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S54 PT #4 - Cooking Show

Written option (150+ words): What is the name of your player's cooking show? What type(s) of food will they cook? Will they invite on any special guests? Describe the show - either the overall concept, or the details of a single episode.
Cook with Claude, what a name that rolls right off the tongue and is easy for everyone to pronounce, even the french canadians or french people!

The show would be something that can be done by most people in the world, and as a hockey player, something that could address our needs aswell. We would need something that is healthy and also most importantly, but it is cooked and prepared quickly. Those shows that you watch where you have to marinate the day before and slow cook it for 6 hours, thats not possible with the life style that hockey players have. We need quick and powerful pre workout meals for practice or games and we need a nice healthy post workout meal where we can get back all of our nutrients.

Basic level of difficulty, focused on the italian cuisine, Kaspars would have an invited guest every show and could even organize his own cooking contests with various members of the SHL which would encourage and improve the ratings of the league. Who wouldnt want to get a better feeeling of their favorite players while watching them cook and seeing what they are able to do, everyone is a human even though we play hockey.

I would like to keep it themed, so like Specter Saturdays or a competition with the boys from New Orleans. We could have the Whalers on wednesdays, the Kraken for 5 to 7, and they come with the rhum aswell. Let the imagination run wild and it can happen with Cook with Claude

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Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

Welcome to another episode of Holy Stromboli with me, Strom Chamberlain.  Tonight we will dig again into the wonderful world of pasta, except this time we will be using an InstantPot for all of you foodies on a tight time schedule.  Tonight's dish, is some of the most delicious Thai Turkey Meatballs with Rice Noodles that you will have ever tasted, and all done within about thirty minutes.

Lets begin.

For ingredients you will need the following:
  • 3 oz. rice noodles
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame oil
  • 8 oz. ground turkey
  • 1/2 cup of whole-wheat bread crumbs
  • 2 teaspoons of Sriracha
  • 2 cloves of garlic (minced)
  • 1/4 cup of finely chopped scallions
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 1/2 cup of low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced
  • 1/4 cup of freshly chopped cilantro, for the garnish
  • 1/4 Lime wedge, for serving.
Got all of your ingredients?  Great!  Here's the preparation instructions:

  1.  Prepare the noodles according to the directions on the package of choice that you purchased.
  2. Turn the Instant Pot on.  use the Saute program and set to Normal.  While the pot is heating, combine your turkey, bread crumbs, criracha, garlic, scallions and the egg into a large bowl.  Mix it well with gloved hands and form into meatballs.
  3. Add the meatballs to the instant pot after it is headed and cook for 2 minutes on each side.  Add the broth and then change the setting to manual (high pressure) and cook on Normal for 5 minutes.
  4. Quick release the pressure according to your pot's instructions
  5. Place four of the meatballs and sliced peppers into each bowl (serves 2 people total) with the noodles you previously prepared.  Pour over the chicken broth and garnish.
  6. Stir in another teaspoon of Sriracha, if desired.
Voila!   Enjoy a nice meal for you and your date...or, if you're like me...just yourself, because goalies gotta get big in the net!.

Next week be sure to tune in as we have a special guest host, @Mike Izzy from the Calgary Dragons as we discuss the perfect chicken parm.

383 words

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The name of my cooking show would but “The simple life in the kitchen with Mats”. The reasoning behind this is pretty much Marner does not know how to cook as growing up in Ukraine, he would have his mother or grandmother always cooking in the kitchen lots of amazing homemade food. Growing up on a Ukrainian farm Darian had all of the culinary options at his finger tips ready to be freshly made. Marner did not know how good he had it until he left for Canada to live by himself for the first time in his life when he joined the Newfoundland Berserkers in season fifty three. For the past season Mats has been struggling trying to learn to cook for himself which is why his cooking show would be called “The simple life in the kitchen with Mats” since he only know how took cook the most basic and simple dishes and has a very plain and bland diet as a result.

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Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

Reid's cooking show will be called "Detroit's Delicacies" and be filmed in conjunction with other Detroit Falcons members. Much the way that Serge Ibaka brings on teammates to eat his food, Reid will do something similar with his teammates. Each episode will be a different take on cooking one of the opposing teams mascots. Rabbits for Anaheim, squid for Carolina, crow for St. Louis, whale blubber for Vancouver are the obvious ones. Reid would have to get creative in order to eat the opposing team without some serious cannibalism for the other teams. Maine could be a vegan episode where he tries to make bark and moss tasty. As much as he would want to eat a boat, that isn't the best for his dental health, so Reid might make some sardine dish to represent the Armada. The Raptors could be a raptor hawk instead of the dinosaur, as it is probably illegal to eat those. The Knights are really hard to pin down, as nothing edible stands out about that branding. Maybe since one of their old GM's was NJBadApple Reid would try and make a rotten apple into something delicious. Finally, there is Newfoundland. They have a bear or a wolf or something on their logo's head, so Reid would try and make a bear steak or something along those lines.

Thanks Wasty, Carpy, JSS, TurdFerguson, Geekusoid and Awesomecakes for the sigs!
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"What the Cluck with Luffy Richard" is the name of the show. He and his roommate cook everything but chicken for some reason. They often argue and bicker about the way they cook food because their tastes are very different, and a food fight at the end of each episode is not unheard of. In fact, it is often expected that they start flinging the meals they didn't finish cooking at each other. Then they will bicker for another ten minutes on where to pick up food.

the meals they try and cook are things like: ramen of various styles, pho of various styles, hot sandwiches, cold sandwiches, various kinds of pasta, anything with a potato in it especially the mashed variety. They will also feature local cooks such as their mothers, their neighbor's mothers, the old lady who walks their dog at the same time every day, and the good cook at Mcdonalds that actually can cook chicken, but mostly brings them nuggets for their sophisticated palates.

Every once in awhile they do manage to make a meal, their favorite being soyrizo with beans and rice.

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Welcome to the Slav King's cooking show! starting your master gopnik chef, Boris Poroshenko! *Boris stumbles on stage as he trips over a cord for one of the lights*

Here on Slav King's cooking show we go behind the scenes of what typical Eastern European cooking is like and the secrets for how it tastes so good.

"So my friends, today I am going to teach you how to make the ultimate sandwich. FIRST, get your self an onion. then cut the the entire onion into bite size pieces and remember, real men cry. Next get some bread, and put the whole chopped onion in the bread. If you're not crying from eating the sandwich, add more onions. Next, on the second slice of bread lather is up in mayonnaise. I should not even be able to see this side of the bread. Lastly, have a shot of vodka because vodka makes everything taste better. LAST, but not least put the sandwich together and enjoy your only meal of the day"

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First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

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Magnus Liljestrom fancies himself a bit of a chef, having grown up with a mother who owned a restaurant back in Ornskoldsvik. His show would be focused on Swedish and Scandinavian snack foods and things that go beyond what you would find in IKEA stores worldwide, such as meatballs and lingonberry sauce.

For example, a Christmas episode would feature something like Jansson's Temptation, which is a classic Swedish Christmas dish made with potatoes and anchovies - something like a fishy scalloped potatoes, as well as Raggmunk & Lingonberries which is a potato pancake with lingonberry jam on top, and Saffransbullar which are saffron buns, twisted into a braided shape. This episode, he would have Burlok Sulfurgold @leviadan, himself a noted potato enthusiast, as co-host as they explored the different ways to eat potatoes in a Swedish manner.

A seafood episode would of course involve gravlax, cured salmon, and the production and the consumption of that most smelly Swedish treat of all, surstromming, which is fermented herring. Gubbröra would also get a mention - this is an anchovy and egg salad combination which is served on dark rye bread much like tuna salad, but stronger in taste and smell due to the anchovies used. Of course, a smorgasbord would be the best way to end as a season finale, where he would invite the whole Detroit Falcons team to partake in a traditional Swedish feast.

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With a bit of extra time on his hand, Ryosuke Sato really enjoyed cooking and decided to start a cooking show on his YouTube channel where he shows the various other things that he does off ice. Coming up with a name was hard but eventually he decided on the name "From East to the West-East." It describes his path in the SHL, as well as the fusion foods that he will be making on the show inspired from his roots in Japan that he brought over to West-East of North America (referring to Vancouver and Toronto). Luckily for Sato, Vancouver and Toronto are pretty multicultural cities so it wasn't hard to find the ingredients that he needed for his Japanese fusion foods, as well as chefs who are already masters at the art. 

The show takes place in Sato's very own apartment kitchen in Vancouver with shots of his various adventures in which he obtains his ingredients. Currently, he only found the time to film a couple episodes to put up but his most viewed one featured a Japanese-French fusion dish called Doria which is a rich, oven-based rice dish mixed with cream sauce, vegetables, and topped with mozzarella cheese. Sato learned this dish after trying it at a local Vancouver restaurant as he proceeded to ask the chef to teach him. So far, there has yet to be any special guest appearances on his show but after talking to teammates in the locker room, some say that they'd be willing to come on the show. There is even a potential for a special cook-off episode with fellow North Stars prospect Alexei Petrikov. Hopefully Sato will find more time to upload videos as fans wait for the next installment of "From East to the West-East."

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

The name of the show will be "Instant Slappers" and the two participants will be I, chef Sven Yxskaft, and my trusted Instant Pot®. The show will contain recipes and tips & tricks all related to the Instant Pot®.

There will be a mix of food on the show as you can do pretty much anything with the Instant Pot®. Anything from homemade yogurt, risottos, to complex Asian dishes and lava cakes!

It will usually start off with Sven talking about the recipe of the day. Going over the ingredients needed and what the different cooking settings on the Instant Pot® he will use to create magic! Then, after he has collected all ingredients he throws them all into the pot, stirs them around a bit, and them lets the Instant Pot® do the rest!

While the food cooks, for an average of 5 hours, Sven sits in front of the camera telling stories about his recent games and how he, one time, made a lava cake that made Gordon Ramsey cry tears of joy.

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Past Players


Quote:Written option (150+ words): What is the name of your player's cooking show? What type(s) of food will they cook? Will they invite on any special guests? Describe the show - either the overall concept, or the details of a single episode.

Well this is a big surprise as I truly hate cooking so I guess the best suited name for my cooking game show would have to be "Laf's".  

With a live audience in hand and limited cooking skills, my "cooking game show" would be more of a dare show with some cooking involved.

Show would air once a month at most and every week I would invite 2 guests from either the Knights or the Blizzard discord.  The three of us would then be challenged by the audience to eat any type of animal or insect they can think of.  

What about the cooking you say, well each contestant would then have 3 ingredients of their choice to add to the insect/animal and 3 methods to prepare it...or not!
Either fry it, boil it or flat out eating it live or raw!  Obviously the most points being awarded would be to it raw followed by boiling it.  And barfing is not allowed, so this would deduct points.

There would be 5 rounds to accumulate the most points and the winner gets $2k.

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    [Image: d9J5DHT.png]        norway      [Image: d9J5DHT.png]

Mika Kandinsky's cooking show would be called, "Mika the Master" and it would be a show where celebrity master chefs come on the show and Mika teaches them how to make some dishes maybe they've never tried before. He could make some Russian classics or some of the new Canadian cuisine that he's picked up while in North America. It would be his interpretation of some dishes and he'd show the masters how it's done. Then he'd judge their replication of what he's made and let them know if it's up to par or not. This is a show for him to completely disregard everything the pros have to say. He'd also bring on one of his hockey buddies to pump his tires in the presence of these great chefs. It's a pretty troll show, but it would be hilarious. Mika would speak in broken English the whole time just to confuse his guests a bit and add to the humor. The fun would be watching talented chefs get flummoxed attempting to keep up with Mika's strange ways of cooking. Ebert gives it two thumbs up.

Mika Kandinsky Stars 

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Eko van Otter's cooking show is a bit untraditional in that it is not set in a studio but rather follows van Otter through the wilderness as he tracks down various species of fish and shows off the best way to prepare and eat each of them. It's called "Fresh Catch" and features EVO roaming through various streams, brooks, and rivers to find the freshest freshwater fish ever shown on television! Preparation styles vary, from Holding The Fish In Both Paws Facing Right And Biting The Top to Holding The Fish On The Ground And Pulling Up To Take A Bit to Holding The Fish In Both Paws Facing Left And Biting The Head Off First. EVO will walk the viewers through all of these techniques and no doubt the fans' mouths will be watering. In an upcoming episode, van Otter and longtime friend Maxime Bouchard @Weretarantula experiment with some gases in the garage and head out to the Athabasca River in Alberta for a day full of fumes, fresh fish, and fun!

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

Soulful Seafood
DeMaricus ‘Soul-Train’ Smyth

Helping launch a franchise, like Soul-Train Smyth has with the New Orleans Specters during the heights of his career, has allowed the former Ron Mexico winner and the game of hockey an unbelievable amount in the bayous of Louisiana. Well this has also allowed DMS the opportunity during the summer offseasons to find the best creole and canjun eats. In a new series headed to the Simulation Food Network, DeMaricus Smyth, visits various hole in the wall restaurants. Looking for the best of the best Cajun, creole, soul, southern, and fried food. Smyth knew when he made the option to sign a contract up in Edmonton, Canada, that one of the best parts of the relocation would be the food, but now it is also getting an opportunity to showcase the culture and people. Soulful Seafood with DeMaricus Soul-Train Smyth.

Shout out to ml002, schultzy, slashacm, tedward!
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09-05-2018, 10:04 PMBeaver Wrote: Wow look what the PT affiliation has done to our pristine league.
12-19-2018, 12:31 AMBeaver Wrote: I personally blame the PT affiliation for handing out massive amounts of free TPE to all these players, inflating the TPE they're at when they get called up.
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