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S46 PT #4 - Discord Commissioner

If I were given the SHL Discord commissioner job, first off I would ask who the hell thought that was a good idea, considering I've never even set foot in that discord server. But, as my only experience is the Halifax Raiders discord, I suppose I would try to mimic what we do in ours. We of course have a general chat where we talk about anything shl related hopefully, but sometimes it goes off topic. Then obviously the very important channels you would need in the official SHL discord being the announcements, TPE opportunities and help section. That way you can post about SHL related events, news, then every TPE opportunities so nobody misses them and finally all the questions relegated in a room to better help people out without cluttering the other channels. Finally, while hopefully everybody here loves hockey and the SHL, you need channels to talk about other stuff. Maybe movies and video games, a pets channel to post pics of your favorite friends, or a channel dedicated to food to make us salivate to what you're eating.

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]



[Image: KouSaotomeUndraftedSigSmol.png]
Jamie T Wrote:But I wish I'd been a little more exceptional
And I wish I'd been a little unconventional
But I was not enough, no, I'm not enough

As the new commissioner of the Discord channel, a few changes will be on the menu. 
First of all, we all know that the major communication goes thru Discord, as is its the future for incoming seasons. We all should embrace it. Although, it is often a major fucking clusterfuck in these, so a clean up and precision should be done. 
My first action would be a clean up of the so many channel in the Discord. A looooot of channel aren't serving or are useless for the development, and then the rookies doesn't know where to go to help or understand, mostly for rookies for Discord too.
After that, I would create a channel and bot that post TPE opportunities for the player. For those that aren't comfortable on the forum will be please with this, as they don't have to hunt for them and/or miss them out!
I would still keep a channel for memes, as meme is a major presence everywhere, and everyone deserve to laugh and see memes daily.

[Image: Deouvwc.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2019, 01:35 AM by sharksisback.)

Alright bitches, I am the new grand dictator of the SHL Discord and you will obey my commands or face the consequences. First of all, all current and former Detroit Falcons are banned from the Discord. This is not targeting, this is just for the greater good of the Discord and our sanity. Anyone who questions this ban will be banned and the cycle will continue until only my most loyal followers remain. I would add channels for discussion in all other major North American sports except for basketball. Fuck basketball. There will also be channels for soccer and MMA because the Euros need some representation and I like to talk about people beating the fuck out of each other. We'll have the rhythm bot or a better music bot, and the only song I am allowing to be played is Complicated by Avril Lavigne. If any other song is played, I will have the perpetrator flogged in front of the entire server. I'm not sure how I'll arrange that, but I'll leave that to my secretary of war, @slothfacekilla My strategy is to rule with an iron fist and show the SMJHL and SHL who runs this show. All Halifax Raiders current players and alumni will receive larger roles. @ztevans will receive a slightly smaller role, but still larger than the rest of the proletariats. HAIL HALIFAX

Big Walter Ulrich
S69 Prospect

I only joined the SHL discord when I saw the PT.
I think Discord is a great way to get to know people and I think team discords do that very good. The SHL discord seemes kind of dead for at first glance, as rhe Commissioner I would clean up the channels. Having a General channel for shl and smjhl related discussion, a NHL/Hockey channel for hockey talk, a meme channel cause people seem to enjoy that, a off topic channel for everything else and then a announcement channel for importand announments which would be viewable for all bot only HO and GMs can make announcements.
I personally don't really see a large need for a SHL discord as the Team discords and rookie discords great. What I belive it provides/could provide is getting to know people that is not on your team or in your rookie class. The site is a great place for more in depth discussion and discord feels like a more shallow and meme prone environment. Which can be fun at times just not all the time.

[Image: knute.jpg]

Strap in boys, this is going to be a huge one.

I'd work way harder with permissions and channels. Having a lot of channels in a discord is not a problem if you manage it correctly. There for the first action would be to build user group, and a lot of them.

Admins: The admins would handle server functionality such as managing groups and creating channels where needed

Moderators: Serves to make sure rules are followed, access to all channels

SMJHL GM's: This role would mainly be used to give the current GM's access to the the meet the GM's channel for the rookie class before draft

SHL GM's: This role would mainly be used to give the current GM's access to the the meet the GM's channel for the upcoming rookie class

SMJHL HO: Gives access to make announcements in the HO Channel

SHL HO: Gives access to make announcements in the HO Channel

Updaters/Graders/..: Gives access to make posts in the Job Postings and Announcements channel

Meet the SMJHL GM's channel: This channels purpose would serve to get members with a new play to be able to interact with the current GM's of the SMJHL teams. The access to this channel would be (Admin/Moderators/SMHJL'GM's/Current Draft Class). Once the Draft is over the channel is purged of all messages and the draft class is removed from access, the next draft class would get access after trade deadline. Potential issues would be FA's as they would have to get in touch with GM's in another way

Meet the SHL GM's channel: This channels purpose would serve to get rookies to be able to interact with the current GM's of the SMJHL teams. The access to this channel would be (Admin/Moderators/SHL'GM's/Current Draft Class). Once the Draft is over the channel is purged of all messages and the draft class is removed from access. After the draft is over the next rookie class is added.

Mentors: The current rookie mentors, serves the same purpose as previously

S1 - Class Member -> SXX - Class Member: These would serve as identifiers of which classes you're players have belonged to and give you access to the proper channels.

SXX - Class Channel: Each class would get their unique channel that would only be visible to them, this would serve the purpose of keeping in touch with your draft class. Access would be  (Admins/Moderators/Mentors/SXX - Class Members where Mentors would be phases out of access after X seasons)

IIHF/WJC Channels: These channels would serve to push info regarding these events, not the management of them.

Head Office Announcements Channel: This channel would be split between SMJHL and SHL and would serve to make announcements to the league and only that.

Job Postings Channel: For new jobs that needs to be filled.

As for the discords that exists currently for admin tasks such as HO, IIHF, Updaters etc. nothing would change, the purpose here is not to integrate everything into one discord, the purpose is to make the official discord take care of the season to season stuff (draft classes and such) and a one way stop to find all the members of the site.

Locker rooms for each team's should IMO still be separate discords to allow the teams to build their own personalized space with the culture they want, be it SMJHL, SHL or IIHF.



If I were the in charge of the shl discord I would make a rule sating we can only speak to each other on voice chat. But we can only use emojis. 

Fantobens: "shark emoji."

Pingy: "closed fist emoji, can emoji, run emoji."

I believe it digs deeper into human emotion, and the ability for people to converse not only with thier voice but a more meaningful, even spiritual quality of ones soul that resides deep within them since before the beginning of time and the universe. Based in internet millennial meme culture.

I think communicating with gifs could also be looked into. It would be easier to convey emotion and tone but whats the fun in that. I prefer to not know how passive aggressive some one is being. 

In closing, I wouldnt want this job if it was real. I would get so many fighting gnome emojis. And I wouldnt know if they are kidding or not. And thats the way I would like it. 

As Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War, "eggplant emoji, rain emoji."

[Image: Fantobens.gif]

If I was to be put in charge of the SHL discord I would start by vastly reducing the number of channels. At present there are is too much clutter and due to the constant spam from things like duck hunter I ended up muting the channel altogether. I think that the majority of discord users stick to their own locker rooms and thus there is little need for an extensive number of sub channels inside the main one. Realistically it could be broken down into two channels. One for official announcements from the respective head offices and owners of the league. Much like in the GM channels this would be restricted only to certain members and would primarily be used to bring users attention to things on the site forums. The other channel would just be a general chat channel. I wouldn't bother with any bots and spamming the channel would be met with temporary bans.

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[Image: 56096_s.gif]
Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
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(This post was last modified: 03-22-2019, 09:42 AM by jRuutu.)

If I would be the Discord commissioner, I would make channel of shame, there I would publicly shame users for the posts they have done on the site or somewhere in discord by posting screenshots of those posts and adding all the user information next to it. It would be just screenshots, no comments from users.

Another thing I would do is encourage people to start posting on the site more, both locker room and ´off-topic´ - general chat, pets, movies, other sports etc, it´s a lot easier to follow the conversation on the site and quote someone hours later than it is on discord. Before I was hired as the discord commissioner, I naturally spent time in discord to research for the job and during that time I noticed that in the active or even semi active channels, the conversations start and end when people who are online leave, nothing keeps going for hours or days, very rarely someone comes around later and adds something, if you could quote someone for the posts like you can on the site, good chance that the conversations keep on going and maybe even new ones start because of it.

On the site posting also eliminates spamming and automatically makes following a conversation a lot easier. During the research period, I also realized that because the players and teams are closer to each other than ever before, it´s hard to talk shit about other teams or users, almost right away half of the league knows about it because half of the league is in the same LR channels. Same goes to sharing anything, not that you should share anything, but you know, might as well post it on the site - same people will know about it.

Where is the locker room feel? Us vs the others?

All this might sound weird coming from someone who is working with Discord, but I only took the job because of the money, I hate this job and I wish all the bad things will happen to Discord.

First I would kick all the HO members so that you could tamper freely, just like ma boy King used to do. I miss him so much... Also then you could say banned words and no one would care. But who would say a banned word, right? Snitches get stitches! Invite Walter Bot in there because he's a god, and also boob bot so you can get some of that sweet succulent pokemon porn. This sounds a lot like my discord server... Which I am commissioner of!

Once we get porn bot in there I would also kick all Buffalo members except McZ because they don't deserve to look at porn with us, and last thing I would do as commissioner is hand the keys of the castle over to pingy. He is the right man for the job and I would need him running everything because I don't have time for this shit

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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Fixing the shl discord server?

Ok welcome to Botville guys. First of all, I know a bot that will autoassign roles when users react to a message with a certain emoji. React with Rage? you get the rage role. Easy easy. react with the turd emoji? you get NEW. (im sorry ace pls dont hurt me)
Secondly, an announcements channel! Playoffs starting? Say so there. Trade go down? Tag the teams and say so there. You could even throw new PTs there if you want.
Thirdly, complaints channel that HO can keep an eye on. mAkE a FoRuM pOsT no more!
Fourthly, delete #rules. Nobody can see it its hella dumb and everyone complains about it. While we're at it, delete #emoji because its literally useless.

also delete mee6 or at least change the message

replace him with pingy bot

a GM role would also be pretty nice instead of having to sorta guess

[Image: sig-e-e-geck-atl.png]


First thing I would do as discord commissioner would be to make sure every created player gets a private message on the site with a link to the league discord. Personally, I only have my team's locker room (both SMJHL and SHL), my draft class discord, and the WJC discord. I was actually unaware of a league-wide one until this PT. So my first and largest concern would be to make sure the league discord is more widely available to newcomers. Secondly, I without being able to see the league discord, I would turn my attention to the website IIHF locker rooms if possible. For those who don't use or have discord, or are unaware of the site's presence on discord, it seems at first glance that the IIHF is dead. Certain locker rooms haven't been updated in over a year, some even more than that. Rosters, topics, rules, everything seems to be massively outdated and it does not look like it will change any time soon. So, given the chance, those would be my two main concerns regarding locker rooms/discord.

[Image: lap-teamsig.png]
Aleksi Kettu
[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]

(This post was last modified: 03-22-2019, 12:34 PM by TnlAstatine.)

Hello everybody, first I would like to thank everybody for giving me the opportunity to be in such a position to help further the SHL. As discord commissioner my first act is going to have to be the unbanning of McZ (heh). But actually the way I think about the official SHL discord is that it should be kind of where it is. People generally have 2 locker rooms and whatever other gaming discords they have which makes it hard to build relationships with other players on other teams. People find it easier to connect with the players in their own locker room and the SHL discord is basically a place to come together as a community. I think it needs way less channels and that it should just focus on maybe announcing important things like PTs and claims and the like. Most people will keep going to the discords where they get along with the most people and that should be the case, and the SHL discord should be a more formal place for information regarding the league. I think its almost where it should be and I think if it got cluttered with the locker room talk it would be a hard place for newcomers to be.

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