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S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home

What the world calls 'social distancing,' Jukka just calls life as usual, so he's not too bothered by the quarantine. Ever since moving to Newfoundland to begin his career in the SHL, he's stayed in touch with his friends by constantly playing games with them, so now it just means that there's more goals to be scored in rocket league, or more empires to take over in civ. He's made a list of new shows he wants to binge while he's stuck at home, but decided to neglect it in order to re-watch the office for the millionth time. Conditioning might be a concern for Jukka when the SHL eventually picks back up, but he's made the healthy choice to switch to edibles in order to preserve his lung function. He does realize that it's not all fun and games and drugs for a lot of people out there, so he's made an effort to share some of his newly signed SHL paycheck by purchasing medical equipment for local hospitals, and helping out families who have lost their source of income.

[Image: smalinowski7.gif]
Sigs: Thanks JNH, Lime, Carpy, and ckroyal92 

Maxime is living the high life right now. And I mean that both figuratively and literally. Being stuck at home during quarantine can be a drag, but not when you've got 98 octane racing petrol to huff for the low price of 80 cents a litre. This stuff usually sells for about a dollar eighty regularly. That's a whole one dollar less per litre! Like I said, quarantine can be a drag, but not when you are huffing the finest drag racing fuel available. Bouchard can't even remember the last time he showered or ate, he just has his four jerry cans sitting around next to his couch (he has very fine tastes depending on the mood), each filled with a different variety of cheap high octane livin'. Jerry can number one is filled with Shell V-Power NiTRO+, a delicate little flower of explosion. Number 2 has Esso Mobil Synergy 8000, which was pretty strong on the nose, even for Bouchard's tastes. Number 3 has Caltex Platinum 98 with Techron, and this one was by far the least huffed out of the bunch. The fuel itself had a very nice aroma but the Techron really gave a nasty metallic overtone that made Maxime regret his purchase. The last jerry can had a very pricey and hard to get elixir, SPC LEVO 98, shipped all the way from Singapore. Maxime only huffed this on special occasions, which, in quarantine, is Tuesday's.

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Maxime Bouchard
Armada Dragons Info - Updates  Dragons Armada
Richard Dickbutt McFudderdudder II
Armada Info - Updates Armada

Slaps is taking advantage of the empty golf courses to go practice his "slap shot". It's easier to whack at it when you visualize the ball as your opponent, especially when it's an official golf ball from that franchise.

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hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget

Jaska Seppala would absolutely not handle a quarantine at home situation and would most likely go insane. Jaska Seppala is a guy who enjoys the outside and he cannot sit still for very long without getting anxiety. He does have a few things he can do to pass the time to keep his mind off of the quarantine though. One of those things is to continue his workout routine as best he can. He has in home weights that he can use as well as a work out routine designed by his SHL GM Wannabefinn which he things will keep him sharp. As far as hobbies goes he did just recently build a monster of a gaming pc and just picked up the new Doom game which he is excited about. The combination of demon slaying and heavy metal might just be what he needs to keep himself staying sane.

[Image: blurrybad.jpg] [Image: zomboy3.png]
Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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 Timber Steelhawks norway norway Steelhawks Timber  
Knights  Renegades norway   norway Renegades Knights

I think like many people, quarantine for Theo Morgan would consist of working out and playing video games. As much as some people say playing video games can get boring after a while, I think Theo would be just fine (I know I’ve been ok). Obviously, staying in shape is the biggest essential, making sure he’s ready to go whenever the quarantine lifts and things get back to normal.

In addition, family. Seeing his family as much as possible – or at least checking in and speaking to them – is going to be something to focus on. Playing professional sports can often lead to time away from home and a difficulty to stay connected with your loved ones. This is the perfect opportunity to do that.

And in case there is some boredom that creeps in, Morgan will likely take the time to pick up some cooking. Maybe venture in to different meals, rather than always the routine ones he makes on game days or to stay prepared and ready for practices.

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I stay at home and work on various things that are not related to hockey because as everyone knows practicing is for loser nerds who are unconfident in their skills and abilities as is. I rely on number machine who makes me better rather than stupid thing like practice to get better. In addition I will be focusing on getting up on cooking skills. I am annoyed by grocery stores that are out of many things although people are not buying many fresh foods luckily. I have not done any preparation for a disaster and I already have more than 15 year supply of toilet paper, and in case it runs out I can use leaf. I have done a lot of watching of American television shows in time, and there is many good things on the Netflix and the HBO, although I find them for free online because I need to save money for family.

[Image: Duff101.gif]
Credit to Geck, Ragnar and Juni for sigs

Quote:(...) write 150+ words or make a graphic about your player's offseason training regimen and what your player is doing to get ready and in shape for the S53 season.

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Canada | Player Page | Grizzlies | Player Updates | Inferno

Michael fitted has taken this time at home to become a loser and let his game get much worse by really putting the pounds on and playing video games losing himself to such vices during a panicked time where everyone is forced to not be friends anymore. Food food and more food michael fitted has become a human garbage disposal and certified pig face he plays a mean game of civilization now though with 0 other things to do in his normal life his world has shifted for the worse drugs are next on the horizon if this quarentine does not end. After calling the crack guy and getting no answer it's back to pie and civilization for fitted I tell ya what gonna be a tough rookie season for the kid with how much of hog and lazy bastard hes become quite possible hell retire and say fuck it what's the point oh well time to hit some more pie and cry watching lifetime

[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

Prince Devitt is the one to be limited by other things or rules, but in this case where the world needs to cooperate with each other he has decided to self-quarantine himself for the next two weeks. In that mean time he's decided to catch up with some professional wrestling that he's missed since he left the business a few seasons ago to see how the landscape as changed. Seems that there's a new leader of the Bullet Club in Jay White somebody that Prince Devitt mentored before Jay White made it big, while some of the members that were thri from Day 1 are still around like Tama Tonga and Bad Luck Fale. Tetsuya Naito is now the Double Champ as Prince Devitt is keeping a close on both titles as he may want to go after both titles once his hockey career is over, who he finds in a lull in his career where he can't overcome. Safe to say Prince Devitt is keeping both his feet in different worlds at the moment.

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Thanks to prettyburn, TML, Carpy, JNH, Jepox, Engi, Karey, Flappy, Skolpadder, Mook, DollarAndADream, Smirnov and Toe for the sigs.

Crossfit's First Career SHL Goal, 4. Manhattan Rage , Crossfit Jesus 1 (Pedro Sarantez, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:51

Devitt's First Career SHL Goal, 5. Calgary Dragons , Prince Devitt 1 (Barry Batsbak 21, Mike Izzy 14) at 10:43

Thomas Vanice has definitely been spending a lot of time at home. The last two and a half weeks actually. The Austrian native was self isolating long before people in the US or other countries, as Austria ended up doing a really good job in taking this seriously early and Vanice managed to be safe early on. In this time, he has been trying to stay fit and has definitely worked out a lot, managing to keep his good physical condition for the season start, the first time he is playing in the major league, which is a really impressive moment for his career. Vanice has also spent his time sleeping, having some great food and playing lots of video games. There is a lot that can be done when stuck at home and Vanice is itching to get on the ice, but he is staying patient and will try to stay as impressive as he can in the meantime.

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Social Distancing wasn't too hard for Birdstrom. I'm not the most talkative guy, just ask my teammates. I'm a friendly guy, I just tend to keep to myself mostly. So staying at home & playing video games for hours on end wasn't much of a change for me. I have a decent home gym setup so I can keep in shape, in between the gaming/Netflix marathons. Keeping a healthy diet is a challenge as well, but I'm managing while just doing a little extra exercise when I slip & order two double cheeseburgers & a large shake. I've tried to do what I can for the Newfoundland community, while making sure I don't come too close into contact with anyone else. I'm keeping an eye on my neighbors, especially those that are elderly or already have underlying health issues to ensure they can remain quarantined. Together, we'll get through this & get back to some hockey!

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Berserkers norway

Assuming Dom wouldn't be feeling sick during this at-home situation, he would luckily be with Leo Lockhart during it and Dom would fill his time with hanging out with Leo, working on his woodworking projects, playing video games with the same players around the league that he usually does on days off, and figuring out a Netflix Party with his parents and friends from back home in Michigan. They don't have much workout equipment in their San Francisco home, so Dom would resort to doing push-offs, jogging, and stuff like that to stay in shape. Probably some yoga and lots of stretches. They would take it seriously and get groceries delivered, wiping everything down just to be extra safe. For other new hobbies, Dom would just practice French on Duolingo and try baking bread for the first time or something easy that they never thought was something they had time for before.

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sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

Following the footsteps of the SBA, NSFL and PBL the SHL has put a pause on the season and all the Blizzard players, including our very own Karlstraße Scholz are required to quarantine at home until a further decision is made. Scholz takes his professional ice hockey career quite seriously, so he intends to keep to a strict workout regime to stay in shape should the league resume, but he certainly has a lot of extra time on his hands outside of the daily workout program. The top item on his list is to try his hand at cooking. Baby Scholz is completely useless in the kitchen and once burned spaghetti. He'll use this "opportunity" to improve on his lacklustre performance in the kitchen. Next would be his getting more reps with his raiding party in WoW classic. Once a great time consumer for him, the veteran dwarf hunter has seen his play time diminish since entering the bigs. He'll look to return to the world of Azeroth and bring respect back to the name Quarelle.

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

Tig Murphy doesn't believe that he should be kept away from a virus. He believes that the virus should be kept away from him. Murphy's new passtime is to don a hazmat suit, absolutely lather that son of a bitch in hand sanitizer, and rollerblade around his neighbourhood. Whenever he encounters people who aren't complying with the incredibly easy to follow social distancing guidelines, he charges into their six-foot bubble at full speed and absolutely bodies them, covering them in hand sanitizer by contact and likely causing virus particles to fly off of their person and harmlessly onto the ground. He then reminds them politely to go home and immediately fully quarantine should they feel at all sick, before pouring more sanitizer onto his hand and scrubbing their face. Murphy loves doing this because he thinks it keeps his skating legs intact as well as keeping his head in the game for physical play

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