help centres, let me know!

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Well, this is perfect. Vlastislav Malik has been saying for ages that certain New Orleans Specters teammates, Valterri Kauppinen for example, have to work on their fitness regiment. If they were keeping their fitness in check, perhaps they would get as many points as Malik. Anyways, the fitness video will have to showcase a right vs wrong in terms of how to do fitness. Let's start with the basics, pushups and sit-ups. We'll have a side by side of Kauppinen with his chicken arms and legs and Malik with his perfect form in everything. Next, lets do pullups? We can show Kauppinen barely getting his chin above the bar while Malik calmly performs pullups for the entirety of the clip. We can finish off with dumbbells. Kauppinen can show the starters how to lift 5lb dumbbells. Meanwhile, Malik can show everyone how its really done. We'll have him work his way up from 50lb till whatever outrageous weight he's lifting nowadays. Any opportunity to show up Kauppinen is worth it!

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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: QtEp67y.png]

Bas O'Bigbers is literally incapable of making a serious work out tape. First thing on there is crunches but with a twist. The weight is two six packs of Guinness. Then at the end of 4 sets you chug a guinness. Then you do pull ups but there is a twist! You do pull ups while have six six packs weighing you down. After 4 sets. You chug three pints of Guinness. Next we have push ups but there is a twist! You do a pushup while balancing a six pack on your back and you must drink guinness every other rep. Then it's time for dead lifts. But there is a twist! Instead of dead lifting a dumbbell bar you dead lift a keg of guinness. After 4 sets of dumbbells you proceed to drink the entire keg of guinness dry and then finally the work out is done and you too can be great like Bas O'Bigbers.

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Making a workout video is something that a player may go hard on, full on editing, wide range of workouts and cardio routines and so on. For Arsene Leclerc it is the complete opposite, not only would the workout routine include very little in the way of actual work outs, it would mainly contain a wide array of recommended wines, cheeses, and snacks to pack on some summer weight with the maximum flavor. It is no secret Arsene is at his peak right now, and really there is nowhere to go but down. In an effort to keep his body in top condition, it may actually be a positive to pack on some weight, mainly to help make him a rock on the ice, but also to soften some of those league leading block shots he has racked up this season. Although it may not be a recommended workout for most players in the league, it is most definitely on brand for the swiss international.

PT Pass

Berserkers Patriotes Finland
[Image: EX8JdSr.png][Image: yGcdOWc.png][Image: Bphj82E.png] [Image: BxfKXyg.png] Credit to Redderder15 for the sig
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Prompt 2

Jeff is known as having one of the weakest upper bodies in the league, but is working on changing that. His 6 bench reps and 20 pound curls are the stuff of SHL players' nightmares. The lower body and cardio workouts are big though, as Jeff tries to stay fast and energized on the ice. Speaking of staying energized, now that Jeff films his workouts for his own future film sessions to see what he can improve, he's also taken to uploading fitness videos on a new insta account, which now has many sponsorships with companies like Gatorade, so when Jeff needs to be energized, you know he's going for that Gatorade Frost. Jeff's workout is around 60/20/20 when it comes to time allocation, with 60% cardio, 20% lower body workout (leg press, etc), and 20% upper body workouts. This is the normal but it does change depending on what he really needs to urgently improve over the next week or so.

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Manon is really big on speed, and being there for her teammates to open up chances to take some shots on goal. Because of this, Manon spends a good deal of time working on leg muscles, or core. She will take some time to do some more upper body based workouts, but power in the legs and core are what is essential to her everyday work out process. Speed and timing is crucial to her position as a winger, so being able to work on the muscles she uses and needs most is definitely something she must touch up on. Many of her teammates, especially the other wingers have shared many of the secrets they use to enhance their ability. These secrets, including workout routines for her to try, or dietary options have definitely left an impact on Manon as a player. It’s also an added bonus that when she’s working out, she can blast her music as loud as she wants.

Written Task: Your player has been asked to make a workout tape! Tell me about the exercises your player will show off to get their SHL pro body! What vibe will you go for in the videos? Is it serious? Is it funny? Are you all in on a huge budget? How do you want to release it? Are you starting a fitness Youtube channel, or maybe releasing it on VHS for the retro audience? Tell me all about how your player would tackle selling their own fitness program. Don't be afraid to get goofy with this one. (150+ words)

I would be doing a swim practice as my workout tape, Wide peepo Happy 3 koivu is known to be a great swimmer because of his wideness. He is a long swimmer that has basically paddles for arms and he can pull a lot of water with his arms. He is a s stronger swimmer, and he just wants to bring awareness about swimming and how great it is as and to be a multi sport athlete its a great cardio exercise and it helps him in the last seconds of his shifts so he has the lung capacity to play a lot of minutes and be good hockey player when he is tired and its something I take pride in. I will doing a trialthon and its part of my practice for that. I want to be a great swimmer for that, I known swimming isn't a great aspect for it but I feel like being a strong swimmer could help a lot.

[Image: hallsy.png]

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