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S45 PT #2 - The Sit Down

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(This post was last modified: 01-10-2019, 12:30 PM by BarnabasCollins.)

George: Welcome to the show, and lets begin with this.. who was that first player when you joined the league that caught your eye?  the one you wanted to emulate your game after, the person who's success you coveted on or off the ice, the one you first admired, and why?.. let us know alittle about that."    

Well when I first made my goalie I was pretty sure who I wanted to pattern him after. The Calgary Dragons made the playoffs for like 20 of 21 seasons and you don't accomplish that without Hall of Fame caliber goaltending. So I decided I would try and play the same way Hunter Wong and Richard C Hocolate played. Season after season they helped the Dragons not only make the playoffs but also win several cups. Hunter Wong is already in the SHL Hall of Fame and Hocolate will be as soon as his old ass hangs up the skates. It's amazing to me that I was actually drafted to this team and I get to play with and learn from Hocolate in his twilight seasons. There have been alot of great goalies in the SHL but for these two guys to be the studs in net for all those playoff seasons it was obvious to me that this was the type of play that I wanted for my goaltender.

@Your Mothers Favorite Goalie

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I remember watching the league the last several years as I was growing up and working towards my own career, and a player that really stood out to me even back then was Ben Dover of the Hamilton Steelhawks. The way he commanded the ice was mesmerizing and I learned a lot from watching him. He's a master at disrupting the opposing team's offense and creating a quick breakout so it seems like he spends no time at all in the defensive zone. His presence on the ice meant his team had a massive advantage on both sides of the puck and that's one of the greatest things you can aspire to as a defenseman. When I found out that I had been drafted by the Steelhawks it was a dream come true in more ways than one, and Ben has been a really great mentor to me as I've developed and am now playing for the team.


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(This post was last modified: 01-10-2019, 05:59 PM by jRuutu.)

George: Welcome to the show, and lets begin with this.. who was that first player when you joined the league that caught your eye?  the one you wanted to emulate your game after, the person who's success you coveted on or off the ice, the one you first admired, and why?.. let us know alittle about that."  

When I first joined the league, there was one player I really looked up to, Liam O'Callaghan. We are both defenders and even when we are fairly close in age, I consider him to be one of my role models in SHL. He was one of the top defenders for Seattle when I joined the Riot as a young defender couple years ago, I got to see him every day in practice and also we spent some time together off the ice by going out to eat etc, even if I had a really hard time to understand him because of him being Irish and all that, he basically still taught me what it takes to be a professional.

Early on I was amazed, how can a man with Liam´s talent level be in the big show, but at the same time seeing him in the Riot jersey and in SHL gave me a much-needed confidence boost, if Liam is able to play in SHL - I can as well.

So just being around him motivated me. If Liam did 10 pushups, I did 20. If Liam stayed after the practice to shoot the puck for 30 minutes, I stayed for an hour. If Liam scored a goal, I tried to score two. Might sound petty, but I tried my best to take his spot in the lineup.

When I compare myself to him now, despite all the effort - he is still ahead of me as a player, so I guess the luck of an Irishman is not a myth.


George: Welcome to the show, and lets begin with this.. who was that first player when you joined the league that caught your eye?  the one you wanted to emulate your game after, the person who's success you coveted on or off the ice, the one you first admired, and why?.. let us know alittle about that."    ->  @InciteHysteria  @FlappyGiraffe

Hi George, thanks for having me.  (Looks around) you're studio looks great,  they cleaned it up nice from Russell Brand's drunken soda show. Anyway before we even talk about my idle, G.G., we have to acknowledge my bud incite. He brought me to this league and the film he showed me had a ton of great players.  But the one guy,  the hairy beast newly taken to Winnipeg, his play really caught my eye.  

George, can I call you Georgey? I'm going to anyway. Georgey, Gary Grease is why the jets won the cup.  Sure he didn't score any game winners that I remember... but he is a minute eater on the backend.  Tons of players work on scoring and skating, but he works on things that eat minutes, mostly defense and skating. He isn't going to make the big play,  but he is going to give his team a chance to make that big play.  And more importantly, he is going to shut down the other teams chance at a big play.  Once I saw that film,  I knew not only that I wanted to play, but I wanted to play with him.  Luckily the stars aligned and I managed to get on a great team in the Winnipeg Jets.

Oh also, the HTT. which I cannot talk about further...

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!


George: Welcome to the show, and lets begin with this.. who was that first player when you joined the league that caught your eye?  the one you wanted to emulate your game after, the person who's success you coveted on or off the ice, the one you first admired, and why?.. let us know alittle about that."

Esa: Thanks George glad to be here, I've been in the league a long time so most of the players I looked up to when I was young are either long retired or dead, but there's one guy I remember following the first couple seasons and looked up to. David Winter. He was in the prime of his career in the SHL when I started here in S17, I remember checking the stats that year and watching him rack up 25 goals. I also liked how we carried himself in the league, seemed to be a nice guy and treated people well. I knew this was the kind of player and member I was interested in becoming. He was a premier player in the league for a long time, over 1000 games played and racked up 879 points. Still good for 6th all-time. For a while he was the leading goal scorer in history with 394 as well. I respect his game tremendously so when I was able to pass him in goals and points it was really an honor. He's a Hall of Famer and a member I respect a lot. His game definitely motivated a young Esa to become great. Thanks @RomanesEuntDomus

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
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#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2019, 02:45 PM by RomanesEuntDomus.)

George: "Welcome to the show and lets begin with this... Who was that first player when you joined the league that caught your eye? The one you wanted to emulate your game after, the person whose success you coveted on or off the ice, the one you first admired, and why? Let us know a little about that."

Philipp: "Sure thing George and thanks for having me of course! There were a lot of players that I admired growing up but by the time I got old enough to join the pros myself, a lot of them had already retired. Of course there were the familiar faces like Esa Anrikkanen or Alonzo Garbanzo who are seemingly gonna be here forever, but there is a constant changing of the guard going. But there were a few players in the SHL who I got to kinda grew up alongside with, people who joined the league as rookies when I was a kid and then managed to grow and develop into star players while I grew up and got older as well. And by the time I joined the SHL myself, they were still there and in their absolute prime.

One of these players is Sophia Bennett who has consistently been one of the very best forwards in the game for years now. But even more than her on-ice ability, it was her off-ice demeanor that impressed me: Her loyalty to the Los Angeles Panthers franchise, her calm and unpretentious personality, the drive to be the very best but also help people and her teammates out along the way - you won't find a better pro than that. I still remember an article about her back when i was a young teen where she was asked what she would tell the young hockey players out there who one day want to make it into the SHL. 'The one thing I will always say is have fun and work hard.', is what she said, "I knew at a young age this is what I wanted to do and haven’t stopped since then. My advice to the younger hockey players is to never stop believing in yourselves, if you put in the work it’ll pay off. Trust me.' I don't think you'll find a much better answer than that.

I was absolutely ecstatic when if found out that I had been drafted to her team and now I even get to play on her line. It still feels like a bit of a dream to be honest, there aren't a lot of people who get a chance to play with one of their idols, luckily I'm one of the few!"


Growing up in the SHL in a lot different from making your way into it. You start in the locker room as a child, you get comfortable with different players and become inundated with greatness. When your dad is the best goaltender of all time, you kind of get an affinity for great players.

I grew up in the Edmonton Blizzard locker rooms. I admired the likes of Lucas Smith, Cole Reinhart, Riko Muerto, Mark Longford, Jackson Rodgers-Tanaka and so many others. Honestly, they were such spectacular people in that locker room. While Rodgers-Tanaka was probably my favorite to just get along with, there's one who my eyes lit up when he was on the ice. Theo Kane was the most electric and incredible player in the history of the Edmonton Blizzard while my dad was there. He made plays no one else could. He shot with such power and accuracy that nobody could ever find a way to stop it.

Theo Kane was smaller, and while I don't fit that mold, he's somebody who legitimately dominated and was my absolute hero growing up and playing as the scorer against my brother. @Lunaro will always be the most dangerous player on the ice to me, and my true idol.

Word Count: 214 words.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
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Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


I'll assume we're talking about current players... So for Poopity Scoop

Poopity Scoop was not going to be your typical SHL defenseman. You know, the ones who boost up defense, skating, and passing/scoring first and developing a more physical side later. No no no. Poopity Scoop is here to wreck opponents and do the little things to help his team win. Although there's not really anyone that came to mind for the hitting, defensive-minded, pass-first even before skating defenseman, one can't help but think of Bojo Biscuit as the type of player Poopity Scoop is hoping to be. Bojo Biscuit was, first and foremost, a physical and defensive minded player. And while, at his prime, he was also a solid offensive contributor and widely considered among the best at his position in the SHL, nobody could question that his first priorities were sound physical, defensive play. Poopity Scoop aims to be all Bojo Biscuit ever was and more - to become a true defensive legend in the SHL.


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08-24-2018, 01:08 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Ah yes, the veteran meme player. A surefire bet for maybe 400 TPE Tongue
05-23-2020, 02:25 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Scoop AINEC
[Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif]

[Image: Poppity.png]
^^^^^ Thank you JSSSSS
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^^^^Credits to Snussu^^^^

[Image: Scoop.png]


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Jamie T Wrote:But I wish I'd been a little more exceptional
And I wish I'd been a little unconventional
But I was not enough, no, I'm not enough

Quote:George: Welcome to the show, and lets begin with this.. who was that first player when you joined the league that caught your eye?  the one you wanted to emulate your game after, the person who's success you coveted on or off the ice, the one you first admired, and why?.. let us know a little about that."    -> *Tag that Person

I admired my older brother Cloud when he joined the league. Looking up to him my entire life, seeing him out on the ICE playing in the SMJHL, was just inspiring for me. He was so passionate about hockey, our entire life our family has bee, and seeing him achieve his dream was amazing for me. It made me strive to do the same, to be like him, to show the world that I could make the SHL if I tried. Unfortunately my brother did not have a long or storied career. Some consider him nothing more than a flash in the pan, having a single decent season then phasing out, playing bottom line minutes until he retired. Myself, that pushed me even further to be great, for not just me, but for him to. To prove our family can do this, to make him proud as he watches me achieve our dreams. That's who I looked up to and that's why I play as hard as I do.


The man that inspired me to put the pads on was Patrick Roy from the NHL back in his time with Colorado, I was too young to have followed in person his career with Montreal. However in the SHL the one that caught my attention and will always have my respect is Evgeni Marmeladov. When I first got drafted by the Falcons he immediately took me under his wing, he was the first to call me after Detroit's GM he wanted to have a sit down with me to discuss about my style and what I could do to improve because he saw great potential in me. When I was drafted he had just came off his Championship and it was him who helped be with his wisdom to make it to the second round at my first SMJHL season and to the finals twice during season 39 and 41 following being drafted by the Minnesota Chiefs. Now in the SHL we both are on opposing teams but I still look up to him. I consider him a friend and a mentor... Except when we play each other that is hehe.

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