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S55 mPT #2 - Behind the Username

08-03-2020, 12:22 PMnotoriousTRON Wrote: I'm going to show my age here a bit but I was into Chappelle's Show in high school. When I started playing Halo in college all of my friends had funny/cool gamertags so I took a character from the show: Tron. I've used various iterations over the years because just Tron is usually taken. I know I was TRON2.0 on xbox for awhile.
At some point I added the Notorious because I had been listening to a lot of Notorious BIG and I was thinking of it as Notorious T.R.O.N. but I don't think anyone reads it that way. Anyway, that username is unique enough that I pretty much use it everywhere these days.

I've never seen the movie Tron, sorry to disappoint you.

don't plead the fif pretty boy

Armada Monarchs Germany
[Image: bluesfan55.gif]

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

This might come as a shock to many, but some may have noticed that my player name and username are very similar. That's because my player name and username are based off my real name. Just don't tell anyone ok?

[Image: Gabe-lights.png]
[Image: nMz40Vc.gif]


Simple, I like the sea, i aspire to be a Captain at some point in my life and one of my favorite mixed drinks is the Dark and Stormy. For those curious, a Squall is a type of storm.

[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: CptSquall.gif]

(This post was last modified: 08-03-2020, 05:30 PM by Aephino.)

I would say I actually have a pretty good story. It goes back to when I first played Minecraft, not long after it came out in 2012. A friend showed it to me one day and I was hooked. Our school gave our laptops during our school year, so I could play it, but I didn't want to ask my parents to pay for the full version. I forget if the free-to-play online version was out yet, but my friends all played using a cracked version. They gave that to me, and I didn't have to register a username so I was just "Tedward." I played as Tedward for a few months until my Minecraft account got hacked? I don't know who would try to steal a cracked account, but hey, to each their own.

This was the moment that made me realize that I might as well spend some money and buy the full version. When I went to name myself, Tedward was taken already. I was pretty upset. That was my username on just about everything, so I figured it was time to think of a new one. This was around the time I read Percy Jackson, so I liked Greek gods and mythical creatures and stuff like that, so I tried to think of something that reminded me of that. I ended up finding some cool letter combinations like "Ae" and just made up a random word: Aephino. I wanted something unique that I knew no one would have taken, so my username was born.

Ever since, I've used Aephino for a lot of websites and games. If I don't want to use my real name on a site, my go-to is Aephino.

Slightly sad (and unrelated) end to the story is that I can't even play Minecraft anymore. The game gives me a headache if I play for more than like 5 minutes. I've looked it up online and tried to fix it, but I haven't been able to. 

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

[Image: 5yBVV1C.jpeg]

My username is my last name but just a shorter version of it. Pretty simple but I didn't had an idea for username so I used this one.

[Image: QqjQFxx.png]
[Image: zdXC6eb.png] [Image: 8b7dmkE.png]

My on site name is obviously a nickname I've had IRL, as does anyone with the last name Miller, really. It's always 'first initial'-mills. Then the 3 comes from my namesake. I'm named after Dale Earnhardt Sr. the NASCAR driver and he was number 3, so I was around that number my whole life and was always my number in every sport I played

[Image: dmills3.gif]
[Image: 6by0kBi.png] || [Image: ohmEd0h.png]


It's my last name but instead of a C it's a K because my name used to be KareyKoala and the alliteration was fun but then I dropped the koala to be just karey

Pretty simple process here. I am originally from Minnesota so that's where the MN comes from. My other usernames used to just have "Moose" in them but a buddy of mine would always call me "Moosey" or "Moosalicious" so it kinda just stuck around.


My username comes from the old glory days of Counter Strike Source: I was in a clan call the Cereal Killers, so I picked the best cereal there is , Count Chocula.

[Image: Chocula22.gif]
Berserkers Wolfpack France

Okay, look, TONS of people think it has something to do with wrestling. They think I'm a huge fan of Triple H, the former wrestler. That's not the case. I created the username hhh81 on Reddit years ago, as a random ass name for lurking purposes. I started doing more and actually posting places, and never changed it. I saw the site advertise on r/bluejackets, and thought I'd sign up and try to get a feel for things. Little did I know I'd stick around and have this name, and it's many permutations (trips, Triple H, hhh81, Darrow, asshole, etc). But there's nothing to it. I clicked a random letter thrice and then threw my favorite jersey number on the end. That's it. That's the story.

If you try to contradict me, there will be a Pedigree in your near future. Don't try me.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

[Image: AH23zKq.png]
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]

HanTheMan_ comes from my real name, Han and that I’m also a guy. Plus it rhymed. I’m a female to male trans individual so it gave me some extra validation online lmao.
32 words

[Image: VGl3CB4.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2020, 08:25 PM by leviadan.)

I wasn't feeling particularly creative, so I opened my folder of retired Dungeons and Dragons character sheets-- then I chose the one that sounded like the coolest hockey player. Burlok was once a Dwarf Paladin, but now he's an Aggressive Forechecker.

[Image: rwKCnr6.png]

My username is based on Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive book series. I'm a huge fan and I tend to always use usernames/nicknames based on books I read. One of the main characters is named Kaladin, so I knew I wanted something similar. One of the gods if you will, is called Kalak. The main characters' religion uses a lot of palindromes or close to, so I wanted to include that, so I started with Kalaka- then thought of a bunch of names I could make up and decided on Kalakar.

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]

I think most assume correctly. My name is based off my obsession with Doctor Who. Specifically the sorry arc of BadWolf. Hince the name. My stitch obsession is entirely different however.

[Image: badwolf221B42.gif]
[Image: DpCJiuF.png]

My username Faelax has been around for a long time. I believe it came about from some weird joke in high school French class way back in the day.

[Image: Faelax.gif]
[Image: aroach.gif]
[Image: vhY18i8.png]    [Image: DNLeeu0.png]

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