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S77 PT #4: Hometown Hero Due: Sunday, July 7th @ 11:59 PM PST

Johnny FourStar with the heroic performance to beat our rivals in overtime? Couldn't be me. But hey! Look at us. We did it! Johnny FourStar would be in disbelief. Who, me? Yes me! I did it! Then I would enter into the longest and most drawn out celebration in hockey history. First I would throw my gloves in the air like I just won the challenge cup. Then I would do a triple axel. Follow that up with some snow angels on the ice. Then I'd do some laps around the arena to salute the fans. But saluting them wouldn't be enough. I would go into the concourse and be sure to shake each and every fans hand. Thank you, so and so, thank you very very much. Then I would zamboni the ice that made me a hero personally. Can't have slushy ice for this hero! Then I would get taco bell. Then I would go home. What a great game for me!


It is the third period, the New Orleans Specters are down 4-2 with 10 minutes on the board. Luca Pane is in full panic mode. There is no way they are going to lose the last home game of the season. Coach catches Luca on the bench and gives him the eye. He knows that look, we need a goal look. Luca hops on the ice and skates in front of the net to screen the goalie. Taking some sticks to the back, Luca is used to it, a shot gets fired in from the blue line and Luca tips it at the last second. 4-3. Not even a minute later, Luca is skating the puck into the offensive zone and fires a wild clapper from the slot, it rings off the post. One minute left and the Specters pull their goalie. Luca hops back out there as the extra attacker and finds the back of the net on a back hander. Overtime. Skating behind the net, Luca looks for his pass out only to see an even better opportunity, he wraps the puck around and ends the game in OT. The joy on Luca's face says it all as he goes jumping into the boards pumping up the crowd more than they already were. Luca is the hero.

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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

Prompt 1

The prompt is mistaken, there’s almost nothing in Abuja hockey related! Ice hockey remains a very small, unimpressive thing in Nigeria. However, any attention the sport has gained can be directly tied back to M’Baku Olubori’s career in the SHL. He’s established him as one of the league’s best scorers, while also being highly focused on building the sport for people who look like him. The paltry community rink that had been used for over a decade without renovations has finally finished it’s major renovation, including improved locker rooms, expanded seating, and a second sheet of ice. Because of his donations of time, talent, and treasure, it was no question to many that the rink would be renamed after M’Baku. He is honored to be invited to the ceremony and be recognized for helping to grow the sport in Nigeria (as well as across the continent). While not a Nigerian resident, few are surprised when the last great African diaspora player, Emeka Valentine-Okoli, attends to introduce and speak kindly about Baku’s accomplishments. It’s a great time for all (especially when we got to a classic Nigerian reception including jollof rice, plantain, egusi, and of course SO MUCH FUFU.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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Nash being one of the new players on New Orleans has developed a a brand new celly since arriving on the team. Its his first season in New Orleans so its time for something NEW, HAHA! After scoring a goal since Nash pretty much without fail scores from somewhere around the blue line. He will skate to center ice holds his arms out all the way wide and lets out a long howl that everyone can hear even outside of the arena. Being able to score three back to back goals is huge for Nash the defenseman. You could hear the fans howl in response to Nash's celebration as well. In the interview after the game, Nash was pretty sweaty and you couldn't wipe the smile from his face. Nash was explaining to the media that no matter the situation, you just can't ever give up on your team and the players next to you on the bench. He kept it short and sweet as he had to go celebrate and get ready for the playoffs this coming week.

[Image: topalo2.png] [Image: sig-nash.png]
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Brayden Point celebrates his 4-2 win by tossing pucks as fans in celebrating and high fiving his fellow Detroit Falcons. Mr. Point also stayed around after for some autographs. In the locker room he shares how the goal was not his but the team and thanks everyone for an awesome season. Braydon Point is not a team captain due to the fact he is involved with the team leadership in other manners. The team also went out to have shots of their liquor of choice. During the press conference Brayden Point remained calm and said "It was all to the players to the left, right, and behind. I don't play this sport for me but for the fans, the teammates, and the stories I make along the way. We rocked the regular season but as everyone knows the playoff season is a different beast for sure. Tonight Detroit we rejoice in our victories for tomorrow we begin  our trek for the cup! Keep it classy Detroit you all are awesome!

Falcons Hockey fan for life. I pack the heat and score the goals!   Barracuda

[Image: Point_Celly-13020730.gif] 


Jane Castor, the mayor of Tampa, has reached out to MattyJ about the naming of something. Everything is named after some fictional Steven Stamkos or some guy named Marty St. Louis. Both I’ve never heard of. MattyJ thought long and hard about what he wanted named after him. He finally came to a decision. We will name the Hillsborough River, the MattyJ River. Some would say this is a ridiculous change, but I think it is perfect. First, thousands of people walk by or boat on this river. Everyone deserves to know the legend of MattyJ. We will even have a MattyJ day where we dye the river the color of the team he is currently playing for. The whole city would party and have a parade for MattyJ. It would be the Gasparilla warmup. This is the perfect change and everyone in Tampa would support it. MattyJ River will live on for centuries.

[Image: mattyj.png]

Honestly even if the option was on the table I don't think I'd want a hockey rink or anything like that named after me. Way too boring, I'm better than that. I'm rocking the official Jim Wieners Memorial Cemetery. It's important to spread the game to the dead, you really don't get to see too many corpses playing hockey these days and frankly I find that discriminatory and offensive. Hockey is for everyone, even the walking dead. By slapping my name on a cemetery I could really get to know these little ghouls and start teaching them the ropes. We could even have some skeleton scrimmages once they learn how to balance their bones on ice skates (likely a difficult endeavor.) Why would I put my name on a hockey rink, everybody there is already playing hockey. Put it on something new to start growing the game to a new, undead audience.

The thing that Graj would choose to be named after him is a library. He chooses a library because though there are several libraries in neighboring communities, there is not one directly in his hometown, it's in the town 10 minutes over. For those parents and kids who are unable to commute those 10 minutes, putting a library right in the middle of town allows children to have a place to go to enjoy themselves, read books, and chase passions that they may have. Graj would also use his personal connections and artificially elevated social status to get some big names in the educational and social circles on social media to come make visits as often as possible, and offer to help foot the bill for lunches, dinners, and events to help kids learn from the likes of Blippi, Ms. Rachel, Mr. Beast, and similar creators. He would hope that this would be a positive outcome for education and overall enjoyment and happiness for his hometown.

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Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

It was quite the shock for Valerija Serapin to get that call from the mayor of Vilnius. It was after that call that she realized her past as a disgruntled, angery street rat is truly fading away. She had just been giving a chance to create a new legacy that will outlive herself. She paused at the empty screen, awash in the possibilities before words poured out of her. Her proposal was ultimately called the Valerija Serapin Center for Troubled Youths. It is a place unlike any other. It is a loving place for kids the system has given up on. Valerija way to treat all of the kids who enter this facility as if they were her own. That means giving this children who have suffered through terrible things in their short lives all of the love and discipline that her adoptive dad gave her. It also means being present in the lives under her care even if she can't actually be there.
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2024, 06:44 PM by leviadan. Edited 1 time in total.)

as most of the shl knows i am a big badminton guy and i love the game, i wish i was playing it tonight! anyway i think pinli would love to have a badminton court named after him, a nice little place where the community can gather and play together at all hours of the day! also high quality birdies and rackets are avaiable on site so that everyone can have the opportunity to give it a try. i think it would be an awesome place for people to make friends, get fit, and maybe find a sport that they love just like i love hockey (and badminton) so the pinli switchsmash badminton courts open in seattle and it's a rousing success. i attend the ceremony while also ceremonially beating everyones' butts around the court. the city loves it and becomes known internationally for the exceptional badminton talent that it produces. perhaps after pinli's long and hall of fame worthy shl career he will retire and become a pro badminton coach? only time will tell!

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Goal is a goal no matter what. So Aumy Junior II always tries to act normal while scoring, even if it's a hat-trick or maybe poker. It's always a great feeling to score against your biggest rival, but that isn't something which has his main focus. Toronto "North Stars" and Aumy Junior II himself is focused on the "play-offs". He doesn't have a big experience and play time there, so he uses this achievement as a fuel. Gotta use this hype to surprise the league in the "play-offs". Didn't had a big celebration on the ice. Had some motivational words in the locker room after the victory, but that's it. Team is focused to achieve big things and hopefully it will finally happen this season. Gotta get ready for that first round. Guys will have a small team building event too, so squad can get fully ready and be in their best positions to win. Let's go, Toronto!

158 words

Stars Stars Stars

Option 1:

Jussi Mutou was contacted by the mayor of Kyoto and was told to pick something to name after himself.

After lots of deliberation, the young winger of the Montreal Patriotes knew just what to pick. A brand new shopping mall was opening in the city and a name had yet to be decided. Rather than change the name of an already existing attraction, Jussi decided to choose the brand new mall to become Jussi Mutou Mall. Some features of the mall include an arcade, movie theatre, nightclub, and a skating rink. The mall would be one of the largest in all of Japan, rivalling Aeon Lake Town in Koshigaya.

When asked about it, Mutou said this, “It’s an honour to have anything named after me at all. I chose something brand new because everything had already been taken. I appreciate having something new for me to build the history of. I look forward to being able to skate at the rink in the mall one day.

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So admittedly, it has been difficult to get a visa back into France after moving to Norway (Let us ignore the European Union) so sadly I won't be able to reach my hometown in Lannion. I will still allow something to be named after me though, even if it's a bit weird. We can rename the Eglise de Brélévenez cathedral, but just entirely bastardize my name in the process so that no one is entirely sure on what it's about. The reason why I'd pick the cathedral mainly stems from the absurdity of renaming an ancient building with significance to some person that is forgotten about by everyone other than diehard hockey fans. Since the town likely won't accept that, I'll be okay with them renaming a public square and/or park. They're much less interesting, but at the very least they're needed and I'll always advocate for areas people can exist and be people.

Written Option 2: The celebration would be larger than you can ever imagine. It would start with a Nail Yakupov style celebration like he did in the 2-1 overtime win over the Kings on January 24, 2013. Score the last goal, skate like crazy until I reach the half ice. From there, I would do the snow angel on the middle of the ice. Then get up, go to my net at the other end, remove my skates, jump on the net and throw my hands multiple times in the air like it was a WWE championship. I would scream like a little girl while the whole arena is celebration. Then, it show time. Go to the corner of the ice, climb the glass and jump in the crowd and start celebrating with the fans. This would count for many things, I would drink all they have, eat all their food, Then start throwing people on the ice so they can celebrate with the team, I want at least a few hundreds of people on the ice to celebrate with the team. It's important to celebrate well. For the media and fans, I'd just tell them to see my celebration to understand how happy I am.

Written Option 2:

last home game of the season, down 4-2. everyone thought it was over, but i hadn't even gotten warmed up yet. suddenly - i receive a divine message, a look into the near future. like i was made of water i flowed through the defense, easily scoring 2 goals in what i am sure felt like merely moments for the viewers and my opponents, but was a calculated move by me in reality.

crowd was loud, pulsing, begging for victory. 4-4. the energy in the arena was palpable. craving a sweet finale to my greatest work, i effortlessly slip past my "rival" jefferson steelflex and score the winner, making sure everyone could tell how effortless it was for me. hats everywhere, i grabbed like 5 or 6 of them to keep. makes the entire thing worth it, honestly. the money's nice but i never even thought about getting hats. i think the player should get to take home every hat that falls on the ice, that seems like a real reward.

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